1. "FEW
by Tyler Durden
on 02/07/2016
Exasperated John Kerry Throws In Towel On Syria: "What Do You Want Me To
Do, Go To War With The Russians?!". Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 02/07/2016.
[ The fact is that we do not have a rational cause in Syria ..
all we have is the stupid Obama project of regime change .. that is ridiculous
& dangerous .. Kerry was the boxer sent to fight that stupid project ..
someone throwed in a towel, to save his
political life .. I guess it was the
same Obama. .. Kerry is needed here to replace
Hillary in the post to power, she is losing the game with Sanders, and she is close
to get from FED authorities a “lynching rope” –she may called- on her neck. .. She deserved .. she
threat to burn all the house if she is indicted for her felonies .. In the electoral context the option Kerry is like going from
guatemala to guate-peor (from bad to worse).. THE ONLY CHOICE THE DEMS HAVE
IS SANDERS .. and, if don’t take it .. they lose ALL .. YES, everything,
including their fantoche (their whippersnapper) Hillary. She may be the
1st top figure from the oligarchy imprisoned .. She won’t be alone for long, .. Soon some of the 1%
who got bailouts to continue doing fraud & tax evasion.. will join Hillary. This therapeutical cleaning is needed. We need to create environment for a sustainable
economics based on the alliance of productive capital with labor –we had it
with FDR for more than 40 years and we will have it again with an up-dated
Glass-Stegall Act. We don’t need to use the antrax used by necons after
assaulting power by rigging election in the year 2000. Democratic Rev -as
designed for Sanders- is the only road for a peacefull cohexistence in a
multi-power-world-system .. Hillary and neocons represent to road to WW3, chaos
& devastation, that is that NO ONE in her/his sane mind want it. We don’t want her in prison
–but justice is justice- and we will fight up to the end against any
more fraud in election from Hilary & much more from neocons. Demcratic REV (people in action) will defeat Hillary &
neocons pretty - fairly. NO pollsters NOR money need from WS or Bill Gates and his Microsoft hackers. WE
Says No Thanks To Dollars; Demands Euro Payment For Oil Sales. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 02/07/2016 :
[ Jamás debiera molestarnos
que los pueblos ejerzan su derecho a la libre determinación en todo lo que
concierne a decidir su economía y política. Si nos molesta eso es porque SEGUIMOS
es otra.. YA NO SOMOS LOS AMOS DEL UNIVERSO y querer destruirlo con una guerra nuclear ..
es lo mas estúpido de los viejos imperios .. Pensemos más bien en cómo podemos
reconstruir América y ayudar al mundo a
liberarnos de muchos males que nos afectan a todos.. entre ellos la producción de
nukes .. es posible firmar otro pacto de des-nuclearización que sea más
realista que el anterior? .. que empiece arriba, en las grandes potencias? .
Ese es uno de los temas que debiera preocuparnos .. No si Irán es amenaza en la
región –no lo fue ni es- pero ocurre que se opone al estúpido plan de “cambio
de régimen” en Syria. Irán tiene el derecho soberano a tener su propia posición al
respecto. Y nosotros la libertad de ser estúpidos en Foreign Policy,
como ocurrió con los viejos imperios. Es un mal pasajero .. Ya se va.]
Freedom Versus Political Paternalism. Submitted by Tyler
Durden on 02/06/2016 : What is the role of government in society?
The answer determines the nature of the social order and how people are
expected and allowed to interact with one another – on the basis of either
force or freedom. The alternatives are really rather simple. Government may be
narrowly limited to perform the essential task of protecting each individual’s
right to his life, liberty, and honestly acquired property. Or it may be
used to try to modify, influence, or dictate the conduct of the citizenry.
[ Here there are 2
points that deserve a comment. Aqui hay 2 puntos que vale
la pena comentar. 1-Regarding the 1st
question in bolt, the answer is: The role of the Govt is to Enforce Laws
accorded by all proper Court, starting with the Constitution. 2- Regarding the
statement “.Government may be narrowly limited to perform the essential task of
protecting each individual’s right to his life, liberty, and honestly acquired
property” : Todos los gobiernos estas
limitados por 3 factores absolutos: tiempo, espacio y social interests. Quienes dijeron que se tenia que protejer la propiead
“honestamente adquirida” fueron Gbnos esclavistas que despojaron de su
propiedad a los nativos. En eso no hubo nada de honesto, ni lo hay en la
expropiación del petróleo ajeno, ni el oro u otras riquezas de paises avasallados.
