domingo, 4 de febrero de 2018


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The fall of big Banks started:

As if last night's Federal Reserve smackdown was not enough, Wells Fargo has been dethroned as the nation's largest mortgage lender...

The lagging mortgage originations number, which usually trails the pipeline by 3-4 quarters, was nearly as bad, plunging 39% sequentially from $72 billion to only $44 billion, "due to higher rates and seasonality." Since this number lags the mortgage applications, we expect it to post fresh post-crisis lows in the coming quarter.  [[ good dreams.. just dreams ]]

Markets are in an uncomfortable spot, where not much escape is available via new lending, not much escape via higher valuations, not much escape with new QE, not much escape with more leverage, not much escape with more cash to deploy.
See chart:

See one more chart of many on the Econ debacle:
Mutual Funds cash balances are at all time lows of 3.3%
See chart:

"... the resultant rise in bond-equity correlation would likely induce de-risking by risk parity funds and balanced mutual funds, magnifying the eventual equity market sell-off."  [[ wishful thinking? ]]
SEE chart:

The problem is likely not helped by record-high valuations (but as Yellen says "don't call it a bubble")...

And record-high leveraged positioning...
“The list of growing challenges have caught up to stocks,”said Jim Paulsen, chief investment strategist at Leuthold Weeden Capital Management LLC. “We probably need a valuation correction for both stocks and bonds to be more appropriately priced for an economy now growing at 3% real/5% nominal at full employment with rising labor costs and capital costs.”
And the potential for a quant-fund-driven forced-liquidation is growing every day with bond-stock correlations.
THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING.. the top of the iceberg. They didn’t want the Tobin tax from the top.. They will get it from the bottom.

The fortunes of the world’s 500-richest people dropped by $73.9 billion Friday...
See Chart

The chart shows about $100 billion of play money evaporating in the past week. Not enough to seriously inconvenience most of the people on Bloomberg’s billionaires list, but still a nice reversal of fortune versus the average person with a house, small bank account and not much more – who didn’t lose a thing.
As for whether Friday was just a blip in an ongoing “secular bull market” or a sign that fundamentals are at last gaining the upper hand on “liquidity,” that remains to be seen. Longer-term though, there can’t be much doubt that today’s stock and bond valuations are higher than they’ll be during the next downturn.
Here’s a chart from John Hussman’s latest (Measuring the Bubble) that illustrates the point.
See chart:
The adjusted price/earnings ratio on US stocks is now higher than before both the Great Depression and the dot-com bust.
Today markets are based on lies, frauds corruption and savage imperialism: expropriation via wars & voracious gluttony by big Corp.. Thist can’t be called democracy & freedom.. it is just the opposite. This is a new victory of lies in human history.

La madre de todas las mentiras (las religiones) nación nació en el middle east (jewish, Christian & muslim dogms).. With the UK-US empires nació la madrastra de las otras grandes mentiras: las del mercado neoliberal. Cual es peor?

Las dos trajeron la inmundicia guerra (los cruzados y guerras santas de las coronas reales y las actuales guerras de los wahabitas musulmanes –guerras que nos retornaron a los tiempos del canibalism--) .. Yo diría que la peor es la guerra de la madrastra neoliberal (la malincha, dicen los Mejicanos) pues  se basa en el “ top of the art teccnology”..  de forma que pueden arrasar con toda forma de vida sobre la madre tierra. Y esa es la peste que hoy tenemos que erradicar.

Los rusos cuando hicieron volar su Sputnik sobre los cielos del mundo.. pudieron haber arrasado con el US.. pero ellos sufrieron el significado de usar alta tecnología en la barbarie guerra.. y no lo hicieron. Los Americanos no sabemos el significado de la barbarie guerra en los tiempos modernos.. los de JAPON si lo saben pues lo sufrieron en Hiroshima y Nagazaki..

Tenemos hoy la más alta tecnología y creemos que los otros no la van a usar para defenderse.

Hemos entregado el arma mortal contra toda la humanidad a una Nacion que jamas pudo ser real nación sino un collage de naciones articuladas por el supremacism militarista de los cuarteles .. ese modelo de nación llego a su final con el actual desarrollo tecnologico.. lo que viene es la auto-destruccion del imperio y de cualquier imperio basado en el “poder militar”.

