miércoles, 21 de febrero de 2018

FEB 21 18 SIT EC y POL

FEB 21 18 SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"Here's the problem... American economic growth is now based solely upon the growth in federal debt.  Without the federal deficit spending, the economy would be shrinking..."
See Chart:

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The machines lifted The Dow as the FOMC Minutes hit, tagging Monday's fake-open and then plunging back 500-plus points as bond yields spiked...
See Chart:

Perhaps more worrisome is The Dow broke back below its 50% retracement level...
See Chart:

Quite a wild day in FX markets as the dollar dumped then jumped after the FOMC Minutes...
See Chart:

"Clients sold fixed income ETFs for the third week, the longest selling streak since we began tracking ETF granularity in 2017, driven by institutional and hedge fund clients."
See Chart:
See More Charts at

Inflation problems:

"...the most likely surprise in the Fed Minutes tomorrow is that they may be leaning to four hikes in 2018, but the biggest surprise would be growing support to aim for above two percent inflation temporarily to make up for previous misses to the downside.

The Dollar is suddenly rising and rate hike expectations are now at their highest of the cycle - 2.76 hikes in 2018 are priced in - (despite stocks still not being anywhere near back to pre-Powell-put-implied levels).
See  chart:

But as Rafiki Capital Management's Steven Englander notes, the most likely surprise in the Fed Minutes tomorrow is that they may be leaning to four hikes in 2018, but the biggest surprise would be growing support to aim for above two percent inflation temporarily to make up for previous misses to the downside.
See Chart:

The three versus four hike debate is already in the open with several FOMC participants referring to the possibility of four hikes.

About 70bps are now priced in, versus around 65bps just before the meeting. The FOMC meeting occurred before high AHE and inflation prints, but in recent meetings the Minutes' discussion has become more confident that inflation is picking up.  I think the risk is much greater that they signal growing confidence on inflation moving towards target more quickly than any indication that two hikes might be more appropriate than three.  

This would not mean a strong, overt signal of four hikes but it is likely they could convey 'three, maybe four' as their stance. 

They are unlikely to go full hawkish in the Minutes as there have been only moderate hawkish signals since, and monetary policy was probably discussed in between tinkling champagne glasses at Fed Chair Yellen's last meeting.
The problem for the inflation doves is that even if they are ultimately proved right, there haven't been any recent data releases that would support the view that inflation will persist below two percent. The characterization of the dovish stance in the December Minutes now reads too aggressive:
Read more at:

"These signs of impending inflation have investors taking another look at gold as the historically most reliable hedge against inflation."

The Fed is keeping a close eye on these developments, and that could fuel the inflation fears. The fear of rising prices includes most economic sectors, from gasoline, housing, food, healthcare, to clothing.

Predictably, the market reacted immediately to the CPI rise with a 100-point loss after opening, even though the decline was quickly reversed. Investors are anticipating that the Federal Reserve could raise their interest rates three or more times by year-end.
See Table:

These signs of impending inflation have investors taking another look at gold as the historically most reliable hedge against inflation.
See chart:

We could be facing a major gold bull market soon. This one will be quite different from the bull markets in the 1970s or the post-2000 market. An entirely new factor is being introduced into the global gold markets with potentially huge consequences. This time, it includes the Islamic factor in the gold trade. For Islamics, investing in gold was against Islamic law. Not anymore, now they “could be infusing the gold market with $3 trillion of investments”.

In addition, China has opened the Shanghai Gold Exchange. China has huge gold reserves and wants prices set in actual gold value instead of paper futures. Currently, for each physical ounce of gold, there are 252 ounces of contracted futures on paper. This could change drastically if China has its way, and it could create a gold bull market of historic proportions.

"If Powell was fully conscious in 2012 of what would happen in markets due to the Fed’s balance sheet reductions, the question is, will he be honest about it now? My suspicion is that he will not..."
Ever since the credit and equities crash of 2008, Americans have been bombarded relentlessly with the narrative that our economy is “in recovery”.

In fact, we have heard from officials at the Federal Reserve that the exact opposite is true. They have admitted that the so-called recovery has been fiat driven, and that there is a danger that when the Fed finally stops artificially propping up the economy with constant stimulus and near zero interest rates, the whole farce might come tumbling down.