Las leyes cambian según sean los tiempos y los espacios y hoy el plundering y
el esclavismo de ayer son ilegales.]
Keen Exposes Our Dysfunctional Monetary System . Authored by Steve Keen, originally posted at
Forbes.com.. Submitted by Tyler Durden on
The great tragedy of the global
economic malaise is that it is caused by a shortage of something that is
essentially costless to produce: money.
Banks aren’t creating money now
because they created too much of it in the past.
What about governments? Here we run into a problem with
ideology—and bad metaphors. Inspired by visions of a no-government, free
market idyll, conservative politicians from Reagan and Thatcher on have
promoted restraints on government spending, in the hope that slashing government
expenditure will allow the more efficient and dynamic private sector to fill
the void. So the pressure has been on to reduce the size of the government
sector, to avoid running deficits, and preferably to run surpluses, on the
argument that the government is “like a household” and should “live within its
This vision would be all very well if we lived in a
barter-based economy, but we don’t. In such an economy, exchanges could
occur in kind—your pigs for my computers. But in the real world in which we
live, trading pigs for computers—or anything else—requires money. And a
government deficit, when it is financed by the Central Bank buying Treasury
Bonds, is the other way that money is created. The fetish for small government
and budget surpluses means that the government has ignored this task, and
effectively abrogated money creation to the private banking sector.
This strategy had no obvious negative consequences while the
private banks were on a credit-money-creation binge—as they were effectively
from the end of WWII till 2008. But once private debt began to dwarf GDP and
the growth of credit slowed to a trickle, the inherent stupidity of this policy
became apparent. In their attempt to promote the private sector,
conservative proponents of small government are actually strangling it.
As someone who spent 2 years warning about this crisis
before it happened, and another 8 years diagnosing it (and proposing remedies that
would, I believe, be effective, if only banks and governments together would
implement them), I find this dual idiocy incredibly frustrating.
Rather than understanding the real cause of the crisis,
we’ve seen the symptom—rising public debt—paraded as its cause. Rather than
effective remedies, we’ve had inane policies like QE, which purport to
solve the crisis by inflating asset prices when inflated asset prices were
one of the symptoms of the bubble that caused the crisis. We’ve seen Central
Banks pump up private bank reserves in the belief that this will encourage more
bank lending when (a) there’s too much bank debt already and (b) banks
physically can’t lend out reserves.
How much longer can governments
(and banks) continue with failed policies?
On Japan’s record, the answer appears to be “indefinitely”.
Japan’s latest inane attempt to reflate its economy was announced just last
week: it will now charge negative interest rates on the excess reserves that
Japanese banks now hold in their accounts at the Central Bank. The only
direct impact of this policy will be to drive up asset prices yet again—and
it might even lead to private banks increasing interest rates on loans to the
private sector, as
has happened in Switzerland. The net effect on the real economy will at
best be trivial, and it will do naught to reduce Japan’s private debt burden,
which is the nub of its stagnationist problem.
We are hostage to a
dysfunctional monetary system, run by people who don’t understand how it works
in the first place. No wonder the global economy is in the doldrums, and
finance markets are having dyspeptic attacks.
The Fed's "Owners" Aren't Buying What Janet Is Selling. Submitted
by Tyler Durden on 02/07/2016 : Despite a collapse
in yields and implicit plunge in the odds of a rate-hike anytime soon,
asset-gathering, commission-taking talking-heads continue to spew unrealities
about the economy and where it goes next as excuse after excuse (low
oil is good, services trump manufacturing etc) are discarded. What is worse
is that none other than The Fed's "owners" - the primary dealers -
refuse to play along with The Fed's transitory narrative as their Treasury
Bond position is the longest since 2013.
Durden on 02/07/2016 : A multi-decade Credit Bubble is coming to an end.
