lunes, 8 de febrero de 2016



1. BLOOMBERG SAYS HE MAY RUN FOR PRESIDENT. 1ro dijeron que Biden or Kerry podrian ser reemplazo a la debacle electoral de Hillary. Esta vez va en serio. El billonario Bloomberg seria el mejor representante del 1% de los ricos en el USA. Ex alcalde de NY por GOP y Dem y la 3ra vez gano como independiente. Esta vez también  entraría al ring como Ind. Dos frentes, el del pueblo y el de los ricos se enfrentarían. Si Bloomberg ingresa .. cambia el panorama político electoral.

Treasury Yield Curve Crashes To 8-Year Lows, Financials Follow. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2016 : The US Treasury yield curve has plunged further today (2s10s -5bps at 107bps)  breaking to its flattest since January 2008. The curve has been flattening since The Fed began to taper QE3 and as financials begin to catch down to that ugly reality, one wonders just what The Fed can do about this...

One wonders just what The Fed can do about this?
CHECK ALSO: Record 5 Year Treasury Shorts Crucified: US Treasury yields are collapsing across the entire curve, .. it is 5Y yields that have traders the most anxious as record speculative short positions get crucified, breaking below three-year channel lows...

Europe Closes "On The Lows": Deutsche Bank Plunges 11% To 7 Year Lows. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2016 : BTFD? Deutsche Bank stock crashed over 11% today (the most since July 2009) to its lowest since January 2009 record lows. We have detailed at length why this is a major systemic problem and we wonder how anyone can view this chart and not question their full faith in central planners engineering of the 'recovery'. Nothing is fixed and it's starting to become very obvious!

[ Si las ratas británicas empiezan a abandonar el barco europeo –dicen que para salvar su Libra- es porque la recesión mundial es muy seria y la barca neoliberal está a punto de hundirse.]
THREE REASONS TO BE WORRIED ABOUT THE ECONOMY.  by Yonathan Amselem via The Mises Institute, Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2016 : he political class has completely disrupted the American structure of production, made American workers uncompetitive, snuffed the life out of entrepreneurs, and burdened the entire nation with a debt obligation the size of Jupiter. The US economy is not the strongest and most durable in the world — it is an unskilled thirty-two-year-old waiter crashing at his parent’s place and trying to pay down an $80,000 international relations degree.
Despite our leader’s unwavering confidence in America’s fortunes, a quick peak under the hood reveals a pretty grim state of American commerce.

1. The Federal Reserve and US Government Have Warped the American Economy
In just the past decade, the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet has grown from roughly $800 billion to over $4 trillion. .. Low interest rates stemming from a growing money supply are the only reason the US government has managed to service its gargantuan debt in recent years.

But public debt is far from the only distortion artificially low rates have wrought. Mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, and student loans have ballooned total consumer debt to $12 trillion, and this number is only trending upward. The easy credit economy manufactured by central bankers has obliterated American savings and replaced them with debt. The average American consumer has less than $1,000 in his bank account. He lives praying for no car trouble or a broken arm.

2. American Corporations Are Debt-ridden and Unproductive
The post-recession bull market inspired a lot of confidence in the American economy and Obama’s recovery, but this is akin to praising great happy hour specials on the Titanic. Soaring stock market prices are not a result of increased productivity or innovation — they are a symptom of central bank fueled asset inflation and corporate debt. In fact, since 2008, corporate debt has doubled. Almost 100 percent of all corporate issued debt has been used to buy back stocks and prop up equity prices.
Our current money commissar, Janet Yellen, recently “raised rates” from 0.25 percent to a paltry 0.5 percent. If this rounding error of a rate hike can send the market tumbling off a cliff, what would happen if the fed raised the target rate back up to 6 percent like in 2000?

3. American Entrepreneurship is Dying and American Workers Are Unproductive
Financial chicanery aside, we have to come to terms with the fact that Americans themselves just aren’t built like they used to be. President Obama’s administration constantly cites low unemployment as a sign that our economy is back on track. To say unemployment numbers are massaged is an understatement. Of course unemployment recovered since 2008, President Obama was sworn in at the end of a market crash! But more importantly, the American economy is not producing architects, engineers, machinists, or other high value, goods-producing workers. We are pumping out an army of waiters, social workers, and associate professors with worthless six-figure degrees they have no hope of paying off in this life or the next. American workers are not interested or encouraged to start businesses, learn new skills, or innovate in some way. The typical American graduate firmly believes he can turn a six-year sociology degree into a job that doesn’t involve bringing people mimosas for brunch.

