domingo, 11 de febrero de 2018

FEB 10 18 SIT EC y POL

FEB 10 18 SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

If we're going to be precise about it, work gets done at 11AM on a Monday in October. At all other times of day, we're basically slacking from our most productive.
Here’s what we found.
Summary of findings
  • Our most productive day time of day is 11 AM when we complete the most tasks (9.7% of all tasks)
  • After lunchtime, our productivity drops -- and it completely plummets after 4PM
  • Or most productive day of the week is Monday (20.4% of tasks)
  • We’re least productive at the end of the week (Friday, 16.7%), and unsurprisingly, get virtually nothing done on the weekends (Saturday + Sunday, 4.7%)
  • The highest percentage of tasks are completed in October (9.5%); the lowest percentage of tasks are completed in January (7.2%)
  • Fall ranks in as the most productive season, and winter (22.8%) is by far the least productive season
At what time of the day do people complete the most tasks?
Let’s start with time of day. All times were normalized for their respective timezones for uniformity.
See chart:

After getting absolutely crushed on their inverse vol exposure, retail investors have... doubled down as inflows into inverse VIX ETFs, i.e. selling volatility, increased sharply over the past two weeks.
See chart:

As JPM confirm, several investor types such as vol targeting (equity or multi asset) funds or risk parity funds are structurally short volatility and "VIX calls provide the most direct and liquid way to hedge their short volatility exposure."
See chart

"Markets don’t change when fundamentals change; markets change when beliefs change..."

What went little unnoticed today, is that the German 10-year yield traded with an 80 bps handle before falling back into the close. It has not been up there since the summer of 2015 and is now only about 15 bps from busting out Into The Great Wide Open, where there is little resistance  until 2 percent.
See chart

In the past four months, 39 homes in Silicon Valley have sold for $500,000 or more over the listing price...
See chart:

"...the unfortunate part of the story is that the shale oil miracle only made this country more delusional at a moment in history when we really can’t afford to believe in fairy tales..."

As of this week, the shale oil miracle launched US oil production above the 1970 previous-all-time record at just over ten million barrels a day.
See chart:

Oil production estimated
See chart

"How can the media be so gullible – and pliable? I don’t know either..."
See Chart:

WTF chart of the decade?
The week was full of superlatives...(and some quotes from veteran traders)
Intraday swings in The Dow far exceeded 12,000 points - "it was untradable"
See chart

Volatility of volatility exploded to its highest ever - "we've never seen anything like it"
See Chart:

Last Sunday, following the Friday post-payrolls flush, but before the Monday volocaust, which was the consequence of the concurrent historic vol squeeze of inverse VIX ETF funds, coupled with the sharp deleveraging by CTAs, risk parity and various other quant funds, we predicted that recent events were a "rec

Beginning in 2013, with the taper tantrum, the Critical Stress Signal has been a remarkable contrarian indicator as it has closely aligned with the timing of central banks either verbally or physically intervening to calm markets. So far, however, central banks are keeping radio silence...
See chart:

From BofA's perspective, equity skew, or the price of equity tail protection, and the shock to US equity vol this week, were the real stress outliers...
See chart:

Meanwhile, as Bank of America's derivatives team writes, the bank's proprietary Critical Stress Signal (CSS) was triggered to "Risk-off" on 8-Feb-18, with 13 components rising by more than 0.5 standard deviations in a 10-day period.
See chart:

Last Sunday, following the Friday post-payrolls flush, but before the Monday volocaust, which was the consequence of the concurrent historic vol squeeze of inverse VIX ETF funds, coupled with the sharp deleveraging by CTAs, risk parity and various other quant funds, we predicted that recent events were a "rec
See chart:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"What is the best way to 'deflect' attention from something such as this? War, naturally. "

"It is a fear-laden document, relentlessly portraying the world as fraught with existential danger to US national security..."

"To call the United States today a 'banana republic' increasingly may be seen as a gratuitous insult to the friendly spider-infested nations to our south..."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"You can’t see the new empire on a map, so people assume that it isn’t there, but the only reason you can’t see it on the maps we were trained to read in school is because the new empire isn’t in any way limited by geography..."

"From this point on, today we can destroy all American bases in the region..."

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

US liquefied natural gas (LNG) supplier Cheniere Energy will supply energy giant China National Petroleum with about 1.2 million tonnes of LNG annually beginning this year 
A SpaceX engineer partly responsible for the successful launch of the Falcon Heavy rocket on Tuesday has been outed as a former ‘nerd party’ meme star.
Keiser Report  Episode 1187  Max and Stacy discuss the ‘unreal’ flows into ETFs in January as the Atlanta Fed predicts a 5.4 percent GDP number for Q1 2018. Despite that, markets continue to show worrying signs of volatility.

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

                -Lo femenino fue primero  L Boff  Dios las condeno a parir con dolor
Sin solidas premisas teoricas.. las hipotesis mencionadas pierden base
Iraq        Un panorama político muy dividido Ibrahim Al-Marashi
Mund    -Un millón de razones: Indonesia 1965  Chema Sánchez
                --Las dos Coreas bajo la misma bandera en  JJ.OO Unidad esta cerca
Siria       Indignación en la ONU ante el sufrimiento sirio   Martin Chulov
Ecol        -El hambre es campesina  Gustavo Duch
Econ      -Turbulencia en los mercados financieros  Alejandro Nadal
                -manipulación de organismos financieros  Hedelberto López
                -campesinos europeos se niegan aceptar Acdo UE-Mercosur  M H
                Uruguay ¿Monopolio Imperialis o Control Popular? (Parte III)  J G
BRA        -Raza, género y clase determinan acceso a Univ.  Juliana Gonçalves
Ecua       -Revolución perdida. R Bueno La Rev estuvo y está muy lejos aún.
                Urge empezarla abajo con los pobres organiz en Frentes Unitarios
Cuba      -Corrupción y derecho  Julio Antonio Fernández
COL        --El espejismo de la paz   Matilda T. Uribe
                -Es viable acuerdo de paz entre Santos y el ELN?  Horacio Duque

Global situation described by Iranian observers..

Is Israel racist?  HIRED: 100 inspectors to deport Africans refugees
Debate: Korean unity at Winter Olympics US fail to sabotage unity

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