domingo, 14 de febrero de 2016

FEB 14 16 SIT EC y POL

FEB 14 16 SIT EC y POL





For credit investors, 2015 was bad a year (for energy bonds it may have been the worst on record) culminating with the gating and liquidation of several credit-focused mutual and hedge funds. However, judging by these heatmaps, 2016 is shaping up to be even worse.

The first chart below from Bank of America shows a YTD performance heatmap of all Global fixed-income performance. The variation in performance remains vast, but with plenty of areas still of "credit stress."  The one sector that is clearly working - for now -  is  sovereigns on the back of even more NIRP around the globe and $6 trillion in govvies trading with negative rates.

Unfortunately, for most other credit investors it has already been an miserable year, as the following Citi heatmap of YTD junk bond prices demonstrates. But while junk is clearly a sea of red, what is most surprising is that in 2016 the worst performing sector on a relative basis is not high yield but US and European investment grade, as the contagion from HY spills over ever higher in the capital structure.

And here is the same for the entire world's IG CDS. This is what Bank of America's Barnaby Martin says about this spillover: “ We still see this as a big risk in IG and urge caution on low-beta credits.”

For some IG investors it may already be too late. But before you dump those investment grade bonds and rush in junk on hopes the revulsion is over, read the following from another BofA analyst, Michael Contopoulos.: 
Perhaps our greatest concern is that if we are correct on the fate of the high yield market and the broader US economy, the Fed has very little effective tools to combat such a scenario.
To this end we believe the path the Fed ultimately pursues is irrelevant to the credit market. In fact, we believe further stimulus would not calm the volatility in risk assets and may actually add to it as an acknowledgement of a worsening macro environment likely causes risk managers to dictate a dumping of securities and a hoarding of cash.”
Source: Citi, Bank of America
In Unexpected Twist, Oil Exporters Are Buying Treasurys While They Liquidate Stocks. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/14/2016 : While the wholesale equity selling by SWFs has become manifest just as predicted, in recent months something unexpected emerged when looking at other asset classes in which SWFs are involved, most notably Treasurys. " Unexpected", because US Treasury paper was one of the asset classes many expected would feel the brunt of SWF selling, perhaps much more so than equities. Quite the opposite has not happened.
Saudi Stocks Slammed As War Worries Trump Dead-Crude-Bounce. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/14/2016 : Oil's late week surge provided much buying excitement asd Mid-East equity markets opened with flashing green numbers across every screen. However, by the close, it was a sea of red with Kuwait, Egypt, Amman, and Iraq all lower and Saudi's Tadawul All Share Index tumbling almost 4% from the opening highs as war worries dragged The Kingdom's stock market back near 5-year lows.
A Bubble Induced Economy & The Wage Gap. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/14/2016 : Debt is a temporary stop gap measure for politicians to kick the problem to a new generation; and worse still, all the new debt has done very little to rescue three decades of falling wages. Simply put, we are bumping up against the limits of both fiscal and monetary policy... and financial markets are just now realizing this.
The Age Of Stagnation (Or Something Much Worse). Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/14/2016 : The world is entering a period of stagnation, the new mediocre. The end of growth and fragile, volatile economic conditions are now the sometimes silent background to all social and political debates. For individuals, this is about the destruction of human hopes and dreams
Citi: "There Was Something About The Entire Recovery Narrative That Is Downright Wrong". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/14/2016 : "Far from making the world safer, then, there is a risk that the post-crisis policy mix has simply suppressed problems, making markets stickier, and may even have added to them, by driving the global credit cycle far ahead of the current interest rate cycle. Recent market dislocations are a sign that that stickiness may be reaching breaking point. At this point we may start to question whether it can provide a similar solution this time round, not just because of the zero lower bound, but because the entire premise on which it has been based – inducing credit expansion and risk-taking in some other part of the global economy – seems to be reaching its limits."

