martes, 16 de febrero de 2016

FEB 16 16 SIT EC y POL

FEB 16 16 SIT EC y POL

KEYNESIANISM'S LONG MARCH TO THE DUSTBIN OF HISTORY. by Gary North via,  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/16/2016 : The whole Keynesian regulatory structure is going to collapse. Why? Because we are reaching an inflection point. We are reaching the point at which the exponential curve turns sharply upward. This is good news for liberty, and it is bad news for the arrogant theorists of Keynesian central planning, the arrogant tenured bureaucrats of central banks, and the protected employees of virtually every other government-regulated industry or profession. They are presiding over the final stages of the illusion of central planning..

It is now the Keynesians' turn to join the losers of history.
The handwriting is on the wall for Keynesianism: THE POWER OF COMPOUNDING
George Orwell was correct: we find it difficult to see what is under our noses.
I used Alta Vista from 1996 until about 2002. It may have been 2001. Then I switched to Google.
New technologies can transform societies in short periods of time. Not many of them ever do this, but a handful can.
Keynesians today are like the dinner guests on Babylon's last night. They are the silent film producers in 1928. They are Alta Vista's owners in 2001. They are headed for the ashcan of history.
The steady decline in the cost of information, especially communications, has undermined every establishment on the face of the earth -- North Korea excepted.
"Truck-ocalypse" Hits Main Street As Daimler Fires 1,250 Amid Collapsing Demand. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/16/2016 : If you were looking for signs that US trade may be collapsing on itself, a good place to start would be Class 8 truck orders which, as we first documented in early December, have posted sharp y/y declines of late. Now, slowing demand for heavy vehicles is hitting home in North Carolina, where Daimler has laid off more than 2,000 people in the past two months alone.
Will Gold Be The World's Best Currency, Again?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/16/2016 : If you are an investor, this may be the time to have a serious talk with the face you see in the mirror and ask: Have we really moved on from the ‘barbarous relic’? Can paper money keep its value when all the Central Bankers and planners in the world are intent upon printing as much of it as they possibly can? Is it different this time?
China Imported At Least 217 Tonnes Of Gold In December As London Dumped Precious Metals. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/16/2016. When there is no more gold left in London to export the gold price is likely to go higher on strong global demand induced by economic headwind.
[ AL PARECER los Chinos no planean someterse a los dictados del IMF-WB para salvar el dollar. China y los ingleses apuntan a circular su propia moneda en el mercado internacional . No sería nada raro. ]
Why Negative Interest Rates Will Fail. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/16/2016. As with Japan, Western economies that pursue a long-term policy of low or negative interest rates can expect decades of low growth unless these “unorthodox” monetary policies are rapidly abandoned. Recessions are not a problem of insufficient demand. They are a problem of supply being misaligned with demand.
Empire Fed Contracts For 7th Straight Month, Hovers At 7-Year Lows. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/16/2016 : The Empire Fed Manufacturing survey has been in contraction (below 0) since July 2015 and while February's -16.64 print was above January's -19.37, it was dramatically worse than the expected -10.0. New Orders and Shipments remain in contraction as both prices paid and recived tumbled. Hope improved modestly but remains markedly below December levels, as CapEx spending expectations weakened once again.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/16/2016 - 07:40
  • Oil eases off highs after output freeze agreement (Reuters)
  • Saudis and Russia agree to oil output freeze, Iran still an obstacle (Reuters)
  • China Loses Control of the Economic Story Line (WSJ)
  • Obama starts work to pick Supreme Court justice amid political 'bluster' (Reuters)
  • The Never-Ending Story: Europe’s Banks Face a Frightening Future (BBG)
  • Apollo Global to buy security services company ADT for $7 billion (Reuters)

As Seen On A Russian Bus Stop. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/16/2016. : "Smoking Kills more people than Obama" ..  