Fue un grave error en el camino a la auto-destruccion del imperio y de toda la humanid el darle poder político a un individuo que no tiene estabilidad psicológica. Esto es como entregarle un ‘loaded machine gun’ a un ninio o a un alcohólico incapaz de controlar su temperamento. Ese fue nuestro grave error y debemos solucionarlo si realmente queremos vivir en la faz de la tierra y en el US ..

Todo el mundo está en peligro con este sujeto en el poder. Se requiere de sujetos  super armados que lo desarmen sin provocar el WW3 y no veo que RU y China quieran hacerlo. Solo se preparan para la inmediata respuesta en defensa propia, que no es realmente la respuesta  que va a salvar al mundo entero de la peste WW3 y sus efectos posteriores. Tenemos que movilizar nuestra nación contra la guerra y a favor de la PAZ mundial.

Si lo sacamos a Trump del poder .. habremos dado un 1er gran paso, pero si sacamos a los del ‘deep-state’ que lucran con las guerras del imperio y apoyan los planes de guerra de Trump.. si habremos dado un paso firme a favor de la paz mundial ..

Si avanzamos en la creación de un plan alternativo al neoliberalism -lo que supone poner fin al supremacismo militar-nuclear.. habremos dado el paso definitivo en favor de la paz mundial. El plan alternativo solo requiere la libre competencia entre nuevos modelos socialistas dentro de un mundo multipolar (Yo si creo que varias regiones del US pueden fácilmente transitar hacia un modelo quasi socialista que combine “best public education and best health for all”. Yo creo que en el US hay regiones con recursos tecnológicos y humanos para real despliegue de  la libre competencia entre empresas productoras –no basadas en el monopolismo especulador- .. Entonces, solo entonces  habremos dado solución  definitiva al peor problema que hoy enfrentamos.. el problema peste infernal WW3.
Regresemos al artículo que nos inspiró esa respuesta:

"...there is a time to be in stocks... and a time to be out of them. Without knowing the future, you can still know when something is not normal. And when something is not normal... it is just biding its time until it becomes normal again."
See chart:
But there is a time to be in stocks… and a time to be out of them. Without knowing the future, you can still know when something is not normal. And when something is not normal… it is just biding its time until it becomes normal again.

[[ Without planning a new future you can’t call the ugly reality as “normal” ]]
Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

Former-FBI: "My resignation is painful, but the alternative of remaining quiet while the bureau is tarnished for political gain is impossible."
Former-CIA: "Nunes' memo reveals felony wrongdoing by top members of the FBI and DOJ..."

"This is an insane escalation...  President Trump is being blamed for the aggressive US nuclear posture announced today. However, the document is a neoconservative product..."

" Since the memo is based on actual evidence that the FBI admits is real but will not allow us to see, the memo itself can be taken as fact... Put that in your DNC-scripted talking point pipe and blow it out your ass."

"We are in the middle of what I call phase two of our investigation, which involves other departments, specifically the State Department and some of the involvement that they had in this."
Nothing you can do.. You got inside the flames.. You gona be burned

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein threatened to subpoena the "texts and messages" of House Intel Committee Chairman Devin Nunes and other members of Congress, according to legal analyst Greg Jarrett.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

The aerial night-vision footage shows a barrage of missiles hitting ground targets, which are believed to have killed around 30 terrorists. 

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Mattis: 'I Need to Make the Military More Lethal'  By Scott Wong and Rebecca Kheel

Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..


Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

Altern - La estrategia del 1% y la nuestra  Raúl Zibechi
Econ    - Contradicciones en Davos  JFM SECO
Boliv    Tiempos de guerra total   Eduardo Paz
COL     - Ejecuciones extrajudiciales en Colombia Prol a Obed ciega
            - Las voces de la liberación  Camilo Alzate
            - 40% del presupuesto se destina a guerra y deuda” J Duval
            - -Guerra informativa desde las redes del imperio  Ramón P

ALC      - nueva corrupción y Repúbl de Empresarios Oscar Ugarteche
            -Perú:  ¿Reconciliación o polarización?  Hernán de la Cruz
Ecua    --Ecuador: fábulas, traiciones e ilusiones   Atilio A. Boron
Keiser Report   Masacre en Davos

Global situation described by Iranian observers..

The US is telling the world that it only respects countries which devel nuclear weapons
A historian warns that  T is using the same kind of “racist language” of Mussolini

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