Central Banks Are "Malicious Tools Of Wholesale Cultural Destruction". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/13/2016 : Central bankers regularly lie to us to obscure the larger, ongoing globalization of finance. We're not supposed to notice what's going on behind the curtain. But we better start.  [ This is yesterday news: in case you miss it ]

Heads You Lose, Tails You Lose.  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/14/2016 : 

Vote according... to BLOOMBERG .. HERE HE COMES..   

Washington's Dismal Comedy Of Terrors - When In Doubt Bomb Syria Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/14/2016 : Everyone has been consulted about the future of Syria, except the Syrians themselves. Why? Because simply, Syrians don’t matter. They are quite beside the point. Thanks to fresh reporting by Seymour Hersh, we now know that the subtext for Obama administration’s Syrian strategy, dating back to Clinton’s tenure at the State Department, has been largely geared toward ensnaring Russian in the Levantine quagmire. This is chaos theory marketed as foreign policy.
HOW THE CLINTONS ENABLED THE 2008 ECONOMIC CRISIS AND FINANCIAL COUP D'ETAT. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/14/2016 : "The crash has laid bare many unpleasant truths about the United States. One of the most alarming... is that the finance industry has effectively captured our government - a state of affairs that more typically describes emerging markets, and is at the center of many emerging-market crises..."
Who Said It 13 Years Ago?: "Mr. Greenspan, You Are Way Out Of Touch". Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/14/2016 : FEEL. THE. BERN. "I have long been concerned that you see your major function and your position as the need to represent the wealthy and I must tell you that your testimony today only confirms all of my suspicions." 


Road To World War III: Turkish Army Enters Syria After Second Day Of Shelling As Saudi Warplanes Arrive. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/14/2016:  On Saturday, the geopolitical world was shocked when Turkey began shelling Aleppo, where the Syrian opposition has its back against the wall in the face of an aggressive advance by Hezbollah and the IRGC backed, of course, by Russian airstrikes. On Sunday, the world continued down the road to a global conflict as Turkish shelling continued unabated and Saudi warplanes arrived at Incirlik.


Trading Oil in OTHER Currencies Won’t Kill the Dollar: US Doesn’t Care What Color ….. By Jacob Dreizin.   Sunday, February 14, 2016, Beijing.  : There are good reasons for doing certain cross-border trade in your own currency, or that of your trade partner. Consider that all digital dollar transactions across borders, anywhere on this planet, have to go through one or more U.S. banks. And if Uncle Sam doesn’t like you, well, he can just cut you off from that. No more foreign trade for you! It happened to Iran in 2012, forcing the country to survive on a bizarre gas-for-gold scheme with Turkey, complete with a “gold express” on passenger flights from Dubai to Tehran.
Turkey Fires On Syrian Army, Kurds, Says "Massive Escalation" In Syria Imminent As Saudis Ready Airstrikes. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/13/2016 : It's do or die time for Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar as Russia and Hezbollah are set to rout the Syrian opposition at Aleppo. In what very well may be a prelude to world war, the Saudis have sent warplanes to Turkey's Incirlik airbase while Ankara has begun shelling the Kurds in Aleppo on the way to promising a "massive escalation" within 24 hours.  [  This is yesterday news: in case you miss it ]
US Allies Are Now Fighting CIA-Backed Rebels In Syria. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/13/2016 : On the same day Syrian President Bashar al-Assad claimed his fighters would retake the entire country “without hesitation,”unnamed American defense officials revealed to the Daily Beast that the same Iraqi militias who were previously fighting ISIL alongside the U.S. are now actively collaborating with Russian and Iranian forces to “crush” American-backed rebels in Aleppo. [ This is yesterday news: in case you miss it ]


Why the Syria Ceasefire is a Long Shot. By Finian Cunningham. US and its allies are not interested in peace. They want regime change – by hook or by crook.


