sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

FEB 20 16 SIT EC y POL

FEB 20  16 SIT EC y POL

This Crash Will Be Bigger Than 2008 - Here's Why. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/20/2016 : "The world has never seen this and there is no one that knows the eventual consequences of this... This is desperation! The central banks have run out of ammunition and tools...all they have now is just talk."
The Chilling Ways The Current Global Economy Echoes The 1930s Depression Era. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/20/2016 : The imbalances that low rates and elasticity produce may “return us to the modern-day equivalent of the divisive competitive devaluations of the interwar years; and, ultimately, [trigger] an epoch-defining seismic rupture in policy regimes, back to an era of trade and financial protectionism and, possibly, stagnation combined with inflation.”
Currency And The Collapse Of The Roman Empire. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/19/2016: At its peak, the Roman Empire held up to 130 million people over a span of 1.5 million square miles. How could such a powerful empire collapse? Simple, the real effects of debasement took time to materialize... and then exploded.


Trump Steamrolls South Carolina; Hillary Barely Beats Bernie. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/20/2016  : Update 3: For once the pundits and exit polls were right: shortly after the close of the South Carolina primary polls it was revealed that  Trump has a crushing, double digit lead, with about 34% of the vote; followed by Cruz and Rubio who are currently fighting for second spot with 22% of the vote each. Jeb Bush is fighting for a double digit number, as well as for his professional career which may be cut short after tonight.
Update: moments ago first Fox News, and shortly thereafter NBC, AP and other major US news networks, projected Hillary Clinton would be the winner of the Democratic Nevada Caucus.
As CNN notes, Clinton began to organize six months ahead of Sanders and “a loss, or even another close finish with Sanders in Nevada, would further chip away at the aura of invincibility that once surrounded her path to the nomination.”
Poll RCP Clinton 48.7   Sanders  46.3  difference: Clinton +2.4
"Everyday American" Pleads With Hillary To Release Transcripts "So We Can Trust You Again". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/20/2016 : "How can we trust that this isn't just more political rhetoric. Please, just release those transcripts so that we know exactly where you stand."
For Hillary, It's Deja Boom All Over Again. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/20/2016 : Many in the markets have seen the worrying analog of 2008 stocks to the current malaise, but for Hillary Clinton, there is a much more horrific deja vu-ness about the collapse in her 'lead' over Bernie...

Guest Post: Great Power Realignment - To Russia? Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/20/2016 : . The end result may be "peace," but of the Machiavellian sort. "Peace," Machiavelli wrote, is the set of conditions imposed by the winner on the loser of the last war. The Turks and the Russians understand him. The Americans? Perhaps not so much.


Check: Great Power Realignment - To Russia? by Shoshana Bryen Feb 20, 2016 . Shoshana Bryen is Senior Director of the Jewish Policy Center.http://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/7453/us-russia-syria-realignment
  • As the Russians insist that the Assad government is the only legitimate government, all anti-Assad fighters -- ISIS, al Qaeda-related, or U.S.-backed or Turkish-backed "moderates" -- are, by definition, terrorists.
  • Russian -- and in particular Syrian -- tactics are appalling. Washington would rather not be associated with them, but has a horror of the vacuum that might emerge if Assad is swept aside. Mainly, the U.S. has hung its hat on the International Syria Support Group. The U.S. is muddled, as usual, without a clear goal, clear allies or fixed positions beyond support for a "political process."
  • The U.S. is looking less and less relevant, as historic Great Powers do what they have historically done best -- fight for their national interests as they define them. President Obama appears to be conceding the lead to Russia and Russian aims.

2016 Nevada Democratic Caucuses Winner: Hillary Clinton Beats Bernie Sanders

Nevada is the first test of strength with minority voters FOR BOTH CANDIDATES.

Saturday, Nevada Democrats will decide what appears to be a razor thin race between former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and Democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont — a repeat of a near-tie in the Iowa Democratic Caucuses that revealed an ideological split in the Democratic party and a more difficult nomination path for Clinton than anyone expected.
Both Nevada and South Carolina schedule Republican and Democratic caucuses and primaries on different dates. Nevada Republicans will caucus on Tuesday, Feb. 23, and South Carolina’s Democratic presidential primary is Saturday, Feb. 27.

South Carolina, primary offers the first true test of Democratic candidates’ strength among black voters. Clinton’s lead in South Carolina has been shrinking since mid-November as Sanders makes inroads into the so-called Clinton firewall of African-American voters.
My comment: Given the time and resources spend by Hillary, the 2.4 lead at 10pm, Sat, goes against her expectation (more than 10 points difference). Then this repeat what happens in IOWA : a weak victory , with flavor of defeat to her. More details will come when we check the dynamic of this caucus. In general all caucuses are easy to be manipulated and are full of fraud and unreliable ways of counting votes. I'm waiting for more details on this caucus.  To me primaries are more reliable. Let's see what happen in South Carolina, though I expect the strongest collapse of Hillary lead in the primaries of the super-Tuesday. Hugo Adan
The World Is Red. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/20/2016 : There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.





The Media are Misleading the Public on Syria. By Stephen Kinzer. Control de Media or the Media control us. Coverage of the Syrian war will be remembered as one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the American press.
Terror in Turkey: Is Erdogan Playing Washington?. By Finian Cunningham. Turkey wants to go into Syria not to fight terrorism, as claimed, but rather to assist their covert “brothers-in-arms”
Russian Intelligence Report On Turkey’s Current Assistance To Daesh. By Voltaire Network. . Wounded ISIL fighters are being provided with places to rest and receive treatment in areas of Turkey bordering Syria.
Playing Whack-a-Terrorist in Libya. By Paul R. Pillar. How Hillary Clinton – turned a relatively prosperous and secular country into another failed state.
Why the World Should Get a Vote in the Greatest Reality TV Show on Earth – the US Election
By Laurie Penny. It’s like watching the Chuckle Brothers trying to lead a fascist rally.
How Scalia’s Absence Will Affect Pending Supreme Court Cases. By Marjorie Cohn. Scalia favored unlimited corporate election spending.





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