Russia's Trap: Luring Sunnis Into War. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/16/2016. Washington should think more than twice about allowing Turkey and Saudi Arabia, its Sunni allies, militarily to engage their Shiite enemies in Syria. Allowing Sunni supremacists into a deeper sectarian war is not a rational way to block Russian expansion in the eastern Mediterranean. And it certainly will not serve America's interests.
50% Of Canadians Say They Are Within $200/Month Of Being Unable To Pay Their Bills. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/16/2016 : La situacion de Canada es similar a la de Europa. A punto del colapso.
Foreign Officials Sell A Record $48 Billion In U.S. Treasurys In December. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/16/201. Los bonos del Tesoro los rematan a precio de banana .. en realidad no sirven ni como papel higienico..




Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Bloodbath. By Jeffrey Sachs. By the spring of 2011, the CIA and the US allies were organizing an armed insurrection against the Syrian government.
What Are We Smelling? . By Dmitry Orlov. The same people who fell for it in thinking that they could bring about change by voting for Obama are now falling for it again. 
Has the Crash of the Global Financial Markets Begun?. By T Sabri Öncü. The facts suggest that we may be entering the “worst” depression in history.
Nickel and Dimed in 2016. You Can't Earn a Living on the Minimum Wage. By Peter Van Buren. It seems wrong in a society as wealthy as ours that a person working full-time can't get above the poverty line.
Syria: the Final Act Begins. By John Wight. The mounting threat of a Saudi-led invasion of Syria speeds the hour when Iran and Russia commit their own ground troops in significant number. 
Russian Diplomat Drops a Bombshell: US Expected ISIS to Seize Damascus by October. By Alexander Mercouris. At the very time the US was pretending to fight the Islamic State it was in fact preparing steps that it knew would facilitate its victory
The NSA Has Been Using An Algorithm To Decide Who Gets Killed With Drone Strikes. By Dan Seitz. Thousands of innocent people may have been killed, because a computer couldn’t figure out they weren’t terrorists.
U.S. Foreign Policy Flies Under Banner ‘American Exceptionalism’. By Bruce Fein. The military-industrial-terrorism complex manufactures conflicts by gratuitous interventions abroad. Then it demands trillions of dollars and limitless time to defeat the monsters it created.
British Public Being Sold Down the River in Democracy Deception. By Graham Vanbergen. Propaganda is the Executive arm of the invisible government. 



How a Candidate’s Mega-Donors Get Served After the Election. Posted on February 16, 2016 by Eric Zuesse. . The Nation  magazine recently headlined “This Man Will Almost Certainly Die,” and documented that, “Contractors operating immigrant-only prisons are rarely forced to follow the rules that govern regular BOP [Bureau of Prisons] facilities.” In other words, they documented (and the ACLU has documented far more) that one way the imprisonment corporations increase their executive compensation, corporate dividends, stock-performance, and attractiveness to investors, is by their not being required, in practice, to treat prisoners as well as the government-owned prisons are Constitutionally required to treat prisoners. Not all of a person’s Constitutionally protected rights are lost when the given individual becomes charged, nor even if the person becomes convicted, of a violation of law. Government-owned prisons are required by the courts to maintain certain minimal standards. Privately owned prisons simply aren’t (as The Nation  explained, and the ACLU further documented).  [Where is the answer to the HOW.. in the title? .. by running private prisons? ..When you will learn to go directly to the point you said to address? . This title is very deceptive.. ]
The Syria Proxy War against the Islamic State (ISIS) Has Reached its Climax. Military Escalation, Towards a US-NATO Sponsored Ground Invasion?. Posted on February 16, 2016 by WashingtonsBlog : By Prof Michel Chossudovsky. . Until recently, Syrian Government Forces together with their allies (Russia, Iran, Hezbollah) have been confronting so-called “opposition rebels” largely composed of “moderate” terrorists and mercenaries, with US-NATO intelligence and special forces forces operating covertly within their ranks.
The Al Qaeda affiliated terrorists and the Islamic State (ISIS) forces are supported by US-NATO-Israel and their Persian Gulf GCC allies. Turkey and Saudi Arabia, in close liaison with Washington have played a central role in the recruitment, training and financing of the terrorists.
Sofar, this proxy war has unfolded without a direct confrontation between US-NATO allied forces and Syrian government forces, which are supported militarily by Russia and Iran.
Fed President and Assistant Treasury Secretary Says What Everyone Knows: We Need to Break Up the Big Banks. Posted on February 16, 2016 by WashingtonsBlog . Top Economists, Financial Experts and Bankers Say Giant Banks Are Hurting Economy. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability (Neel Kashkari) believe that the failure to rein in the “too big to fail” banks is unacceptable:
The list is big .. Keep Reading