The US “Plan B” for Syria and the threat of world war. By Bill Van Auken. This “grand strategy” has led to unceasing US wars of aggression since and now poses the real threat of a third, nuclear, world war
Syria: Turning Over the Death Card. By Jack Perry. I fear that the threat of another world war might be too good an offer for the United States government to pass up

"Turkey is the Main Conduit of Supplies for the Terrorists" - President Assad. By AFP




¿Quién lo podría imaginar?: El cristianismo se une y la predicción de Einstein se hace realidad . 1er encuentro entre jefes de la Iglesia católica y la Iglesia ortodoxa rusa desde el cisma de 1054. Se unen para firmar una declaración conjunta que insta a la comunidad internacional a poner fin a la violencia y al terrorismo, y proteger a los cristianos perseguidos en Oriente Medio. Asimismo. Se subraya necesidad de hacer llegar ayuda humanitaria a los pueblos oprimidos y se aboga por un "diálogo interreligioso".

Resumiento lo dicho hasta ahora diría:
1ro, porque ningún país hoy en día utiliza el patrón oro.  

2do, porque es preferible invertir en activos financieros fácilmente comercializables y que tienen unos profundos mercados de compradores y vendedores.  LEA MAS en: Dólar frente al oro: ¿Quién será el vencedor de la guerra monetaria? ..  

3ro. En el contexto de la caída bursátil y la debilitación del dólar, el oro creció hasta superar los 1.200 dólares por la onza troy. El alza ocurrió el jueves, en medio del "escepticismo acerca de la capacidad de la Reserva Federal de levantar las tasas de interés” tal como lo pronosticó para este año Nasdaq. El miércoles, la presidenta de la Reserva Federal de EE.UU., Janet Yellen dijo que en caso de necesidad, esa entidad puede subir la tasa de interés a un ritmo más lento de lo planeado debido a una serie de problemas que afronta la economía del país.  

4to. Un dólar más débil no solo afecta positivamente el precio del oro, hace al dólar más atractivo en relación a otras monedas.  

5to, el crecimiento del oro lo provoca la demanda de activos seguros, ya que los inversores han comenzado a temer un crecimiento bajo de la economía global debido a oscilaciones en el mercado petrolero.

De acuerdo el punto 4to y 5to, el vencedor de la guerra monetaria será el dólar. El solo sugerir que no habrá subida de la tasa de intereses y que hasta podría bajar, podría interpretarse  como manipulación del precio del oro para hacer al dólar más atractivo en la Banca y comercio mundial, pero también interpretarse como una respuesta practica a los vaivenes de la economía mundial. El caso es que el precio del petróleo  dejó de ser saludable a la economía americana  y a la primacía del dólar. Además, hay otro factor de contexto, la guerra del medio oriente y la  venta de armas que, podría devenir en “un proyecto de guerra de largo plazo”. Esta guerra dejaría de ser grave carga para la  economía USA, seria en cambio el mejor complemento a la guerra monetaria. Asi vistas las cosas, habria imperio para rato, a menos que un moscón malogre la sopa de la cena (Turquia) y la guerra devenga fuera de control. Eso podría ocurrir hoy con la invasión Turco- Saudi a Siria. Pero, .. un arreglo arriba (US-RU) pondría fin al “desorden”. Incluso bastaría que RU los ponga en su sitio en un “click” para que todo regrese a una nueva normalidad : Siria sin invasores y con Ado de elecciones para fines del 2016.  El único problema sería que la Merkel esté apoyando los turcos y/o que la war-monger Clinton, sean los nuevos moscnes que arruinen la cena “paz”. La solución salomónica contra este azar seria (a) golpear a la Merkel apoyando (o siendo neutrales) frente a la salida del UK de la UE, y (b) apoyando el ingreso de Bloomberg a la escena electoral USA. Con este y/o con Sanders si podría tener sentido el proyecto económico de la Yellen, que asumo es del “deep-state”.  Hugo Adan Feb 14.



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