For example, Richard Fisher, former head of the Dallas Federal Reserve, admitted a few years ago that the U.S. central bank has made its business the manipulation of the stock market to the upside:
What the Fed did — and I was part of that group — is we front-loaded a tremendous market rally, starting in 2009.
It’s sort of what I call the “reverse Whimpy factor” — give me two hamburgers today for one tomorrow.
I’m not surprised that almost every index you can look at … was down significantly.

Fisher went on to hint at the impending danger (though his predicted drop is overly conservative in my view), saying: “I was warning my colleagues, don’t go wobbly if we have a 10-20% correction at some point…. Everybody you talk to … has been warning that these markets are heavily priced.”
Continue reading at:

It hasn't been a good year for most hedge funds, but for quants, CTAs, managed futures and trend followers, it has been an absolute bloodbath...
See table:
Salvese quien pueda ..  learn the Apple trick

Apparently, CEO Tim Cook can no longer stomach leaving such a crucial issue in the hands of Apple's suppliers
See Chart:

After new- and existing-home sales tumbled in December, expectations were for a modest 0.5% rebound in January (despite plunging mortgage applications and soaring rates). But that did not happen as existing home sales tumbled 3.2% MoM to its lowest level since Aug 2016.
See Chart:

(NOTE - this data is based on signed contracts from Nov/DEC, which means the recent spike in rates is not even hitting this yet)
Existing home sales are down 4.8% YoY - the biggest drop since August 2014.
See chart:

So, will higher rates break housing market momentum?
The following chart suggest 'yes' - that surge in rates will have a direct impact on home sales (or prices will be forced to adjust lower) as affordability collapses...
See Chart:

A week ago we highlighted the tumble in US mortgage applications, and things just got worser-er. As mortgage rates extend 4-year highs, home purchase applications plunged 15% in the last few weeks - the biggest drop since Feb 2015.
See chart:
See more charts at:

"Central bankers seem to think that adjusting interest rates is a nice little tool that they can easily handle. The problem is that higher interest rates affect the economy in many ways simultaneously. The lessons that seem to have been learned from "past rate hikes may not be applicable today.

A recent Zerohedge article seems to suggest that problems can arise with 10-year Treasury interest rates of less of than 3%. We may be facing a period of declining acceptable interest rates.
See chart:

Let’s look at a few of the issues involved:
[1] The standard reason for raising interest rates seems to be concern about inflationary impacts occurring as a result of rising food and energy prices. In practice, the impact of such an interest rate change can be quite severe and quite delayed. 
Figure 2 is an illustration from the Bureau of Labor Statistics website showing one of today’s concerns: rising energy costs. Food prices are not yet rising. Normally, however, if oil prices rise, the cost of producing food will also rise. This happens because modern agricultural methods and transportation to markets both require the use of petroleum products.
See Figure:
See also chart on Interest rates n  OIL prices in 2016

[2] Higher energy prices squeeze a person’s “spendable income.” Higher interest rates have the same effect.
Economist James Hamilton showed that ten out of eleven recent recessions were associated with oil price shocks. We would argue that if an economy is subject to higher interest rates in addition to higher oil prices, the economy is doubly likely to go into recession. Figure 6 shows an illustration of the situation.
See chart:

[3] Reduced interest rates can be used to conceal the adverse impact of rising energy prices.
This is another version of what we saw in Figure 6. If interest rates can be reduced, they can offset most of the bad impacts of higher energy prices. For example, if oil prices are higher, it helps if auto loans and mortgages loans are lower in cost.
See Chart:

