sábado, 29 de octubre de 2011




"Iran is engaged in recruiting young Venezuelans of Arab origin for use in intelligence operations as militants. Some go to Iran for training. Some sources say that Hezbollah is involved in this operation," said the chairman of the subcommittee on Oversight and Homeland Security, Republican Michael McCaul.




Subcommittee Chairman McCaul questions witnesses at hearing on Iranian terror operations in U.S

Joint Subcommittee Hearing: Iranian Terror Operations on American Soil
Subcommittee on Counter terrorism and Intelligence





Congressional Testimony John M. Keane
General US Army, Retired
House Homeland Security
And House Intelligence Committee
26 October 11. 10 a.m.

Congressional Hearing Testimony
26 October, 2011

The Iranian bungled operation to use proxies to assassinate the Saudi
Arabian Ambassador to the United States and to purposefully plan the
operation inside the United States is a stunning rebuke to the Obama
administration’s policy of negotiation and isolation with the Iranians.
Indeed, Republican and Democratic administrations since 1980 have
failed to deal effectively with the harsh reality that Iran is our number
one strategic enemy in the world. Frankly, the Iranians stated as much in
1980, that the United States was the enemy of the Islamic Revolution and
their intent was to drive the United States out of the region. Therefore,
they have been systematically killing us for over 30 years.

In 1983 their proxies the Hezbollah blew up the American Embassy, the
Marine Barracks in Lebanon and the Embassy Annex the following year
with a total of almost 500 lives lost. We not only had no response to this
tragedy but we pulled our troops out of Lebanon. In 1983 the Iranian
backed Al Dawa extremist groups blew up the US Embassy in Kuwait
and attacked Raytheon’s residential area killing and wounding over 80.

In 1984, the CIA station chief in Lebanon, William Buckley, was
captured and eventually killed, which was the beginning of an Iranian
backed campaign to take high profile hostages over a 10 year period.

This led to the poorly conceived and ill fated operation by the Reagan
administration to exchange arms for hostages with the Iranians. In 1985
TWA flight 847 was seized while enroute to Rome and was forced to
land in Beirut, which led to the killing of a US Navy diver and dumping
his body on the tarmac. Eventually the airplane hostages were released
as the Israelis released hundreds of extremist terrorists from Israeli jails.

In 1996 the US Air Force Kobhar towers barracks in Saudi Arabia was
blown up by the Iranian backed Hezbollah killing 19 and wounding
almost 400. Again, although our intelligence identified the culprits
as Iranian backed Hezbollah, we had no response and eventually shut
down the US military bases in Saudi Arabia.

Since 2003 in Iraq the Iranians have provided rockets, mortars, enhanced
IED’S and money to the Shia Militia who were directly involved in
killing U.S. troops in Iraq. Moreover, the Iraq Shia Militia were trained
by the Iranian special operations force, the Qods force, at training bases
in Iran. While the Iranians were defeated politically and militarily in Iraq
in 2009, the President’s recent decision to withdraw all our troops from
Iraq puts our hard fought gains in Iraq at risk and plays into the hands of
the Iranians. Similarly, the Iranians are supporting the Taliban in
Afghanistan with money and ammunition.

The action arm for Iran’s state sponsorship of terrorism outside of their
borders is led by General Qasim Soliemani, who has been in charge for
over 15 years. General Soliemani has no military or political boss, he
answers to only one person, the supreme leader in Iran, Khomeni. We
must conclude that for General Soliemani to plan an operation inside the
United States that would result in Americans being killed, surely, the
supreme leader at a minimum approved the plan and may in fact, directed

Moreover we must ask ourselves has U.S. policy with respect to Iran
been working? We appear to have a policy of rhetorical condemnation
when the Iranians engage in behavior adverse to the US interests, we also
engage in negotiations, which are on again off again, while the Iranians
continue to pursue nuclear weapons. We have imposed some limited
sanctions on the Iranians and attempt to isolate them in the world which
as best as we can tell also has had no impact on their pursuit of nuclear
weapons or their sponsorship of terrorism.

We also must admit that the Iranians are not without their own
challenges. Having 2 fledgling democracies on their borders in Iraq and
Afghanistan is a huge geopolitical threat to their tyrannical control of
their own population and preservation of their regime. The Arab Spring is
a repudiation of radical Islam, indeed, the people in the streets are
seeking political reform, social justice and economic opportunities which
are the mainstream of western democracies. Certainly the Iranians are
attempting to take advantage of the opportunities the social unrest of the
Arab Spring provides but no one is demonstrating on behalf of their
flawed values. Losing a state sponsored terrorist like Ghadafi is a
setback as is the upheaval in Syria, their number one ally in the region.

All that said, it is time to review our strategy for Iran against the harsh
reality that despite our rhetoric, attempts to negotiate, isolate and
sanction, the fact is the Iranians continue to use their proxies against US
interests and continue to pursue nuclear weapons. Therefore, one must
conclude the obvious that, our policy has failed and failed, miserably.

What can we do? First and foremost begin to treat Iran as the strategic enemy they truly are. And, as such, develop a strategic competitive framework that counters every major interest the Iranian regime engages in.

For example, seize the financial assets which are outside of Iran,
much as we did with the Al Qaeda, limit their ability to trade by denying
their ships, entry to ports around the world, limit the ability of their
central bank to operate effectively, conduct an offensive cyber campaign
against military and economic interests inside of Iran, conduct covert
operations led by the CIA in cooperation with other agencies to target the
Qods force and their proxies. Provide money, information and
encouragement to the dissident leaders inside Iran to use their population
to put pressure on the regime.

In my view, these measures have a realistic chance to compel a behavior
change or possibly even the regime to fall. This much I do know, if we
continue the half measures of the past the Iranians will continue to kill us,
will continue to sponsor terrorism and use their proxies against our
interests and will continue to pursue nuclear weapons.

The next nightmare for the world is around the corner, an unchecked Iran
with nuclear weapons.

Thank you and I look forward to your questions.




Immanuel Wallerstein
La Jornada. http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2011/10/22/index.php?section=opinion&article=036a1pol

El movimiento Ocupa Wall Street –porque ahora es un movimiento– es el acontecimiento político más importante en Estados Unidos desde los levantamientos de 1968, de los que es descendiente, o su continuación.

Nunca sabremos con certeza por qué comenzó en Estados Unidos cuando lo hizo –y no tres días, tres meses, tres años antes o después-. Las condiciones estaban ahí: agudas penurias económicas siempre en aumento, no sólo para quienes de verdad están golpeados por la pobreza, sino también para un segmento en perpetuo crecimiento de los pobres que laboran (conocidos también como clase media); una exageración increíble (voracidad y explotación) del uno por ciento más acaudalado de la población estadunidense (Wall Street); el ejemplo de enojadas insurrecciones por todo el mundo (la primavera árabe, los indignados españoles, los estudiantes chilenos, los sindicatos de Wisconsin y una larga lista de otros). No importa en realidad qué chispa fue la que prendió el fuego. Éste comenzó.

En la Etapa Uno –los primeros días– el movimiento fue un puñado de personas audaces, casi todas jóvenes, que intentaban manifestarse. La prensa las ignoró totalmente. Algunos estúpidos capitanes de la policía pensaron que un poco de brutalidad acabaría con las manifestaciones. Fueron captados en película y la película se volvió viral en You Tube.

Eso nos trajo a la Etapa Dos –publicidad-. La prensa ya no podía ignorar por completo a los manifestantes. Así que la prensa intentó un aire de superioridad. ¿Qué sabían de la economía estos jóvenes necios e ignorantes y unas cuantas mujeres viejas? ¿Tenían algún programa positivo? ¿Estaban disciplinados? Las manifestaciones, nos dijeron, se desinflarían rápidamente. Pero con lo que no contaban la prensa ni los poderes (nunca parecen aprender) es que el tema de la protesta resonó ampliamente y muy pronto prendió. En ciudad tras ciudad, comenzaron ocupaciones semejantes. Los desempleados de 50 años comenzaron a unirse. Y también lo hicieron las celebridades. Los sindicatos también, incluido ni más ni menos que el presidente de la AFL-CIO. La prensa fuera de Estados Unidos comenzó ahora a seguir los sucesos. Cuando les preguntaron qué pedían, los manifestantes replicaron: justicia. Esta respuesta comenzó a parecer significativa a más y más gente.

Esto nos condujo a la Etapa Tres –legitimidad-. Los académicos de una cierta reputación comenzaron a sugerir que el ataque a Wall Street tenía cierta justificación. De pronto, la voz principal de la respetabilidad centrista, The New York Times, publicó un editorial el 8 de octubre en el que se afirmaba que quienes protestaban tenían de hecho un mensaje claro y prescripciones específicas de políticas públicas, y que el movimiento era algo más que un levantamiento juvenil. El periódico continuó: La inequidad extrema es el sello de una economía disfuncional, dominada por un sector financiero impulsado en gran medida por la especulación, la estafa y el respaldo gubernamental tanto como por la inversión productiva. Un lenguaje fuerte para venir de ese diario. Y luego el comité demócrata de campaña para el Congreso comenzó a circular una petición pidiendo a los militantes del partido que declararan: Estamos con las protestas de Ocupa Wall Street.

El movimiento se había hecho respetable. Y con la respetabilidad vino el peligro –la Etapa Cuatro-. Un movimiento de protesta importante que ya prendió enfrenta comúnmente dos amenazas importantes. Una es la organización de significativas contramanifestaciones en las calles, de la derecha. Eric Cantor, el líder republicano en el Congreso, de línea dura y bastante astuto, ya hizo un llamado para tal efecto. Estas contramanifestaciones pueden ser bastante feroces. El movimiento Ocupa Wall Street necesita estar preparado para esto y pensar a fondo cómo va a manejar o contener esto.

Pero una segunda y mayor amenaza viene del mismo éxito del movimiento. Conforme atrae más respaldo, aumenta la diversidad de puntos de vista entre los manifestantes activos. El problema aquí es, como siempre, cómo evitar el monstruo Escila de volverse un culto amarrado que podría deshacerse debido a lo restringido de su base, y el monstruo Caribdis de ya no tener una coherencia política por volverse muy amplio. No hay una fórmula simple de cómo manejarse para evitar irse a cualquiera de esos dos extremos. Es difícil.

