sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016



Hugo Adan. February 20/16

Who benefit from Scalia's death? .. None other than Hillary Clinton .. Let's look at her sinister political career to understand this thesis.

1st, She endorsed, armed and applauded the brutally of Gaddafi murder in the hands of Islamic terrorist. The offense he committed was try to sell their oil in local currency, not  in petrodollars. Her  murder crushed the UN principle that obliges us to respect the sovereignty of other States. Such crime installed the global chaos we are in.

Complaints about abound. Here is Michael Hudson’s: "When Hillary Clinton overthrew the Libyan government, the arms and military stockpiles were turned over to ISIS. Libya's Central Bank resources were robbed and also turned over to ISIS."   http://michael-hudson.com/2016/02/the-commanding-heights/

2nd, then came her criminal inefficiency with the bomb that exploded in the USA Embassy in Libya. She must protect it and she did not do it, that's criminal inefficiency. Since then on It became clear that supporting Islamic terrorism is political suicide. .. And we're still at it, thanks to Hillary job as State Secretary.

In the fight against Islamic terrorism Obama and Clinton were never consistent. Why? One answer comes from Michael Hudson again: "When America marched into Iraq, it turned the Sunni army all those billions of dollars .. and ultimately over to ISIS. So, although America opposes  ISIS when they kill Americans, ISIS is basically America’s way of breaking up countries that may threaten not to be part of the global dollar standard.” http://michael-hudson.com/2016/02/the-commanding-heights/

Hillary not only armed Islamic terrorists .. without shame laughed at her criminal act: "We came; we saw; he died”, Clinton exulted in a TV interview after ordering  the  ousted and killing of the Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. She said that , shortly after Gaddafi was murdered , on Oct. 20, 2011.
3rd, today Mrs. Clinton shamelessly exhibits war-mongerism which is worse than the neo-con within the Republicans, since she had power .. That has already caused a lot of death, destruction and pain from Iraq to Syria .. and its migratory effects threaten to destroy the EU

Here a glim picture of our destruction in Syria

There are many pictures of the pain of people in Syria, I would say that photos will never capture the immense tragedy that Syrians people is suffering: Here one

Throw the Stone & hide the hands is our policy in Syria.  Obama, Hillary and the  neocons from the Rep party not only agree with the imperial terror in Syria, today both parties go hand on hand in supporting such terror in Syria, they even compete to say NO to Syrian migrants to the US.  What a shame..

4th, If Hillary  is not the mentor of "regime change" policy, as practiced in Lybia, is undoubtedly its most ardent defender in Syria. .. Regime change is the most blatant transgression of international law. She should’ve been charged and condemned in Court for it. Maybe Scalia tried, only phone-hackers know, but his suspicious death prevented .. Someone said that if the Court had had more Scalias .. Clinton have already been prosecuted with various crimes. When the FBI tried to accuse her, she recurred to blackmail: If I’m accused, others will fall too, she said. The Court .. fell silent. .. no more Scalias.

Scalia was certainly a neo-Nazi who applauded the crime of Bush in Iraq and today the mass incarceration of Americans with the argument that in wartime law is "silent" That is: dumb and blind. Tom Carter said: “Since Scalia’s arrival on the Supreme Court in 1986, he has been a leading figure in the ongoing rollback of democratic and social rights. Some of the highlights of Scalia’s career include Stanford v. Kentucky (1989, upholding the death penalty for crimes committed by 16 and 17-year-olds), Bush v. Gore (2000, halting vote counting and installing George W. Bush as president), and Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010, removing limitations on corporate spending during elections), among many others.” Tom Carter : Antonin Scalia 2014 Statement, US Supreme Court Justice Declares “Mass Internment Inevitable”. http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-supreme-court-justice-declares-mass-internment-inevitable/5368334

The worst was “Scalia’s pronouncement on the inevitability on mass internment”. He borrows his thesis from fascist jurisprudence. Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt developed the theory that a national emergency could constitute a “state of exception” .. Similarly, Scalia imagined a scenario in which mass incarceration in the US would technically be unconstitutional, but “in times of war the law is silent.”. Scalia invoked the Latin expression, “Inter arma enim silent leges” (roughly, in times of war the law is silent). Tom Carter (above)

Even though,  Scalia is considered an icon in International Law and other branches of Law; this is recognized so by many lawyers. This is why Obama and Hillary were afraid of him. That is the reason why some people suspected Crime. The Fact Is that there was not a single evidence on this regard.


