sábado, 3 de febrero de 2018


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Economic situation today

Today, and this week, saw some extremes:
This week was the worst for bonds & stocks combined since Feb 2009
See chart:

Risk-Parity funds had their worst day since May 2017 today...
See chart

And debt ceiling anxiety is back as the Bill curve inverts...
see chart:

The Dollar Index managed its first weekly gain of the year, but remains well below the Trump rescue highs...
See chart

"If Alan Greenspan is correct then a chart I have been watching and musing about for a whilemay be the ultimate bear chart..."

This is a ratio chart of $TNX (10 year yield) vs the $SPX and yields a stunning picture:
See chart:
But if the ratio breaks below its neckline, then this chart may indeed prove to be the ultimate bear chart.

"Ominously, we’re now in the deregulation stage following the bull runWe know what comes next, just not when. Count on one thing: it won’t be pretty. "

The Emperor Has No Rules

Nearly every regulatory institution in Trumpville tasked with monitoring the financial system is now run by someone who once profited from bending or breaking its rules. Historically, severe financial crises tend to erupt after periods of lax oversight and loose banking regulations. By filling America’s key institutions with representatives of just such negligence, Trump has effectively hired a team of financial arsonists.

Naturally, Wall Street views Trump’s chosen ones with glee. Amid the present financial euphoria of the stock market, big bank stock prices have soared.  But one thing is certain: when the next crisis comes, it will leave the last meltdown in the shade because our financial system is, at its core, unreformed and without adult supervision. Banks not only remain too big to fail but are still growing, while this government pushes policies guaranteed to put us all at risk again.

There’s a pattern to this: first, there’s a crash; then comes a period of remorse and talk of reform; and eventually comes the great forgetting. As time passes, markets rise, greed becomes good, and Wall Street begins to champion more deregulation. The government attracts deregulatory enthusiasts and then, of course, there’s another crash, millions suffer, and remorse returns.

Ominously, we’re now in the deregulation stage following the bull run. We know what comes next, just not when. Count on one thing: it won’t be pretty. 

“Speculation is an effort, probably unsuccessful, to turn a little money into a lot. Investment is an effort, which should be successful, to prevent a lot of money from becoming a little.

Since the beginning of this year, we have been warning of the potential for a correction. Of course, such warnings seemed pointless as the nearly “parabolic” rise in the markets seemed unstoppable. The chart below shows the current acceleration through the end of January.

But all of a sudden, something seems to have changed as the market stumbled this past week and has been unable to regain its footing.

So, what “woke” the markets?
Was it the sudden realization that Central Banks globally are reducing Q.E. programs? Or, that economic growth may be weaker than expected given recent numbers? Or, something else?
Whatever, the excuse turns out to be, the real culprit is seen in the chart below.

As I have been discussing “ad nauseam” over the last couple of years, interest rates are now stuck in a trading range that will likely remain between 0-1% during the next recessionary drag with a 3% ceiling as seen in 2014. Importantly, rates are at levels of overbought conditions only seen 3-times previously going back to 1980.
Since stocks are ultimately a reflection of the economy, it is hard to suggest that stocks will continue to rise in the face of higher rates.

Is this the beginning of the next major market correction?
Probably not.
As with every previous major market correction in history, investors were always given multiple warnings BEFORE the crash actually occurred.
(We have a special report coming out next week to our newsletter subscribers only discussing these warning signs. Click here to enter your email address  if you want a copy of this report.)
Of course, few investors heeded those warnings because they had been lulled into the belief “this time is different.”
It wasn’t then. It won’t be next time either.

Economy & Fed
Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"...people may finally look back and wonderhow we could have been so foolish to hand total control of our economy over to an unelected committee of bureaucrats with a mediocre track record... and then expect them to get it right forever."
James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein are "traitors to our nation"
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"Temptation to 'deal' with North Korea with apre-emptive attack, is strong..."

