martes, 9 de febrero de 2016



Hugo Adan. Feb 9, 2016

The outdated witches Hillary and Madeleine have nothing to do with the spirit of the new REV from the young .. Hillary & Madeleine didn’t offer any future to them in their own countries .. they were servants of the billionaires and mafia oligarchs.

If young people today still believe in ideological determinism, and on story-tells  of "heaven and hell" used to terrify children yesterday, and to submit adults to dictatorial masters, it doesn’t matter today. If those deterministic dogmas from the past still exist, then Gloria La Riva was right when said: Hillary and Madeleine deserve
“A Special Place in Hell”. OPEN: “A Special Place in Hell”… For Hillary Clinton and Madeleine Albright? By Gloria La Riva.

In my opinion those stories belong to the time of the Saint Inquisition, a time when young ladies were burned alive if they didn’t submit to midlevel- ideological terrorism & their abuses.  I am not an atheist, I am a mix of Quechua pantheism from Peru -I do believe in the Sun as God and in the mother-earth, and believe also in liberation theology. For us it is the power of the mind, reason, science, and the will plus self-discipline,  the basis for the right of young people to shape their own destiny. Not only as individuals but together with all those who point to the same future.
This is why I am with young supporting Sanders. For him, the future of America resides in the right combination of productive capitalism with socialism (understood as social responsibility of the state with the working classes, ethnic minorities, new immigrants and all that means justice).
We had the successful experience of FDR and the Glass-Steagall Act . We need to re-adapt this project to our time to reverse the damage of the neoliberal system. In the current neoliberal system, young ladies will never have future and never a decent pay-job.
They know it and this FACT put us together in the same train: both the young and the old together, both  manual and the intellectual & art workers together, both the bottom & middle classes united with those good investors in manufacturing, excluding the vulture Capitalists who live from plunder, fraud and mafia business. 

This is why we said that we all fit in the REV proposal of Sanders, without distinction of age, class, & religious- political ideologies. The skin color discrimination will not be a problem in America anymore. All of them will be included in the decision making process of the new government. This is that unite all of us to support Sanders for the Presidency.
The Clintons had their chance to do it , and we did not achieve anything with them. There was only status-quo. The husband of Hillary signed the elimination of draft written by FDR and now both them profit from it by serving  the interests of large mafia-corporations. That's what today represents Hillary.
The nation has said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ! and is challenging the power of the billionaires ..

The wheel of history has begun to roll forward at the compass of people’s REV: Challenging the money-power of the 1% of the country.

This is the time to defeat for the 2nd time in national history the corrupt oligarchy. It was 1st done by the greatest US President  Franklin Delano Roosevelt . This is our time to do it, and we will do it with Sanders and the young people accompanying him.

Proof reading done by Hugo Adan

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