miércoles, 28 de febrero de 2018


Lee esto:


por Thierry Meyssan

Si nos tomamos el trabajo de mirar los hechos con algo de distanciamiento, veremos que los diferentes conflictos que desde hace 16 años han ensangrentado todo el Medio Oriente ampliado, desde Afganistán hasta Libia, no han sido realmente una sucesión de guerras civiles sino la aplicación de estrategias regionales. Recordando los objetivos y tácticas de esas guerras, desde la «primavera árabe», Thierry Meyssan observa como ya se prepara la próxima.
Red Voltaire | Damasco (Siria) | 27 de febrero de 2018

A finales de 2010 se iniciaba una serie de guerras inicialmente presentadas como levantamientos populares. Túnez, Egipto, Libia, Siria y Yemen se vieron arrastrados por aquella «primavera árabe», reedición contemporánea de la «Gran Revuelta árabe de 1915» iniciada por Lawrence de Arabia. La única diferencia es que ya no se trataba de utilizar a los wahabitas sino a la Hermandad Musulmana.

Todos esos acontecimientos habían sido minuciosamente planificados por el Reino Unido y desde 2004, como lo demuestran los documentos internos del ministerio británico de Exteriores revelados por Derek Pasquill [1]. Exceptuando el bombardeo contra Trípoli, la capital libia, esos hechos fueron provocados por la aplicación de las técnicas no violentas de desestabilización concebidas por Gene Sharp [2], así como de la guerra de 4ª generación de William S. Lind [3]

Al ser adoptado y aplicado por los ejércitos de Estados Unidos, el proyecto británico de «primavera árabe» se superpuso al del estado mayor estadounidense para la destrucción de las sociedades y Estados a escala regional, proyecto formulado por el almirante estadounidense Arthur Cebrowski, divulgado por Thomas Barnett [4] e ilustrado por Ralph Peters [5].

En el segundo trimestre de 2012, los acontecimientos parecían haber tomado un giro más apacible, de manera que Estados Unidos y Rusia acordaron en Ginebra –el 30 de junio– una nueva repartición del Medio Oriente.

Pero Estados Unidos no respetó su propia firma. En julio de 2012, una nueva guerra comenzaba, en Siria, y luego en Irak. A las acciones de pequeños grupos y comandos armados siguieron otras de gran envergadura con la participación de verdaderos ejércitos de yihadistas. Ya no era sólo una guerra de 4ª generación sino una clásica guerra de posiciones, adaptada a las técnicas de Abu Bakr Naji [6].

Esta vez, conforme a los trabajos de Robin Wright [7], la voluntad de impedir la reapertura de la «ruta de la seda» también vino a superponerse a los dos objetivos anteriores, cuando China anunció su intención de trabajar en el restablecimiento de esa vía comercial internacional.

Los acontecimientos parecieron favorecer nuevamente el regreso a la calma durante el último semestre de 2017, luego de la caída del Emirato Islámico (Daesh), pero los promotores de estos conflictos habían invertido tanto que los partidarios de la guerra se negaban a renunciar a alcanzar sus objetivos.

Vimos entonces un intento de reactivar las hostilidades alrededor del tema kurdo. Intento que sufrió un primer fracaso en Irak, para después sufrir otro en Siria. En ambos casos, la violencia de la agresión empujó a Turquía, Irán, Irak y Siria a unirse contra el enemigo externo.

En definitiva, el Reino Unido ha decidido seguir adelante con su objetivo inicial de dominación a través de la Hermandad Musulmana y para ello acaba de constituir un «Pequeño Grupo», cuya existencia ha sido revelada por el periodista francés Richard Labévière [8]. Esta nueva estructura secreta incluye sólo 5 países: Estados Unidos, el Reino Unido, Francia, Arabia Saudita y Jordania.

Por su parte, Estados Unidos, en aplicación del «Giro hacia el Asia» de Kurt Campbell [9], acaba de decidir concentrar sus fuerzas en contra de China. [[ Esto implica empezar la 3ra Guerra  Mundial ]]

Mientras tanto, la opinión pública occidental sigue creyendo que el único conflicto, que ya ha devastado todo el Medio Oriente ampliado, desde Afganistán hasta Libia, es una sucesión de guerras civiles por la democracia.
[1] When Progressives Treat with Reactionaries. The British State’s flirtation with radical Islamism, Martin Bright, Policy Exchange, septiembre de 2004. “I had no choice but to leak”, Derek Pasquill, New Statesman, 17 de enero de 2008.
[2] Making Europe Unconquerable: The Potential of Civilian-based Deterrence and Defense, Gene Sharp, Taylor & Francis, 1985.
[3] “The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation”, William S. Lind, Colonel Keith Nightengale, Captain John F. Schmitt, Colonel Joseph W. Sutton, Lieutenant Colonel Gary I. Wilson, Marine Corps Gazette, octubre de 1989.
[4] The Pentagon’s New Map, Thomas P.M. Barnett, Putnam Publishing Group, 2004.
[5] “Blood borders – How a better Middle East would look”, Colonel Ralph Peters, Armed Forces Journal, junio de 2006.
[6] The Management of Savagery: The Most Critical Stage Through Which the Umma Will Pass, Abu Bakr Naji, 2005. Traducción al inglés de William McCants, Harvard University, 2006.
[7] “Imagining a Remapped Middle East”, Robin Wright, The New York Times Sunday Review, 28 de septiembre de 2013.
[8] «Syrieleaks: un câble diplomatique britannique dévoile la "stratégie occidentale"», [en español, «Sirialeaks: un cable diplomático británico revela la “estrategia occidental”»] por Richard Labévière, Observatoire géostratégique, Proche&Moyen-Orient.ch, 17 de febrero de 2018.
[9] The Pivot: The Future of American Statecraft in Asia, Kurt M. Campbell, Twelve, 2016.


