sábado, 13 de febrero de 2016

FEB 12 16 SIT EC y POL

FEB 12 16 SIT EC y POL

Me bloquearon dos veces, por eso demore .. tuve que usar las maquinas de la U.


Is This Debt's Last Rattle?. by Raul Ilargi Meijer via The Automatic Earth blog,   Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/12/2016 : What we see happening today is the last gasps of a broken system ravished by the very much cancer-like progress of debt. Yes, it took longer than it should have, and than we thought. But that’s pretty much irrelevant, unless you were trying to get rich off of the downfall of your own world. Always a noble goal. There’s one reason for the delay only: central bank hubris. And now the entire shebang is falling to bits. That this would proceed in chaotic ways was always a given. People don’t know where to look first or last, neither central bankers nor investors nor anyone else.

If you ever believed there was a recovery after 2008, or even that it was theoretically possible for that matter, you’re going to have a much harder time understanding what is happening now. If you’ve long since grasped that all that happened over the past 8 years of QE infinity-and-beyond, was nothing but “debt passed off as growth”, it’ll be much easier.
It’s stunning to see for everyone at first blush that the “book value” of global proven oil reserves is down by $120 trillion or so since summer 2014. And it certainly is a big number; the S&P has lost ‘only’ $2 trillion in 2016. But what counts is the speed with which that number sinks in, and that speed depends on one’s reference frame. In the same vein, what’s perhaps most important about all the seemingly separate crises developing before your eyes is how they feed on each other.
Or, rather, how they all turn out to be the same crisis, kind of like in the perfect whack-a-mole game, where there’s only one mole and you still can’t catch it. So try and whack these. Or better still, try and imagine central bankers doing it, or finance ministers, spin doctors. They’re all so out of their leagues it would be funny if they didn’t have the power to make you pay for their incompetence.
Welcome To Obama's Recovery: Carrier Moving 1400 Jobs To Mexico. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/12/2016 : Watch as Carrier workers in Indiana discover who's really "peddling fiction"...
Is this what we have to look forward to?
1. Ban cash
2. All-digital currency
3. No more crime
4. -10% rates
5. 70% deposit tax
6. 20% "Bail-In" Charge
7. You're broke
8. Unicorns
Because LESS (freedom) is MORE, right?
This Is The NIRP "Doom Loop" That Threatens To Wipeout Banks And The Global Economy. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/12/2016 :  HERE THE WALL STREET “DOOM LOOP” .. the nightmare of the mafioso speculative financial staff .. In march Yellen may cut the interest rate back to zero and the speculators can’t sleep .. el techo se les viene encima .. no se van a suicidad.. pero se van del pais y nada menos que al Sur .. allí van a poder hacer lo que no pueden hacer aquí .. evadir impuestos y seguir lucrando de los pobres.. Bien dijo un ARG: que no entren si no se condena la deuda a zero.

From WSJ: we are on step 8, Step 9 is when things really start to go south for the real economy. So buckle up.  Then we will see the red line below very clear:


Trump Was Right: Immigration Declines Sharply Since Start Of Deportation Raids. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/12/2016 : Last month, Bernie Sanders as well as dozens of other lawmakers on Capitol Hill were outraged to learn that the Obama administration was set to start deporting hundreds of Central Americans who came to the US fleeing violence. Donald Trump applauded the move. A month later we learn that the deportations have sharply reduced the number of illegal immigrants coming into the country.
[ La dama Hillary apoya todo lo que hizo Obama y dijo que si Sanders rechaza el “progresismo” del Pdte y lo critica  como le hace es porque lo hace juego a los republicanos ..Sin embargo es realmente Hillary quien asume la posición de Trump y los neocons al apoyar la racia migratoria de Obama .. no lo dice abiertamente por temor a perder más votos latinos .. PERO YA LOS PERDIÓ .. la mayoría de latinos estamos convencidos de que Hillary es una farsante .. la mas deshonesta candidata de todos los tiempos, además de ser pro-guerra or war-monger, como lo son todos los Republicanos conocidos como neocons.]
Bloomberg Vs. Trump?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/12/2016. Republicans should give Mayor Mike every encouragement to enter the race. For though he threatens to spend a billion dollars of his own money to buy the presidency, his name on the ballot as a third-party candidate could send the Democratic nominee straight down to Davy Jones’s locker. With Bloomberg siphoning off millions of liberal votes, Democrats would not only lose red states they customarily write off, winning solid blue states would require a far steeper climb.