The past seven years has amounted to an incredible blow-off top and the ongoing
worldwide collapse in financial stocks provides powerful support for the
bursting global Bubble thesis. Few are yet willing to accept the harsh reality
that the world has sunk back into crisis as mal-investment, over-investment
and associated wealth destruction remain largely concealed so long as financial
asset inflation persists. This is true as well for wealth redistribution. The
unfolding adjustment process will deflate asset prices so as to converge more
closely with deteriorating underlying economic fundamentals.
If crude, commodities, EM, the
strong dollar and the weak yuan were weighing on global market confidence, why
is it that global financial stocks have of late taken such a disconcerting turn
for the worse?
Why didn’t the weaker dollar
this week support financial stocks – and equities more generally? .. At
this point, rather than supporting stabilization, dollar weakness spurs
further de-risking/de-leveraging
The ongoing worldwide collapse in financial stocks
provides powerful support for the bursting global Bubble thesis. After a
brief respite, this week saw contagion effects return with a vengeance. Last
year’s commodities and EM downfall anticipated the faltering Chinese Bubble.
These days, “developed” markets have begun to discount the vulnerability of
Europe, the U.S. and the rest of the world to Bubble contagion effects
originally emanating from the China/commodities/EM downturns. The dominos
have started falling.
Few are yet willing to accept
the harsh reality that the world has sunk back into crisis. .. Indeed, markets remain hopeful that
“whatever it takes” central banking is waiting in the wings to trigger rallies
at the moment things turn disorderly. In short, The Adjustment Cycle has
commenced and there’s little left at this point to hold it back.
A multi-decade Credit Bubble is coming to an end. The
past seven years has amounted to an incredible blow-off top – China; EM;
global government debt; “whatever it takes” central bank inflationism; QE
infinity; zero and now negative rates; a $3.0 TN hedge fund industry; a $3.0 TN
ETF complex; unprecedented global corporate bond excess; historic M&A,
stock buybacks and financial engineering; derivatives Bubble resurrection; and
tech and biotech Bubbles 2.0 (to name only the most obvious).
Importantly, global financial and economic imbalances – already unmatched by
2008 – went to even more precarious extremes.
Bubbles inflate both
perceived wealth and future expectations. Meanwhile, in the real economy
sphere, myriad Bubble facets work to destroy wealth. Mal-investment,
over-investment and associated wealth destruction remain largely concealed so
long as financial asset inflation persists. This is true as well for wealth
redistribution. The unfolding adjustment process will deflate asset prices so
as to converge more closely with deteriorating underlying economic
The U.S. economy has been perceived as the envy of the
world. The bulls must be watching the big financial stocks in complete
disbelief. I would argue that the U.S. has among the widest divergences between
inflated financial wealth and deflating real economy prospects. It’s
worth noting that Amazon and Netflix have lost more than a quarter of their
value over the past five weeks. LinkedIn dropped 44% Friday.
The unfolding adjustment
cycle will be especially burdensome for beloved companies that generate little
or no profits/cash flow – and the Bubble has cultivated scores of them.
There’s a reasonable probability that global Credit
growth is moving toward the weakest expansion in at least 60 years. U.S.
Credit growth will be the weakest since at least 2009.
This week had a king-dollar
inflection point feel to it. There’s a problematic scenario that now seems
a relatively high probability: De-leveraging/de-risking sees a reversal out of
king dollar, while already tepid Credit growth slows sharply as markets falter
and risk aversion takes hold. Financial stocks have already begun to discount
this type of quite problematic backdrop for U.S. securities and asset prices.
A disorderly unwind of leveraged positions concurrent with selling from
derivative-related “dynamic” hedging programs would ensure market illiquidity
and dislocation. And such a scenario could easily unfold concurrently on a
global basis.
In a world of de-leveraging, there’s a strong case to be
made that negative rates are worse than doing nothing. I’m assuming more QE
will be forthcoming – from all major central banks.
Candidly, I don’t enjoy
writing in these circumstances. It’s reminiscent of the buildup to the 2008
market crash. It wasn’t entirely clear how things would unfold back
then, but I knew tens of millions would be badly hurt. Nowadays I fear for
hundreds of millions, and the associated geopolitical… So far, the public
hasn’t panicked. Why would anyone sell now when stocks always recover? The
Adjustment Cycle is just getting underway.
