miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2016

FEB 24 16 SIT EC y POL

FEB 24 16 SIT EC y POL

HILLARY CLINTON’S GLOBAL-BURNING RECORD. Posted on February 24, 2016 by Eric Zuesse. In Washington blog. . On 17 July 2015, Paul Blumenthal and Kate Sheppard at Huffington Post bannered, “Hillary Clinton’s Biggest Campaign Bundlers Are Fossil Fuel Lobbyists”  and the sub-head was “Clinton’s top campaign financiers are linked to Big Oil, natural gas and the Keystone pipeline.”.. Her record does show that she represents those lobbyists, not the public.

Citi: "We Have A Problem". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/24/2016 : [Here you will see how Bankers like Citigroup's Matt King see the current crisis..]

Actually, it's not just one problem. Many problems.
Problem #1: the world finds itself in the aftermath of a series of bubbles inflated by central banks, compounded by the market's own realization that "we are now running out of greater fools."

Problem #2: "Whenever we’ve had these spread levels... we’ve always been rescued by central banks." This time, however, they are either late, or their interventions are failing.

Problem #3: The marginal effect of easing is no longer positive, and"everything QE was supposed to have done, it hasn't"

Problem #4: as a result of coordinated, global intervention, central banks are now forced to fight not just local but global demand shortfalls.

Problem #5: As a result of this global coordination, countries that withdraw liquidity such as EM and China, offset the "favorable" impact of central banks which contribute to liquidity.

Problem #6: as global central banks now operate as a cabal, this has "serious implications", namely 1) individual CBs not in control of their own destinies; 2) Everything ECB and BoJ are doing is being offset by outflows from EM, and 3) What do these correlations imply for herding?

Problem #7: As a result of this required, but failed coordination, the world is left with a global problem that desperately needs a solution. "What should be done", King asks, and provides the following menu of policy actions, however as he adds, "the things which might make a difference feel miles away"... and even further after today Jack Lew warned not to expect anything out of this weekend's G-20 meeting in Shanghai.

Prob. 8 And the final Problem: the "next phase" will likely be a crisis of confidence in central banks.

King, at his most ominous, concludes with the only possible response should it come to this"Sell what hasn't moved against what has."
To this we would add one minor tangent: once we get to the "next phase", sell everything whose value only exists as a result of confidence in central banks.

As policy errors pile up - just as they did in 2007/8 - around the world, we thought the following three charts might warrant the use of the most important word in modern central banking... " collapsed"

It does make one wonder, with all this carnage and so little action, whether "coordinated" inaction is the post-Davos decision - Don't just do something, stand there and jawbone!!

With the goal being a big enough catastrophe to warrant unleashing the war on cash, then NIRP, then the unlimited money drop... because as we stand, no matter what crazy policy has been imagined by the Keynesian "seers" - inflationary (well deflationary now) expectations have COLLAPSED.
Biggest Victory For Saudi Arabia, North Dakota's Largest Oil Producer Suspends All Fracking. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/24/2016 : Yesterday Saudi oil minister Ali al-Naimi made it explicitly clear that Saudi Arabia would not cut production, instead saying that it is high-cost producers that would need to either "lower costs, borrow cash or liquidate” adding that there is "no need for cuts as marginal barrel will get out of the market." He was right. Today his wish is slowly coming true after news that North Dakota's largest producer, Whiting Petroleum, would suspend all fracking, and that Continental Resources has effectively done the same after reporting that it no longer has any fracking crews working in the Bakken shale.
When Currency Pegs Break, Global Dominoes Fall. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/24/2016. When a currency peg breaks, it unleashes shock waves of uncertainty and repricing that hit the global financial system like a tsunami.
January New Home Sales Collapse Most Since 2009 As Prices Plunge To 2-Year Lows. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/24/2016 : This is the biggest January drop since 2009 dragging the SAAR to 494k (back at December 2014 levels). Worse still, home prices tumbled - from $295,800 to $278,000 (lowest since April 2014), and down 4.5% year-over-year as it appears the inventory fears have disappeared with months-supply surging from 5.1 to 5.8. Yet another leg of the "recovery" collapses.
And Now We Have A Services Recession: Markit Services PMI Crashes Into Contraction. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/24/2016 : Following this week's ongoing demise of the US manufacturing sector, tumbling to its weakest since October 2012, Markit US Services PMI collapsed into contraction at 49.8, massively below expectations of 53.5. This is the weakest level for the last pillar standing in the US recovery since the government shutdown in 2013, and as Markit even admits, "slumping business confidence and an increased downturn in order book backlogs suggest there’s worse to come."
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/24/2016 - 07:37
  • Shares fall with oil prices, yen in demand (Reuters)
  • Trump's third straight win has rivals looking for answers (Reuters)
  • How Marco Rubio Blunted Ted Cruz—and Boosted Donald Trump (BBG)
  • Donald Trump Seals GOP Front-Runner Status With Nevada Win (WSJ)
  • Fischer says no Fed plan to move to negative interest rates (Reuters)
  • Lew Says Don't Expect `Crisis Response' From Group of 20 Meeting (BBG)
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/23/2016 :