[4] Falling interest rates have an almost magical impact on the economy. Rising interest rates reverse these magical impacts, and replace them with very negative impacts.
We saw in Figure 6 how falling interest rates could more or less conceal a rise in energy prices. The following are a few of the additional magical things that falling interest rates can do:
(a) Falling interest can raise asset prices of many kinds, including homes, stock prices, resale prices of bonds, and the price of land.
(b) Falling interest rates can raise commodity prices, making it possible to extract more fossil fuels and metals. Resources that previously did not look economic to extract, suddenly become economic to extract. This change occurs because with lower interest rates, more people can afford to purchase goods that use oil, such as cars and motorcycles. This tends to raise demand for oil products, and thus prices.
(c) Because higher-priced energy extraction becomes feasible at lower interest rates, more advanced technology, at higher prices, suddenly becomes feasible. Jobs open up in research areas that would not previously have made sense at lower energy prices.
(d) Falling interest rates can make the balance sheets of companies holding stocks and bonds as assets look better, because of their rising prices.
(e) Rising asset prices “feed back” into spendable income. People with homes that have risen in value can refinance, and use the proceeds to fix up their home (add an additional room or an updated kitchen, for example). Individual citizens and companies can sell shares of stock that have risen in value and use those proceeds to augment other income.
If interest rates rise rather than fall, the impacts can be expected to be extremely recessionary. The stock market may crash. Homes are likely to lose value because of a lack of buyers that can afford them. Energy resources that seemed to be available can suddenly seem not to be feasible because of low prices.

[5] The economy was able to reasonably tolerate the run-up in interest rates in the 1950 – 1980 period because the economy was growing very rapidly. 
A person can see the pattern of short-term interest rates in Figure 3, above. Long-term (10-year) interest rates follow a somewhat similar, but smoother, pattern (Figure 8).
See chart:
See more charts at
Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

Description: https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/styles/teaser_small/public/2018-02/gunrights1.jpg?itok=bV_oIDOZ
Though the media often attempts to twist the gun rights debate into a web of complexity, gun rights is in fact a rather simple issue - either you believe that people have an inherent right to self defense, or you don’t. All other arguments are a peripheral distraction...

"Similar to how he hijacked and exploited black people’s emotion regarding police use of force incidents into the COP HATING Black Lives Matter movement."

"US citizens would do well to refresh on the untold history of their country to appreciate how they are being manipulated. "

"Think of it as the chicken-or-the-egg question for the ages: Do very real threats to the United States inadvertently benefit the military-industrial complex or does the national security state, by its very nature, conjure up inflated threats to feed that defense machine? "
See graphic:

Think of it as the chicken-or-the-egg question for the ages: Do very real threats to the United States inadvertently benefit the military-industrial complex or does the national security state, by its very nature, conjure up inflated threats to feed that defense machine? 
Continue reading at:

"... the situation is still highly combustible right now and a larger war could break out at any time due to even the slightest miscalculation by the Syrian side, thus leaving the whole world watching with bated breath to see what happens next."

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO

La ruso-fobia es el termómetro del WW3: mide avances del Penta y NATO en esa dirección
URGENT: RU must set a Moscow meeting with PMs of Syr, Turk, N-K & Iran. Issue avoid WW3

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3



Kevin Zeese - Margaret Flowers  War Preparations on Venezuela as Election Nears

Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..


[[ PEACE vs. WW3 is main issue now.  Gun Control: is a distraction set by evil-twin Parties: Dems & GOP. Guns are neutral -like other instrument- is the person who uses the gun the ones who kills. Person’s ideology, habits and attitudes come from the cultural context they live in. If this context is loaded with violence is natural that a person will act –soon or later- with violent too. If you teach your kid to love video-games with wars. you are responsible if they later on hurt siblings and members of your neighborhood too.  Religion’ ideology and nationalist ideologies were in history the most violent institutions involved in criminal wars. You either are instructed to kill in the name of God (god bless your crimes) o or kill to defend the “Nation”.  In both cases they lie to you. With your killings you do not serve neither God nor you Nation, you serve the king’ royalty, the emperor’ family, the furer’ party members  and the elected President’ family paid by  Big Corp that manufacture weapons and wars. Does the killing in Nagasaki & Hiroshima serves you? NOT.. they ashame you. The same with the wars in Iraq, Lybia, Syria, Afghanistan n others . A lesson come from all wars: criminal violence in any  society comes from top-to bottom. Schools teach kids those ideologies (both religion n nationalism) to later enroll them into violent wars. This is the ideological context that create the killers in schools. Check the ideology of the recent killer and you will find traces  of Trumps ideology and also traces of the ultra-rightist neo-nazi ideology. If you suppress those ideologies you will be able to suppress the killers.  HOW TO?  We will be back on this issue.
Regarding gun control: You are wasting your time requesting gun control in public meetings. You control your guns inside your family. Underage persons  can’t bring them to public places. Muchs less to schools, not even teachers should do that. If so, the boses of the family or any Institution are penalized severely, even with jail if reincidents. You better organize meetings against WW3, and against the manufacture of nuke-missiles. If happens WW3 you will be killed and your entire Nation too. You better start demanding the dismantle of nuclear weapons in Central nations, not in the Periphery. No-body is stupid to give up their weapons to NATO nations. They used in WW2 and they can do it again. State Nations have the right to defend themselves against any Empire Aggression. ]]