Y en cuanto al futuro, podría ocurrir que el movimiento vaya en aumento de su fuerza. Podría ser capaz de hacer dos cosas: forzar a una restructuración de corto plazo de lo que el gobierno haga para minimizar las obvias penurias que agudamente siente la gente, y puede conseguir una transformación de largo plazo de cómo piensan grandes segmentos de la población estadunidense acerca de las realidades de la crisis estructural del capitalismo y sobre las transformaciones geopolíticas importantes que ocurren porque ahora vivimos en un mundo multipolar.

Aun en el caso de que el movimiento Ocupa Wall Street comenzara a extinguirse, debido al desgaste o la represión, ya triunfó y dejará un legado duradero, como lo hicieron los levantamientos de 1968. Estados Unidos habrá cambiado en una dirección positiva. Y como dice el dicho: Roma no se hizo en un día.

Un sistema-mundo nuevo y mejor, un Estados Unidos nuevo y mejor, es una tarea que requiere los repetidos esfuerzos de repetidas generaciones. Pero es cierto que otro mundo es posible (si no es que inevitable). Y podemos hacer la diferencia. Ocupa Wall Street está haciendo la diferencia, una gran diferencia.

Traducción: Ramón Vera Herrera
Fuente: http://www.jornada.unam.mx/2011/10/22/index.php?section=opinion&article=036a1pol



BRIEF INTRODUCTION by Hugo Adan (October 29, 2011)

The philanthropist George Soros is funding HRW. Soros announced in 2010 his intention to donate US$100 million to HRW over a period of ten years. See NOTES below It seems to me that the old statement of Gerald Steinberg, 2005, was right "Human Rights Watch (HRW), Amnesty International, Christian Aid, Oxfam and dozens of smaller allied groups have contributed to the hatred, rather than supporting peace" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Steinberg)

By MKERone | Saturday, October 29, 2011


In a recent article, I explained how Human Rights Watch proceeds to mislead public opinion. Today, another proof came out in the medias. And today, they’ve reached another level. The ultimate level of deception.

Indeed, today HRW claims that rebels executed 53 Gaddafi loyalists. The corpses were found in Hotel Mahari in District 2 of Sirte. On Russia Today’s article, we can read: “the group considers the accident to be part of the murders and lootings from some opposition forces that do not want to obey any law at all. HRW calls for Libya to get these people under control.”

Well, there are several interesting things to point out about HRW and its apparently UNEXPECTED DISCOVERY of loyalists being executed.

Since day 1, reports from many independent sources that were part of fact-finding missions in Libya, confirmed that the rebels where slaughtering civilians just because they supported Muammar Gaddafi; or just for being “Black” (Lizzie Phelan, Mahdi Nazemroaya, Sukant Chandan, Franklin Lamb, …)

Where were HRW people at the time ? Oh true, at that time, they were comfortably sitting in their European offices, reporting about Gaddafi’s crimes… Gaddafi’s crimes that NEVER TOOK PLACE and that none of the Nato members succeeded to prove until date. Seems like mainstream media doesn’t care since they’re not talking about this crucial point anymore (that contributes in making this War totally unjustified and unlawful). Nor does HRW. Correction: They’ve never talked about it actually.

On top of spreading fake reports, HRW has apparently been granted with an additional mission by Nato member states: Besides misleading public opinion by demonizing Gaddafi by providing fake information, they now have to cover up Nato crimes.

When the White Empire’s most powerful army in the history started dropping thousands of bombs full of depleted uranium on the innocent civilians of Libya, HRW remained totally silent. Instead of reporting about the ongoing Crimes Against Humanity being carried out by its masters and funders, it shifted public opinion’s focus on Syria in order to demonize Bashar Al Assad’s regime by providing, once again, fake information.

Today, it has reached another level. The ultimate stage of deception. With its above mentioned report (You can click HERE) of loyalists being executed they’re misleading public opinion again. And covering up one of the worst atrocities of our decade (We don’t forget about Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon, Pakistan. But today we’re focusing on their role in the Libyan War)


1. HRW assumes that this execution was carried out by “anti Gaddafi fighters from Misrata” and calls “on Libya’s National Transitional Council (NTC) to conduct an immediate and transparent investigation into the apparent mass execution and to bring those responsible to justice”.

Well, this simple extract is enough for HRW to wipe away NTC’s accountability in this mass killing. But wait… I thought the Misrata fighters were controlled by the NTC… Yes, so NTC is accountable for these executions. Well, they apparently aren’t anymore… So, some random fighters from Misrata, nobody knows who they are, are to be blamed and punished for it… What a great example of JUSTICE!

2. Why didn’t HRW call on Gaddafi to conduct an immediate and transparent investigation into the apparent killing of civilians and to bring those responsible to justice? Instead of calling for a UN resolution that led to Nato intervention? Well, if today we cannot hold NTC accountable for hideous mass killings from its own “freedom fighters” especially with blatant proofs then why could we hold Gaddafi accountable ? Especially without any proof….

3. On top of that, by focusing on these 53 loyalists (Peace be upon them) HRW is covering up a much more important killing, we can even call it a Crime Against Humanity. The one carried out by Nato.. If HRW found those 53 corpses in Sirte, how couldn’t it see the civilian corpses laying all over the city ? And all over the country. Couldn’t HRW see the massive destruction of civilian infrastructure, residential areas, schools, water pipes, electricity plants in the very same city? Are they blind ? No, they aren’t. And they saw the chaos that Nato brought about. And they very well know that thousands of civilians must have died since Nato’s primary targets were civilian infrastructures.

4. Why didn’t HRW expose that each Tomahawk, like the ones dropped on Libya, contains 300Kgs of depleted uranium ? Why didn’t it exposes the use of cluster bombs ? Why don’t they focus on estimating the civilian deaths brought about by NATO ? Especially when estimations from independent sources are about 60’000 innocents dead. Maybe because those sources are not reliable enough… But those claiming that Gaddafi sent his Air Force to bomb his population were apparently more reliable… (please check this link: Russia Intel satellite shows Gaddafi did not attack his people.)

5.. Why didn’t HRW exposed Nato members providing heavy weapons and artillery to the rebels in complete breach of UN resolution?

6. Why didn’t HRW expose the fact that what mainstream media and western leaders were today calling Rebels or Freedom Fighters, were once called Al Qaeda terrorists ?

So many questions… And all answers lead to the same point. That HRW is absolutely not about Human Rights.


HRW, NATO, UN and other international organizations no longer benefit from their beautiful image of FREEDOM and JUSTICE lovers. Everyday brings its loads of proofs that all those organizations are nothing more than smoke screens to cover up White Empire hideous crimes and world enslavement.

I call on you, people, to spread this article, and all other articles of interest that you might find on our website and on other websites. Spread the truth. Expose the traitors. Expose the liars. Expose the crimes. Don’t remain silent and idle while our leaders take us, everyday, a step closer to the Global Chaos.



Added by HAZ based on previous articles like the one from Kiyul Chung (BeiJing Time and http://en.m4.cn/)& "Soros to give Human Rights Watch $100m. over 10 years" By
JORDANA HORN in http://www.jpost.com/International/Article.aspx?id=187450

1. From Kiyul Chung (BeiJing Time,Wednesday, November 17, 2010). He said “Notably, billionaire financier and philanthropist George Soros announced in 2010 his intention to donate US$100 million to HRW over a period of ten years” (Wikipedia quoted:See Fund-raising Policies http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_Human_Rights_Watch). Open also these sites:
http://www.ngo-monitor.org/editions/v3n05/HumanRightsGroupsWorkingAgainstPeace.htm &
http://en.m4.cn/2010/11/17/un-top-leadership-position-at-stake-versus-us-pressure-on-bans-challenge-of-china/. Title of the article: “UN Top Leadership Position at Stake versus US Pressure on Ban’s Challenge of China” By Kiyul Chung.

2. See also “Who’s Who at Wikileaks? In: http://en.m4.cn/2010/12/29/whos-who-at-wikileaks-2/. By Julie Lévesque at BeiJing Time

3. Most well-known, well-funded, and globally-prestigious human rights groups whose origins are mainly from either US or one of the Western countries [are funded by those philanthropic men]. Those groups have been also mostly run by Western and American governments, their NGOs, and (white) personnel.

viernes, 28 de octubre de 2011



Se agotaron los instrumentos Economicos para la recuperación y nos vamos al abismo. Lo dice Ray Dalio, un especulador financiero que considera que la única salida es transferir el problema a los socios clientes del imperio, entre ellos los países del sur. Tampoco tiene vergüenza en decir que se apropió de los fondos de los pensionistas, entre ellos los maestros, de quienes dice solo logra el 20% de ganancias por especulación.


This is RAY DALIO the other economic hit-man who talks about the us mess we have.
Thursday October 27, 2011






THIS IS A VERY REVEALING STORY, HERE SOME EXTRACTS. To get the full transcript open: http://nuevademocracia.xanga.com

In my opinion Charlie Rose miss the point: how financial opportunist or speculators used hedge funds, rating agencies and credit derivatives (debt & credit swaps: DDS & CDS) to create the big mess we are in. Michael Hudson (How a gang of predatory lenders and Wall Street bankers fleeced America & Spawned a Global Crisis) and Mathias Chang (The Mechanics of Derivatives Scam) worked deep on such topics. In order to understand such missed points we need to deal with key concepts. I lay it out here some of them for future debate; those related to the concept that is been used in this interview (de-leverage) as the opposite of leverage. I considered appropriate to copy them from the Barrons Dictionary of Accounting terms.

Hugo Adan, October 28, 2011.

Leverage. Term used in finance and accounting to describe the ability of fixed costs to magnify returns to a firm’s owners.

Operating leverage. A measure of operating risks, refers to the fixed operating costs found in the firm’s income statement.

Financial leverage. A measure of financial risks, refers to financing a portion od the firm’s assets, bearing fixed finances charges in hopes of increasing the return to its owners.

