martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

FEB 22 16 SIT EC y POL p2

FEB 22 16 SIT EC y POL p2


Hillary Clinton Is Backed By Major Republican Donors. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/22/2016 : Hillary Clinton is a good investment for a billionaire - even for the 70% of them who are Republicans. And, based on those 2015 donation-figures, it seems that they would prefer a President Hillary Clinton, over a President Donald Trump. In such an instance, Hillary Clinton would probably draw a larger campaign-chest (especially considering super-pacs) than any candidate for any political office in U.S. (or global) history. Hillary Clinton would almost certainly be the most-heavily-marketed political product in history, if she becomes nominated and ends up running against Trump.
As The Bush Dynasty Ends, This Is What Jeb Spent $130 Million On. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/22/2016 : The Bush dynasty ended not with a bang, but a whimper on Saturday when Jed Bush officially threw in the towel at the feet of Donald Trump, but not before spending $130 million for his now failed presidential campaign. Here are some of the things Jed spent his backers' money on.
Recipe For Civil War - Between The Loathsome & The Unspeakable. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/22/2016 : The simpleton’s theory goes: Hillary wins the black and Hispanic vote and a big majority of womens’ votes. What does that mean? That America is now split into an ethnic-and-womens’ party (Dems) against a white mens’ party (Repubs)? Isn’t that a nice recipe for a multi-dimensional civil war?
What Could Go Wrong? Saudis Want To Give Surface-To-Air Missiles To Syrian Rebels. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/22/2016 : "Yes. We believe that introducing surface-to-air missiles in Syria is going to change the balance of power on the ground. It will allow the moderate opposition to be able to neutralize the helicopters and aircraft that are dropping chemicals and have been carpet-bombing them."
ISIS Goes Full-Wall Street, Rigs FX Rates To Generate Extra Profits. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/22/2016 : According to Reuters, ISIS has learned that when it comes to illicit gains, nothing beats white collar crime. Sure you can rape and pillage and even set out to establish your very own oil trafficking routes, but when it comes to racking up effortless gains, nothing works like rigging rates, a concept those "other" international criminal organizations (banks) figured out long ago.
EL SISTEMA NEOLIBERAL MUNDIAL EN SEVERA CRISIS: The Monetary Policy "Berlin Wall" Is Coming Down .Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/22/2016 : The real question for investors is to ask yourself: Is this merely the latest "extend and pretend" maneuver, which is about to happen again with Draghi coming full online in March and the BOJ doing another desperate action and the Fed backing down. Or is it the end of the debt cycle? That is the trillion-dollar question right now. by Adam Taggart via,
As we've been watching closely, something is wrong with the big banks. Their shares have lost 25-33% of their market value since the beginning of the year. What's going on?

The turmoil seems greatest in Europe, where bank shares have fallen the hardest, and negative interest rates have appeared with increasingly frequency across member countries.
Check VIDEO : THE END OF THE DEBT CYCLE by Steen Jakobsen  URL:

 [ The fall of the old dollar is at portas, the SDR may save it .. if global trade & gold deposit provide a just world distribution of power .. otherwise we may have regional currencies against dollar] "Before any big move in gold we have always seen extreme volatility or volatility pick up. This was just a taste of what’s to come in the next few years... We’ll look back at this and be reflecting on how minimal this move was compared to what’s going to happen as we go forward... They’re just positioning themselves for what’s to come."

We know for a fact that the smart money including major global players like George Soros and Carl Icahn are gobbling up all the gold they can get their hands on. When the rush for the exit in global equities starts – and you better believe it will – there will be an equally panicked rush into safe haven assets.

We literally saw how small the door was as people lined up to get their hands on physical gold. Now imagine, as Auryn Resources’ Ivan Bebek noted, what that line will look like on a global scale and what it will do to gold prices.

