martes, 9 de febrero de 2016


FEB 9 16 SIT EC y POL 

Todos estamos unidos para sacar America de la explosiva desigualdad y de los peligros de la  depresion economica mundial y de guerra nuclear que nos acecha. Nos une la fe en una nueva America sin mafias especuladoras y evasoras de impuestos que impiden nuestro progreso.


The Economy In Pictures: We've Seen This All Before.  by Lance Roberts via, S- by Tyler Durden on 02/09/2016 : “Are we closer to an economic recession or a continued expansion?” With the Fed hiking interest rates, and talking a tough game of continued economic strength, the risk of a “policy error” has risen markedly in recent months. The markets, falling inflation indicators, and plunging interest rates are all suggesting the same.



US Primaries, Sanders vs. Clinton: Can We Trust the New Hampshire Vote Count? By Klaus Marre. If all jurisdictions with voting machines would do a parallel hand count, then there would be no doubt about the outcome.
“A SPECIAL PLACE IN HELL”… FOR HILLARY CLINTON AND MADELEINE ALBRIGHT? By Gloria La Riva . Their attack, on young women who are supporting Sanders in such large numbers, is a shameful and opportunist attempt to use the historic struggle for women’s rights for the narrowest political gains.

Mi reaccion al articulo de arriba:
Lo que lidera Sanders is una REV democrático-popular y todos cabemos en ella.
Hugo Adan, Feb 9,2016

[ Look who is talking “age”.. Las brujas desfasadas Hillary y Madeleine no tienen nada que ver con el espíritu REV de las nuevas jóvenes .. Ninguna de las dos brindo futuro a ellas en sus propios países.. Solo sirvieron a   las oligarquías millonarias y mafiosas. Si las jóvenes de hoy aún creen en el cuento “Heaven & Hell” (que para mi pertenece a los tiempos de la Santa Inquisición que quemaba vivas a las jóvenes que no se sometían a los dictados del terrorismo medieval- Si aún esos viejos dogmas deterministas existen, si es así, GLORIA TIENE RAZÓN: SON HILLARY Y MADELEINE QUIENES SI MERECEN ESPECIAL SITIO EN EL INFIERNO. Yo no creo en determinismos ideológicos y menos en el cuentito “cielo e infierno” usado para aterrorizar niños de ayer, y/o para someter adultos a amos dictatoriales. No soy ateo, soy una mescla del panteísmo quechua de Perú–creo en el Dios Sol y en la madre tierra- y creo en Teología de la Liberación. Creo en el poder de la mente, la razón, la ciencia, la voluntad y auto-disciplina como fundamento del derecho de los jóvenes a forjar su propio destino. No solo como individuos sino en unión con aquellos que apuntan al mismo futuro. Por eso estoy con las jóvenes que apoyan a Sanders. Para él, el futuro de América está en la combinación de capitalismo productivo con socialismo (entendido eso como responsabilidad social del Estado con las clases trabajadoras, con las minorías étnicas, con los nuevos migrantes y con la justicia). Hubo la experiencia de FDR y el Glass-Steagall ACT que requieren ser adaptados a nuestro tiempo para corregir los daños del sistema neoliberal. En el sistema neoliberal actual, las damas jóvenes no tienen ni tendrán jamás futuro alguno ni trabajo decente. Ellas lo saben y en esto coincidimos tanto jóvenes como viejos, tanto los trabajadores manuales como intelectuales y los del arte, tanto las capas medias empresariales como el  capital inversionista grande no especulador, ni fraudulento ni mafioso. Por eso –sin distinción de edades, clases ni ideologías religiosas ni políticas, ni del color de la piel- los Americanos hemos decidido  apoyar a Sanders a la Presidencia. La Clinton tuvo su oportunidad y no logramos nada con ella. Su marido firmo la eliminación del proyecto de FDR y hoy ambos sirven a los intereses de las grandes corporaciones mafiosas. Eso es lo que hoy representa Hillary. LA NACIÓN HA DICHO BASTA! y esta desafiando el poder de los billonarios .. La rueda de la historia ha empezado a rodar hacia adelante a paso de REV: desafiando el poder del dinero del 1% del país. Esta vez los vamos a derrotar por 2da vez en la historia nacional: 1ro fue con el más grande Pdte de los Estados Unidos FDR y esta vez será con Sanders y la juventud que lo acompaña. ESTA REV VENCERÁ, LO DICE LA JUVENTUD Y ASÍ SERÁ. ] 
Erdogan to US: ‘Me or Terrorists?’ Must Choose Between Turkey and Syrian Kurds By RT. [ Chossing between Erdogan –the terrorist- and their victims –the Syrian Kurds, it is obvious the answer is in favor of the Kurds, if and only if reason & ethics prevail .. let’s check if the US can face the challenge.]


Points from interview with Stephen F. Cohen : “The US in its history has never put troops so close to Russia, going back to the eighteenth century.”  (Okay, this is factually incorrect; the US invaded Russia with some 13,000 troops in 1918 .. Now the US is “right on Russia’s borders. … and US-NATO “is going to quadruple its military power around Russia.”
“The new Cold War has become much hotter because of a decision taken in Washington” and is “more dangerous than the preceding Cold War”. As Cohen details, the US is the aggressor (which makes sense, as it has been expanding militarily since its inception, and is by far the largest military force in the World.)