The political class has completely disrupted the American structure of production, made American workers uncompetitive, snuffed the life out of entrepreneurs, and burdened the entire nation with a debt obligation the size of Jupiter. The US economy is not the strongest and most durable in the world — it is an unskilled thirty-two-year-old waiter crashing at his parent’s place and trying to pay down an $80,000 international relations degree.
Gold Spikes To 8-Month Highs, Silver Breaks Key Technical Level. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2016: The bid for precious metals is accelerating. Gold just broke above its October 2015 highs to 8-month highs. Silver is also bursting higher, soaring above its 200-day moving-average.
[ Cada que sube el precio del oro y la plata .. el dólar cae. A esto se suma el hecho de que grandes transacciones comerciales dejan de hacerse en dólares.. Caso la venta del petróleo Iranio.]
Forget Zika, This Is America's Real Threat. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2016 : DEBT - the other 4-letter word...

Source: Conservative media
In case you missed it late last week, President Obama blew past another grim mile post on America's highway toward insolvency and forced austerity, as the national debt surpassed $19 trillion -- a figure larger than the size of US GDP.  The Daily Signal puts this towering number into perspective:
On Monday the U.S. national debt hit a new record: $19,012,827,698,418. This is the first time the national debt has ever exceeded $19 trillion. That’s more than $58,000 for each person who lives in the U.S. today (including children). The main culprit behind the rising deficits and debt is growing federal spending—especially among Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare. Traditionally, Congress has set a limit for how much debt the U.S. may take on, known simply as the debt limit. But rather than put a higher limit on the debt, lawmakers and the president have repeatedly suspended the debt limit, most recently in November of last year through March 15, 2017. During a debt limit suspension, the Department of Treasury is authorized to borrow however much is needed to pay all federal obligations that come due. This means there is basically no limit on debt the U.S. may take on.
Either Banks Are Cheap... Or The Market's Gonna Crash. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2016 : Simply put, either large cap Financials are cheap, or the entire U.S. equity market is still overpriced. Their precipitous decline year to date means markets fear they are both the transmission mechanism for a global slowdown/recession to come and a primary victim of that event.


A  group of Republican and Democratic pollsters and political strategists reviewed polling data last week, and revealed these  stunning results:
  • 84% of all Americans believe political leaders are more interested in protecting their power and privilege than doing what is right
  • 81% percent believe the power of ordinary people to control our country is getting weaker every day as politicians of both parties fight to protect their own power and privilege
  • 80% believe the federal government is its own special interest primarily looking out for itself
  • 79% of all voters believe we need to recruit and support more candidates for office, at all levels of government, who are ordinary citizens, rather than professional politicians and lawyers
  • 78% believe that the Democratic and Republican Parties are essentially useless in changing anything, because both political parties are too beholden to special interests to create any meaningful change
  • 76% of Americans agree with the statement that America cannot succeed unless we take on and defeat the corruption and crony capitalism in our government
  • 75% believe that the US government is NOT working for the people’s best interest
  • 75% believe that powerful interests have used campaign and lobbying money to rig the system for themselves
  • 74% see the biased and slanted coverage of the media as part of the problem
  • 72% of Americans believe the U.S. has a two-track economy, where most Americans struggle every day, where good jobs are hard to find, and where huge corporations get all the rewards
  • 72% believe that the reason families in our middle class have not seen their economic condition improve for decades and economic growth is stalled is because of corruption and crony capitalism in Washington
  • 71% believe our government is not only dysfunctional, it is collapsing right before our eyes
  • 70% believe the government in Washington does not govern with the consent of the people
  • The majority – 56% – say they wish there were a third party with a chance of success to fight for their interests
  • Only 15% say the “values and principals of my political party are so important that I strongly prefer to vote for the candidates of my party…”
Ron Paul Slams Government Plan For "Mandatory Depresssion Screening" Of All Americans. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2016 : The United States Preventive Services Task Force recently recommended mandatory depression screening for all Americans.  Government health care mandates undermine the basic principles of a free society. If it is legitimate for government to tell us what types of health care we must receive, then it is also legitimate for the government to tell us what to eat, when to exercise, and even how to raise our children. To paraphrase C.S. Lewis, a tyranny imposed for our own good is the worst form of tyranny because it is a tyranny without limits.
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/08/2016 - 07:25
  • European stocks plunge as Lunar New Year offers no cheer (Reuters)
  • European Stocks Fall, Credit Weakens as Signs of Distress Abound (BBG)
  • Management trouble at world's biggest hedge fund: Bridgewater succession plan in flux as heir Greg Jensen steps back (FT)
  • U.S. athletes should consider not attending Olympics if fear Zika - officials (Reuters)
  • Geithner Gets JPMorgan Credit Line to Invest With Warburg Pincus (BBG)
  • Top Clinton Donor Wants a Law Against $1 Million Gifts Like His (BBG)


