viernes, 19 de febrero de 2016

FEB 19 16 SIT EC y POL

FEB 19 16 SIT EC y POL 

1-Hillary Clinton: "I've Always Tried To Tell The Truth To The American People"; The American People Disagree. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/19/2016. : SHE TRIED AND FAILED WITH EVERYONE ELSE.  www.zerohedge  If this is the case.. she needs therapy ..

THERAPY? Let’s pretend that she is the most honest & trustworthy candidate among democrats .. Will this help to alleviate her megalomania (I’m the one send by god to bring love to the 1% and to the crook in Wall Street without giving them nothing in return, not even sending migrants back to the  South or more Afro-Americans to prison? .. I’m the one who said the truth, not the American people who vote in N-H). OR, solve her Schizophrenia (delusions) mixed with other Psychotic & Anxiety disorders? .. If you believe so .. then go to her meeting and say YES, YOU ARE, twice (don’t ADD PSYCHOLOGICALLY INSANE) .. And please . DON’T ASK her if she is ready to recognize that she was defeated in NH for 20 points difference. She may faint & die and you will go to jail for premeditated murder ( you even risk your life: some of her idiotic zealots may kill you brutally, like Gaddafi was .. So, take precautions: don't do it alone.).
2-Hillary’s Top Donor Just Bought “The Onion By Claire Bernish, The Onion, had been purchased by Univision Communications (which is co-owned by one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest fans, top campaign donor, and pro-Israel fanatic, Haim Saban), .. Results? : the presstitude doesn’t work. On Tuesday they publish a headline “Female Presidential Candidate Who Was United States Senator, Secretary Of State Told To Be More Inspiring,” .. Inspiring to whom? .. NOT to young female voters, polls said they got nausea with Hillary and they are supporting Sanders more & more. … .  
Hillary’s media advisor, Jim Margolis, urged “the woman — who overcame entrenched societal biases to build a successful legal career, became the first female senator elected in the state of New York, oversaw the Department of State during a period of widespread international tumult, and, if elected, would be the first female president in American history — to be more uplifting to voters.” .. OLD OPIUM DREAMS .. the biggest Union in NY is now supporting Sanders.
Polls said that New Yorkers are fed up with the indecent behavior of Hillary who didn’t accept her defeat en NH elections (Sanders got 60% of the votes) and Hillary used “superdelegates” to STEAL THIS ELECTION ..  
SANDERS WILL WIN !! . The presstitude can say again & again “female” but HILLARY WAS IN POWER WITH OBAMA and never the life of Latino-American & Afro-Americans was so miserable & brutalized .. as it happens.  
The presstitude can say “female” and the nausea against Hillary will be worse .. it will remain us her dishonest betrayal to minorities y her commitment to fraud & to the oligarchical tyranny.

Has The Market Crash Only Just Begun?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/19/2016 : "There is massive cognitive dissonance here... the crash has only just begun... The "let's make a deal" market is choosing monetary interventionism but when that door is slammed open, we will see that dreaded black swan monster."
Weekend Reading: The Bull Is Back?. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/19/2016 : That didn’t take much. After a three-day rally, the media is back into “bullish” mode suggesting the bottom is likely in and by the end of this year, it’s all going to be just fine. Unfortunately, history suggests that after such a long unabated expansion risks are substantially higher than it has been previously. Furthermore, as I have repeated often in these missives, in an economy that is driven primarily based on consumption, and such consumption is already weak, it doesn’t take much to “flip the switch.”
Bank of America: "Corporate Balance Sheets Are The Most Unhealthy They Have Ever Been". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/19/2016 : " a world where corporate balance sheets are arguably the most unhealthy they have ever been (all-time high leverage in HG and HY) where companies have relied on cheap debt to fund a growth through acquisition strategy, what happens if funding is either unavailable or too expensive to make a growth through acquisition strategy make sense? Same goes for buybacks and special dividends?"
How The Fed's Strong Dollar Made Further Market Gains Impossible: JPM Explains. ubmitted by Tyler Durden on 02/19/2016 : "The S&P 500 may be trapped by USD: it can’t rally to new highs without USD (momentum sectors, FANGs, etc.), and at the same time the strong USD is capping any significant upside due to its negative impact on EPS (via value segments such as multinationals and energy)."
Hillary Clinton: "I've Always Tried To Tell The Truth To The American People"; The American People Disagree. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/19/2016. : SHE TRIED AND FAILED WITH EVERYONE ELSE:  www.zerohedge  If this is the case.. she needs therapy ..  SEE ABOVE
Russia Demands End To Turkey's Efforts To Undermine Syrian Sovereignty. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/19/2016 : As Turkey ponders a Syrian ground invasion, Russia's foreign ministry is calling for a UN Security Council meeting to discuss the Sunni world's plans to invade on behalf of the anti-Assad rebellion.
Brexit!? France & Germany Cannot Wait. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/19/2016. : If London decides to leave the European Union nobody in Europe will even notice.