On the US/NATO using Turkey to ignite the hot war: Turkey is trying to provoke a military conflict with Russia on the assumption that that would bring NATO directly in against Russia. … on the surface, there is no other explanation … NATO can tell Turkey to knock this off, but it goes on
More than one-fifth of the world’s total GDP is in countries which have imposed negative interest rates, including Japan, the EU, Denmark, Switzerland and Sweden. Negative interest rates are spreading worldwide.
And yet negative interest rates – supposed to help economies recover – haven’t prevented Japan and Europe’s economies from absolutely tanking. Nor have they even stimulated spending. As ValueWalk points out:
Japan has had ultra-low rates for years and its economy has been terrible. Trillions of debt in Europe now trades at negative interest rates and its economy isn’t exactly booming.  Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland all have negative interest rates, but consumer spending isn’t going up there. In fact, savings rates have been going up in lockstep with the decrease in interest rates, exactly the opposite of what the geniuses at the various central banks expected.
The math is simple. So in order to have your target savings at retirement, you need to save more, not spend more. But for some reason, the economists that run central banks around the world can’t see this.  Keep Reading
When I write about the demise of unsustainable systems, readers often ask me to describe the collapse I see as inevitable. This is a tough assignment, as there are as many kinds of collapse as there are systems: fragile ones can collapse suddenly, and resilient ones can decay for years or even decades before finally imploding or withering away.

Another way of describing collapse is: complex systems become much less complex.
Certain features of modern life could collapse without affecting everyday life much–for example, the derivatives markets could stop working and the impact would be enormous on those playing financial games and those who entrusted money to the gamblers, but the consequences would be extremely concentrated in the gambler/speculator class. Despite the usual cries that financial losses in the gambler/speculator class will destroy civilization, the disruptions and losses would be widely dispersed for the economy as a whole.

My three primary models of decay and collapse are:
1. Historian David Hackett Fischer’s masterwork The Great Wave: Price Revolutions and the Rhythm of History (given to me by longtime correspondent Cheryl A.)
3. The decline of the Western Roman Empire (the process, not Edward Gibbon’s epic 6-volume history). My recommended book on the topic (a short read): The Fall of the Roman Empire

A number of real-world examples of decline/collapse are playing out in real time. Venezuela is one; Greece is another. Both demonstrate the opacity of the process of collapse; it is not as clear as we might imagine. A recent first-hand account of a sympathetic visitor to Venzuela captures the flavor and despair of slow-moving, uneven collapse: Venezuela: Is There A Driver At The Wheel? (via Arshad A.)  Keep Reading


Risking World War III in Syria. By Joe Lauria. The U.S. and its Mideast Sunni “allies” appear poised to invade Syria and force “regime change” even at the risk of fighting Russia.
Does Erdogan Want War With Russia?. By The Saker. And how will Russia react if he triggers it.
US Position on Syria Tilts in Favour of Russian Intervention. By Gareth Porter. The Obama administration now recognizes that its former strategy is now irrelevant.
The Russian Phoenix: Hope or Illusion?. By Moti Nissami. If Russia succeeds in restoring a multipolar world, the vast majority of people everywhere will benefit.

Clinton, Petraeus, Snowden and Manning: The Tail of the Two Americas. By Dr. Marsha Cole. The U.S. government does not hesitate to imprison those who leak its secrets – unless they are Hillary Clinton or some other Big Shot.
Please Do Not Poison My Brain With The US Elections!. By Andre Vltchek. Who cares? Republican or Democrat? What difference does it make?.
[ If you are not referring the issue selection of super-delegates, a very controversial and unfair practice in US primaries, but easily to be corrected or used to blast the trap called by-partisan system, if you are not referring this issue, then you are only expressing  FRUSTATION WITH FRAUD, CORRUPTION & DISHONESTY THAT CERTAINLY IS BECOMING CHAOTIC  .. However, this critique can be taken as call for absentism & sabotaging  elections .. If this is the case, I would say that “Politics as the art of making possible the impossible” is being poisoned by a vague anarchism –not even the real Bakunian one- but for simple escape from reality with rhetoric full of nihilism and dystopia. This anarchism is the other side of the coin run by mercenary Islamic terrorism. Both of them don’t believe  in election and neither side of this devaluate coin serve nor benefit anyone in modern societies.   ]


Keiser Report. Episode 873 .  Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the efficacy of capitalism as profits remain high and with no competition on the horizon to put a dent in those high profit margins. They discuss hedge funds and bankers... [ To them everything that bring money make sense .. it doesn’t matter ethics nor epistemic principles nor theories on social change. As critique to the system is OK.]
The Big Picture Bill Clinton Smears Bernie as ‘Sexist’ [ Look who is talking “sexism” .. just  Monico Clinton .. alias Lewinsky .. The man whose sexism desecrated the White House]
Worlds Apart Fishy business? This is the other lady in RT that I love for her interviews. Read also Business unusual?
CrossTalk . Bullhorns spin the spin . In Syria peace talks – who is at fault?  Plus 'Masks of the Revolution' – a French director unmasks the false Ukrainian narrative. OPEN ALSO Costs of war


Peru Yanacocha y la peste ORO. Malicia extractivista en Perú Eduardo Gudynas
Arundhati Roy publica Espectros del capitalismo. India, la cara oscura del “desarrollismo”. E.Llopis



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