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO

A quien vende Tillerson su imagen de sucesor de Trump?  To neocons or Judith lobby or both

Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

The Second Dossier   By Paul Craig Roberts



Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

US Congress Releases Republican Memo Alleging FBI Abuse of Power .. against campaign officials of US president Donald Trump.  
In south Peru ladies with beautiful body go naked into a beach until the sunset is over and boyfriends bring a big towel and a quarter of anisado to celebrate them. Obesity is not clap, they get boo it. The same happens in beaches of Sao Pablo, Brasil. Beauty is celebrated in public, not in closed nude- camps. La desnudez es signo de decencia humana si no se lo hace por dinero. The decency of naked females are respected and supported by people in Peru, Chile and Brazil. It is common to see in the andes of Peru: young mothers breasting their babies in public busses, I saw in the Sunday-market of Capachica town (Puno- Peru), young ladies with some flowers in the top of her hat to say “I’m available”. It doesn’t mean that boys can assault them (they are kill, if happens). It only means that she has the right to select the pretender to invite him to her house. It is clear to them that dignity and decency of women is not in the middle of their legs, is in their mind.  Garotas from BRA (beautiful afro-latinas) dance in the streets of Sao Pablo with tiny-tangas (almost naked) and they are brought to Peru big-cities to celebrate the onomastic of the town. Garotas are not prostitutes; they are professional dancers with enough stamina to dance several Kilometers showing the beauty of black girls. They’re paid by Municipality-city plus some voluntary donations from rich people and the public. It helps to break down racial stereotypes from the oligarchical past. Black people is very religious and they create their own Saint “El Senior de los Milagros” , the most venerated in the entire coastal area of Peru. “If they survive the brutal slave time when building the railroads and the nasty slave in white farms.. is because they are bless by god” Peruvian people use to say.

I’m Panteist: I do believe in two Gods: The SUN and Mother Earth, their energy and clarity are the only source of life. Our main party start in June 24, the most beautiful festivity in Peru, in Cusco, the heart of the Andes. I do believe in ethics without religious dogmas and I do love the beauty of all afro-Americans, starting with afro-latinas.

In short, Garotas should  be hired by Teheran’ mulas to put down the stupid medieval Laws and dogmas on women. Will they do so? .. Or, they have to clean their dirty mind on women first.  How long it would take?  
Nuclear Posture Review is based on a realistic evaluation of the world’s security situation and the need to deter the use of nuclear weapons, US President Donald Trump said
Tillerson suggested Venezuela may face a military coup before his Latin American visit. 
First: ’m American but against WW3. This won’t bring winners.. only more destruction, migrations and death.
Second: I noticed that my country is getting ready to start WW3, one sector of the “deep state” is doing so. They consider that 1st strike will be so massive that no response will come from RU China. Facts indicate that there will be automatic response.
Third: Their motive for 1st strike is just business (oil and pressure from the economic collapse we are facing). Our Nation did not commit such faults.  Big Corp did it, the profit from the explosive inequality that neoliberalism has created and they want to expand this obsolete system to China and RU.
Furth. On the other hand, the US motive for WW3 has nothing to do with basic principles of JUST WAR:

BEFORE WAR 4 principles has to be consider:
1-Public declaration of war from a proper authority. This implies  
a. the recogniotion of certain areas as war zones  and certain states as belligerents  & non-belligerents. 
b. respect the right of neutrality to those countries that do not want to intervene.
c.The concept of proper authority also inhibits intervention in domestic conflicts of other states.

2- Just cause. This consider that pure business as cause is illegal and unethical. It also consider the restoring of peace as main motive and is clear that WW3  will prevent that aim. Imposible to control its magnitude, and so the restoring of peace.
3. Righ intent . It implies that the amount of violence and death has to be calculated  at its  minimum. The use of nukes makes imposible the right intent.
4-The peaceful end , that is also imposible to be calculated.  

DURING WAR two principles has to be consider.
1st Proportionality , that refers the means of violence: it prohibit the uses of atomic, biological n Chemical weapons, in order to minimize civilian casualties.
2nd principle: Discrimination: that is the respect of non combatants and neutral zones. None of them are possible with WW3.