Hillary’s Top Donor Just Bought The Onion By Claire Bernish, . The Onion, had been purchased by Univision Communications (which is co-owned by one of Hillary Clinton’s biggest fans, top campaign donor, and pro-Israel fanatic, Haim Saban), .. Results? : it doesn’t work. On Tuesday they publish this headline ““Female Presidential Candidate Who Was United States Senator, Secretary Of State Told To Be More Inspiring,” .. Inspiring to whom? .. NOT to young female voters, they got nausea with Hillary and they are supporting Sanders more & more. … . Read our headline above
Russia Brokers Humanitarian Aid to Syrian Villages Under Terrorist Siege. Any help to Syria should come to their legitimate  Govt .. not more help to Islamic terrorism with excuse of “humanitarian”


The Threat of Nuclear War Is Now HIGHER Than During the Soviet Era
Turkey previously shot down a Russian jet.
Now, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are threatening to invade Syria.
How dangerous could this get, in a worst case scenario?
Robert Parry wrote yesterday:
A source close to Russian President Vladimir Putin told me that the Russians have warned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that Moscow is prepared to use tactical nuclear weapons if necessary to save their troops in the face of a Turkish-Saudi onslaught. Since Turkey is a member of NATO, any such conflict could quickly escalate into a full-scale nuclear confrontation.


Ecuador. -Mar revuelto. Jaime Galarza Zavala
Opinión -El inmenso poder de la religión ab Gines . A veces sirve, como hoy, para la paz.
Bolivia. -El despunte de una nueva derecha en Bolivia A.Rada. Nada es nuevo bajo el sol
Cuba. -Obama en Cuba. Se pagara reparación por el daño causado por sabotaje económico?
Corrupción, parte estructural del sistema  Xavier Caño del sistema neoliberal en especial
Más allá de dinosaurios y camaleones Adela Cortina El titulo jala.. pero  sin espacio y tiempo
Perú Puntos negros  en propuestas socioambientales de candidatos .Nylva Hiruelas. Para mi solo hay un modo de enfrentar el basural electoral peruano: concentrarse en gobiernos regionales y municipios y apuntar hacia los Referendums, lo que no requiere consenso imposibles hoy.. pero si armas FRENTES