Check this VIDEO: Negattive rates and RISING GOLD: Just  a taste of what is coming. By Ivan Bebek. URL:
Putin Says "Radical" Turn Possible In Syria After "Ceasefire" Deal. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/22/2016 :  “This is a real chance to stop the bloodshed in Syria," Vladimir Putin said in a televised statement on Monday after Washington and Moscow agreed to terms of what's being billed as a "ceasefire" in Syria. “A radical turn in the crisis is now possible," he added.
 A "Nervous" NATO Fears Turkey, Russia May Soon Go To War. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/22/2016 : Were Turkey to send ground troops into Syria, NATO officials are increasingly concerned that the alliance could get dragged into a direct armed conflict with the Russians. Recent shelling of the Azaz corridor by Ankara underscores the fact that Erdogan would rather be defeated in battle than allow Russia to roll up rebels at Aleppo and proclaim vitctory. That sets the stage for an epic confrontation between the Czar and the Sultan. 

THIS IS ABOUT THE REBELION OF DEATH PEOPLE NOT BURRIED BY THE NEOLIBERAL SYSTEM : THE ZOMBIES, the world of the Walking Dead. [Just another view on apocalypses.] 


 The two types of zombies inhabiting the world of the Walking Dead represent two distinctive types of people populating our country today, as we relentlessly meander towards our own rendezvous with destiny. Our country is already disintegrating, as unpayable debt, endemic corruption, military overreach, civic decay, and moral degeneration coalesce to insure a societal collapse. It’s not a matter of if, but when. The zombies are unaware and apathetic, as their inability to think critically has left them trapped in an “all is well” paradigm peddled by their government keepers and their corporate fascist benefactors.

The American zombies resembling the infected mindless variety from Walking Dead inhabit the urban ghettos, semi-rural trailer parks, and putrefying suburban enclaves across the land. They probably constitute close to 50% of the population and continue to multiply. They are uneducated due to the dreadful government run public education system and the bad life choices of those who brought them into this world. They feed off the public welfare system, incapable or unwilling to work for a living. They are easily distracted by their iGadgets, 600 cable channels, sporting events, the latest fashions and hero worship. They don’t read books, participate in civic affairs, create cohesive communities, or think for themselves. The aimlessly shuffle through their wretched lives taking what they can and being herded by those in control. As society collapses they will panic, burn their dilapidated hovels to the ground and quickly die off, with no government to sustain them.

The next category of zombies populating America today is much like the people of Alexandria in the show. They are educated, employed, middle to upper middle class, living in suburban single family homes and townhouses, afraid of guns, trusting of authority, and are trapped in a web of normalcy bias. 

They’ve already forgotten the 2008 global financial crisis and believe their politician leaders that adding $70 trillion of global debt since 2008 has actually cured a disease caused by excessive unpayable debt. Since a further disaster has not materialized thus far, they convince themselves it will never occur. Therefore, they take no precautionary measures to prepare for any type of disaster, whether it is financial, societal, or related to their personal safety.

Despite clear warnings of a global conflagration already underway, these humanoid zombies optimistically believe everything will turn out for the best. The more aware among these zombies have an uncomfortable feeling about the state of affairs, as they know in their gut we are headed towards disaster. This cognitive dissonance makes them uneasy, so they purposefully avoid or disregard information that would confirm their worst fears. These zombies drive super-sized SUVs, shuttle their kids to soccer games, live in McMansions, commute to high rise office towers where they push paper, watch mainstream media, believe gun control will make them safer, and still think voting for hand-picked corporate candidates will make a difference.

They lack the intellectual curiosity to question the existing social order. They lack the courage to confront their oppressors, corrupt government, malevolent banking cabal, or corporate media mouthpieces spreading lies for the ruling oligarchy. They are completely unprepared for a world where processed toxic foodstuff isn’t plentiful and easily accessible at their local Wally World; ATM machines don’t spit out $20 bills on command; energy isn’t cheap, plentiful and accessible; and they are no longer protected from bad guys by government thugs. In a societal collapse their lack of self-sufficiency, firearms training and mental toughness to deal with a dreadful reality will result in most losing their lives.