Total leverage. It is a measure of total risks. The way to measure total leverage is to determine how earning per share (EPS) is affected by a change in sales.

Leveraged buyout. I refers the acquisition of one company by another, typically by borrowed funds. Usually, the acquired company’s assets are used as collateral for the loans of the acquiring company. The loans are paid back from the acquired company’s cash flow. Another possible form of leverage occurs when investors borrow from banks, using their own assets as collateral to acquire the other company. Typically, public stakeholders receive an amount in excess of the current market value of their shares.

Hedge transaction. Process of protecting oneself against unfavorable changes in prices. Thus one may enter into an offsetting purchase or sale agreement for the express purpose of balancing out any unfavorable changes in an already consummated agreement due to price fluctuations. Hedge transactions are commonly used to protect positions in: 1. Foreign currency. 2. Commodities; and, 3. Securities.

Other concept of hedge transaction: financing an asset with a liability of similar maturity.

Enjoy this interview. You will know how a multimillionaire person think about the mess they help top create in the US. Hugo Adan, October 28, 2011.


CHARLIE ROSE: Ray Dalio is here. He is the founder of Bridgewater Associates. He created the investment firm in 1975 out of a two-bedroom apartment in New York City. Today the company managed roughly $125 billion in global investments. Its clients include foreign governments, sovereign banks, central banks and institutional pension funds.

Over the last two years, Bridgewater ranked as the largest and best- performing hedge fund in the world. In 2010, his returns were greater than the profits of Google, Amazon and eBay combined.

I`m very pleased to have Ray Dalio at this table for the first time to talk about a perspective on the global economic scene and a whole range of issues having to do with where we see ourselves and also a look at his own philosophy and what has informed his own opinions and the way he looks at the world. Having said that -- welcome.

CHARLIE ROSE: What is Bridgewater Associates?
RAY DALIO: Its a global macro firm. We assess what the world economy is like and what -- how asset classes will change and we are managing money for pension funds and endowments like you described; the Pennsylvania teachers, those types of pension funds. We`re trying to keep them safe.

CHARLIE ROSE: When you look at the world today, the global economic picture, I read today Goldman Sachs had a disappointing performance. JP Morgan did not do as well as some had hoped it might be. What`s happening with financial firms?

RAY DALIO: I think it’s important to understand that we`re going through a de-leveraging. So we have to understand the big picture is -- there`s a deleveraging. Three big themes: first there`s a deleveraging; secondly we have a problem with monetary and fiscal policies are running out of ammunition; and thirdly we have an issue in terms of people most importantly who are at each other`s throats politically and globally in terms of having a problem resolving those.
Imagine you earned $100,000 a year and you didn`t have any debt. You can go to a bank and borrow $10,000 a year. You can spend, therefore, $110 a year. When you spend $110,000 a year, somebody else earns $110,000 and they can go to a bank and there`s a self-reinforcing process in which your debt rises in relationship to your income.

And that goes on for a long time and that goes on for 50 or 75 years through history. We`ve had 50, 75-year cycles and then you reach a point where you can`t anymore get more debt and the process starts to change. And you can`t leverage up. Traditionally the private sector leverages up, we leveraged up then we got to a point in 2007 where we had a bubble and that same sort of bubble that happened in Japan, same sort of bubble that happened in the Great Depression, meaning we reached our debt limits. Europe`s reached its debt limits.

So then we begin the process in reverse as you can`t spend as much you -- somebody else`s income falls. And that process works in reverse. So we`re in a deleveraging. So I think that this is important globally. That`s what Europe`s in.

So when we deal with Goldman Sachs or when we deal with banks and when we deal with Europe I think you can break the world into two parts, there`s the debtor-developed world which has reached its debt limits and is going through a deleveraging. Then there`s the creditor-emerging world, the countries like China which are competitive and are beginning to have those big surpluses and they`re lending us money. So we have this big imbalance in the world.

You can break the world into two parts. Debtor-developed countries and emerging-creditor countries and they have a big imbalance which is a debt problem. That`s the nature of the beast of what`s going on.

CHARLIE ROSE: And how long would the de-leveraging take place? Ten years?

RAY DALIO: These take place over ten years. The key is to spread it out as much as you can. Make sure that it`s not disorderly.

CHARLIE ROSE: We are doing as they say, kicking the can down the road and not dealing with it. Suppose the super committee does not reach an agreement in terms of its requirement and therefore the mechanism -- the trigger mechanism kicks in? What does your team think about that and what impact will that be?

RAY DALIO: Charlie, I`m meant to be a realistic person and sometimes when there`s concerns it`s difficult to talk about difficult situation. So I want to try and answer your question as honestly as I possibly can but I want to say that I`m very concerned not just of that. I do not believe that we will find a political solution. I think that that would not be -- I`m pessimistic about that.

CHARLIE ROSE: So you have the same opinion that Standard & Poor`s had when they reduced –

RAY DALIO: Essentially.

CHARLIE ROSE: -- America`s credit rating.

RAY DALIO: Essentially. So I think -- and by the way I think it`s very important to understand that the government debt is the terrible challenging issue that we should talk about maybe but also more important is the private sector debt. So, that resolving the public sector debt does not resolve the problem.

That individuals face the same problem meaning that they`re overly indebted and because they`re overly indebted and spend a lot of their consumption through borrowing and they had a -- it was like if you borrow you have a party and everything`s good and you have a prosperity and you -- you have your party, you hire the caterers, they`re employed and everybody`s happy.

We can`t solve the problem easily because we still have too much debt. But we can move forward in being able to make the best of it. We can spread it out, we can keep orderly we have a situation now in which we have a very severe situation, not only because we have a deleveraging going on, but we have a situation in which monetary policy cannot work the way it worked in the past, that fiscal policy will not be stimulative.

CHARLIE ROSE: Some people say that they describe that as there are no more tools in the tool kit.

RAY DALIO: There are no more tools in the tool kit.

CHARLIE ROSE: In terms of fiscal and monitory policy.

RAY DALIO: Yes, so number one is we have a deleveraging. Now that deleveraging means we`re going to have more debt problems. You`re going to see -- no matter what is solved in Europe you will have a deleveraging. Banks will lend less and lending less will mean a contraction. That`s -- that is what I believe is the case, we should talk about whether or not that is the case. Thoughtful people should discuss that.

RAY DALIO: we have this overriding factor that is depressing jobs. So it created jobs in an environment -- and let`s -- so let`s turn to what is depressing jobs.

CHARLIE ROSE: Right. What is?

RAY DALIO: Ok. What`s depressing -- what`s depressing jobs is that the world supply and demand for labor has changed. In other words, there`s a lot more people working as China came on and India came on and they are competitive. There`s a world supply of labor has change -- has increased and technology has had an effect.

So we`re in an interesting era because I think almost in a machine, an economic machine as being tool, a part of that economic machine the demand for labor has changed in a very profound way. We might enter into a period in which we don`t need people as tools. So what does that mean?

CHARLIE ROSE: You have mentioned a couple times the economic machine. Give us a sense of what that means to you. Because my understanding is that`s central to a philosophy you have about the way the economy works.

RAY DALIO: There is a certain machine. It is operated this -- you can raise your debt relative to your income to so far but you can`t raise it more than that. And then when you reach that, that changes.

So the private sector cannot -- We have a debt problem in Europe. You can either transfer the money from one rich country to a poor country --

CHARLIE ROSE: Right, Germany to Greece.
RAY DALIO: You can print the money.
CHARLIE ROSE: You can`t do it.
RAY DALIO: Or ECB could say I`ll find a way to do it, whatever.

CHARLIE ROSE: Let me take this downtown to where there`s an economic protest on Wall Street.

CHARLIE ROSE: In your sense -- you clearly have read about that and looked at it -- what do you think is at stake there and what do you think they`re saying to us?
RAY DALIO: I think the number one problem is that we`re not having a quality dialogue. So I wish that I could sit down -- (CROSSTALK)

CHARLIE ROSE: -- they had power to influence Washington and they didn`t.
RAY DALIO: Ok, so I think that not only do we have to work ourselves through that, I would say like the question really is also a question that should be dealt -- designated for our legislators, our government. Because if the government makes the rules, people will behind either -- did they break laws or did they not break laws?

This is a -- this is a question of how should behavior be managed?
Like I think I -- I think I did everything right, you know I -- I did well for my customers. My customers are pension funds, teachers. I did well when others didn`t and I`m going to say that they are very grateful.
We have a wonderful relationship, 15-year wonderful relationship. That -- what happens is I happen to earn one-fifth of the profits.

CHARLIE ROSE: You make 20 percent.
RAY DALIO: Ok, I earn 20 percent of the profits. (CROSSTALK)
I pay about one-third in taxes. I pay about one -- I give away about one-third. And I`m -- and that`s what I do and I follow the law. And if I`m doing something that is incorrect, that they think is incorrect I`d like to know that and I would also like to say should those laws -- is that right or wrong.

CHARLIE ROSE: You want the people who work for you to tell you exactly what they believe and to be able to document the fact that it`s not just what they believe but it`s what they have discovered.
And you have to test those ideas in the marketplace of your own firm before you go off and act on those assumptions, correct?

CHARLIE ROSE: So what is it telling you now if Greece defaults? And that has a contagion ability to leap across the Atlantic and have some influence on the U.S. economy. What is it telling you, you know, about whether China, for example can maintain the level of economic growth it`s had and avoid the kind of social conflicts that might exist in that society.
What does it tell you about emerging nations and what it is that -- what impact they will have on commodity prices and what does it tell you about the future of the dollar as a currency? All of those kinds of issues?

RAY DALIO: You`ve got a bunch of questions.
Ok, I would want to say that there is -- there are two worlds. There`s debtor-developed countries and there`s emerging creditor countries, classically the United States and China.

RAY DALIO: One is a creditor, one a debtor. They are getting we`re still borrowing, we`re still in debt, we`re still -- they`re still earning. Then those two worlds can be broken into two -- those that can print money and those that can`t print money.
So now when I`m giving you the total answer in my remaining minutes, Europe can`t, a lot of it, can`t print money. Therefore it will have to deal with whether there`s a transfer of wealth, there`s a limit to that transfer of wealth.
And so we are going to deal with the question of whether they would print money or get the haircuts. I think they`ll do both.