Read this:

by Thierry Meyssan

If we accept to take a step back, we notice that the different conflicts which have bloodied the Greater Middle East for the last sixteen years, from Afghanistan to Libya, have not been a succession of civil wars, but the application of regional strategies. Thierry Meyssan reminds us of the objectives and the tactics of these wars since the « Arab Springs » and observes the preparation of those to come.

At the end of 2010, a series of wars began, initially presented as popular uprisings. Successively, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Yemen were swept under by the « Arab Spring », a reprise of the « Great Arab Revolt » of 1915, initiated by Lawrence of Arabia – with the difference that this time they would not be relying on the support of the Wahhabites, but the Muslim Brotherhood.

All these events had been carefully planned by the United Kingdom from 2004, as revealed by the internal documents of the Foreign Office leaked by the British whistle-blower Derek Pasquill [1]. With the exception of the bombing of Tripoli (Libya), in August 2011, they were born not only of the non-violent destabilisation techniques of Gene Sharp [2], but also of William S. Lind’s « 4th Generation War » [3].

Implemented by the US armies, the British project of the « Arab Spring » overlapped with that of the United States military – the destruction of societies and states at the regional level, as formulated by Admiral Arthur Cebrowski, popularised by Thomas Barnett [4], and illustrated by Ralph Peters [5].

The events seemed to calm down in the second quarter of 2012, so that on 30 June in Geneva, the United States and Russia agreed to a new distribution of the Middle East.

However, the United States did not honour their signature. A second war began in July 2012, in Syria, then in Iraq. Small groups and commandos were succeeded by vast land armies composed of jihadists. This was no longer a 4th Generation War, but a classic war of position, adapted from the techniques of Abou Bakr Naji [6].

This time, in accordance with the work of Robin Wright [7], the intention to prevent the re-opening of the « Silk Road » was superimposed on the two previous objectives when China revealed its ambition.

The events seemed to calm down during the last quarter of 2017, after the defeat of Daesh, but the investments in the conflicts were such that it seemed impossible for the partisans of war to give up without attaining their goals.

We then watched a second attempt to re-launch hostilities with the Kurdish question. After a first failure in Iraq, there was a second failure in Syria. In both cases, the violence of the aggression forced Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria to unite against their exterior enemy.

Finally, the United Kingdom decided to pursue its initial objective of domination via the Muslim Brotherhood, and for that purpose, created the « Little Group », as revealed by Richard Labeviere [8]. This secret structure includes Saudi Arabia, the United States, France and Jordan.

From their side, the United States, applying Kurt Campbell’s « Pivot to Asia » [9], have just decided to concentrate their forces against China. For that purpose, they are reforming the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue with Australia, India and Japan.

Meanwhile, Western public opinion believes that the single conflict which has already devastated all of the Greater Middle East, from Afghanistan to Libya, is a succession of civil wars for democracy.

Translation Pete Kimberley
[1] When Progressives Treat with Reactionaries. The British State’s flirtation with radical Islamism, Martin Bright, Policy Exchange, September 2004. “I had no choice but to leak”, Derek Pasquill, New Statesman, January 17, 2008.
[2] Making Europe Unconquerable: The Potential of Civilian-based Deterrence and Defense, Gene Sharp, Taylor & Francis, 1985.
[3] “The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation”, William S. Lind, Colonel Keith Nightengale, Captain John F. Schmitt, Colonel Joseph W. Sutton, Lieutenant Colonel Gary I. Wilson, Marine Corps Gazette, October 1989.
[4] The Pentagon’s New Map, Thomas P.M. Barnett, Putnam Publishing Group, 2004.
[5] “Blood borders - How a better Middle East would look”, Colonel Ralph Peters, Armed Forces Journal, June 2006.
[6] The Management of Savagery : The Most Critical Stage Through Which the Umma Will Pass, Abu Bakr Naji, 2005. English version translated by William McCants, Harvard University, 2006.
[7] “Imagining a Remapped Middle East”, Robin Wright, The New York Times Sunday Review, 28 septembre 2013.
[8] « Syrieleaks : un câble diplomatique britannique dévoile la "stratégie occidentale" », Richard Labévière, Observatoire géostratégique, Proche&Moyen-Orient.ch, 17 février 2018.
[9] The Pivot: The Future of American Statecraft in Asia, Kurt M. Campbell, Twelve, 2016.