If we consider the Nuremberg Judgments incorporated into International Law by a UN Gral Assembly Res in Dec 1946 and in the Genocide Convention of 1948, both signed by the US, WW3 is an intentional violation of International Law. Accoring to those Laws we will incur in  WAR CRIMES and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

We Americans are obliged  by laws, otherwise we are not Americans. Those who are in favor of WW3 are not Americans. They are against the life of Americans, so they are usurping power in our country. They should be declared illegal rulers . We have the right to impeach them in States and regional Referendums, and the right to mobilize people to take them out from power. NOBODY OWES OBEDIENCE TO ILLEGAL RULERS.


Putin is undisputable world leader in the fight for new multilateral World ORDER in favor of Peace and development . What happens in Iraq, Libia and Syria (destruction  and genocides) are getting an end thanks to Russia. Ksenia Sobchak in the interview in Worlds  Appart had the right to ‘cacareo’ on dictatorship from the State Power in RU,  but it was unfair to blame one single person –Putin- for all mistakes committed during his administration.  The Fact is that although US blockages and sanctions on RU, the economic and political situation of this country –RU- is stronger than the US and NATO allies, except at the military level. Putin needs order inside to face the Rusofobia implemented by West powers lead by US politicians. Putin’ team is definitely in favor of PEACE and their honesty and perseverance pays off: RU is getting new friend outside. All that he need is the support of his people. I am sure that he can mobilize many, many thousands of people in his support. I’m sure that at the end of the electoral campaign he will discuss with the other major contender.
Meanwhile Ksenia Sobchack, representative of middle-class entrepreneurs in Russia, has to be sure that Putin will pay attention to the economics of middle size sector  of entrepreneurs , even when they believe that  the US is example of democracy to be follow. The Fact is the Democ in Amer is the most corrupted one. In this country the big corp involve in speculation got all the benefit QEs and other free USD printed from the thin air. The main tax exoneration is for them, not for the productive sector and much less for common people.

When the Tresury tray to place a kind of Tobin Tax to big speculators in Wall Street, they rejected. Big Corp won’t abandon their voracious gluttony until the neoliberal system is crashed  and changed radically. FDR did it in 1935 when a NEW DEAL was reached and the Glass Stegall Act was enacted. The recession is coming again and then there won’t be place for speculators to invest their devaluated USD. For the US the only way to cope with the recession is to cut the military budget and bring troops home.

Then will make sense the petition of Trillion from Trump to rebuilt infrastructure and give job to the soldiers brought back home. That requires a deal with Putin to dismantle the nuke arsenal in both sides, to start the process at global scale. In the recent SOTU Trump said is not his priority. Now the Nation and “deep state” not involved in creating more weapons & wars are searching the way to take him out of power. If Trump recur to WW3 to save himself, that is deemed to fail. We are not ready for WW3. Once missiles hit the Penta-milit power, nuclear sites, banks printing USD, and dumps.. is over. The FED will disappear and 5 to 10 regions will create a new map of  North America.

A real post neoliberal agenda to rebuild the economy need to boost the middle size productive sector in both sides, US & RU. Then Ksenia Sobchack will have the choice of invest here or there. In my view a new type of socialism will emerge in both sides. China a Germany are ready for this and RU has the background required to put together capitalist competition and State support to health, education and house for all and free from private speculation.

The main problem now is that the US is preparing a first nuke strike against RU and that demands  the internal unity & solidarity from their Nations.. I’m sure that Russia with Putin will respond to the West as it happens in WW2,  if the Weat  attacked again.

