domingo, 11 de febrero de 2018

FEB 11 18 SIT EC y POL

FEB 11 18 SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Si me quiere conocer: mírame desde el OLIMPO de tu ESPIRITU. VER final de este reporte.                      Hugo Adan

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

After last week's market plunge, suddenly the pension mandate has flipped, with the relative performance between stocks and bonds now meaning that pension funds have shifted from buyers to sellers of fixed income.
See Chart:

Translated: one more marginal buyer for the 10Y has stepped to the side, if only for the time being, which is a negative catalyst not only for rates, obviously, but also for risk assets, which continue to be driven by the total return correlation, forcing further risk parity and vol-targeting unwinds after the worst week since Lehman.
See chart:

"Bottom line, we haven't reached the short-term bottom, but you'll know it when you see it (or at least 5 minutes later!). But longer-term, I do believe this is a genuine regime change, one where you sell-he-rallies rather than buy-the-dips."

Brian Levine - co-head of global equity trading at Goldman Sachs - sent out an email to the investment bank’s bigger clients, in which he made a stunning prediction: the Buy the Dip Regime is now over.

In the email, first reported by the Financial Times, Levine writes that "Historically shocks of this magnitude find their troughs in panicky selling" and yet "I’ve been amazed at how little ‘capitulation selling’ we’ve seen on the desk . . . The ‘buy on the dip’ mentality needs to be thoroughly punished before we find the bottom."

And, more shockingly, the person in charge of the most important trading desk also said that “longer term, I do believe this is a genuine regime change, one where you sell-the-rallies rather than buy-the-dips."
  • SPX currently down 3% YTD. Through yesterday client performance is hanging in, with both Equity Long/Short and Quant performance in range of flat to down 1%.
Bottom line, we haven't reached the short-term bottom, but you'll know it when you see it (or at least 5 minutes later!). But longer-term, I do believe this is a genuine regime change, one where you sell-he-rallies rather than buy-the-dips.

See more discussion of this thesis at the source below:

The world context:

", systemic risk is more dangerous than ever. Each crisis is bigger than the one before... Too-big-to-fail banks are bigger than ever, have a larger percentage of the total assets of the banking system, and have much larger derivatives books."

In reality, Wall Street bailed out itself.

The panic of 2008 was an even more extreme version of 1998. We were days, if not hours, from the sequential collapse of every major bank in the world. Think of the dominoes again. What had happened there? You had a banking crisis.
Except in 2008, Wall Street did not bail out a hedge fund; instead the central banks bailed out Wall Street.

And today, systemic risk is more dangerous than ever. Each crisis is bigger than the one before.Too-big-to-fail banks are bigger than ever, have a larger percentage of the total assets of the banking system, and have much larger derivatives books.
New automated trading algorithms like high-frequency trading techniques used in stock markets could add to liquidity in normal times, but the liquidity could disappear instantly in times of market stress. And when the catalyst is triggered and panic commences, impersonal dynamics take on a life of their own.
These kinds of sudden, unexpected crashes that seems to emerge from nowhere are entirely consistent with the predictions of complexity theory.
Continue reading at:

Is the global economy ready to embark on a tightening cycle as the common narrative suggests.  No - well we don't think so, and there are signs that the market is starting to call the central banks out on this one. 
See Chart:

"No, nothing has happened yet. This is an appetizer. This is just the appetizer for the unwind that is about to come...And it will be quite disorderly and ugly."

Professionals investors are still digesting the implications of last week's explosion of volatility, while some retail traders are struggling to cope with the loss of years' worth of work.
Meanwhile, one man, who was fortunate enough to have his warnings about the possibility of an explosion of volatility triggered by a dangerously large short-gamma positioning in markets documented by the New York Times, is sitting pretty as his illustration of the risks associated with the market's dangerous sense of calm have proven to be almost eerily correct.
See chart:

CTAs and RP funds got hammered by the selloff, as the index below shows, but they're still a danger as both algorithms and their human handlers have grown accustomed to dip buying at every turn.
See chart:

Both retail investors and institutions were hit hard by the events last week. but instead of bracing for more turmoil, reasoning that this explosion could be a symptom of a much more dangerous systemic risk, many chose to listen to the incoherent rantings of a certain CNBC personality, and have mindlessly bought the dip once again...
In stocks..
See chart:

And in Inverse VIX products...
See Chart:

To them we remember Chris Cole's parting words: "it will be quite disorderly and ugly."
OPEN:  Jared Dillian: The week short vol imploded
Cole's interview begins about an hour into the episode:

Beginning in 2013, with the taper tantrum, the Critical Stress Signal has been a remarkable contrarian indicator as it has closely aligned with the timing of central banks either verbally or physically intervening to calm markets. So far, however, central banks are keeping radio silence...
See Chart:
See more charts at this source:


Virtually every stock market sentiment and positioning indicator has, like the stock market itself, gone from new extreme to new extreme for months. Numerous commentators, including SLL, have been warning for months, even years. Pick a valuation measure and stocks, even after the last two weeks, are at peak valuations rivaled only by 1929, 2000, and 2007.
The only mystery was when they would give way. If they are now in fact giving way, then there’s no mystery about how bad it’s going to get. Very bad.

The Treasury debt market has been the dark cloud on the horizon since short-term bill rates made their low in mid-2015. The Fed followed, as it almost always does, raising the federal funds rate target (from zero) for the first time in seven years December 2015.
That markets lead, not follow the Fed, is an inconvenient truth for the legions of commentators and analysts who routinely assert the Fed controls interest rates. It shoots a hole in a lot of theories and models. (For substantiation that the Fed follows the market, see The Socionomic Theory of Finance, Chapter 3, Robert Prechter.)

