domingo, 18 de febrero de 2018



Hugo Adan  draft 2 Feb 18-18

In 1933 came FDR to power in Amer & Nazi-Fas in Eur & Stalin in RU: Let’s check these cases


Lesson 1. Depres is Internat case so requires Intern deals. In contrast: Recess is a Nat case that in the center could cause Depr if consumers in the Periphery  is been cut-earning due to imperial policies (case Mx in the 1980s) or because transfer their problems to the periphery (today cases)  

Less2: Depression came because mishandling recess in Central power.

Less 3: Extreme dictators come to power  from the right and left because Democracy  failed.

Less4: huge drastic Ref  in the Center  while threat to Rev came from the Periphery.

Less 4A: Bad intersections : Lack of Rad-Ref in the Center  &  success Rev in the Periphery = change in correlation of forces at Intern level = Back to nazi-fas dictators in the Center vs back to New Socialist dictat in the Periph = chances of WW3= not winners, only losers .

Less 4B: Good Intersection. Rad Ref in the center: Constit changes to eliminate bipartisan system (voter for lesser evil) & buying of votes & introduce a 3rd option ++ proportional distrib of power in Senate & Gvt to polit parties that register  5% in the total local-regional electorate and 2% at national level. That is a combination of Parlamentary Democ  at Nat level with Total Executive discretion in matters of :

1-National Security (if a& only if, evidences of foreign aggression is at portas. If the executive manufacture false evidences on that regard, automatic process of impeachment  should be declared by either the senate -- Supreme Court at the top  or Regional State Referendum at the bottom: 50% of states. The 50% has the chance of separation from the Fed if the central power is not changed or the Presid  impeachment  didn’t go)

2- Radical suppression of Neoliberal manipulation of Nation Economics by big Corp involve in predatory speculation and pro-war- business at the level of Mil Indust Complex. The Presid  will have the authority to order investigation  and later the corresponding authority  for immediate confiscation  of all their money in order to favor a new investors  group involve in production matters & National  interests, if the Supreme Court  order so. ]]

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