martes, 27 de febrero de 2018

FEB 27 18 SIT EC y POL

FEB 27 18 SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Economic Situation today:

Just when you thought it was all over...
Quite a chaotic day across asset-classes today - the most chaotic since the XIV crisis moves...
See Chart:

Having shifted back into contango yesterday for the first time since the crisis, the VIX term structure snapped back into backwardation (inverted) today following Powell's hawkish comments...
See Chart:

All major US Equity index 'VIX' measures are once again higher for the month of Feb...
See Chart:

Treasury yields spike today on Powell's relatively hawkish comments... then rallied back lower in yields as stocks tumbled.
See Chart:

The entire curve shifted in parallel on Powell but then 2s30s really started to flatten...
See Chart:

The Dollar Index spiked during Powell's testimony, running stops above last week's FOMC Minutes highs...
See Chart

AND Commodities all tanked together as the dollar spiked...
See Chart:

Finally,  we note that US macro economic surprise data has tumbled to its lowest since October... are stocks about to catch back down?
See Chart:

..and if so, what happens next?
See chart:

$1.2 trillion. That’s simply staggering... It’s larger than the size of the entire Australian economy... and constitutes a loss of more than $2.2 million per minute...

In his first testimony before Congress as chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell will deliver his prepared remarks - which were released at 8:30 am ET - before spending a couple hours taking questions from members of the House Financial Services committee....

Less than a week after Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President Robert Kaplan sounded the alarm over the level of debt that America's government is projected to carry, Fed Chair Jay Powell told Congress today that "the US is not on a sustainable fiscal path."
"This projected increase in government debt to GDP comes at a point in the economic cycle when it would be preferable to be moderating the rate of debt growth at the government level," Kaplan said.

And now Fed Chair Powell is confirming that view.
However, as we pointed out previously, this sudden Fed anxiety comes nearly a decade after the US unleashed its biggest debt-issuance binge in history, doubling the US debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion under president Obama, which was only made possible thanks to the Fed's monetization of $4 trillion in deficits (and debt issuance).
See Chart

To summarize Kaplan's and Powell's view: when US debt doubled in the past decade the Fed had no problems, and in fact enabled it. And now, it's time to panic...
And stocks rallied on this headline...
See Chart:

Presumably since any "unsustainable" fiscal collapse would force an 'independent' Fed to monetize moar and moar and save the world... again?

"BULLS ARE BACK TO DINING AT THE 'V', the magic quick dip correction that never happened. The price action appears massively bullish, yet the data underneath is not at all. Instead it appears more associated with bull market end-times."

"My...my... how quickly we forget...For those 'asleep at the wheel', there will be a heavy price to pay when the taillights turn red."
Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

Former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke will interview former Fed chair Janet Yellen on her career, her time at the Fed, her observations about the current state of the economy and the challenges that confront us. Following their conversation, the two former Fed chairs will take questions from the audience and twitter.

"As with mostly anything that comes out of a US government-funded 'think tank', the findings don’t directly pin the blame on America for destabilizing other countries but they come close enough in proving a clear link between the US military and Hybrid Wars..."

The deal is expected to save taxpayers $1.4 billion...

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

In addition, growth will depend on whether drillers - who could soon start to test the Permian region’s geological limits - will be able to overcome the geological constraints with tech breakthroughs.
See Chart:

...all of which was nothing but a delusion driven by China's massive credit impulseflooding through the global economy...
See Chart:
See more charts on China & JA at this source:

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3


Paul Edwards  When Empires Die
Dean Baker  The Radical Dishonesty of David Brooks  Para que insultar via critica tan debil

Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Keiser Report  Episode 1194  Max and Stacy discuss the lie observations about cable news channels

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break Empire: 

ALC        Tillerson, la militarización y el petróleo  Carlos Fazio
                Toda su vida vivió del petróleo ajeno, hoy quiere el de VEN
                Utopia tonta. La distopia: si los pobres asaltan bancos, adiós la pob
-Depende de quien la use: si la usa el imperio y NATO es terroismo
Peru      PPK y la mafia apro-fujimorista se hunden  Gustavo Espinoza
Opin      -Inmig (II):  Entre humillación y desprecio  Manuel H Restrepo
BRA        Ent a P Pimenta: “Lula es la piedra en el zapato del golpe”  M G
OrMe    Siria rechaza anexión Turca de Afrin:  Se tensa situación en la frontera
Korea-S                   -Clausuran Juegos de Pyeongchang, entre deseos de deshielo
                --Cuba, las ramas y el tronco  Humberto Herrera
COL        -Narcolombia:   La banalización de la cultura narco  Ómar Rincón
                -Hundir a Petro, cueste lo que cueste   Gonzalo Galindo
Chile     -fue asesinada:   Murió Paloma, una trans histórica Victor H Robles
Keiser Report  Decisiones absurdas

Global situation described by Iranian observers..