RAY DALIO: When looking at China, China because they can`t raise interest rates because of their existing monetary policy, is that they can`t control credit growth in the normal ways that we control credit growth. So there`s a credit bubble emerging there and as -- in other words there`s a quality of lending and it`s bypassing the credit system.

And that`s something that the Chinese will need to get a control of because it`s a dangerous thing. And so that creates their risk. If I take then the United States we`re in a position in which there is this deleveraging. Deleveraging is risky so for example banks are leveraged about 12 to 15, 17 times.

RAY DALIO: 15 times is a round number it depends on the bank. They`re leveraged 15-1 and if they go down by one-fifteenth, we have a capital problem and we`re in a deleveraging. Those problems -- bank crisis that have existed every ten years normally we are -- we can have a problem.

We don`t have the ability to have the same effect of monetary policy as we did before because a central bank -- it can buy a bond. It can -- therefore buy the bond. It gives that money to somebody who sold the bond and they were going to buy something like a bond. They`re -- the -- the getting it in the hands of somebody who spends it on cars and houses who really owes probably too much in debt is not an easy thing to do for monetary policy. So monetary policy is not as effective and then we have this social tension.

So we should be able to -- there`s this downward pressure of the deleveraging. We should be able to grow at a rate that`s comparable to our income growth if we are -- if we keep orderly and we -- and we work this through and everything is orderly. That means something between like 1.5 percent or 2 percent we should be growing at maybe about the 2 percent vicinity.

The problem with the 2 percent vicinity is that the employment rate remains the same or can trend higher. That produces social pressures, that produces tension which itself means that you can have a situation analogous to that which is existing in Greece and more social pressure you create the more tension that is existing and emerging in various ways, not just a Wall Street piece. But it`s existing in Spain.

RAY DALIO: So if we can keep orderly and not argue with each other and not do disruptive things and we don`t go down ok and grow at that two percent you know maybe then it will be ok.
If we have disruption and we are not able to have a monetary policy and we can`t have fiscal stimulation and you have a problem of what do you do -- you can`t recapitalize the banks. I mean if you should happen to need to recapitalize the banks you can`t have a TARP program again.

CHARLIE ROSE: Politically not feasible.
RAY DALIO: Politically not feasible.
So you have to have a plan. You need to be thoughtful, I think, how do you create that plan and not only it`s a theoretical thing when I say how do you make a plan because you have to be able to have agreement to implement the plan. You can`t have people at odds.

As I say sometimes to policymakers my job is very -- is much easier than their job. My job is that I just have to pretty much anticipate what`s going to happen and be one step ahead. That`s not an easy job but it`s an easier job than policymakers who have to do that. They have to then find a solution for the bad stuff not happening. That`s not easy to find solutions and then even if they had solutions they have to get that solution through the political system. In which there`s -- there`s -- everybody`s saying that you can`t do that, whatever that is and everybody blaming each other.

CHARLIE ROSE: Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
RAY DALIO: I suppose I`m -- if I was -- I`m concerned. I think it`s a test of us. It`s a test of us in our society. It`s a test of us.

CHARLIE ROSE: On that note thank you for coming.
RAY DALIO: My pleasure, thank you for having me

SOURCE: http://futurefastforward.com/images/stories/financial/CharlieRoseInterviewWithTheHeadOfTheWorld.pdf



Hugo adan. October 28, 2011
[This is my reaction to the last show of Democracy Now]

The train that Brian Wilson tried to stop in 1987 is now being de-railed by American people and people in the south and all over the world who is joining the current radical movement against crook bankers and war-mongers. There is a huge train of solidarity loaded with nice dreams of post-neoliberal democracy. Americans that are protesting against Wall Street in the US “tiene amores, muchos amores” –many people loves them all over the world, as said by Paloma San Basilio in her song. This is the new train of history, the train that is destined to succeed. Brian Wilson, Scott Olsen and all anti-war veteran soldiers who are now against war and crook bankers belong to this train.

At that time (1987) the train was driven by Reagan, now is being driven by Obama. That train was full excrement, as it is now the train of Drones driven by Obama. Reagan was the one who accused Brian of being a terrorist for trying to stop the sending of arms & ammunition to terrorist mercenaries paid to crush the theology of liberation revolution in Nicaragua and the uprising of similar movement in El Salvador. No either Brian nor Theology of Liberation are terrorists. Reagan and Obama are the terrorists.

Today the movement Theology of liberation (a radical Catholic organization) has triumphed not only in Nicaragua (the country of Hnos. Cardenal and father D’Escoto), but also in El Salvador, and it is of course behind the success of Lula, the 1st proletarian President in Brazil (the country of Fray Betto and Leonardo Boff), in Paraguay, and in Peru (the place where Gustavo Gutierrez, the 1st inspiration of this Theology, was born)

Brian is part of this train now, he is recognized so by the Nicaraguan people, as a real hero. The same will happen to Scott Olsen, a 24-year-old Iraq War veteran whose skull was fractured by a projectile fired by the new administration in power. He will be also considered a hero. They are all in the same huge train that is going faster and faster and the day that both trains collide each other, perhaps starting the day that the by-partisan system financed by crook corporation is debunked by people –it will happens soon here in America- that day, the old train will be totally de-railed and out of history.


Transformation from Vietnam Vet to Radical Pacifist

Extracts. Go to the website above to read the complete article. Haz

Today we spend the hour with a man who put his life on the line twice: once when he served in the Vietnam War and again when he came back. On September 1, 1987, Brian Willson took part in a nonviolent political action outside the Concord Naval Weapons Station in California. He sat down on the train tracks along with two other veterans to try to stop a U.S. government munitions train sending weapons to Central America during the time of the Contra wars. The train didn’t stop. Willson suffered 19 broken bones, a fractured skull and lost both of his legs. "Before, I had spent many months in Nicaragua in the war zones, and I had been to El Salvador talking to guerrillas and talking to human rights workers, understanding the incredible extent of murders that were going on and maimings and displacements, because of fear of being murdered," Willson said. He decided, "I have to at least escalate my own nonviolent occupation, if you will, of the tracks." In retrospect, Willson added, "I regret that I lost my legs, but I don’t regret that I was there. I did what I said I was going to do... Following orders, I discovered, is not what I’m about."
Today, he is traveling the country visiting solidarity protests with Occupy Wall Street, where some of his fellow protesters are also veterans. He’s also been talking about his new memoir, "Blood on the Tracks: The Life and Times of S. Brian Willson." On the West Coast, he completed much of the tour on his handcycle. Now he’s on the East Coast.

I started by asking him exactly what happened on that day in September 1987, when he carrying out this act of peaceful resistance on the train tracks outside Concord Naval Weapons Station in California.

S. BRIAN WILLSON: It was a Tuesday, September 1st, 1987. And, of course, it was planned by me in advance after spending much time in Nicaragua and El Salvador witnessing the carnage of U.S. policy.
AMY GOODMAN: What was happening then there?
AMY GOODMAN: Nicaragua and El Salvador?

S. BRIAN WILLSON: Well, of course, President Reagan was—had his war on—war of terror and what he called the terrorists in revolutionary Nicaragua, that was—had overthrown Somoza, and the revolutionary process in El Salvador, trying to oust a very repressive, feudalistic government. And so, he was—Reagan declared there was a Soviet beachhead being formed in Latin America, which of course we all know is absurd, just another excuse for putting down self-determination processes in other countries.

So we knew the weapons were coming from the Concord, California, Naval Weapons Station, 25 miles east of San Francisco, and we decided to go there, after many efforts of trying to get Congress to stop the funding—this whole process of petitioning Congress, which is now pretty much an oligarchic institution representing corporations. We decided we would directly try to obstruct the flow of munitions that move on trucks and trains at Concord to the ships in Sacramento River. And so, it’s a three-mile track from the bunkers to the ship. It crosses a public right-of-way, highway. This is where we were vigiling. We had been vigiling for three months. Many arrests had taken place. I had only been a jail support person. And I decided on September 1st, 1987, which was an anniversary of the Veterans Fast for Life the year before on the steps of the Capitol, that two vets and I would do a 40-day water-only fast between the rails to obstruct, at least temporarily, the movement of the train.

So, I had watched these trains move all summer, with flatbed cars full of crates of white phosphorus rockets, 500-pound bombs, mortars, millions of rounds of ammunition. And it was just getting to the point where I said, I have to at least escalate my own nonviolent occupation, if you will, of the tracks. And we told the base what we were doing, why we were doing it, when we were going to do it, and asked for a meeting with the commander, and he refused.

So, at 10 of 12:00 on September 1st, we, the two other veterans and I, took our position on the rails, starting our 40-day water-only fast, knowing we would probably spend much of that in jail. There was a big sign next to our vigil that said, "Penalty for blocking federal munitions trains is a year in prison and a $5,000 fine." So we knew what the consequences were. I actually—and the first train was coming just before noon, first train that day. And the next thing I know, I woke up in a hospital, four days later.

I have no memory of what happened. Of course, I had 40 friends there who were witnessing it. The other two veterans just barely got out of the way. The train was speeding. The FBI, in looking at the one video, said the train was accelerating to more than three times its five-mile-an-hour speed limit at the point of impact. We found out later that the train crew that day had been ordered not to stop the train, which was an unprecedented—basically an illegal order. Why? Because they said I was going to hijack the train, which of course—there were 350 armed Marines to protect the base. There was usually local police present when we were present on the tracks. I had never envisioned it being a dangerous action.

And then, while I was in the hospital, an FBI agent was fired. And after almost 22 years, he was fired for refusing to investigate me and three other veterans as domestic terrorist suspects. So this was all shocking to me, just shocking that I, this all-American kid that grew up in upstate New York, even though I kind of shifted after Vietnam to being a dissenter, or my father would just say a marginal person—I just never imagined this happening. Of course, this government will do anything. We know that. But I would imagine it doing it to people in other countries, but not to me in this country. So it was a very interesting experience.




44 people have been killed in separate US assassination drone strikes in Somalia, Pakistan's northwestern tribal region bordering Afghanistan and Yemen in a single day.


