miércoles, 14 de febrero de 2018

FEB 14 18 SIT EC y POL

FEB 14 18 SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Press the blue
  • Stocks Gain, Treasuries Steady Before Key Inflation Data (BBG)
  • AT&T Targets DOJ Antitrust Chief in Time Warner Fight (WSJ)
  • Why Today Could Be Huge for the VIX (BBG)

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

US Economic situation today:

Before we start, let's summarize what we learned today (courtesy of @Lee_Saks)
  • Yields: many many rate hikes
  • Dollar: no rate hikes
  • Stocks: mmm maybe some rate hikes
  • Gold: we blew up the fed. no rate hikes.
See chart:

Stocks: This is the 4th short-squeeze day in a row - and today's squeeze was the biggest since Feb 2017...
See chart: 

Risk-Parity funds are not exactly rebounding from their losses...
See Chart:

10Y broke out to its highest since Jan 2014...almost reaching 2.92% today...stocks now love higher rates?
See chart:

The Dollar Index spiked on CPI but then collapsed...BBDXY is down 4 days in a row, today was worst day for USD since The Mnuchin Massacre
See chart:

As USDJPY tumbled today, so Gold spiked...
See chart:

Notably, as the dollar tumbled both gold and bitcoin were bid...
See chart:

Finally, we noted that Atlanta Fed's GDPNOW model has already plunged from a 5.4% estimate to 3.25% today... just as it always does...
See chart:

This could be the start of another dreaded stagflation episode, in which shrinking retail sales and rising inflation diverge to the point where they drag the economy into a recession.

Lost in the chaos surrounding the blistering January inflation print, i.e. the market's worst case scenario which sent yields and the dollar soaring, and futures tumbling, was a just as troubling indication that the US consumer has officially tapped out, after January retail sales dropped by -0.2%, badly missing expectations of a 0.3% increase, and the biggest decline since February 2017.
See Chart

But what is most troubling is that this sharp decline in retail sales takes place just as inflation is spiking, confirming that this could be the start of another dreaded stagflation episode in which retail sales and CPI diverge to the point where they drag the economy into a recession.
See chart:

But the worst news: the US consumer is now tapped out, with personal savings just shy of all time lows.
See chart: Personal Savings Rate  in the source below:
Which means any further increases in spending will be reliant entirely on rising credit card usage, which in a time of rising rates and surging APRs, is virtually certainly not to happen.

(For those of you who desperately need silver linings, it looks as the US savings rate is likely to be revised up.)
See chart:

Real average hourly earnings have risen only once in the last 6 months...
See chart:

January's 0.2% MoM drop is bigger than expected and confirms the first 6-month drop in over a year as wages appear to have stagnated for two years now...
Real average hourly earning
See Chart:

But didn't the entire market crap itself at hit wage growth print from the BLS two Fridays ago (that everyone and their cat now knows was due to hours worked adjustments)?

"Yet another Fed-inspired financial Ponzi scheme now looks set to collapse into the deflationary dust. But the post-mortem will identify President Trump’s ludicrously timed fiscal stimulus as a key trigger for the collapse." - Albert Edwards
See Chart:

The US 10y spec positioning  shows huge short position
See chart:

US Public sector budget has huge deficit and the debt in relation to GDP is catastrophic
See charts:

Most Central Bank economists believe the equilibrium real interest rate declined sharply
See Chart:

IN SHORT:  After some eighteen months of surprising to the downside, US wage and price inflation are rising briskly, putting intense downward pressure on financial markets. Yet another Fed-inspired financial Ponzi scheme now looks set to collapse into the deflationary dust. But the post-mortem will identify President Trump’s ludicrously timed fiscal stimulus as a key trigger for the collapse. A 15% deficit will be his legacy.
Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

OIL the other war between US-RU

Back in 2014, U.S. shale production was growing so fast that it ended up crashing the market. Now, history could be repeating itself...


"This implementation has practical significance, allowing the use of cryptocurrencies as a payment option in a state revenue system legitimizes them as an everyday alternative payment medium."

"She’s sending herself an email talking about a conversation on January 5 with the president, reassuring herself, and the president, that THIS WOULD BE DONE BY THE BOOK..."

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"Certainly, it is unpleasant, as it will prove a stumbling block for companies and banks, and will slow down work. However, the companies are technically and psychologically ready for the shutdown as this threat was repeatedly voiced..."

"...quite frankly, the biggest concern is its designed to carry long-range weapons."

Gazprom’s Power of Siberia pipeline is more than two-thirds complete.  It will be delivering gas to China by the end of this year.  A second pipeline is still under discussion...

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO



Sharmini Peries - Michael Hudson  Trump Privatizes America


Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Police: Florida School Shooter a Student and Junior Reserve Officers Member  https://sputniknews.com/us/201802151061670908-florida-school-shooter-a-student-junior-reserve-officers-member/
1-Se debe obligar la licencia para poseer armas (lo que supone prohibir venta por empresas  privadas no authorizadas). 2- debe obligarse el chequeo psicológico a adultos que quieran poseerlas y prohibir su venta a teenagers o menores de edad. 3-se debe prohibir la venta a Personas que frecuentan bares, a personas con record de drogas, alcoholismo y de carácter ultra-inestable (fighters). 4 Se debe instituir el chequeo ad-random de legales poseedores de armas para ver si las tienen lejos del  alcance de menores de edad y de no calificados para usarlas. En los 4 casos se debe imponer severas penas, lo que incluye cárcel si hay reincidencia, además de la incautación del arma.

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

                -Palestina mantiene viva la llama de la resistencia  Pablo Jofre
COL        -Un estado fallido también en lo electoral   Carlos Meneses
                Nos declaramos en proceso de paz permanente  Sociedad Civil
                -Pax Romana y exterminio que perpetra la clase explotado Cecilia Z
Econ      -¿De dónde vienen los fondos buitre?  Louise Abellard
                -Desafío global:  Menos desigualdades y más democracia Lina Gálvez
                -Feb 1918 - Feb 2018: cien años del repudio a deuda rusa  ET y NL
                -Rosa Luxemburg y el socialismo polaco (1893-1919)   Eric Blanc
ARG       -¿Efectividad policial o "gatillo fácil"?  Luciana Bertoia
BRA        -
Brasil y la temporada de incertidumbres  Eric Nepomuceno
                -Pagos por servicio ambiental favorece merc financeiro  Amyra El K
                Bravo!  Asi se fabrica la PAZ antimperialista en el Oriente Medio
                -Migrantes atrapados en muro de contención de Nicaragua José Adán
                -Josefina Samper, VIVIRA SIEMPRE en nuestros corazones
FEM       -Josefina estará en la huelga feminista  Clara Alonso
                -En tiempos de guerra la solidaridad FEM crece en la lucha diaria
Opin      -¿Qué pasa con los hombres?  Iosu Perales  Tema Gender: obsoleto
                -Lucha anti-sistema imperial y por PAZ lo es todo. Sube al tren Iosu!
Cult        La necesidad del ateísmo: Prosa y verso rev de Percy B. Shelley J Aller
                “La Desilusión de 1 Sacerdote”, “Hacia 1 Moral sin dogmas” me bastó
USA       --Rescates  David Brooks
Cuba      -Alexander López Savran, embajador del biogás   Mary Luz Borrego
                -Batalla campal en Estraval   Mauricio Castaño
                -Falta de voluntad para detener tala ilegal   Cecilia Remón  
                -Geopolítica del caos planetario   Julio Escalona  
Reconoció que la del US es más hermosa. Tu también eres muy hermosa.
T u habilidad deportiva y tus ojos divinos encantan al mundo entero = A++

Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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