EE UU El socialismo norteamericano de Bernie Sanders Ethan Earle En caso no lo leíste
Middle East. Entrevista a Ramzy Baroud. Mitos israelíes. Soud Sharabani
Perú Basurización del proceso electoral peruano . Alejandro Sánchez. Es parte de esta basura política la Izq que no pudo unirse para dar alternative al pueblo? Si o No?
COL. Obama elogia esfuerzos de paz en Colombia Manuel E. Yepe  El elogio de OB significa que la paz en COL no camina
VEN: Intentan que se caiga (de) Maduro Aram Aharonian  Jamas alcanzo a madurar por eso perdió.
ALC  Los patólogos del Progresismo . José Fortique. Que es progresismo en el  tiempo-espacio de hoy?
Perú El TPP mata. Latindadd Mas mata la ineficiencia de la Izq que jamás impulso referendum .

[[ El circo electoral oculta los peligros de guerra nuclear que acechan, para lo que el pueblo no está preparado. Sanders aun no lanza el plan pacifista por temor a que lo saquen de la contienda electoral .. de ganar las primarias lo haría porque tendría que diferenciarse del neo-nazi Repub Trump que todos los días alienta la guerra. Lo mismo hace Hillari no hay diferencia entre ellos .. Si Sanders no gana las primarias del Pdo Democrata es porque gano el fraude que el pueblo no pudo desmontar .. Sanders gano por 20 puintos de diferencia el reciente evento NH y una mafia de “super-delegados” le entregó la victoria a ella .. La derecha (incluyo a Hillary esta jugando con los dados cargados y el MOV de masas lo sabe y esta contra el fraude .. en cualquier momento puede estallar una rebelión social contra el fraude .. y la represión policial daría mas gasolina al evento  … eso seria suficiente para que Sanders abandone el Pdo Dem y se lance como independiente .. entonces si ganaría las elecciones tanto contra Hillary y contra Trump .. peor  aun si ingresa al evento electoral el super-billonario Bloomberg. Lo quieren en NY y tiene consigo el mas grande electorado del US. Esto dejaría a Hillary sin votos. .. Bloomberg podría comprarle su puesto a Trump (pagar lo que invirtió hasta hoy) y sacarlo del mapa .. Bien sabido es que esta es una democracia de millonarios .. aquí todo se negocia arriba .. Sanders es un desafío abierto a este esquema electoral, lo que solo es posible con el apoyo de gremios trabajadores y del pueblo .. ese desafio en si un atrevimiento REV jamas visto en la historia USA. Por esto la juventud esta con el y el FRENTE POPULAR de Sanders puede ganar las elecciones en las ánforas y/o desatar un proceso REV de de impredecibles consequencias .. es lo que temen los de arriba y quizá prefieran que gane Sanders para intentar controlarlo con las instituciones que el “deep-state” tiene en Washington. Asi están las cosas. El fenómeno guerra no ha entrado al debate electoral ni creo que ingrese hasta que terminen las primarias al interior de los dos partidos. .. En la 2da etapa eso entraría y Sanders tendría entonces real base social para desafiar el sistema político actual.]] Hugo Adan. 2/16/16



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