October 27, 2011 "Press TV" -- On Thursday, 13 people were killed and several others were injured when the US military launched an attack using a remote-controlled unmanned aerial vehicle on the outskirts of Bilis Qooqaani town, which is located 448 kilometers (278 miles) southwest of the Somali capital Mogadishu.

The US also launched drone strikes on the outskirts of Afmadow city, situated in the middle of the Juba region and 620 kilometers (385 miles) south of Mogadishu, on Thursday. At least 25 people were killed in the aerial attack.

In addition, six people were killed in a non-UN-sanctioned US drone attack on Pakistan's South Waziristan tribal region near the border with Afghanistan.

SOURCE: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article29532.htm



You Have No Choice
Global Insurrection Against Banker Occupation - GIABO



Posted October 27, 2011


jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011



Introduction from Hugo Adan, October 27 2011

While WACHOVIA BANK is accused of profiteering from the war on drug, American people continue taking plazas & divesting their money against bad bankers responsible for the current economic crisis. These bankers do not go to prison; instead they continue receiving support from this administration. Thus, people will continue taking their money & protesting against bankers with the support of soldiers veterans of war. Bankers & wealthy people are afraid of them; this is why they are being targeting by the police. Definitely the plutocrats are at war against America; the proposal to cut Medicare & the repression against those who are divesting their money and protesting in streets, are evidence of it. The rich is transferring the war-zone to America and they feel here well protected. By targeting veterans of war they try to teach a lesson. In war-time nothing happens by chance, not even the laugh of a lady in power. I wonder if they have really calculated the consequences of these acts. If so, it is time to reconsider them.




Thousands of people reclaimed the Occupy Oakland encampment in front of City Hall Wednesday after police dispersed them twice on Tuesday — first in a pre-dawn raid on the camp and 12 hours later at night when protesters attempted to retake the park — using beanbag projectiles and tear gas. Many protesters expressed outrage over of the injury of Oakland protester Scott Olsen, a 24-year-old Iraq War veteran whose skull was fractured by a projectile fired by police Tuesday night. He is hospitalized in critical condition and is reportedly under sedation by doctors monitoring his injury. We speak to Jesse Palmer, an Occupy Oakland protester who helped move Olsen to safety, and to Aaron Hinde, a close friend of Scott Olsen and a fellow member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. One of Olsen’s other friends, Adele Carpenter, told Reuters, "The irony is not lost on anyone here that this is someone who survived two tours in Iraq and is now seriously injured by the Oakland police force." Aaron Hinde talked about why Olsen joined the Occupy Oakland movement: "He was a very motivated and dedicated individual. And he believed in the Occupy movement, because it’s very obvious what’s happening in this country, especially as veterans. We’ve had our eyes opened by serving and going to war overseas."



READ this one. Here only extracts, go to the source below for the complete art.


As protests continue against Wall Street and the nation’s biggest banks, we speak to British journalist Ed Vulliamy, author of "Amexica: War Along the Borderline." Vulliamy exposes how one bank, Wachovia, made millions in the Mexican drug war. At the time, Wachovia was the nation’s fourth-largest bank. It has since been taken over by Wells Fargo. "You can’t drive around Mexico with hundreds of billions of dollars in cash in a semi-artic truck. It has to be banked," Vulliamy said. "What I found was that it is coming into the United States, into the banking system."

AMY GOODMAN: Lay out what you have found since the hardcover has come out, and now you’ve released the paperback, Amexica.

ED VULLIAMY: Well, you get a second bite with the paperback. And the original book was a report from the ground, from the rehab clinics, from the streets of Tamaulipas, Juárez and so on. But, you know, the burning question across the board was: what happens to the money? You can’t drive around Mexico with hundreds of billions of dollars in cash in a semi-artic truck. It has to be banked. And what I found was that it is coming into the United States, into the banking system. Now, we have to be careful here, legally. I mean, Wachovia is the bank concerned in this instance. It is in the clear, because there was a deferred prosecution in March. They were clear.

AMY GOODMAN: Explain what you mean. What was Wachovia’s involvement?

ED VULLIAMY: OK, what happened was various signals, various red flags went up regarding inconsistencies. My contact—they were coming through London, traveler’s checks, serially numbered, strangely signed, coming through, and irregularities spotted. And my contact’s name is Woods, put up the alarm. Rather than be sort of thanked for his vigilance, he was basically sort of told to shut up, originally, and then spat out, frankly.

There was a prosecution. There was a settlement in the district court of Miami. And the settlement said—and it was a deferred prosecution, which means no one goes to jail, constructively, and you have to sort of behave for a year, and if you do so, the whole thing is dropped. And we have to say, it has been dropped. Wachovia has since been bought by Wells Fargo, who have cooperated with the investigation. It’s nothing against Wells Fargo.

But what was found was that $110 million—small change—was directly connected to four drug deals in Mexico involving the Sinaloa Cartel, but that the staggering figure of $378 billion—that’s a lot of money—was insufficiently monitored. Now, we don’t know how much of that was connected to drug deals. It could be anything between naught and $378 billion. But it gives us a glimpse of the size, of the volume, the quantity of the money involved. These were coming through things called casas de cambio, holes in the wall, basically, exchange houses, not even a proper banking system. So we have a medium-sized bank, that kind of money.

Then, I thought, well, let’s set this in context. Talked to a man called Antonio Maria Costa, who’s the head of the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime in Vienna. He’s not there any longer. He posits that the volumes of money coming in from Mexico, from—and obviously his speciality was Europe, Russia, you know, similar operations—laundering of vast quantities of the profits of drugs and, of course, the calamitous violence that is the scourge of Mexico, is basically propping up the banking system. It is a major pillar of the banking system. Without it, it would have collapsed long ago. Well, we know that the other pillar propping it up is tax dollars.

But—and so, one has a sort of a glimpse through this case, through this afterword in this paperback edition, a glimpse of where all the money goes, you know, how—you know, we hear a lot about how the Mexican war, this catastrophe in Mexico, is crossing the border into the United States, and indeed how it isn’t crossing the border. But one way in which it sure as hell is crossing the border is hundreds of billions of dollars of blood money.



Hillary Clinton knew of Qaddafi ‘White Flag’ truce

Fact Or Fiction? [You know the answer: NATO didn’t want him alive. Now Gaddafi is kicking at NATO moral defeat and at the laugh of Mrs Clinton, she was just the messenger. Hugo]

By Daya Gamage – Asian Tribune Foreign News Desk

October 26, 2011 _- Washington, DC. 27 October (Asiantribune) -- Libyan Leader Muammar Qaddafi was traveling under a negotiated “White Flag” truce last Thursday in an agreement to leave Libya. More claims from sources inside Misrata, Libya that the Libyan National Transitional Council did in fact agree to allow Qaddafi and his convoy safe passage out of Libya.

In addition rebel sources in Misrata claim US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was informed of the “White Flag” truce negotiated and agreed to by Libya’s NTC while visiting Libya Wednesday October 19.

A widely read Internet blog site Larry Sinclair.org reveals the above information noting that the site received them from reliable sources inside Libya.

The question now emerge is whether Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama engage in the firing on a White Flag convoy with the intent to assist in the capture and murder of Libyan Leader Muammar Qaddafi?

The web site Larry Sinclair.org further reports: “It is our opinion that the information received from our sources inside Libya is factual. It has also been reported that journalists were not immediately allowed to report from the site of the US Drone attack on Qaddafi’s convoy until the rebels had the opportunity to dispose of any remaining evidence of the “White Flags” which were clearly connected to the convoy vehicles.”

The question today is: Was Secretary Clinton told of the “White Flag” truce giving Qaddafi safe passage out of Libya? Did Secretary Clinton use this information to prepare a US Drone attack on Qaddafi’s “White Flag” convoy? Who authorized the US Predator Drone strike on the “White Flag” convoy? Will Barack Obama be called to answer for the US firing on a “White Flag” convoy?

Wednesday October 19 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in Libya meeting with the Libyan armed rebels. It has come to the attention of Larry Sinclair.org Web Site via sources inside Libya that the Qaddafi convoy was traveling under a White Flag of truce which sources say had been negotiated with Qaddafi. If the information concerning a negotiated truce to allow Qaddafi to leave Libya is true and verifiable, and the United States was involved in or even made aware of this agreement, the US Drone strike on the convoy would be in direct violation of the Geneva Convention and a war crime.

The Asian Tribune previously reported that it was the US drone fire on Colonel Qaddafi’s convoy that led the rebels to capture and brutally assassinate the former Libyan leader.

The web site a day later confirmed that there was an agreement to allow Qaddafi convoy with white flags to proceed and that the agreement was reached between the NTC and Qaddafi representatives.

Sources inside Misrata, Libya have claimed Qaddafi’s convoy was traveling under a “White Flag” truce and also claims Qaddafi was sodomized by rebels before shot in the head.

While Obama stated back in the spring that the UN Resolution did not call for nor allow the targeting of Qaddafi, and stating the US would not target Qaddafi, last Thursday he referred to the capture & murder of Qaddafi as “we have done what we went in to do.” The claims that a truce was negotiated to allow Qaddafi to leave the country raise some serious questions as to what role Secretary of State Hillary Clinton played in the agreement. It also raises the question did Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration knowingly authorize a US Drone strike on a convoy traveling under a White Flag truce? If so, the Web Site raises, both Clinton and Obama should immediately be charged with war crimes and accessory to murder.

The web site Larry Sinclair.org having obtained reliable information from inside Libya asks: Did Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama engage in the firing on a White Flag convoy with the intent to assist in the capture and murder of Libyan Leader Muammar Qaddafi?

Asian Tribune media survey has shown that many political pundits and non-mainstream media have question the circumstances the Libyan leader was brutally killed.

The “White Flag” issue is sure to dominate the political talk here in the United States and among global rights organizations, Asian Tribune understands.

-Asian Tribune-

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011


by P. Ngigi Njoroge
Global Research, October 26, 2011

I get terribly affected by the kind of things that are happening today, and confess to not being able to be dispassionate.
But some important facts we should keep in view if we want to remain sane and work out a saving response to European and American criminal aggression against us are the following.

