martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

FEB 23 16 SIT EC y POL

FEB 23 16 SIT EC y POL

From the crime bill to welfare reform, policies Bill Clinton enacted—and Hillary Clinton supported— decimated black America.

By Michelle Alexander . FEBRUARY 10, 2016

The Fatal Flaw That Has Doomed Our Economy. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2016 : Money doesn’t have to be “hard” or “soft” or expensive or cheap. But it has to be honest. Otherwise, the whole system runs into a ditch. But the new money was a phony. It put the cart ahead of the horse. This was money that no one ever had to break a sweat to get. It was based on credit – the anticipation of work, not work that had already been done. Money no longer represented wealth. It now represented anti-wealth: debt.
"Debt Is The Cause, Not The Cure". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2016 : The massive indulgence in debt, what the Austrians refer to as a “credit induced boom”, has now reached its inevitable conclusion. This is one of the primary reasons why economic growth will continue to run at lower levels going into the future. We will witness an economy plagued by more frequent recessionary spats, lower equity market returns and a stagflationary environment as wages remain suppressed while costs of living rise. Correlation or causation? You decide.
NYTimes Editorial Board Endorses Monetary Fascism - Backs War On Cash. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2016 : "Few Europeans use the 500-euro note, and most Americans rarely encounter the $100 bill. Yet hundreds of millions of these notes are in circulation around the world, where they are often used by drug cartels, corrupt politicians, terrorists and tax cheats to evade law enforcement." The New York Times editorial board has once again exposed itself as a dangerous and duplicitous organ of entrenched established interests against the public. It must be exposed.
Case-Shiller Shows Home Price Acceleration Stalled In December, Stock Market Turmoil Blamed. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2016 : This is the first inflection in the resurrection of home-price acceleration since June, and we are sure will be blamed on the weather and the stock market. Perhaps most notably Miami saw prices drop MoM as the smoking gun canary in the coalmine of real estate speculation remains well worth watching.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2016 - 07:30
  • Risk rally fades as stocks, oil slip back into the red (Reuters)
  • Syrian govt. accepts halt to 'combat operations' in line with U.S.-Russian plan (Reuters)
  • Earliest Chinese Data Signal Slowdown Hasn't Bottomed Out Yet (BBG)
  • The Trickle of U.S. Oil Exports Is Already Shifting Global Power (BBG)
  • Greek police remove migrants from Macedonian border as more land in Piraeus (Reuters)
  • Clinton, Sanders race takes on angrier tone after Nevada (Reuters)


What The Pundits Don't Get About Trump.  by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2016 : The class war is already underway, and the petit bourgeois media is clueless.

