sábado, 27 de febrero de 2016



Hugo Adan. February 27/16

1-We fought against a politico-cultural tradition and gave battle, we got the 20 points difference in NH. It became clear that the caucuses are open to manipulation and fraud in the counting of votes and the distribution of delegates. The direct contact of old figures of cronyism (the Clintons) with grannies of the past paid off , they still stuck to Clinton’s quackery and cynical lies. Ashley Williams sneaked into one of these caucuses and this young black girl gave a lesson of dignity to the entire nation. Ashey break with the past and opens up a new path to all young blacks and to the entire nation.  "You threatened to create us a hell and have filled prisons with blacks. Today we demand apology” , she said to Hillary Clinton. Hillary gave no apology, instead allowed the capture of Ashley
It became clear that today young blacks are ready to break again with old political strings of cultural subservience.

Now the battle will be in large cities where university students already joined the REV lead by Sanders. This is a restart of the battle for democracy and peace and here young people will make the difference. Is the present and future vs. the corrupted capture of politics by big mafias of millionaires that enters the race. Not only new youth will make the difference,  another main actor will be the working class and labor unions that today are financing and supporting the campaign of Sanders. The next electoral politics will be a clear fight against 1% of millionaires vs. the entire nation. Here begins the real battle for democracy and peace, and this struggle will be won by people, by the national majority.
2- The challenge to cronyism of Hillary Clinton by Ashley Williams has left open the way for other political figures entering the electoral scene, it is the case of Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Jill Stein, the leader of the Green Party. They are also against the super-millionaires and their capture of political-electoral phenomenon in the US. This means that the prospects for POPULAR FRONT AGAINST 1% is more real than ever.

No doubt that other progressive figures would join the effort to create the 3rd electoral choice and  real democracy in our country. 

This will be the end of the trap "bipartisan system" (Pdo Pdo vs. Democ Rep) both of them already captured and financed by the mafias of Wall Street and big bankers who ransacked the QES money with their bailouts. From now on, the political-electoral phenomenon may change at any time, it doesn’t matter if another big billionaire enters the context, I mean Bloomberg. The essence  of this struggle will be the same: people vs. the 1%,. Undoubtedly an independent POPULAR FRONT can account for such contingencies. The people and the Popular Front have the upper hand. WE WILL WIN.!!

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