Muammar Gaddafi came from an Arab tribe living in Libya. He belonged to a culture completely different from American and European culture. He therefore did not—and never pretended to—champion Western values of so-called “democracy” and “freedom”. This, however, did not prevent him from being a force for good for his people and for some other African peoples.

When 42 years ago he took over power through a BLOODLESS coup—mark this: he did not have to slaughter his own people to overthrow King Idriss’s government (a lethargic government that allowed the Libyan people to live in poverty and underdevelopment—he took measures to ensure that Libya’s oil wealth was used for the benefit of the Libyan people. Over the decades he created a genuine welfare state with state-of the-art medical facilities accessible to all Libyans, with state funded educational facilities, initiated afforestation of large areas of Libya, and lifted the status of Libya to a middle-income economy. Non-Libyan black Africans flocked to Libya to seek employment. One Kenyan who was working in a Libya-based company when the Europeans started the troubles in March this year was distraught: he spoke of the high standards of living in Libya and his comfortable life, where you’d buy petrol for 10 Kenya Shillings a litre!

Gaddafi was not a modern European or American to believe arrogantly and foolishly that good governance consists only in regular elections and the limited term of a ruler. Like a Ghanaian commentator wrote the other day, Gaddafi believed he had devoted those 42 years of his rule taking care of the welfare of his people.The ridiculous thing is that Westerners believe only systems of governance developed by themselves are to be adopted. People forget that there are good alternative systems indigenously developed by others. For example, the Agikuyu practised democracy before they had the misfortune of being conquered by the white predators, and had 35-year cycles of ruling generations handing over power peacefully to another generation.

Gaddafi assisted freedom movements in other countries of Africa, notably South Africa. He armed and financed the African National Congress of Nelson Mandela when the western powers were doing normal business with the white-dominated apartheid (race-separation) regime. When Bill Clinton visited newly independent South Africa and criticized Libya under Gaddafi, Nelson Mandela rebuked him using the following words: “We cannot join you in criticizing the people who helped us in our darkest hour.”

It is an absolute shame to see the mainstream media, including the Kenyan media, join in mouthing cliches about “dictator Gaddafi”, “despot Gaddafi”, and the “tyranny” suffered under Gaddafi. The other day a local newspaper published a tasteless, highly offensive cartoon about Gaddafi. This is all due to ignorance and brainwashing by the Western Media Juggernaut. We have many Africans who are quite incapable of thinking as themselves and for themselves. You can call such people mental and spiritual slaves.

These people miss one aspect of Gaddafi’s character and ideals. Gaddafi believed that the Arabs were the descendants of Black Africans and taught his people that they owed special respect to blacks. (One of his sons, Hannibal, was named after a famous black African general who used elephant-mounted soldiers to fight the Roman army around the time of Christ; Hannibal served the state of Carthage which was geographically situated in Libya.) And Gaddafi put in place a policy where black Africans were welcomed into Libya as employees and even members of the Libyan army. Gaddafi further championed the idea of the African Union, housing the Arabs of his country and the vast black population of sub-Saharan Africa. It is said that by the time he died, he had conceived the idea of an African Bank which would compete against the white-dominated World Bank.

Of course the so-called mainstream media wouldn’t appreciate such things; and neither would they be horrified by what the “revolutionaries” have been doing—including the rounding up and massacring of black people while putting others in concentration camps.

Neither are these mental slaves capable of grasping the enormous shame, horror and deceit of the campaign of the West against Gaddafi. The Great Lie is that there was a popular uprising against Gaddafi. Rather it was an armed rebellion, engineered in Paris and other western capitals, and its success guaranteed by the use of the most sophisticated weapons of mass destruction by America, France and Britain.

ONE THING IS CLEAR: GADDAFI HAD MASSIVE POPULAR AND LOCAL ARMED SUPPORT and would have defeated the rebels if massive missile rocket and air bombardment had not been used by the American, French and British murderers.

He lasted more than six months, a man leading a country of only 6.5 million people against an alliance of countries housing close to 500 million people. To my mind Gaddafi was a lion-like figure fighting against shameless bullies, men absolutely devoid of honour: Barrack Obama, David Cameron, and Nicholas Sarkozy. These assassins have entered the pages of history for their brutal and ignominious acts.


We can expect more horrors from these people who wield enormous military power.

But we have a mighty weapon against them: building awareness about their intentions, crying out loudly against their grotesqueness and unfitness to claim the right to lead the world. We can call them their real names: bullies, greedy predators, robbers of other people’s resources, deceivers and tellers of great lies. And, of course, I can see the rest of the world grouping together for mutual self defence: Africa, India, Brazil and other South American countries, Russia and China. The days of these mis-rulers are numbered.

Yeah, I just said that!
P. Ngigi Njoroge is a University Lecturer in Kenya

martes, 25 de octubre de 2011



Hugo Adan


One initiative is to amend the Constitutional Laws of all UN countries to outlaw wars, that was the initiative of the former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahatir Muhammad.

RALPH NADER: I suggest citizens surround the local offices of their Senators and Representatives.

Think about other initiatives.

Meanwhile read the following article and focus in the 12 factual issues of our time.
Good luck. Hugo Adan. October 25, 2011



Based on the original doct from Fidel Castro in :

Author Dr. Christof Lehmann | Saturday, October 22, 2011, 5:10 Beijing

NOTE FROM HAZ (Hugo Adan Zegarra) : I added the capital letters and brackets to this article. I follow the rules of Sin Permiso website.

Today media worldwide are swamped with either confirmations or rebuttals of Muammar Ghadafi’s purported death. Intentionally or not, [the world's mainstream] media are playing directly into the hands of those interests who would like the public narrative about Africa, Libya, the Mediterranean Alliance and THE NEOCOLONIAL ADVENTURE OF THE ANGLO-AMERICAN EMPIRE TO FOCUS ON ONE PERSON OR FAMILY WHICH HAS BEEN POSITIONED BY PUBLIC MEDIA AS ROGUE, DICTATORIAL OPPRESSORS THAT STAND IN THE WAY FOR THE PROGRESS OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND A PLURALISTIC SOCIETY, RATHER THAN THE MOST PRESSING MATTERS at hand.


Executive Order 12.333[i] is dealing with THE UNITED STATES SELF-PROCLAIMED RIGHT TO USE THE ASSASSINATION OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES’ HEADS OF STATE AS AN INSTRUMENT OF U.S–FOREIGN POLICY. IT HAS BEEN WIDELY DISCUSSED IN INTERNATIONAL LAW BUT DUE TO LACK OF MEDIA COVERAGE, it remains widely undiscussed and is in western countries widely perceived as something that is “normal”[ii] for global empires.

With lack of media coverage the normal public response in western countries is that history is full of precedence, so why bother about something that “normal”. From an ethnocentric point of view it is understandable, but ethnocentric perception is hardly a viable argument, much less a justification for premeditated murder. When was the last time you have been reading news about China or Russia having murdered the head of state of a foreign country?

Fidel Castro Ruz http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2011/10/21/ghadafi-and-the-axis-of-evil/fidel-castru-ruz-4/

From a less ethnocentric perspective it is worrisome that the populations of the USA and EU have been so well indoctrinated that they discuss the numerous attempts to assassinate former Cuban head of state Fidel Castro Ruz with a smile, and in the best case thoughts such as “Yes, we know the CIA is mainly manned by crooks”. That is about as revolutionary as the well indoctrinated public gets on issues that have the potential to set the globe on fire.

For the sake of intellectual exercise, spend one moment on considering a Russian or Chinese family discussing the assassination of Sarkozy by their intelligence services as an event so normal that it´s hardly worth mentioning. The fact that it is extraordinarily unlikely ever to happen should elicit one fact, that it is the United States of America and the European Union that are the very “Axis of Evil” they are claiming to deplore. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2011/10/21/ghadafi-and-the-axis-of-evil/belhadj-tripoli-20111004-4/

WESTERN MEDIA ARE PLAYING A CRUCIAL ROLE IN THE PREPARATION OF WESTERN POPULATIONS TO ACCEPT THOSE PREMEDITATED MURDERS AS ACT OF HUMANITY. Human Rights Organizations, co-opted by elites of the Anglo American Empire[iii] have the crucial function to feed media with narratives that position targeted governments or heads of state as villains.

FOR THE PLANNERS OF THOSE MURDERS IT IS UTTERLY IRRELEVANT IF LIBYA HAS THE MOST DIRECT AND PARTICIPATORY FORM OF DEMOCRACY,[iv] and that Muammar Ghadafi only has honorary posts, as long as the well conditioned public is buying into the media´s narratives about a dictatorial state with a despotic ruler as head of state.

For the planners of those murders and illegal wars it is irrelevant that President Barak Hussein Obama must have been aware of the fact that the so called “rebels” in Bengazi and Derna were composed of the same Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, lead by professional terrorist Abdelhakim Belhadj[v] that supplied the greatest per capita contribution of foreign fighters in Iraq[vi] who killed U.S. Soldiers, before he sent CIA personnel to Bengazi and Derna to “investigate” who those “rebels” were.

Would the planners of premeditated murder care about the fact that a trained observer recognizes that fact that the subversion of Libya develops according to a script that is explained in detail in U.S. Special Forces Training Manuals,[vii] as long as the general public is hypnotized into the narrative of the noble support of “revolutionaries” who liberate Libya from the dictator?

THE FACT IS, WESTERN MEDIA HAVE KILLED MUAMMAR GHADAFI LONG BEFORE THEY BEGAN CLAIMING HIS CAPTURE AND SUBSEQUENT DEATH ON 20 OCTOBER 2011. Placid, well indoctrinated readers and viewers are expected to accept the new standards for journalistic accuracy of Al Jazeera, BBC, CNN, ABC, and colleagues. A SHAKY VIDEO FROM A CELL PHONE IS EVIDENCE FOR THE DEATH OF MUAMMAR GHADAFI.

If NATO and those behind it that give the orders for premeditated murder can claim one substantial victory with respect to the war on Libya it is, that THERE IS NO PUBLIC DEMAND FOR EVIDENCE THAT WILL EVER MAKE IT TO THE HEADLINES of the corporate and state controlled media of Western Countries. WHERE IS AN INDEPENDENTLY VERIFIABLE AUTOPSY REPORT?

