jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

FEB 18 16 SIT EC y POL

FEB 18 16 SIT EC y POL

1-Hillary Clinton expands huge superdelegate lead since New Hampshire loss.   Sanders current has a 36-32 lead in delegates won in primaries and caucuses, having seen a razor-thin loss in Iowa and an overwhelming victory in New Hampshire (20 points difference). However, the superdelegates of the Democratic Party gave her 449 votes, or 63 percent of the superdelegate total. Meanwhile, Sanders has picked up 11 superdelegates, with his total currently at 19, according to AP. So the establishment made Clinton the favorite candidate by showing a commanding lead of 481 vs. Sanders’ 55. These superdelegates made a nasty and gross betrayal to democracy in America. The indecent Hillary accepted this fraud as part of super pack business and according to John Kerry this crime against democracy may have “disastrous” consequences. In fact, people is already upset and ready to rebel against Hillary’s felony. People will continue voting against her until the Nation express its voice. 

2- Economists Say that Socialist Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders “Can Save Free Market Capitalism” By Washington's Blog,. One might assume that economists would be against a socialist presidential candidate. But 170 top economists have endorsed Bernie Sanders’ platform regarding Wall Street, signing a letter stating

In our view, Sen. Bernie Sanders’ plan for comprehensive financial reform is critical for avoiding another “too-big-to-fail” financial crisis. The Senator is correct that the biggest banks must be broken up and that a new 21st Century Glass-Steagall Act, separating investment from commercial banking, must be enacted.”

Indeed, everyone knows that the big banks have to be broken up to stabilize the economy. And even the market thinks they should be broken up. In addition, even the guy who shattered Glass-Steagall now admits that it should be restored.
3-The Commanding Heights. By Michael Hudson. ,. The IMF and the World Bank are saying: ‘We’re only working for the U.S. State Department and Pentagon. If the Pentagon tells the IMF it’s okay that a country doesn’t have to pay Russia or China, then now they don’t have to pay, as far as the IMF is concerned.’ That breaks up the global order that was created after World War II. The world is being split into two halves: the U.S. dollar orbit, and countries that the U.S. cannot control and whose officials are not on the U.S. payroll, so to speak. ...
ISIS AND AL NUSRA ARE ACTING AS AMERICA’S FOREIGN LEGION. When Hillary Clinton overthrew the Libyan government, the arms and military stockpiles were turned over to ISIS. Libya’s central bank resources were robbed and also turned over to ISIS. When America marched into Iraq, it turned the Sunni army and all those billions of dollars of shrink-wrapped hundred-dollar bills over ultimately to ISIS. So although America opposes ISIS when they kill Americans, ISIS is basically America’s way of breaking up countries that may threaten not to be part of the global dollar standard.” http://michael-hudson.com/2016/02/the-commanding-heights/

2016 Is Off To A 'Good' Start. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/18/2016 : If bad news is good news again (which judging by Bullard's bullshit overnight it is), then 2016 is off to a 'great' start...

You Are Here. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/18/2016 : It's definitely different this time...
The 2008 analog lines the current trajectory up with August 2008 right after Treasury Secretary Paulson told the world reassuringly that:
"Our economy has got very strong long-term fundamentals. And you know, your policy-makers and regulators here - we're very vigilant."
And we all know what happened next...

The Four Horsemen Of Economic Apocalypse Are Here.  by Constantin Gurdgiev via True Economics blog, Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/18/2016 : "...the economic patient is riddled with cancer - central banks are applying a defibrillator, but there's only so much electricity the patient can take before it becomes a burnt-out corpse."


The four horsemen of growth apocalypse are:
  1. Supply side secular stagnation (technology-driven productivity growth and total factor productivity growth flattening out);
  2. Demand side secular stagnation (demographically driven slump in global demand for ‘stuff’) (note I covered both extensively, but here is a post summing the two: http://trueeconomics.blogspot.com/2015/10/41015-secular-stagnation-and-promise-of.html)
  3. Debt overhang (the legacy of boom, bust and post-bust adjustments, again covered extensively on this blog)
  4. Financial fragility (see http://trueeconomics.blogspot.com/2016/01/19116-after-crisis-is-there-light-at.html)

In this world, sub-zero interest rates don’t work, fiscal policies don’t work and neither supply, nor demand-side economics hold any serious answers. Evidence? Central bankers are now fully impotent to drive growth, despite having swallowed all monetary viagra they can handle. Meanwhile, Government are staring at debt piles so big and bond markets so touchy, any serious upward revision in yields can spell disaster for some of the largest economies in the world. More evidence? See this: http://trueeconomics.blogspot.com/2015/10/101015-imf-honey-weve-japanified-world.html.