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

USA       -Mapeo del imperio de Trump: activos y pasivos  James Petras
                -Tillerson, de ExxonMobil al Departamento de Estado  Arantxa Tirado

Cultu     Una invitación a la caída  Juan Gorostidi
In-Cult  -Una invitación a la camita. Pedro, el portero del cielo [[ Cuentito corto para adultos ]]
Y cuantas lechugas te comiste en la otra ciudad, me preguntó mi cimarrona antes de ir a la camita. Se refería  a la ciudad donde yo iba a trabajar y de donde regresaba cada 15 días-. Solo 4 y en 4 años, le respondí. Pues ahí no hay nada que perdonar,  dijo ella. Yo solo me comí un cuerpo, agrego. Solo uno? Pregunte sorprendido. Me cogió amorosamente de la mano, me llevo a la ventana y me dijo ESE, señalándome la casa del cuerpo de bomberos. Pero todo ocurrió en 4 noches, dijo ella. No hubo romance alguno como en los tuyos, los míos fueron simples acostones Ahora ya no son los mismos ni me interesan. Solo me interesas tú, me dijo con un beso bien suavecito. Entonces no hay nada que perdonar, le dije. No, absolutamente nada que perdonar. Si los veo los invito a cenar aquí para que les agradezcas. De que?, le pregunte. Fueron ellos los que te allanaron los dos caminos al cielo..No?. Bueno, bueno..eso si es cierto y ahora a la camita, le dije, mientras le agarraba suavemente el trasero. No, No,-me dijo- 1ro tienes que darte un buen baño porque estas apestando a polvo ajeno. Ah, y yo me olvidé de contártelo. Como te diste cuenta? Le pregunte. Las mujeres tenemos mucho mejor olfato que las gatas en celo, me dijo. Me perdonas?, le pregunte. Por supuesto,  me dijo. Ahora metete a la tina y yo te espero con la camita bien calientita. Creo que me dormí en la tina.. cuando fui hacia ella.. ya estaba soñando dormida y hablando consigo misma … mencionaba los nombres de 10 sujetos que los indicaba con sus dedos. Quise despertarla, pero me abstuve. Ella misma se interrumpió su sueño cuando se le cayó un pedo .. -ya no se los puede tirar sonoros- .. pero si que son recontra hediondos que ni ella misma los resiste. Se despertó y me pregunto: Listo para subir al cielo?. Si le dije ..  abrí una ventana, prendí el ventilador y los dos gozamos un buen viaje al cielo. De esos viajes que solo los viejos que pasan de los 60 se pueden dar: con doble y hasta triple agüita de la quebrada. Sin duda: God bless their love y la unidad dialéctica de esos supuestos ‘contrarios’.
continua el reporte del día
Econ      -El modus operandi del Ibex 35 en América Latina  José Bautista
Cine       Los archivos de S Spielberg:  Lecciones de una película  G Sánchez
Ecol        -El bosque es nuestro mejor aliado  Joaquín Araújo
                -Por eso me iré a la Amazonia del sur Latino si estalla el WW3
                -Fresno trasmocho, un árbol ligado al hombre  Fico y Pancho
                -El Príncipe Posmoderno   Álvaro Cuadra
                -El Salvador ¡Rinda cuentas, señor Fiscal!   Arpas
                -Brasil  El caso Lula  Carol Proner
                - Perú  Kuczynski depende del testimonio de Odebrecht  María L Puig

Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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