While 'our' President was out this week patting himself on
the back and taking victory laps over the "supposed" 4.9%
unemployment rate, he forgot to mention a few important tidbits about
what is really going on. We used to call them termites...the termites that
were eating away at the economy because of foolish monetary policy by assinine
central banks and even worse policy emanating out of this administration...but
they are no longer just termites.
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-02-07/dear-barack-you-forgot-mention-few-things ....
The Number Everyone's Been Waiting For: Chinese Reserves Plunge By $100BN - What Does It Mean For Markets?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/07/2016 :
[ Yo no creo en la M
(monserga) que la prensa corp del USA dice sobre China .. prefiero leerlos y
oírlos en directo .. World Inside in
CCTV es buena fuente de datos .. participan economistas USA en los debates
diarios .. comparo eso con lo que dice WS y Bloomberg en TV para formar opinion.]
Shows Sanders and Clinton Nearly Tied Nationwide. Trump Leads Republican
Aspirants. The polls are controlled by Bill Gates’ Microsolf Co, one of the
big donors of Hillary campaign. So, P. are sided.
People Who Cast the Votes Don’t Decide an Election, The People Who COUNT the
Votes Do.” By Washington's Blog,
Air Force Refuses to Bomb Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Southern Yemen. Then they are
bombing the civilian population elsewhere and deserve to be shot down
The Super Bowl Promotes War. By David Swanson,
teleSUR. . Super Bowl 50 will be the first National Football
League championship to happen since it
was reported that much of the pro-military hoopla at football games,
the honoring of troops and glorifying of wars that most people had assumed was
voluntary or part of a marketing scheme for the NFL, has actually been a
money-making scheme for the NFL. The U.S. military has been dumping millions of
our dollars, part of a recruitment and advertising budget that’s in the billions,, into paying
the NFL to publicly display love for soldiers and weaponry. Good report, David
People Who Cast The Votes Don’t Decide An Election, The People Who COUNT The
Votes Do.”. Posted
on February 6, 2016 by WashingtonsBlog . Stealing
Elections Is Easier Than You Can Imagine. Princeton University scientists showed how easy it is to steal elections
by tampering with voting machines: 10 VIDEOS Here the
URL for some of them: https://youtu.be/aZws98jw67g
. https://youtu.be/u4FPuLNjvAc
. https://youtu.be/SWDEZqqqBHE
. https://youtu.be/t75xvZ3osFg
. https://youtu.be/K7tjnuG-l6g
. https://youtu.be/DMw2dn6K1oI
. https://youtu.be/TdzlnwWsAAU
https://youtu.be/eXOPuFQkve4 This last one happens also in Iowa.
what you’re watching (voter fraud):
The important problem is that the Bernie counters recounted everyone, while the Hillary counter was literally recorded telling someone else that she only added newcomers to the count she had before, and then when asked if she recounted everyone, she lied to the organizer and said “Yes”. This means that if anyone left the caucus site who was supporting Bernie, then they were removed by Bernie’s recounters, but any Hillary supporter who left the caucus site was treated as though they were still there for the purposes of the recount. Thus, artificial inflation of her numbers occurred unless everyone who left was a Bernie delegate, on top of the Hillary campaign surrogate lying to an election official to cover up her (negligent at best, malicious at worst) mistake.
The important problem is that the Bernie counters recounted everyone, while the Hillary counter was literally recorded telling someone else that she only added newcomers to the count she had before, and then when asked if she recounted everyone, she lied to the organizer and said “Yes”. This means that if anyone left the caucus site who was supporting Bernie, then they were removed by Bernie’s recounters, but any Hillary supporter who left the caucus site was treated as though they were still there for the purposes of the recount. Thus, artificial inflation of her numbers occurred unless everyone who left was a Bernie delegate, on top of the Hillary campaign surrogate lying to an election official to cover up her (negligent at best, malicious at worst) mistake.
Noticias agencia@adital.com. [ENTREVISTA
ESPECIAL] Gustavo Gutiérrez evalúa actualidad de la Teología de la Liberación y
el papado de Francisco
"Respuesta de EE.UU. contra
Pionyang amenaza a Rusia y China" O todos se desarman O
Pobres ricos: la crisis llena las
calles de Dubái de miles de autos lujosos abandonados De comer enlatados a comer
latas … De la recesión neoliberal del mundo nadie se salva.
condemns N Korea rocket launch . Sided .. all of them should be comdemned
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