The ten-year note made its (price) high in July 2016 and has been trending irregularly lower - and interest rates irregularly higher - since. Higher interest rates raise the cost of leveraged speculation, production, and consumption. Yet, leveraged speculators in the stock market only seem to have noticed rising yields the past couple of weeks.
We had this experience in RU two decades ago: Similar to 1930 in the US

"Just as the Soviet Union didn’t know the correct price of sugar, nor do the well-intentioned economists of our global central banks know where interest rates should be... Even more important, they can’t predict the consequences of their actions."
When I left Soviet Russia in 1991, I thought I would never see a command-and-control economy again. I was wrong.
Photo Image

Over the past decade the global economy has started to resemble one, as well-meaning economists running central banks have been setting the price for the most important commodity in the world: money.

Americans have a healthy distrust of their politicians.
Unfortunately, we don’t share the same distrust for economists and central bankers.
Just as the well-meaning economists of the Soviet Union didn’t know the correct price of sugar, nor do the good-intentioned economists of our global central banks know where interest rates should be. Even more important, they can’t predict the consequences of their actions.
Dissonance.. the other feature of volatility

Friday's late-day panic-buying has prompted some further excitement as futures open with The Dow up 200 points, just managing to take out Friday's high stops...
See Chart:
Escaping from reality :

We have officially gone from "Bitcoin is a fraud" to "cryptocurrencies could potentially have a role in diversifying one’s global bond and equity portfolio"...
See Chart:

Cryptocurrency liquidity in the context of all other major asset classes.
See chart:
Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

The White House has released more specifics about the $1.5 trillion infrastructure that Trump promised during his first "State of the Union" address following several trial balloon leaks.

"...people who voted for tax cuts and spending increases... I think there is some hypocrisy there and it shows they're not serious about the debt..."

“We believe Congressman Schiff intentionally put in there methods and sources that he knew would need to be redacted. And if we redacted it, there would be an outcry that says the White House is trying to edit it."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

“I don’t have the evidence,” Mattis said. “What I am saying is that other groups on the ground – NGOs, fighters on the ground – have said that sarin has been used, so we are looking for evidence.”
It seems that every time a chapter in the war on Syria comes to an end, a new factor surfaces...

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Syria - Is War With Israel Imminent   By Moon Of Alabama
Natural Born Killers?   By Lawrence Davidson
A Mother’s Lesson On Peace  By Cesar Chelala
The Battle for Venezuela   By Aljazeera

Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

“sharp stock market fluctuations don’t pose a major threat to global economic stability, as the pace of GDP expansion across the largest economies remains solid” Said Christine Lagarde, IMF Director
FOR the sole purpose of buying weapons and making war? .. absurd and unsustainable
Monday strike by low-wage earners working in restaurants.
After offering  to the South her intended to end seven decades of hostility.
False flags diplomacy:  tit for tat?:

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

Rusia     La eterna caza del hombre rojo  Ilyá Budraitskis
                El Imposible final del “Homo Sovieticus”
España    La trampa del “Pacto educativo”   Fermín Rodríguez
Obreras   Apuntes desde nuestra trinchera   Cristina García
Gaza      Al borde del hundimiento completo  Hebdo L’Anticapitaliste
Cuando Wall Stret estornuda… El espectro del “krach” bursátil Henri Wilno
Rojava  Afrin resiste a Erdogan  Mireille Court
Para entender la crisis griega  La consorte de Varufakis  Eric Toussaint
Libro      1968: el mundo pudo cambiar de base  Jaime Pastor
Estado español   Derechos y libertades compartidas  Jordi Cuixart
Valenciá.   Oposición sanitaria al Pacto del Botánico  Moisés Pérez
                Empezaron a caer aviones.. sospecho del caos WW3 que se avecina
El arte de mentir lo escribió Vargas Llosa hace 20 años y la Hon Em alguien lo dijo hace 10
ESPECIAL EL OLIMPO DEL ESPÍRITU  Nota sobre semántica o “el paraguas”

El espíritu es como un paraguas: se estira y se arruga al compás de la lluvia. Puede ser un minuto de inspiración divina, o solo el pedo de un muerto que se sienta a rezar. Si existe el espíritu es porque nosotros los humanos lo creamos: NO existe en ningún Olimpo, Templo, ni velorio alguno, solo en nuestra mente. Alguien podría decir que el espíritu de la guerra está rondando el mundo y muchos podrían coincidir en ello .. alguien incluso podría olerlo o saborearlo en el salmón contaminado que comen, ese que exporta Noruega a la periferia.. Si el espíritu es visible o perceptible por los sentidos es porque queremos que exista así, como utopía y distopia a la vez. La verdad es que el pedo del muerto existe y el salmón contaminado también .. generalizar desde allí, es lo invalido Si es así, el espíritu existe como mera intuición u observación pre-sentida; es decir, como verdad preliminar.. no valida ante las leyes de la lógica ni la razón, solo como mera observación atenta de lo ocurre en el bosque . sin explicar nada en absoluto ni siquiera un árbol en particular. Si te cae la lluvia.. es porque no llevas paraguas, dirían los creyentes. NOS decimos lo inverso: es  porque saliste al encuentro de la naturaleza. LO REAL es que la lluvia existe, aun si no tienes paraguas”. Hugo Adan.  Feb 11-18

Global situation described by Iranian observers..

The happiest point is the attempt of unity of North-South Korea
The sadness one: The US embassy-zealot’s manipulation against unity

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