[ Its not yet class war, it is a demo-popular stage of war. The target is the super-delegates first .. this means: millionaires vs millionaires. .. It is expected that the super-delegates inside the GOP try to define the GOP national convention in favor of one of the pappies or younger dogs .. then Trump will be forced to get out of the GOP, while Sanders will do the same with the Dems party .. If happens, the dirty-couple or old trap to democracy will be broke down .. and 3rd option or independent parties will emerge .. Once this happens the class war start. .. It could be Trump vs the People Front lead by Sanders (it is expected that the green party, some progressive leaders form the GOP like Ben Carson & Ran Paul join People’s  Front) .. It could come the expected arrival of Bloomberg to the ring to give the final blow out to Hillary. .. that will make more solid & clear the class vs class war in electoral politics .. A war in the streets between Hope to rebuild America with Sanders vs the death zombies in current electoral politics, will arise. The class vs class war is expected to explode before the two national conventions. Once independent blocks are formed .. that will be the end of Hillary & Trump. If this war does not explode in the clean way described .. then it will explode out-side the electoral frame .. in the streets .. with violent & unpredictable consequences and certainly at the expenses of the dirty couple too. .. Dem & Rep will be trashed inside zoos or museums. Hugo Adan. Feb 23-16.]
The typical bourgeois mainstream media pundit is confused and alarmed by Donald Trump's ascendancy. The typical pundit is a member of the petit bourgeois who has zero contact with the working class in America, other than saying "hello" to his/her auto mechanic, hair salon employee, etc.
The pundits are outraged by Trump's success as a candidate because in their blindered view of the political/economic landscape, he shouldn't be successful and so something is amiss with the Universe.
The standard petit bourgeois media hack is comfortable with the conventional politico stereotype: Slick Willy I feel your pain small-town mayor gone bigtime, check: ambitious, duplicitous Lady Macbeth (Hillary), check:
Lady Macbeth suppresses her instincts toward compassion, motherhood, and fragility — associated with femininity — in favour of ambition, ruthlessness, and the singleminded pursuit of power.
The Age Of Authoritarianism: Government Of The Politicians, By The Military, For The Corporations. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2016 : It is easy to be diverted, distracted and amused by the antics of the presidential candidates, the pomp and circumstance of awards shows, athletic events, and entertainment news, and the feel-good evangelism that passes for religion today. What is far more difficult to face up to is the reality of life in America, where unemployment, poverty, inequality, injustice and violence by government agents are increasingly norms. The powers-that-be want us to remain divided, alienated from each other based on our politics, our bank accounts, our religion, our race and our value systems. Yet as George Orwell observed, “The real division is not between conservatives and revolutionaries but between authoritarians and libertarians.”
The Evil Empire Has The World In An Economic "Death Grip". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2016 :  A decade ago John Perkins exposed the world to the ugly reality of Washington's "Economic Hit Men." Now he is back, exposing the fact that the evil empire has the world in the grip of a "death economy," concluding that "we need a revolution" in order "to bury the death economy and birth the life economy." But, as Paul Craig Roberts adds, don’t look to politicians, neoliberal economists, and presstitutes for any help.
In "Unprecedented, Historic" Move, Senate GOP Will Deny Obama Supreme Court Nominee Hearings. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2016 : This afternoon Senate Republicans went "all in" on a Supreme Court gamble, in which they vowed to deny holding confirmation hearings for any nominee from President Obama.  The unprecedented decision, made before the president has named a nominee, marks a new chapter in Washington’s war over judicial nominations according to The Hill. In a battle of superlatives, CNN adds that the "historic move outraged Democrats and injected Supreme Court politics into the center of an already tense battle for the White House."


As Liberty Blitzkrieg's Mike Krieger exclaimed, this is too good not to share...
In case you’re wondering where the reference to Hillary characterizing inner city black youth as “super predators,” read the following: “Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote”.
This Is The Most Common Reaction Americans Have To Hillary Clinton. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2016 : In a new poll conducted by Gallup when asked what comes to their mind when they think of Hillary Clinton, the most common unprompted responses, at 21% of reactions, was "dishonest", or "liar". Another 7% of Americans use even stronger words in a similar negative vein, including "criminal," "crooked" and "thief."


Who Will Be Left Standing At The End Of The Oil War. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2016 : This is a financial cold war - nothing more, nothing less. The variables of the breakeven game favor U.S. shale. But Saudi Arabia won’t give up the cold war path easily because its ultimate goal is to preserve its market share at all costs.
Arms Sales To Saudi Arabia And Qatar Almost Triple In Four Years. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2016 : Weapons imports by Saudi Arabia and Qatar have rocketed by over 275 percent over the past four years, a new report found on Monday. Between 2011 and 2015, Gulf states were the most significant market for sales by the United States, the world’s biggest arms exporter, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) found.


The War in Syria Will Become a Shameful Page in the History of the U.S Media By Fort Russ, .Yes imagine the sponsor of terrorism (Turkey) saying that they have  right to bomb Syria’s base of ISIS in response to ISIS bombs in Ankara .. NOT evidence that ISIS was, many suspected a terror created by Erdogan &CIA associates .. What if a bomb blow out Erdogan palace?.. will they say that was ISIS? .. if that were the case .. then ISIS took over Turkey .. and this country should be bombed as it was done in Syria … Too many false flags by US’ allies, just to protect ISIS . Now ISIS is their trap..


