sábado, 24 de febrero de 2018



Hugo Adan. Feb 24-18

We live in a recession in economic terms.
and this time it come to live with us forever -in relative terms-
since recession can mutate into huge depression, like 1929.

Yes, it comes to live with us ‘forever’  if we last any longer,
If we survive the 2 pests created by capitalism: wars & recessions

Why it is so?
First because we try to correct the Economic epidemic “crisis”
with the same policies that caused it: by printing fake money.
Now everybody can print fake money: with Crypto-currencies.

The power of the monster –the source of its strength, the USD-
is not working well, the monster is limping & can’t sustain its weight,
Soon or later it will fall, better soon than later, if follow UK example.

The other malady of neoliberal capitalism in its last stage: wars,  
can’t be solved by manufacturing more nukes & creating more wars.
Now, everybody can make nukes and used too. But the big ones,
won’t used because of MAD restriction; not even N-K for similar reason.

There are other countries severely bombed by US & ready to retaliate.  
The big competitors of the US will give them tech & equipment to do it.

Now is the right time for the US to give their victims not more weapons
but instead the equipment & tech to reconstruct their infrastructure, and
to give all countries of world “zero sovereign debt”, as they demanded.
Don’t get out from the unipolar system with rancor, do it with honor.

Now is the time to act because de value of USD is going to be zero soon.
Invested in them is more reliable than invest in big US-trasnation Corp.

The dices are loaded for new multi-polar system and the US either get
space in it OR die killed like dogs with mad-rabies, little by little,  OR
shot by unknown sniper. There are many to do this task with pleasure.

 Using the fundamentals of neoliberalism: Keynes vs. Mises Institute
CHECK FACTS: The main components of GDP:
1-      Customers spending is going down;
2-      Wrong Govt spending: arms, is worse than ever. The world at risk of WW3;
3-      Investors survive with fake air (QEs & free money printed from the thin air –is called ‘correction’) = higher debt. There is not real capital auto-reproduction anymore. Middle classes stating capital-production has been dumped in favor of big speculators in WS, that refuse to pay Tobin Tax;
4-      The balance between imports and exports is  negative & skewed to  benefit big corp inside the Military-Industrial-Complex.
5-      Inflation is real & people suffer it = makes worse the current explosive inequality. In turn, it creates  violence everywhere. That is worse every day. Kids are now the target, later will be investors, starting with the middle ones. All these are signs of Recession. WE can’t hide it with fake Stats.
6-      High Volatility is real & it doesn’t provide neither comfort nor security to no-body.
7-      If this  continue for 6 more months we may end-up in huge depression similar to 1929.


Design a Post neoliberal project and make the necessary political and economic ‘corrections’ to implement it.

FDR did it and is time to do it again.
If this change doesn’t come from the top, States will do it & bye - bye to this FED.

Hugo Adan  Feb 23-18

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