We Just Found Out The Real Reason The FBI Wants A Backdoor Into The iPhone. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/24/2016 : On the face of it, The FBI vs Apple - the feverish momentum of American technocracy accelerating into the cavernous Orwellian entrenchment of the surveillance state - boils down to a single locked and encrypted iPhone 5S, used by radical jihadist Syed Rizwan Farook. However, as we are learning, the FBI and thefederal government have a far more comprehensive end-game in mind than merely bolstering the prosecution of this one case.
It’s a big club and you ain’t in it! ..
I’m often reminded of these words, spoken by the great comedian George Carlin, when I read about the annual World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland.
That’s where the global power elite gather to discuss the big issues of the day. The most important world leaders attend. As do the CEOs of the largest companies, leaders in the mainstream media and top academics. Central bankers attend, too, along with a wide assortment of celebrities.

Three types of meetings happen in Davos, according to the BBC:
  1. Public meetings, which anyone can attend.
  1. Closed meetings, which you can only attend by invitation.
  1. Secret meetings, which are unannounced. The public doesn’t know the agenda or who attends.

The biggest and most important deals take shape in these secret meetings. And this year, I think there was one secret meeting with huge historical significance.

I think world leaders decided to dramatically escalate the  War on Cash, the  War on Cash, will make it easier for them to impose negative interest rates.
Negative interest rates mean the lender pays the borrower for the privilege of lending him money. It’s a bizarre, upside-down concept.

Negative rates could not exist in a free market. They can only exist in an Alice in Wonderland economy created by central bankers.
*  *  *

Punishment Interest
Think of it as “punishment interest.”. That’s a common term in Germany for negative interest rates. I think it’s an apt description.

Punishing savers is exactly what central bankers—who are really central economic planners—would like to do. They think stinging savers with negative interest rates will encourage them to spend now. It’s effectively a tax on saving money.

Central planners just want you to spend money. Even if you have to go into debt to do it. Consumption based on fear of negative interest rates is somehow supposed to “stimulate” the economy.

However, their harebrained scheme is not working. Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden all have negative interest rates. But consumer spending is not being “stimulated” in those countries. It’s totally (and predictably) backfiring on the central planners. And it’s easy to see why.

Negative interest rates make it harder to save. Put $1,000 in your bank account at the beginning of the year, and it becomes $950 by the end of the year. And that’s not even accounting for inflation.

This scenario scares people. It doesn't induce them to spend.
Producing more than you consume and saving the difference has always been the basis of prosperity. Prudent saving and thriftiness are supposed to be good things. However, negative interest rates destroy the incentive to save. That’s just one of the reasons it’s such a toxic concept.

But there’s another important reason to fear negative interest rates…
If you don’t like the sting of negative interest, you can withdraw your money from the bank and stash the cash under your mattress. The more it costs to store money at the bank, the less inclined people are to do it.