I associate this segment to the criminal sociopathic Wall Street bankers; bought off crooked political class; government apparatchiks and surveillance state thugs; corporate fascists; military industrial complex; shadowy string pulling billionaires; propaganda spewing corporate media; and the leeches who suckle off this evil prototype. This gang of lawless psychopaths has no concern for the greater good or their fellow man. Their only objective is to pillage the remaining wealth of the nation, with no concern for laws, regulations, morality, decency, or the victims of their ravenous sacking of America. They are the real enemy.

At the end of the episode, Rick finally sees a way out.
The country and our future will be determined by those who are most prepared and willing to do whatever it takes to reinstitute the principles upon which this country was built. There is a way out. Are you prepared? .

“It does not take a majority to prevail … but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.”  Samuel Adams




If there are limits on what we can know of the future–and clearly there are–this sets limits on our ability to quantify and mitigate risk. Longtime correspondent Lew G. submitted this thought-provoking riff on the system’s intrinsic capacity for cascading decisions (for example, selling everything not nailed down) that upend our understanding of risk.  Keep Reading


Keiser Report Episode 878  ON war on cash. ..  Episode 877 : Dorothy Parker about the ugly-to-the-bone economy. They look at the ‘ugly three’ - debt too high, productivity too low, and policy room for maneuver...
In the Now. Face to face  Russia has been heavily criticized for its campaign against Islamic State with Western media headlines claiming it's causing a flood of refugees and a deepening humanitarian crisis and causing civilian casualties. .. Threats (S3E16) : Turkey makes threats, the U.S. and Russia bomb each other with blame, and a senior Israeli terror negotiator is In the Now.
Worlds Apart. North going south?  Crime and punishment has long been the preferred U.S. lens in its dealings with North Korea, despite the fact that history has proven cooperative diplomacy to be more effective. But will Kim Jong …  .. Cease under fire? : For the last five years, the warring parties in Syria have been accusing each other of slaughter while contributing to the killing themselves. With the UN no longer even able to keep up with the death toll, isn't it time to stop the blame game and...
Watching the Hawks. Breaking Apple & the Iraq Burn Pits (E184) . Tyrel Ventura & Sean Stone breakdown Apple’s refusal to create an iPhone backdoor for security agencies. .. Jeffrey Sterling pardon? & the Bush crime family (E183) .. The controversy of justice Scalia & Indian Point nuclear breakdown (E181) plus exclusive coverage of the nuclear radiation leak...
Redacted Tonight Israel & Palestine, Goldman Sachs questions capitalism, is pop music getting political? : Lee tackles the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Neil Young put out a new album blasting Monsanto, Goldman Sachs admits the problems with capitalism, and Carlos Delgado investigates corruption in the rehab..
CrossTalk Bullhorn effect Is Turkey turning itself into a global pariah? Is Washington beginning to realize it must work with the Russians? And, are you going to believe this, Putin... .. Human tidal wave Europe’s migration/refugee crisis is expected to match or even exceed last year’s record numbers.


Bolivia El 'No' se impone en la consulta con el 65,46%, según los primeros datos. Raffaele tenia  razon sobre la necesidad de critica constructiva. .. Y que sobre quien conto los votos?. Ojala no ocurra lo mismo en Ecuador .. se sienten pasos y urge frenarlos.
Perú ¿Es posible una izquierda moderna en el Perú?  Eduardo Arroyo. Moderna es canto de abuelas. Hay que bajar a Regiones y Municipios y preparar los Referendums. Nada crece de arriba para abajo.
Periodismo II . Sara Lovera sobre Humberto Eco. Exelente articulo
Perú Estado tóxico . Lucía Alvites. Pueblos enteros mueren lentamente por el extractivismo



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