[ Ni Trump ni los niños de teta que arrastra como candidatos republicanos en la contienda electoral son real alternativa de victoria para ese partido Rep. Con cualquiera de ellos los republicanos están condenados a perder frente a cualquiera de los dos candidatos demócratas. Las encuestas indicaron que hay un 30% de republicanos no votarían por Trump, lo mismo ocurriría con los jovencitos que le siguen. El 3ro -que recién ingreso- llego tarde al reparto de la torta .. Si ingresa Bloomberg se comería ese 30% de indecisos republicanos y el mas afectado en la contienda seria la dama Clinton pues Bloomberg le arrebataría fácilmente la mayor parte del electorado de NY .. Si se ve asi el panorama, el dilema de los republicanos no es Trump vs. Bloomberg sino Bloomberg en lugar de Trump .. Bloomberg nacio a la política como republicano, con estos gano el electorado de NY y el problema de este Partido es como traerlo de vuelta a la jauría republicana. .. Si lo logran, el payaso Trump tendría que retirarse .. entre gitanos adinerados nadie se saca la suerte .. El que tiene mas dinero paga la retirada del otro .. Bloomberg hasta podría pagar la retirada lenta de la Clinton a cambio de que atropelle a Sanders .. total, Hillary lo que más ama de la política es el dinero .. y ganar votos del pueblo le va a ser muy difícil en momentos de ascenso autonomista del electorado ..cedería..si no lo hace perdería lo invertido. .. De otro lado, se vio recientemente que el electorado republicano esta a espera de nuevas lideres .. el regreso de Bloomberg seria también bien recibido alli .. Si Trump quiere recuperar lo invertido .. pues el mismo le haría espacio a Bloomberg .. Como dije antes, el ingreso de Bloomberg cambiaria totalmente el panorama político .. Trump y la Clinton desaparecerían del mapa .. a la buena o a la mala .. con pactos o sin ellos. .. La contienda final seria Sanders-Bloomberg. ]  
HERE'S WHAT JULIAN ASSANGE THINKS ABOUT VOTING FOR HILLARY CLINTON. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/12/2016. : "A vote today for Hillary Clinton is a vote for endless, stupid war...Clinton shouldn’t even “be let near a gun shop, let alone an army. And she certainly should not become president of the United States.”
 [ That is exactly right .. all that we need now is to show the possible effects of nuke-war in America .. porque a eso es adonde nos llevan las Guerra de hoyMostremos los efectos de los leaking de plutonion y otros radiactivos nucleares en América. Yo visite un centro educativo primario lleno de niños deformes .. fue muy triste verlos .. me dijeron que eran hijos de soldados expuestos al DU que nosotros mismo arrojamos en Irak. Tenemos que crear rechazo la 3ra guerra mundial que se avecina.]
"Exceptional" America Is Number 1 Again. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/12/2016 : ...but this is a list you do not want to be at the top of...

As The Burning Platform's Jim Quinn so eloquently exclaims...
Thank God for the Department of Education and Common Core.  

No child is being left behind in our quest for idiocy.

I’m sure paying union teachers more money will solve our problems.

Free college for morons who can’t add 2 + 2 will be the answer.
Americans Have Never Been Fatter: Obesity Rate Rises To Highest Level On Record. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/12/2016. : In a continuation of a worrisome trend, obesity rates in the US continued to rise in 2015, hitting 28%. That's right America, nearly a third of you are grossly overweight. 

[ La nuestra es una sociedad enferma .. La obesidad es un emporio de enfermedades que cuesta mucho al sistema de salud … mas que comer mucho, los pobres y capas medias comemos basura de Monsanto .. Esta prohibido en los mercados decir este es un GM product .. pero si esta permitido falsificar el membrete “producto organico” .. hasta las papas fritas y los pollos refritos con aceite quemado por días enteros .. se cree que son “organicos” .. la fruta y verduras alteradas genéticamente  se malogran por dentro, donde están las semillas.. y las venden también como “organicas”. La alimentación popular es un fraude similar al de la democracia oficial .. Solo Sanders plantea poner límites y  multas a Monsanto. La dama Clinton está subvencionada por Monsanto. ]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/12/2016
Paul Craig Roberts: Are Americans Too Insouciant To Survive?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/12/2016 : Superpower America required a more dangerous enemy than a few lightly armed jihadists, so the “Russian threat” was created. To drive home the threat, Russia and her president are constantly demonized. The conclusion is unavoidable that the insouciant American people are being prepared for war.
America's Corrupt Media – How Reporters Took Direct Orders From Hillary's Staff. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/12/2016 : "A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier." If you really want to know how weak Hillary Clinton is as a candidate, you merely have to appreciate that the U.S. media essentially acts as her own personal PR firm, yet the public still recognizes her as a dishonest crook. Brace yourself for the following story, it’s huge.