US Presidential Race: Giving Peace Very Little Chance [ Bernie s not ready to defy Deep State yet.]
Hillary Clinton: Changing Positions At Every Election [This chameleon only offer bla-bla to people.]


The Vampire Squid Tells Us How to Vote. By Matt Taibbi. You will never catch Bernie Sanders standing in a room as a paid guest of a bank under investigation for ripping billions off pensioners and investors.
[ Wars are won in the battle field, once is on. US bombing before & after their blackmailing-diplomacy  only express the evilness of imperial terrorism. The “regime change” strategy failed in Syria, .. OB & Kerry  were defeated. .. is it .. Les toca salir con la cola entre las piernas. .. It is over.]
Destroy Syria… Get Others to Pay. By Finian Cunningham. Cameron, Kerry and the rest of these charlatans should spare us their emotional blackmail.
[ This is the 2nd level of blackmailing & provocation. Troops know that once they cross the line or shoot Russian in the other border (provoked by neo-nazis from Kiev), WW3 starts & the troops in the borders  will be the first being fumigated with mini-nukes. The rest will come directly to America & bully allies. Everybody knows that this is the road to mutual assured destruction. MAD. ..If diplomacy plays any meaningful role in this  context  .. this is the time to do it: remove all troops from borders.]
Privatization Is the Atlanticist Strategy to Attack Russia. By Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson. Globalization was invented as a tool of American Empire. Russia should be shielding itself from globalization, not opening itself to it. [ China is doing the right thing .. their GREAT WALL is being re-invented fast .. they don’t need the West any longer.. they need Shanghai deal  & Bricks .. does it.]

Iran Dumps Petrodollar, Wants Euros for All Oil Sales. By Rudy Panko. Another nail in the dollar's coffin. [ The market for Iran oil is Europe .. it doesn’t make sense to do this trade with dollars.]
Europe is Built on Corpses and Plunder. By Andre Vltchek. . t is not only the United States, but also Europe, which is bringing about the horrors spreading all over our Planet. [ That is true .. the high-tech of US weaponry is manufactured in Germnay & they are sending top military to war zone too.]
Flint’s Crisis Is About More Than Water. By Chris Hedges. If we do not rebel we will sustain a system that will ultimately slay us. [ That is true.. it is why we join Sanders fight now.]
Are The Payroll Jobs Reports Merely Propaganda Statements?. By Paul Craig Roberts. The financial presstitutes merely report the numbers that the official releases emphasize and ask no questions about them
[ YOU WISH .. change the smoke pipe .. get out from unhealthy opium dreams.  THE FACT is that one more attempt to rig elections with the apparatus supporting Hillary –the billionaires behind the super-pack, that includes Wall Street managers, bankers & corrupt people, plus the control of machines counting votes provided by Bill Gates, one of the donors of Hillary- one more fraud and PEOPLE SUPPORTING SANDERS will demand to set a PEOPLE FRONT as 3rd and independent choice in this elections. It is sure that even progressive leaders from the GOP will join this PEOPLE FRONT to re-built America. I just came from meetings in Chicago & Ohio and it has been decided so. Hillary can win only with fraud, that include the pollters trying to change people’ vote. We decided not the fall in such trap. If Sanders abandon the REV he promised - we don’t expect so- we will continue.. but never vote Hillary. She is the most dishonest servant of the billionaires.  
ONE MORE THING: STEPHANOPOULOS scum-dialogo referred in this art is a forge scum of Gates associates in ABC. That dialogue never took place. Check the source referred: Bernie himself  interviewed by George Stephanopoulos on ABC News “This Week” May 3 “ ..This Week? Transcript: Fallout From Baltimore” .  Such MAY 3 interview (what year?) doesn’t exist. Open .] 
I don’t understand how published this scum


ALC. Haití.  Rebelión popular en marcha. Raúl Zibechi



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