Exporting Death. When It Comes to Arming the Planet, America Is Unrivaled. By Sarah Lazare.. New report shows that over the past five years, the United States was the top arms exporter in the world.


US, Russia Announce Terms For Cessation Of Hostilities In Syria. Joint Statement of the United States and the Russian Federation. . The cessation of hostilities does not apply to “Daesh”, “Jabhat al-Nusra”, or other terrorist organizations designated by the UN Security Council
Syria: Does This "Cessation Of Hostilities" Allow Attacks On Jaish al-Fatah?. By Moon Of Aalabama. This cessation of hostilities, should it come in force at all, will hold no longer than one week. [ This means that RU has to finish his work in one week .. it doesn’t matter who wear the hood. ]
NSA Bugs World Leaders For US Geopolitical Interests. By WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks publishes highly classified documents showing that the NSA bugged UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon's and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Israel prime minister Netanyahu.

[EVO Morales the Bolivian Pdt said that the cocaine traffic disappear from this country once they took out the American DEA. It was true. I guess it will happen the same once we get out from this country. Not bad market.. no bad business. ]
The Forward, once a Jewish socialist magazine, gave a spectacular demonstration of Jewish insularity. The Magazine is troubled by the fact that “Sanders has downplayed his Jewish heritage almost to the point of renunciation.”  In his victory speech in the New Hampshire primary Sanders said, “I am the son of a Polish immigrant.” According to the Forward, Sanders did not identify as “the son of a Jewish immigrant” or, even more simply, as a Jew. I guess that the Forward believes that Sanders can’t just be an assimilated American. They demand that he adhere to his Jewish roots and ‘his’ people. But why? Why are the Jews are so fearful of the American dream? Is not being a socialist in America Jewish enough for the Jews at Forward?   - See more at:
[ In my opinion: the issue Jewish is very controversial. 1- Most Israelis are supporting their war criminal in power, Mr Netanyahu. This was denounced publicly by socialist in England and others in Europe. 2- Most Jewish rich people and corporations are publicly supporting Hillary Clinton and they hide their hands behind the super-packs. To many socialist those super-pack poison democracy. In fact what they foster is fraud since it is a way of buying election. Socialists like Sander consider this as crime against democracy. Sanders has nothing to do with N.1 and N2. In his opinion religion, race, and gender should no divide the Nation, it should unite them in the cause of re-building America.] 
The $10 Billion Contest. By Jack Rasmus. For the entire 2015-2016 election, the cumulative totals will no doubt range from $10 to $15 billion.
[ This is the 1st time in US history that the 1% of America is being defied by the common people united inside a socialist movement .. this is the wave of REV we are facing today and Dr Jill Stein should join this Movement as the Greens in other countries did it.. I guess this person is the best option to create a PEOPLE’S FRONT TO REBUILD AMERICA that many socialists are fostering inside the Demos Party already corrupted and poisoned by Hillary Clinton. We need Dr. Jill Stein in the PEOPLE FRONT.]


Europa. Plan B para Europa. Otra economía contra el austericidio. Enric Llopis
Vemos los rostros de refugiados, NO la de culpables de su situación. VER SUS CARAS.Pedro Olalla
Mundo. -El comercio capitalista es la guerra. Augusto Lapp Murga
Perú.  Presidente Humala en La Habana Ojala le cambien la batería, la que lleva no da luz. Salvo su esposa. Perdimos una mujer. Como me habría gustado sea candidata a la Presidencia. Que pena.
BOL después del referéndum. Bolivia y el post-extractivismo . Joan Martínez Alier
US. Premio Nobel de la Guerra. Santiago J. Navarro


'FSA' elements oppose Syria truce  US puppet-mercenaries, insignificant cockroaches

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