My favourite researcher on the matter of financial stability, Claudio Borio of BIS agrees. In a recent speech (http://www.bis.org/speeches/sp160210_slides.pdf) he summed up the “symptoms of the malaise: the “ugly three”” in his parlance:
  • Debt too high
  • Productivity growth too low
  • Policy room for manoeuvre too limited
Forget "The Great Moderation", This Is "The Great Intellectual Failure". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/18/2016 : History might look back on this period as a great intellectual failure for not properly understanding the dynamics.. Market pundits arguing for easier money (or negative rates) do not fully understand the long-run unintended consequences to markets and economies from extreme and long periods of unconventional monetary policy. Market turbulence today is a warning sign.
Americans' Economic Expectations Slump Near 2 Year Lows (And The Stock Ramp Is Not Helping). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/18/2016 : Americans have been increasingly disgruntled with the economic outlook since March 2015 and today's Bloomberg confidence print at 42.5 sends hope back to near 2-year lows. The early year bounce in expectations has been erased as US equity rallies have done nothing to stymie the growing realization across the states that something dismal this way comes.


In 2015 and Jan 2016 both show the dramatic and sudden realization of equity market investors crashing down to "real" economic expectations. The last few days have sent stocks soaring once again to re-engage animal spirits... because 3rd time is the charm right?
China Unleashes A Debt Tsunami: Creates $1 Trillion In Debt In First Two Months Of 2016. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/18/2016 : This means that if the TSF components rose at a comparable rate as in January, then the total increase in aggregate Chinese debt is on pace to surpass CNY6.5 trillion, or $1 trillion in new debt created in 2 months!

One of the more stunning economic updates this week was China's unprecedented surge in Chinese loan creation, when as reported earlier this week, China unveiled a whopping CNY3.42 trillion in Total Social Financing, its broadest debt aggregate, an amount greater than half a trillion dollars, of which CNY2.51 trillion was in new bank loans. This means that China's day of reckoning has likley been pushed back by at least 1 or 2 quarters. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-02-18/china-unleashes-debt-tsunami-creates-1-trillion-debt-first-two-months-2016

Why Negative Interest Rates Spell Doom For Capitalism. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/18/2016 : What negative interest rates are really projecting are low-to-no growth and zero-profit environments for the entire global economy sometime in the future, where businesses simply cannot make money. The implication of this is that all businesses will come to the government seeking subsidies. We already see it in agriculture. Education. Health care. Housing. Whether it is loan programs for customers or outright grants. There will be more. This is why capitalism cannot survive no growth. Economies would naturally revert to some form of subsistence, where the need to trade is reduced greatly.
Bear Market Rallies & Bailing-Out Bad Behavior. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/18/2016 : "Preservation of capital is first, everything else comes second."
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/18/2016 - 07:49
  • Oil extends rally towards $35 after Iran welcomes output freeze (Reuters)
  • Overproduction Swamps Smaller Chinese Cities, Revealing Depth of Crisis (WSJ)
  • House Flipping Is Making a Comeback in Las Vegas (BBG)
  • Trump leads Republican field nationally by more than 20 points (Reuters)
  • Turkey blames Kurdish militants for Ankara bomb, vows response in Syria and Iraq (Reuters)
"I Guess It's Food Stamps": 400,000 Americans In Jeopardy As Giant Pension Fund Plans 50% Benefit Cuts. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/18/2016 : "You know anybody hiring a 73-year-old mechanic? I’m available." 
To be sure, retirees' frustrations are justified. That said, the fund is simply running out of money. "We simply can’t stay afloat if we continue to pay out $3.46 in pension benefits for every $1 paid in from contributing employers," a letter to retirees reads. 
According to letters shared with The Star, cuts range from around 40% to 61%. "[The] average pension loss was more than $1,400 a month," the paper says.

As for what will become of those who depend upon their benefits to survive, the above quoted Gary Meyer summed it up best: "I guess food stamps. Hopefully not. It would be a last resort."
Don't worry Gary, you aren't alone...

Crude Extends Losses As Saudi Minister Says "Will Not Cut Oil Production" To Support Prices. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/18/2016 : “Saudi Arabia isn’t ready to cut its production” of oil to support prices, which have been hurt by a supply glut, AFP reports citing interview with Foreign Affairs Minister Adel al-Jubeir.