This is macro frame that has to be considered  when we address the internal political context of any country. Is PEACE  vs. WAR the main political problem today and whoever wants to be the next President  in Russia or the US has to be prepared and ready to addressed it in the proper way and respecting the rules of the debate.   
(‘cacareo’ is the noise made by chickens when they put an egg in wrong place and wrong time)

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

Econ      -La pobreza sigue teniendo nombre de mujer  Rosa Guevara
                -Blockchain: misterio resuelto  Miguel Iradier
Opin      -¿Qué estrategia para la izquierda?   Juan Dal Maso
BRA        -Absurdos en un país a la deriva  Eric Nepomuceno
                -Notas sobre el caso Lula y la nueva democracia  Sirio Lopez
COL        -Se impone el cese al fuego bilateral y nacional  Carlos Meneses
Cuba      -La unidad como pretexto  Osmany Sánchez
                -Los contratos y el mal de las gavetas  Yudy Castro
USA       -Un año después y el doble de indignadas  Nicole Colson
Ecua       4 de febrero y la "descorreización" de Ecuador  Franklin Ramírez

Global situation described by Iranian observers..


Besides used in different cuisines, saffron has proved to be an amazing herbal medicine. In Peru we called Asafran, a root with orange color inside -like sweet potato though with nice taste- when shred to soups or meals for 10 to 15’ before removed the pot from fire, it gives special flavor to meals. In Cusco & Puno (Peru) they shred  saffron root in a tine coffee cup an put it inside a filter of the coffee-maker-, then boil a big cup of water for 10’ and is done (hot water is the key for good saffron tea).

EFFECTS: in elder people helps to recover memory, in men n women after 40s it stimulates the libido n sex potency. In most people it bring relax, heart stability and comfort.

It is a magic root in the east of the Andes (the shores of the Amazon). Some native tribes use saffron in daily cooking and it is consider for shamans (herb medicals) a God root that helps to recover from what-ever health problem during and after hospitalization. Saffron is especially recommended for women during and after menopause.

It is better that coca-mate to stabilize the heart and avoid ‘soroche’  (attitude discomfort) when you plan to walk to the top of Machu Pichu.

Shamans in Cusco said that Pre-Inca culture (Chimu among them) discover the properties of azafran. During the INCA Empire it was took to Chiloe (South of Chile where the phallus is venerated), here they mix cold tea-saffron with ‘piure’ –an orange herbal  joke from the sea-  . I got this in Talcahuano-Concepcion-Chile, the lady from Peru in this store added to that mix, a small cup of red Chilean wine and told me that this is the Viagra for some Chileans. After 10’ I drank such mix and I got the effects.

Today some natives in the amazon-jungle sell this root at expensive price. Why?  Because it cost to much to put metal fences in the area it is cultivated. Saffron root is the sajinos (wild pork) preferred food and they vandalize the cultivated area and take all azafran. (It is difficult to stop sajinos –they come by hundreds- unless you have a machine gun). I was in the jungle: I tasted the root and I say it is much better than “maca” tea (the grass that in the Andes is eat by camels: alpacas, vicuñas  and llamas).

‘Maca’ is the main component of Viagra & similar. The big-pharma-Corp don’t say it, to avoid been suit after devastated the ‘maca’ in Peru. In this country it is prohibited to export this grass because it is the food of andes’ camels. Pfizer never mention where they are cultivating this grass today, after stealing it from Peru. We do not want the same to happen with azafran.

But I guess is late: today some big-pharma corp are making billions selling pills with azafran (saffron) and ‘maca’ (Viagra). The root of saffron can be imported from Iran, but is difficult to find it in American market. If you find it in NY  (go to Peruvian and Iranian stores), it may be very expensive. The pharma pills are also very expensive and very unreliable (check its negative evaluations).
To deter the use of Chemical weapons given by RU to Assad, is said. Fact 1 is that Assad doesn’t have such weapons now.  There are evidences that ISIS and al-Nustra terrorists supported by Saudis (the main US ally) have use them against Syrian troops.  2nd Fact is that in 2014 RU-US  allies surrender their CH weapons  to a UN Mission as agreed. 3rd Fact: If some violation happens ever since, the eyes should be on the US who before provided such weapons to Sadam Hussein his war with Iran, although it was prohibited by UN Covenants.

This is why Trump and supporters in the “deep-state” has to be removed from power.
Our life is in danger and the whole world life is in danger with Trump in power.

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