Regardless, if Muammar Ghadafi has been murdered or not, those who premeditated his murder have won one significant victory. [While] [t]he victory that the world is discussing the purported death of Muammar Ghadafi[,] THE MOST SIGNIFICANT ISSUES ESCAPE THE PUBLIC’S ATTENTION. Should Muammar Ghadafi have been murdered, the best way to honor his legacy would be to focus on those matters that are (or were) most important for him: http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2011/10/21/ghadafi-and-the-axis-of-evil/sarkozy-5/


1. The fact[viii] France is the driving force behind the establishment of the Mediterranean Alliance which Libya opposed [is] because it would divide rather than unite Africa.

2. The fact[ix] [is] African Union is financially dependent on the European Union and [its] new colonial administration.

3. The fact[x] [is] France is controlling eight African CFA Nations finance and economy.

4. The fact [is] Libya threatened the CFA by lobbying for the establishment of a Pan-African Currency.

5. The fact[xi] [is] that the United States of America and the European Union are targeting [to assasinate] sovereign nations’ leaders, and do so with impunity.

6. The fact [is] the United Nations has degenerated into an international NGO that lends the appearance of legitimacy to wars of aggression that are the antithesis of [its] own charter. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2011/09/28/un-done-the-66th-session-of-the-general-assembley-reflections-by-dr-christof-lehmann/

7. The fact [is] the murderous bombing under the pretense of “protecting civilians” continues on a daily basis that tens of thousands have been murdered.

8. The fact [is that] tens of thousands of black Africans have been and are being murdered,[xii] under the directives of the first African American President of the USA. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2011/10/21/ghadafi-and-the-axis-of-evil/obama-change-6/

… [now on is summarized] …

9. The fact that War of aggression has been outlawed as murder on a massive scale.

10. The fact that an Executive Order 12333[xiv] exists [and institutionalizes premeditated murder, the ultimate and most serious crime] It merely elicits the criminality of the government [that in acted] , in this case, THE US (See Executive Order 12333--United States intelligence activities. Source: The provisions of Executive Order 12333 of Dec. 4, 1981. http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/codification/executive-order/12333.html).

11. The fact that the system of the United Nations is not “the international community” but an instrument of aggression for the few.

12. The fact that murder is committed on massive scale or against a legitimate head of state on command of governmental institutionalizes but does not legitimize murder; it only elicits the murderous character of government.

[here Lehmann's article continues]

It is a worrying state of affairs [to] trust in Western Governments [that] has degraded to such level [of insanity]. IT IS NECESSARY [then] TO DEMAND FORENSIC EVIDENCE BEFORE ACCEPTING THE WORLDWIDE ADVERTISED DEATH OF MUAMMAR GHADAFI.

One important point should not be forgotten, is that thing of dead or alive. [Another thing are] the political ideas of Muammar Ghadafi, his idealism, and his development of a direct, participatory government by the people and for the people has been studied, and is serving as inspiration for hundreds of thousands of political activists.

This number [of assassinations] that is growing by the day… The illegal war on Libya, the massacres on tens of thousands, the targeting of Muammar Ghadafi for assassination, and his proclaimed death can only strengthen the progress of a new, worldwide awakening, directed against the work of the “Axis of Evil“. http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2011/10/21/ghadafi-and-the-axis-of-evil/un-done-11/

[In] honor [of] Muammar GHADAFI, REGARDLESS IF HIS MURDER CAN BE CONFIRMED OR NOT, it would be appropriate to listen to voices like that of former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr. Mahatir Muhammad [xiii] who IS TAKING INITIATIVE TO OUTLAW WAR [in Constitutional Law]


The fact that an Executive Order 12.333[xiv] exists does not lend legitimacy to the murders committed on [its arbitrary] basis. It merely elicits the criminality of the government. War of aggression has been outlawed as murder on a massive scale.

The fact that a United Nations Security Council Resolution is lending a war [an] apparent legitimacy does not change the fact that [a] war of aggression is illegal. It merely demonstrates the fact that the system of the United Nations is not “the international community” but an instrument for aggression for the few. Every single person murdered is murdered illegitimately.

The fact that the murder is committed on massive scale or against a legitimate head of state on command of governmental institutions does not legitimize murder, but elicits the murderous character of government.

By Dr. Christof Lehmann


[ii] /
[xiv] http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/codification/executive-order/12333.html

Posted on October 21, 2011 in:
nsnbc http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/author/nsnbc/

lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011



Hugo Adan October 24, 2011


At the end you will have two options:

1. Fooling around the riddle Gaddafi death vs. alive


2. Accept the possibility of two secret deals:

a. Secret deal between Gaddafi & Muslims, not necessarily Al Qaeda but those who came with the Tuareg Tribes. (See 9 below: “The Tuaregs entered the war”)

b. Secret deal between NATO allies to quit (temporarily or for good) from the mess in Libya that they don’t control anymore. Keep alive Nato & Gaddafi is a win-win situation for both, though the later under the shadow. In this way Libya won’t mess the coming elections in the US &France.

Is Obama the only winner? It could be, but if & if.

Those secret deals would explain Hillary’s laugh when announced Gaddafi death.

Think about!.



October 24, 2011. “NATO LIES CONTINUE: WHO WAS KILLED? NATO? or GADDAFI?”. In http://en.m4.cn/2011/10/24/nato-lies/ : As time passes, more and more of the pro-Gaddafi blogs are reporting that Muammar is alive and well. T-West, of AfriSynergy, submitted a video report that states that Muammar Gaddafi is not dead. Gaddafi's "death" is NATO psyops job on the minds of the Libyan people”. http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=629070 Posted: 2011/10/21 From: Mathaba.net. In the West Morris Herman (CBS) doubts the media reports. Stephen Lendman believes NATO and the rats are lying. The Russian supporters at za-kaddafi.ru are adamant that the mainstream media reports of the death of Gaddafi are false.


A. At the beginning Morris Herman (cbs) doubted the media reports. Later on he was aligned and BBC send an “Update” in October 24. See Mary Hockaday on October 21: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/theeditors/2011/10/the_challenges_of_reporting_ga.html

B. Stephen Lendman believes NATO and the rats are lying. “Counterpsyops.com said "Gaddafi died from a bullet wound to the head received in crossfire between (rebels/rats) and his own supporters," according to Transitional National Council (TNC) officials. Nothing they say is credible so be cautious. Depend on reports from reliable independent sources. Better still, let Gaddafi have the last word if he's alive and shows up on Syria's Arrai TV. Imagine NATO and Obama explaining that one - a one-off "dead man" telling tales”. “War criminals like Hillary Clinton laughing about Gaddafi's reporting assassination saying, "We came, we saw, he died.".. “Sirte's genocidal slaughter may energize greater resistance. Counterpsyops.com said streets filled with "martyred civilians". In http://www.opednews.com/articles/Mixed-Messages-On-Gaddafi-by-Stephen-Lendman-111024-191.html


(Reuters, October 20) - The body of deposed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is being taken to a location which is being kept secret for security reasons, a National Transitional Council official said Thursday. "Gaddafi's body is with our unit in a car and we are taking the body to a secret place for security reasons," Mohamed Abdel Kafi, an NTC official in the city of Misrata told Reuters. October 20-2011


READ this 1st:


NATO Surrenders – The Real Deal! October 24,2011

October 24, 2011: http://en.m4.cn/2011/10/24/nato-lies/

On October 20, the mainstream media were reporting that NATO on October 21 will meet and announce that, now that Gaddafi has been “killed” (or so they claim), NATO will leave Libya within “a couple of days.” You can easily find articles by Googling, “NATO to end war on Friday, October 21.”

Now, keep in mind that NATO lied “through its teeth” [from the very beginning] .

Check this review:

1. NATO predicted a battle that would “only take weeks.” It got bogged down for eight (8) months.

2. NATO remained furious with the incompetence of the rats (rebels), and expressed their frustration openly, many times.

3. NATO announced that its pilots were suffering from fatigue.

4. NATO commanders began to express fears of being brought before a Nuremburg-style court, on charges of war crimes, and began telling some of their pilots to stop bombing, even though they were flying over Libya.

5. At a meeting in the third week of September, which I reported here at Mathaba.net, and which was recorded in a DEBKAfile report, NATO met with U.S. intelligence agents, at CIA headquarters, for an assessment of progress over the last eight months. And their own conclusion was the following: NATO’s 8-month operation has been “ineffectual” and, at times, “pathetic.” For new readers, DEBKAfile is an Internet news organ specializes in military and intelligence and security issues, and is considered a top-rated organ. Its analyses are often correct.

6. If reports that “information warriors” have been receiving, via blogs and other sources, have been correct, the Green Resistance has been making remarkable progress, gobbling up city after city after city, including most of Tripoli.

7. The TNC has never been able to create a stable cabinet to run the affairs of their imaginary new Libya. No more than two weeks ago, 90% of its members resigned.

8. Intense in-fighting, including actual military battles between “rebel” brigades, have been ongoing since the very beginning of this war. This fighting, recently, has mostly taken place in Misrata, although we’ve received reports that heavy fighting has taken place in Tripoli between rival Al-Qaeda gangs, as well as between rival rat gangs.

9. The Tuaregs entered the war [Have you noticed how fast things have moved since The Tuareg tribe entered this war? Their fighting, at several places, has helped move The Resistance forward].

10. Time.com reports: “In Tripoli, Libya’s Interim Leader [Jibril] says He Is Quitting – His warning underscores just how much Libya is now in limbo — and just how dangerous that might be. The exhilarating sense of victory, which gripped the world’s attention when rebel columns rolled into Tripoli on Aug. 20, has largely dissipated, Jibril said, looking glum, sad, rather than a man rejoicing liberation.”


Here is what I believe has happened. The political leaders, who do control NATO totally, have had it. They instructed NATO to do something–anything that could give them a “good” excuse to end this war, save their money, and so-call proclaim a victory.