Assad Plans To Retake "All Syria," Will "Confront" Saudis, Turks If Invaded. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/12/2016. : "I would like to ask every person who left Syria to come back. That's natural but not enough. Emotions are not enough. They would ask: "Why should I come back? Has terrorism stopped? The question is: for how many years will Turkey and Saudi Arabia continue to support terrorism?

[ El hace lo que hizo la REV Americana para sacar a los ingleses del pais ..]



Syria War Pause Plan Agreed By World Powers. By Agencies  ONCE WAR IS ON.. it should be won in the war field .. not clemency for the terrorist mercenaries & their supports
Full Text: Communiqué of the Ceasefire Plan in Syria. By Reuters. The humanitarian help should be carefully checked .. no arms no food for the terrorist inside Syria ..
The Race To Raqqa Is On - To Keep Its Unity Syria Must Win By Moon Of Alabama. To leave Raqqa and the eastern oil fields to the U.S. would be a devastating loss.
America’s Endless Wars. By Margaret Kimberley. America’s grand fantasy of a Project for a New American Century has experienced a serious setback.
How Republics Perish. By Patrick J. Buchanan. False deception LIES. The prospect of this free republic enduring is, well, doubtful.
Are Americans Too Insouciant To Survive?. By Paul Craig Roberts. The conclusion is unavoidable that the insouciant American people are being prepared for war.
The Internet and Social Fragmentaion. By Fred Reed. Whether America has ever had freedom of speech or a free press can be debated. .
The Clintons Earned Over $3.5 Million in Paid Addresses to Pro-Israel Organizations
By Sarah Lazare, Max Blumenthal. Bill Clinton said he “would grab a rifle” and fight for Israel during paid speech. [ A rifle?.. or “another cigar to play with Monica Lewinsky” .. both cases =opium dreams.]
Financial Oligarchy vs. Feudal Aristocracy. By Ismael Hossein-Zadeh And Anthony A. Gabb. Wage-slaves, describes the vast majority of people in today’s capitalist societies whose sole means of subsistence is the sale of their capacity to work.


END NATO NOW. Posted on February 12, 2016 by Eric Zuesse. The continuation of NATO, after its counterpart the Warsaw Pact ended in 1991, is an insanity that’s driving the world inexorably toward World War III.

The trigger for that war is now being set by NATO member Turkey, which wants to invade neighboring Syria, and which has the support of the Gulf Cooperation Council (including the  world’s biggest buyer of U.S. weapons, Saudi Arabia) who are massing troops and weapons on Syria’s northern border, in preparation for an invasion southward into Syria.  Keep Reading    

[ The logic of war is easy to understand. That is why I say that RU will attack the invaders soon.. Turkey already made enough merits to be wiped out .. if NATO attack .. they will be wiped out  too.. there is no other option left for RU.. El chantaje militar es violencia y esta violencia solo es posible rechazarla con la violencia de un aparato estatal poderoso. Sun Tzu y von Clawsevitz reflexionaron claro al respecto.]
A newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier.
– H.L. Mencken
If you really want to know how weak Hillary Clinton is as a candidate, you merely have to appreciate that the U.S. media essentially acts as her own personal PR firm, yet the public still recognizes her as a dishonest crook. Brace yourself for the following story, it’s huge.  Keep Reading
What do you get when you cross campaign hype with a brand new (launched today), first-generation, Microsoft-powered artificial intelligence program which identifies dogs from photos?
See for yourself (these are actual, unaltered results, with both identification of breed and description being provided by the artificial intelligence website)


Colombia El fin del conflicto y la dejación de las armas por las Farc .Horacio Duque .[ En un país con terroristas de Estado en el poder, las armas no se deben abandonar jamas.]
MX.  Rechazan cubrir gastos de la visita del Papa [el papa tiene mas plata que Atahualpa .. por que financiarlo?.]



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