viernes, 23 de febrero de 2018

FEB 22 18 SIT EC y POL

FEB 22 18 SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Economic situation today:

China is back from its New Year celebration (China stocks gained - playing catch up), and The Dollar dropped for the first since they left...
See Chart:

Zooming in, it's clear the machines were testing yesterday's post-FOMC Minutes plunge lows...
See chafrt:

Rates and valuations can rise together—to a point. At some point the negative relationship between rates and valuations reasserts itself.

This showed the unmistakable correlation shift between 10Y yields and the S&P, which we said is "considerably worrisome for investors."
See Chart:

Meanwhile, we also showed that the bond-equity correlation, which has been predominantly negative since the Lehman crisis, had started creeping up towards positive territory. Specifically, we said that "the 90-day correlation between stock (SPY) and bond (TLT) markets has surged ominously in the last few weeks."
See chart:

They are, and here is the simplest reason why in just 9 words: "Every market crash has been preceded by Fed tightening."
See Chart:

Still, BofA: Over the past 64 years, stocks have exhibited a weak and inconsistent correlation with interest rates (-11%).
See chart:

And now it's flipped again... and it's not the only one: as the following Bloomberg chart show, the 6-month rolling correlation between stocks and the dollar, which was also positive for the past 4 years, has turned sharply negative.
See Chart:

What that point is, is of course the $64 trillion question: while some have suggested 2.75%, some 3.0% the latest and greatest estimation of this inflection point came from Credit Suisse this week, which calculated that the day of reckoning for stocks will take place just as the 10Y yield hits 3.50%.
See chart:

Of course, by the time the 10Y actually does hit 3.5% it will be far too late as anticipating traders will have been busy front running this event... and selling; it explains why the closer we get to 3.00%... or 3.50%, the greater the divergence between the 10Y and the S&P, and why the higher yields go, the more negative the correlation, until it eventually snaps back when stocks finally capitulate and the next crash hits.

"Both know all about speed, crashes, risk management, and holding on. Which is maybe why the US Luge Team and Bitcoin are made for each other..."

"The point is... an unexpected bill from congress helped to push an already nervous market over the edge. And that brings us to today..."
See chart:

"The Federal Reserve is the beating heart of big government, military empire, and the welfare state,"

After its 100% bounce off the early Feb lows, Bitcoin has slipped back below $10,000 this morning, catching down to Nasdaq's flatline from Friday...
See Chart:

"Concerns were also expressed about recent statements in the international arena about exchange rate developments and, more broadly, the overall state of international relations."
See Chart:

After sliding initially in Thursday's session, S&P futures have since staged a rebound, rising as much as 20 points from session lows, and are currently back in the green, modestly above 2,700.
See Chart:

The rebound was helped by the end of the USD rally, as the dollar’s boost following the Fed minutes proved short-lived as the U.S. currency struggled to gain for a fifth day.
See Chart:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"When a country armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons and overwhelmed by its own exceptionalism and indispensability has political and media lunatics equating a click-bait commercial marketing scheme with Pearl Harbor, that country is a recipe for the end of the world..."

There is still no clear proof that the Russian government interfered with the 2016 US elections in any meaningful way. Which is weird, because Russia and every other country on earth would be perfectly justified in doing so."

Though the media often attempts to twist the gun rights debate into a web of complexity, gun rights is in fact a rather simple issue - either you believe that people have an inherent right to self defense, or you don’t. All other arguments are a peripheral distraction...

"If a potential 'sicko shooter' knows that a school has a large number of very weapons talented teachers (and others) who will be instantly shooting, the sicko will NEVER attack that school...problem solved. Must be offensive, defense alone won’t work!"
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Can we trust anything the British said?

"Behind the scenes, Sweden wanted to drop the extradition case against Assange back in 2013. Why was this not made public? Because Britain persuaded Sweden to pretend that they still wished to pursue the case."

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Turkey’s Warning
Following Syrian government forces’ attempted advances towards Afrin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued a statement, claiming that the Syrian convoy had to retreat under the Turkish warning fire in the area of the besieged Afrin.
“Tonight about a dozen pickups were seen moving towards Afrin. But then there was shelling [from the side of the Turkish Armed Forces], and they had to return. So far, this is all over. Yesterday we spoke with respected [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and respected [Iranian President Hassan] Rouhani; we have agreements on this topic. Unfortunately, some terrorist groups sometimes make erroneous decisions themselves, this is unacceptable, and they will be held accountable for it,” Erdogan told journalists in Ankara.
Keiser Report  Episode 1192  Max and Stacy discuss infrastructure projects and human migration. They look at China, where they went from almost no bullet trains a decade ago, to the longest high-speed rail network in the world.

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

Iraq        Bagdad 1991: Recuerdo del bombardeo de Al-Amiriyya Sinan Antoon
COL        - La danza de la muerte paramilitar en El Salado Com Intern Jus.y Paz
                - Masacre de Chengue: un crimen de lesa humanidad
FEM       - Contra la mutilación genital femenina  WH y Tharanga Yakupitiyage
Cultu     Marx: Sobre El manifiesto comunista (primera parte)  Salvador Lópe
Econ      - -El mercado laboral del siglo XXI  María Lorca
Opin      -El trabajador aislado  José Natanson
                -Auschwitz, la cuestión judía y los refugiados  Pablo M. Medina
ALC        -Pto Rico: Vencimos y volveremos a vencer  Mercedes Martínez
                -¿Con qué moral Sres presid atacan al Presid de Ven? Ollantay I
                - ¿Cumbre de las Américas en Perú?  Patricio Montesinos
                -ARG: Se consumó el robo a los jubilados  Mario Hernandez
                --- -Solo la deuda crece:  Dos años y al pozo  H Verbitsky
                --- - Los mil colores de la unidad  Alejandra Dandan
                VEN: Futuro del Chavismo: apostar por la hegemonía  R Iturriza
                ---- -No hay crisis humanitaria en VEN, dice experto de ONU
Spain     - El franquismo y la pobre democracia  Alfons Cervera
                -América Latina De “tierra prometida” a  neocolonia  Kintto Lucas  

Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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