Here comes Hillary Clinton, the racist, psychopathic, war-mongering b_ _ ch, just yesterday (the 20th) , calling for the death of Muammar Gaddafi. And suddenly, one day later (the 21st) the deed is supposedly done. Is this to be believed? Perhaps.

It appears to me –although I cannot prove this in absolute terms– that NATO has surrendered, due to pressure from the political forces that control it, as well as due to it’s own assessment of its performance as being “ineffectual” and “pathetic.”

In short, NATO might soon be leaving the rats out to dry–something that Brother Leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi had predicted, and warned the rats about.

The northern countries lie, yes. But this time they might be telling the truth and this report was not mean to leak out.


Mathaba.net has informed us that the Green Committees have stated that Muammar Gaddafi is alive in well. That report might change, as time goes on. The mainstream media say the opposite. An initial report from AlgeriaISP, which stated that Dr. Moussa Ibrahim had announced that Muammar Gaddafi was actually killed, is now said to be a complete hoax (See Libya S.O.S.) .

more and more of the pro-Gaddafi blogs are reporting (on what basis, I do not know) that Muammar is alive and well.

T-West, of AfriSynergy, submitted a video report that states that Muammar Gaddafi is not dead.

Morris Herman from CBS doubts the media reports.

Stephen Lendman believes NATO and the rats are lying.

The Russian supporters at za-kaddafi.ru are adamant that the mainstream media reports of the death of Gaddafi are false.


This war was never about Muammar Gaddafi. This war is about justice vs. injustice. It is about freedom vs. slavery. It is about psychopathic racist domination vs. sane, human cooperation and love.

The fight has to continue, whether Muammar is dead or alive; whether he is out of communication due to strategic reasons, or whether he’s out in the open speaking freely. The fight is a global fight for the emancipation of the human soul.

SOURCE: http://en.m4.cn/2011/10/24/nato-lies/


READ this 2nd one if you still have doubts

Kurt Nimmo | Friday, October 21, 2011


It is your turn to laugh with Hillary Clinton’s lie.
Creativa la tigresa No?


I DON’T CARE! To me democrats & republicans are the same b….t

My ideal situation would be a 3rd option, a UNITED PEOPLE’S FRONT

Good luck in your readings 1 & 2
For the Final Victory of Peace. Hugo Adan (October 24)

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011




Sociedad Civil pide al gobierno cumplir sus promesas electorales y asumir nueva posición frente a las negociaciones de los TLC

Mariátegui. 22/10/11

· De no corregir los problemas en materia de los derechos a los inversionistas que otorgan los TLC, el nuevo Acuerdo Transpacífico (TPP) en negociación podría repetir casos como el de la demanda presentada por Doe Run contra el Estado Peruano por 800 millones de dólares.

· En el marco de la IX Ronda de negociaciones del Acuerdo Trans Pacífico – TPP, organizaciones de la sociedad civil, redes de pacientes, sindicatos de trabajadores entre otros, demandan al gobierno nueva posición en las negociaciones de los TLC.

Lima.- Durante la campaña electoral, el presidente Ollanta Humala prometió que su gobierno adoptaría una posición vigilante sobre la política comercial del país. Y es justamente ahora, en el marco de la IX ronda de negociaciones que se realiza en Lima del Acuerdo de Asociación Comercial Transpacífico (TPP por sus siglas en inglés), en el que participan junto a Perú, Nueva Zelanda, Vietnam, Australia, Malasia, Estados Unidos, Chile, Brunei y Singapur, cuando se debe evidenciarse cuál será la estrategia a emplear. “El nuevo gobierno debe expresar una nueva posición negociadora en las negociaciones en curso de los TLC”, advirtió Alejandra Alayza, Coordinadora Ejecutiva de la Red Peruana por una Globalización con Equidad - RedGE RedGE. “De no hacerlo, se corre el peligro de agravar medidas con serio impacto en la población, como las medidas de propiedad intelectual afectando el acceso a los medicamentos, o las “super” protección a las inversiones que tiene los TLC, que hoy han permitido que empresas como DOE RUN, que han vulnerado las leyes peruanas, eviten las justicia nacional y se amparen en los TLC para demandar al Estado Peruano”.

Se pueden venir más demandas: Urge evitar que el caso de la demanda de Doe Run contra el Perú se repita en nuevos acuerdos comerciales

Manuel Pérez Rocha, del Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) de Washington D.C, consideró que en el capítulo de inversiones de los TLC, el objetivo principal es otorgar a las grandes corporaciones facultades para recibir un trato superior al que reciben los actores económicos nacionales, a fin de que puedan operar en un país sin ningún requisito de desempeño en favor de la nación en la que están operando. “Estos acuerdos atan las manos de los gobiernos cancelándoles su papel en la promoción del desarrollo económico y social”, aseveró el experto durante el desayuno de trabajo “Los TLC y el nuevo gobierno: ¿hacia dónde vamos?”.

Pero lo más grave, agregó el experto es que “estos tratados están diseñados para que los inversionistas extranjeros evadan los procesos de justicia nacionales y puedan contar con tribunales como el CIADI del Banco Mundial o UNCITRAL bajo auspicios de la ONU, o muchos otros, para obtener “indemnizaciones” millonarias que exceden muchas veces y por mucho las inversiones supuestamente afectadas por acciones tomadas por los gobiernos”. Recordó que en América Latina, desde México hasta Argentina, estos países han sido y son sujetos de cientos de demandas por parte de corporaciones y han tenido que pagar miles de millones de dólares tanto en multas como en los costos para su defensa. “Ya en América Latina se ha dado un aumento acelerado de demandas por parte de empresas de las industrias extractivas (minería, gas, petróleo)”, agregó Pérez Rocha.

En el plano local, el experto consideró que el gobierno de Perú ya otorgó a Doe Run el tiempo suficiente para que cumpliera con los estándares ambientales exigidos, al darle a la empresa dos extensiones para que cumpliera con el programa de rehabilitación ambiental en La Oroya. “Perú debe de estar en todo su derecho para asegurar que empresas extranjeras acaten la legislación ambiental vigente, sin embargo esto es en lo que consisten los tratados de libre comercio; en otorgar a empresas extranjeras facultades supranacionales para evadir las leyes nacionales. Ahora Perú se enfrenta a una demanda de 800 millones de dólares más los costos millonarios que suponen su defensa. Esta es apenas la primera demanda bajo el TLC entre EEUU y Perú, pueden venir muchas más”, reafirmó el experto.

Medicamentos, derechos laborales y estándares ambientales, son también preocupaciones en las negociaciones del TPP

A su turno, Roberto López, coordinador de Acción Internacional para la Salud- AIS, recordó que en la negociación del TPP, los Estados Unidos estarían presentando una posición muy agresiva en los temas de propiedad intelectual que de ser aceptada por el Perú tendrían un serio impacto en el acceso a los medicamentos “Los estándares existen en nuestro país producto de los TLC anteriores, ya constituyen un reto muy alto para el acceso a medicamentos, la nueva propuesta de EE.UU. en el TPP implica un impacto más negativo, y obligarían a modificar normas andinas. Claramente esta propuesta no puede ser admitida por el nuevo gobierno ya que no coincide con las políticas que el gobierno busca aplicar, por el contrario, son nuevos obstáculos a la inclusión de millones de peruanos y peruanos al gozar al derecho a la salud que tienen como un componente esencial el acceso a medicamentos” .

Juan José Gorritti, de la Central General de Trabajadores del Perú - CGTP, recordó el compromiso del nuevo gobierno en la promoción del Trabajo Decente, y reafirmó la importancia de que en los acuerdos comerciales exista un firme compromiso por la promoción y garantía de los derechos laborales “Las centrales sindicales de los países que vienen negociando el TPP venimos impulsando la inclusión de mecanismos que permitan la efectiva protección de los trabajadores, incluyendo los derechos de los trabajadores migrantes. Creemos que esta propuesta debe ser asumida por el gobierno peruano y ser parte de una nueva posición frente a los Acuerdos Comerciales”.

Alejandra Alayza finalizó haciendo un llamado al gobierno a hacer un expresión de un verdadero cambio “La realización de la ronda de negociaciones en Lima, debe ser una oportunidad para expresar un nuevo liderazgo diferente en estas negociaciones, expresando el cambio en relación a los gobiernos de García y Toledo. Necesitamos no sólo una nueva posición negociadora que efectivamente exprese la agenda de la inclusión social, sino que las negociaciones sean efectivamente transparentes y estos acuerdos sean analizados, debatidos y votados en el Congreso de la República”.

En qué consiste el Acuerdo de Asociación Trans-Pacífico, según MINCETUR Perú

• El proceso de negociación del Acuerdo de Asociación Trans-Pacífico (TPPA) es una iniciativa desarrollada por los actuales países miembros del Acuerdo Estratégico Trans-Pacífico de Asociación Económica (P4), Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Nueva Zelandia y Singapur, conjuntamente con Australia, Estados Unidos, Perú y Vietnam.

• Este proceso de negociación tiene como objetivos el construir un acuerdo inclusivo y de alta calidad que sea soporte para el crecimiento económico, el desarrollo y la generación de empleo de los países miembros, el cual a su vez se convierta en la base para un futuro Acuerdo de Libre Comercio del Asia Pacífico (FTAAP).

• De esta forma. el TPPA será el más ambicioso y comprehensivo proceso de negociación entre países de tres continentes (América, Asia y Oceanía), convirtiéndose en el de mayor relevancia a nivel mundial.

• La decisión acerca de la participación del Perú en el proceso de negociación del TPPA fue anunciada en el marco de la Cumbre de Líderes de APEC de noviembre del 2008 en Lima, Perú.

• Este anuncio fue formalizado el 01 de diciembre de 2008 mediante carta enviada por el Ministerio de Comercio Exterior y Turismo del Perú al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Comercio de Nueva Zelandia, como país depositario del Acuerdo P4, y aceptado por dichos países el 10 de febrero de 2009.

• Durante el 2009 se efectuaron dos reuniones a nivel de Ministros de Comercio Exterior del TPPA en el marco de las reuniones de APEC y cuatro reuniones a nivel de Jefes de Negociación, en las cuales se desarrollaron trabajos de coordinación y preparatorios.