5th, Clinton today is intended to sweeping the few petals left to the rose-called democracy in the USA. She is not afraid to display her dishonest and nasty electoral fraud with "super-delegates and super-pack" .. Sanders defeated her with 20 point lead in NH, but her corrupted super-delegates gave her  victory. She exhibit dishonesty without limits and no minimums of ethics, that is what she displays in this  electoral race. ..

In the recent debate in Wisconsin Hillary publicly proclaimed her victory over Sanders and that's not a sign of bad memory, it is a sign of political indecency. Worse, it revealed  serious mental disorders. Not only psychotic  anxiety.

What to think on a person who celebrates and mocks the cruel murder of a president at the hands of packs of jihadist mercenaries? . I mean,  the awful crime of M.Gadaffi ?. Not only that, there is also evidence that Hillary gave a prize to the murders: new weapons and money from Libya State coffers. It was then when ISIS was born, and she gave them a very cheerful welcome. Certainly she suffers from psychotic schizophrenia.

What to think on a lady who looks a savage brutality against an American dissenter at the hands of police and her security guards?  She did nothing to stop the beating, not even showed human decency by refusing to apologize to the aggravated person. I’m talking about the “former Army officer (and ex-CIA analyst) Ray McGovern who was roughly arrested when he stood silently with his back turned in protest against a Clinton speech”. In Fact, the fault of this 71-year-old man was wearing a “Veterans for Peace” T-shirt.  “She saw him bloodied and bruised and did nothing to stop the police and personal guards when he was brutality arrested. That was occurring right in front of her”. When her personal adviser Sidney Blumenthal urged her to apologize to him, she refused to do it . This was denounced by R. Perry in Consortium News   February, 18/ 2016. OPEN: “Hillary Clinton’s Hypocrisy on Dissent”. http://www.globalresearch.ca/hillary-clintons-hypocrisy-on-dissent/5509063  Hillary Clinton is definitely a psychologically insane person.

6th, Not only that, Hillary has become a threat to the nation since she is fostering a nuclear blackmail against Russia and china, that could lead to the 3rd world war, nuke war.  She wants Russia and China to be submissive to the dictates of our Empire & NATO  .. In this case her megalomania (we are predestined by god to do whatever we want on earth) became mixed with schizophrenia psychopathic and that is very dangerous not only to our Nation, but also to the entire world.
I do think that Hillary’s psychological deficiencies prevented her to be our President.

7th and by way of CONCLUSION. This lady should be receiving psychiatric evaluation & treatment, and send her to prison .. if she can be recovered  and is more evidence warrants  her incarceration. But never should be accepted as a candidate for president of the United States.


The fact is that billionaires already placed her as their candidate and we American people have the duty of combating her threats and frauds like the one in N-H. That means that we should  keep going to the ballot boxes, defeat her there and then force her to respect the honest vote of the Nation. Then we will have fulfilled the democratic stage of this REV. It is in fact a REV to face the  1% of super-billionaires, in the USA.

Challenging economic power of the 1% of super-billionaires is a REV never seen in our history. There were people from the left competing for power , but never with the banner of socialism and never with the massive support and finance from the working and middle classes of America.

The most important thing is that this challenge has the support of American youth. Which means that there will be REV for a while.

The aim of this part of our program is to remove from the political scene the super-delegates and the super-pack and present  their frauds as a crime against democracy. With this step we will be able to restore and assert the political values ​​that are part of our history but long abandoned in our country.

DEMOCRACY AND PEACE are NOT for SALE in AMERICA, is telling the entire nation.
The voice & vote of our Nation must be respected or socio-political instability will open its way !! ..


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