US Supreme Court Justice Declares Mass Internment Inevitable   By Tom Carter . Global Research, February 18, 2016. ORIGINA ART: World Socialist Web Site 11 February 2014

Since Scalia’s arrival on the Supreme Court in 1986, he has been a leading figure in the ongoing rollback of democratic and social rights. Some of the highlights of Scalia’s career include Stanford v. Kentucky (1989, upholding the death penalty for crimes committed by 16 and 17-year-olds), Bush v. Gore (2000, halting vote counting and installing George W. Bush as president), and Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010, removing limitations on corporate spending during elections), among many others.
Scalia’s pronouncement on the inevitability of mass internment borrows not a little from fascist jurisprudence. Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt developed the theory that a national emergency could constitute a “state of exception” (Ausnahmezustand) pursuant to which the executive may ignore the rule of law, the Constitution, and democratic rights. Similarly, Scalia imagines a scenario in which mass incarceration in the US would technically be unconstitutional, but “in times of war the law is silent.”. Scalia invoked the Latin expression, “Inter arma enim silent leges” (roughly, in times of war the law is silent).


The military draft has not been used in the United States since 1973, but the machinery has remained in place (costing the federal government about $25 million a year). Males over 18 have been required to register for the draft since 1940 (except between 1975 and 1980) and still are today, with no option to register as conscientious objectors or to choose peaceful productive public service. Some in Congress want women to register as well.

Let me offer 10 reasons why I think that ending the Draft helps ending war:

1-History doesn’t bear it out. The drafts in the U.S. civil war (both sides), the two world wars, and the war on Korea did not end those wars, despite being much larger and in some cases fairer than the draft during the American war on Vietnam.

2- People bled for this. People risked their lives and lost their lives. People faced fire hoses and dogs. People went to jail.

3- Millions dead is a cure worse than the disease. I am very well convinced that the peace movement shortened and ended the war on Vietnam, not to mention removing a president from office, helping to pass other progressive legislation, educating the public, ..

4- ??
5- The supposedly non-existent peace movement is quite real. Yes, of course, all movements were bigger in the 1960s and they did a great deal of good, and I’d willingly die to bring back that level of positive engagement.

6- U.S. Presidents and Senators used to be proud to send their offspring off to die. Not anymore Why? I too would love to see a bill passed requiring that congress members and presidents deploy to the front lines..

7- We build a movement to end war by building a movement to end militarism. The surest way of reducing wars is ending militarism, and the racism and materialism with which it is interwoven, ..

8- Pushing to end the draft will expose those who favor it and increase opposition to their war mongering. The right movement advances us in the right direction.

9- ??
10- Draft related to poverty is unfair. Take away the poverty draft too.


The fundamental premise of global central bank policy is simple: whatever’s broken in the economy can be fixed with zero interest rates (ZIRP). And the linear extension of this premise is equally simple: if ZIRP hasn’t fixed what’s broken, then negative interest rates (NIRP) will.
Unfortunately, this simplistic policy has run aground on the shoals of reality: if zero or negative interest rates actually fixed what’s broken in the economy, we’d all be living in Paradise after seven years of zero interest rates.
Now I focused on Syria with documented use of nuclear weapons by imperial forces (1-minute video):


Encuentro Papa y Patriarca  ¿Dónde está lo “histórico”? R. Ramos. En evitar exterminio de cristianos en el ME y en evitar la 3ra guerra mundial. No ves nada histórico en ello? Si no lo vez, eres un ET.
Bolivia. -EE.UU. quiere en Bolivia dar un “tiro de gracia” a la Patria Grande. El tiro de gracia contra el imperio seria un acuerdo entre Bolivia, Chile y Perú para que el puerto y mar de Arica sea compartido por Bolivia. Y mejor acuerdo aún, el de compartir una moneda unica en la región SUR.
Los silencios de Erdogan en América Latina. Que el imperio envíe su peon terrorista al sur latino, no  tiene importancia salvo si vine a reclutar soldados, en cuyo caso hay que denunciar el operativo.
"EE.UU. busca reducir gobiernos progresistas en Latinoamérica" Y lo esta consiguiendo porque no hay verdaderos socialistas en el sur.. hay una manga de arribistas que solo apuntan a acomodarse en el senado .. es el caso de Perú y otros países ..
Snowden: "El FBI quiere poder hackear iPhones en media hora" Lo logró,  ganó el juicio al i-phone
Núremberg . Hitler no era inevitable. Marcel Bois



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