Que pasa con Leo.. es que T de la L ya no libera a nadie? .. A los Hnos Cardenal les hablaron al corazón para arrodillarlos .. allí empezó la debacle de T de la L .. el proyecto de crear una “ Igleasia de los pobres” en el sur latino,  perdió esa batalla contra el Opus Dei del papado .. El obispo de Managua y de Lima ganaron poder. Y no nos hemos levantado aun .. necesitamos hablarle a la mente y a partir del contexto a los pobres .. Entonces ellos volverán a tomar iglesias para denunciar el contubernio entre jerarquías eclesiales y tiranos de turno. .. El rodillazo de los Hnos Cardenal se explica por el contexto criminal que inicio el cowboy Reagan .. Este acuso a T de la L de ser una secta comunista que ponía en peligro los intereses de empresas bananeras y mineras del norte .. Reagan envió la soldadezca contra monjas que controlaban los org de DH .. Ellas fueron asesinadas a sangre fría y también un obispo .. de lo contrario todo Centro America se habría liberado como lo hizo Nicaragua ..  había que tomar las armas y librar la mente de ataduras y dogmas medievales (entre ellos la fe ciega en el alto clero sirviente del imperio) .. La iglesia católica permitió que el opus-dei funcione como org terrorista armada de la iglesia .. pero no permitió a los pobres el derecho a armarse contra el terrorismo imperial .. Digo esto porque trabaje en Peru con Teologia de la Liberacion y tuvimos debate interno al respecto .. entonces la respuesta armada a la soldadesca la lideraba sendero luminoso y esa táctica nos parecía suicida .. SL tomaba tierras usurpadas por los gamonales a las comunidades pero no para armar Coops campesinas como nosotros lo hacíamos.. Ellos tomaban tierras solo para llevarse a los campesinos a su ejército cuando venía la soldadezca.. Nuestro proyecto era socialista y de largo alcance .. Igual dio para el ejército: nos acusó de ser comunistas y nos persiguió a muerte .. Lo mismo nos hicieron los de SL que pusieron un perro muerto a la entrada de mi casa .. era señal de que mis días estaban contados y que me habrían de asesinar como lo hicieron con otros socialistas a los que acusaban de instalar a los campesinos dentro del sistema capitalista con las Coop .. Entonces una monja de T de la L de COL y otra  de Peru-Bol que vinieron a ayudarme en el trabajo de las Coops me dieron el contacto con el MRTA. Con estos sacamos a los de Sendero de la Univ donde yo era Prof de Sociologia .. Me convencí entonces que en T de la L había monjas que antes fueron reclutadas de orfanatos y que eran radicales y no hablaban al corazón de la gente, sino a la mente y  la razón. Ellas controlaban los comités de DH y gracias a ellas pude sacar a una joven encinta a quien la soldadezca había pateado y sangraba ya .. Entonces era Director de Bienestar Univ y llevé un abogado de la Univ y a un médico a la carceleta .. le dije al Capitan que si no me permitía sacar a esa estudiante de la carceleta, el iba a ser acusado de asesinato .. Cedió.. le salvamos la vida a la joven .. pero tuvimos que huir del lugar .. pues la dama si era de Sendero (SL) y una vez recuperada en el Hospital los de SL la sacaron a balazos .. pues estaba ya bajo custodia militar. .. La monja de Peru-Bol me aseguro que si era de SL pero que había que sacarla de la carceleta y correr el riego de que nos acusen de ser de SL .. Yo siempre temí que esto podría ocurrir algún dia. Postulaba a becas en el extranjero para salir del país .. Ayudé a ellas a escapar hacia Bol y yo salí hacia Arica-Chile y luego regrese a Peru y me vine a los US con una Fulbright .. T de la L sigue estando en mi mente .. de ellos recibí una casa para traer a mi familia a Pittsburgh .. no sabia que tenían bases en Chicago y en Pittsburgh, me sentí muy feliz al saberlo. ..Ayude a traer a G.Gutierrez  (uno de los creadores de T de la L a esta ciudad) ..  Las monjas de aquí son diferentes .. ayudan a los migrantes del Sur .. pero jamás entrarían en asuntos como los que vivimos en Peru. .. Pero tenemos una cosa en común: creemos que hay que sacudir a T de la L de viejas taras cultural-religiosas y avanzar hacia una ética y moral sin dogmas como lo propuso un argentino. Cuando escuche al teólogo de la ortodoxia Rusa que vino con el Papa a Cuba, me di cuenta que ellos si han avanzado en esa dirección. Nosotros aún no. (Hugo Adan, Feb 19/16 )


US rejects Turkish president’s remarks Yo no creo nada de lo que diga el US sobre Syria
'Saudi lies on fighting terrorism exposed' Hezbollah said that the Saudi decision exposes Riyadh’s false allegations of combating terrorism, including supporting the Lebanese army.

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