Of course, this is not the outcome central economic planners want. It puts a natural limit on how far down they can drive interest rates.
Their solution to this “problem” is to push the world closer to a cashless society. That cuts off your main escape route from punishment interest.

Central planners are doing this by phasing out larger denominations of currency notes, which makes large cash transactions impractical. Some are outright prohibiting cash transactions over a certain amount. France recently made cash transactions over €1,000 illegal, down from the previous limit of €3,000.

Statist economists even advocate declaring all dollar bills with a serial number ending in “9” invalid.

These are just some of their methods. They all make it inconvenient or illegal to use cash. This forces people to use electronic payment methods more and more, which, of course, is what the U.S. government wants.
It’s exactly like Ron Paul said: “The cashless society is the IRS’s dream: total knowledge of, and control over, the finances of every single American.”

After Davos, the War on Cash Goes into Overdrive
The writing is on the wall. The War on Cash is accelerating. And it’s setting the table for negative interest rates in the U.S.

That should not surprise anyone. Janet Yellen, the chair of the Federal Reserve, recently said, “Potentially anything—including negative interest rates—would be on the table.”
It’s time to protect yourself from negative interest rates and the War on Cash…before it’s too late. You don’t want to find yourself unprepared when negative interest rates hit you.

The War on Cash and negative interest rates are obvious signs of desperation. They are huge threats to your financial security.
Central bankers are playing with fire and inviting a currency catastrophe, just like they have done so many times in the past.

The sad truth is most people have no idea what really happens when a currency collapses, let alone how to prepare…

We think everyone should own some physical gold. Gold is the ultimate form of wealth insurance. It’s preserved wealth through every kind of crisis imaginable. It will preserve wealth during the next crisis, too.

But if you want to truly save yourself from the consequences of all this stupidity, there's more to do...
Donald Trump Is Right: Here Are 100 Reasons Why We Need To Audit The Federal Reserve. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/24/2016 : When a leading nominee for President gets something exactly right, we should applaud them for it.  In this case, Donald Trump’s call to audit the Federal Reserve is dead on correct.  Most Americans don’t realize this, but the Federal Reserve has far more power over the economy than anyone else does – including Barack Obama.  The funny thing is that the Federal Reserve is not even part of the federal government.  It is an independent private central bank that was designed by very powerful Wall Street interests a little over 100 years ago.  It is at the heart of the debt-based financial system which is eating away at America like cancer, and it has no direct accountability to the American people whatsoever.
Is This The Death Of The American Political Establishment?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/24/2016 : Americans know a takeover has occurred and they blame the establishment for it. The establishment doesn’t see what’s happening because it has cut itself off from the lives of most Americans. It also doesn’t wish to understand, because that would mean acknowledging its role in bringing all this on.
"I'll Be Right There Big Brother": Leaked Transcripts Prove ISIS-Turkey Link. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/24/2016 : "Was that you, the ones with a torch?"...




Aleppo Advance: How to Defeat Daesh and Avoid New World War. By Paul R. Pillar. "The everlasting Sunni 'Islamic Caliphate' in Syria doesn't look so everlasting any more."
Losing in Syria, Start Another War in Libya . By Finian Cunningham. ISIS in Libya is just the cover story for what would be yet another illegal incursion in a foreign country.
What the Pundits Don't Get About Trump. By Charles Hugh Smith. The class war is already underway, and the petit bourgeois media is clueless.
[ Another political scenario is possible. In my opinion this is not yet a class war, it is a demo-popular stage of war. The target is the super-delegates first .. this means: millionaires vs millionaires. .. It is expected that the super-delegates inside the GOP try to define the GOP national convention in favor of one of the pappies or younger dogs .. then Trump will be forced to get out of the GOP, while Sanders will do the same with the Dems party .. If happens, the dirty-couple (Dems + Reps) or old trap to democracy will be broke down .. and 3rd option or independent parties will emerge .. Once this happens the class war start. .. It could be Trump vs the People Front lead by Sanders (it is expected that the green party, some progressive leaders form the GOP like Ben Carson & Ran Paul join People’s  Front) .. It could come the expected arrival of Bloomberg to the ring to give the final blow out to Hillary. .. that will make more solid & clear the class vs class war in electoral politics .. A war in the streets between Hope to rebuild America with Sanders vs the death zombies in current electoral politics, will arise. The class vs class war is expected to explode before the two national conventions. Once independent blocks are formed .. that will be the end of Hillary & Trump. If this war does not explode in the clean way described .. then it will explode out-side the electoral frame .. in the streets .. with violent & unpredictable consequences and certainly at the expenses of the dirty couple too. .. Dem & Rep will be trashed inside zoos or museums. Hugo Adan. Feb 23-16.]


 On 17 July 2015, Paul Blumenthal and Kate Sheppard at Huffington Post bannered, “Hillary Clinton’s Biggest Campaign Bundlers Are Fossil Fuel Lobbyists”  and the sub-head was “Clinton’s top campaign financiers are linked to Big Oil, natural gas and the Keystone pipeline.” This description of her fits for a politician who does the lobbyists’ bidding while she provides liberal rhetoric that denies she will, and so who burns-up not only the planet but the trust of the liberals who have voted for her in the mistaken belief that because her label is “Democrat” and because she makes her appeals to women, Blacks, Hispanics, and other disenfranchised groups.
Her record does show that she represents those lobbyists, not the public. As I had reported previously, the Hillary Clinton State Department’s two environmental impact statements on the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline were triple-hoaxes that totally and scandalously ignored the proposed pipeline’s impact on climate-change.   Keep Reading
When one of our major politicians gets something exactly right, we should applaud them for it.  In this case, Donald Trump’s call to audit the Federal Reserve is dead on correct.  Most Americans don’t realize this, but the Federal Reserve has far more power over the economy than anyone else does – including Barack Obama.  Financial markets all over the planet gyrate wildly at the smallest comment from Fed officials, and virtually every boom and bust cycle over the past 100 years can be traced directly back to specific decisions made by the Federal Reserve.  We get all excited about what various presidential candidates say that they “will do for the economy”, but in the end it is the Fed that is holding all of the cards.  The funny thing is that the Federal Reserve is not even part of the federal government.  It is an independent private central bank that was designed by very powerful Wall Street interests a little over 100 years ago.  It is at the heart of the debt-based financial system which is eating away at America like cancer, and it has no direct accountability to the American people whatsoever.

The Fed has been around for so long that most people assume that we need it.
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When Currency Pegs Break, Global Dominoes Fall. Posted on February 24, 2016 by Charles Hugh Smith The U.S. dollar has risen by more than 35% against other major trading currencies since mid-2014:

If all currencies floated freely on the global foreign exchange (FX) market, this dramatic rise would have easily predictable consequences: everything other nations import that is priced in dollars (USD) costs 35% more, and everything the U.S. imports from other major trading nations costs 35% less.
But some currencies don’t float freely on the global FX markets: they’re pegged to the U.S. dollar by their central governments. When a currency is pegged, its value is arbitrarily set by the issuing government/central bank.
If central states/banks feel their currency is becoming too strong via a vis the USD, they can adjust the peg accordingly.
Why do states peg their currency to the U.S. dollar? There are several potential reasons, but the primary one is to piggyback on the stability of the dollar without having to convince the market independently of one’s stability.
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CIA-backed Islamic rebels are fighting against Pentagon-backed Kurish rebels in Syria. Keep Reading

Bill Gates is supporting FBI access to iPhones. .. Is anyone surprised?

Microsoft programmers have allowed NSA backdoors in all Windows software since 1999 or before.
And while Microsoft sometimes pretends that it’s fighting for privacy, it has long been a direct partner of the NSA, helping government at every opportunity.


Obama viaja a Cuba. Consejos para disfrutar de su estadía. Atilio A. Boron



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