viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Press the blue
  • Global Stocks Power Ahead, Unfazed by U.S. Inflation (WSJ)
  • Florida community seeks answers after 17 killed (Reuters)
  • Number of crypto hedge funds soars amid bitcoin volatility (Reuters)

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

US Economic situation today: Should we celebrate records of volatility & its effects on USD?

Seriously... Stocks are up five days in a row... Nasdaq up 5.6% this week alone...
See Chart:

For context, this is the Nasdaq's best 5-day rally since 2011!!!!
See Chart:

Despite stock strength, VIX ended the day modestly higher and we do note a significant divergence..  [[ Just the normal volatility? ]]
See Chart:

Which pushed the yield curve even flatter...
See Chart:

The Dollar Index bounced very briefly on BoJ headlines then tumbled back to its lowest close since Dec 2014 - down 5 days in a row...
See Chart:

Once Europe closed today, the dollar (lower) and gold and stocks (higher) were locked at the hip...
See chart:

With Bitcoin seemingly tied at the hip to Nasdaq and VIX...
See Chart:

Apply this view to geopolitics & neoliberal market dynamic.. you will see why this Sys is over.  Besides, If the US plan to cut internet to avoid inconvenient truth.. it will be immediately replaced

Technological progress is not the only thing rising at an exponential rateThe speed at which newly commercialized technologies get adopted by consumers is also getting faster, too.

The telephone was invented in 1876, but it wasn’t until a century later that landlines reached a saturation point in households.
For this to happen, massive amounts of infrastructure had to be built and network effects also needed to accumulate to make the product worthwhile for consumers. Further, the telephone suffered from the “last-mile problem”, in which the  logistics get tougher and more expensive as end-users get hooked up to a network.
As a result, it wasn’t until the 1960s that 80% of U.S. households had landlines in them.

Now, here’s a chart with many older technologies removed – keep in mind that the x axis has changed to a much shorter timespan (~65 years):
See Chart:

Why do newer technologies get adopted so quickly? It seems partly because modern tech needs less infrastructure in contrast with the water pipes, cable lines, electricity grids, and telephone wires that had to be installed throughout the 20th century.
However, it also says something else about today’s consumers – which is that they are connected, fast-acting, and not afraid to adopt the new technologies that can quickly impact their lives for the better.


So far, the financial markets are responding pretty much according to script:

(CNBC) – U.S. government debt yields hit session highs Wednesday after the government reported inflation in January rose more than expected.

(Kitco) – Gold prices are posting sharp gains of around $20 an ounce in late-morning action Wednesday. 

YES, a really scary one: “crack-up boom.”

From Investopedia:
A crack-up boom is the crash of the credit and monetary system due to continual credit expansion and price increases that cannot be sustained long-term. Often, banks will attempt to prevent a crack-up boom by halting credit expansion, which ends up backfiring and yielding the same results that the boom would have caused. Both scenarios result in an economic depression when the bubble finally bursts and the economic system crashes.


When the economy is down, one way to give it a temporary revival is to feed extra money into the system - AKA economic stimulus. Providing people with credit makes them feel richer and more inclined to spend their money, which in turn feeds more money into the system. When people spend money, they tend to want to continue this trend and continue to buy, despite the fact that their extra cash isn't coming from actual savings. The problem comes when the government continuously pours more and more money into the system and the actual economy beneath the false expansion cannot keep up.

Feeding money into the economy is a quick way to give it a short-term boost, but this practice isn't sustainable over the long term. If credit expansion continues without limit, prices continue to rise until they reach the point at which the entire system collapses because it can no longer sustain itself. People can no longer afford the high prices, so credit must expand even more to accommodate these prices, which pushes them even higher.

What Type of Economy Can Be Hit by a Crack-Up Boom?

A crack-up boom is something that can only happen in an economy that relies on paper money rather than the gold standard, or electronic systems of monetary transaction rather than physical. In a gold standard economy, interest rates cap out at around 3 to 6%, since credit is based on actual saved money, instead of being adjustable depending on the circumstances. However, in a system that revolves around paper money, more cash can be printed at any time and introduced into the system. This affects the value of each dollar and affects the prices of market commodities. When the government introduces into the economy money that doesn't really exist (in the form of false credit) it's only a matter of time before the economy is damaged, even if the original intention was to boost it.


Following yesterday's hotter than expected Consumer price inflation (and rise in Core CPI), Producer prices confirmed the hotter-than-expected trend, rising 2.7% YoY (vs 2.4% exp). However, unlike CPI, PPI actually rose from December.
See chart:

Nearly half of the January increase in the index for final demand goods is attributable to prices for gasoline, which climbed 7.1 percent.
Interestingly, Core inflation data did the opposite of headline - CPI rose and PPI slowed...
See chart:

"We live in a strange financial world with record low interest rates, and investors should understand how unique it is – and how its unwinding will also likely be unique..."
SEE Chart:


The recent passage of tax reform will trim roughly $2 Trillion from revenues over the next decade as well.
This is easy math.
Cut $2 trillion in revenue, add $2 trillion in spending, and you create a $4 trillion dollar gap in the budget. Of course, that is $4 Trillion in addition to the current run rate in spending which continues the current acceleration of the “debt problem.”
See chart:

But it gets worse.
As Oxford Economics reported via Zerohedge:
The tax cuts passed late last year, combined with the spending bill Congress passed last week, will push deficits sharply higher. Furthermore, Trump’s own budget anticipates that US debt will hit $30 trillion by 2028: an increase of $10 trillion.”
You can project the run rate quite easily, and it isn’t pretty.
See Chart:
See more Charts at the source below:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"The Schumer-Rounds-Collins immigration bill would be a total catastrophe... it would be the end of immigration enforcement in America... It creates a giant amnesty (including for dangerous criminals), doesn’t build the wall, expands chain migration, keeps the visa... "
Here the evidence that Trumpists HATE ELDERS & people with disabilities or both: Hate = genius. Orwell miss this one in his list of Dystopias; Of course ‘poor working classes’: not his main concern  

                "If I was on food stamps, I wouldn't like this either... I think that's the point."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Another invented -stupid reason for WW3: besides been full of xenophobia

China’s emerging weapons developments and broader defence-technological progress mean that it has become a global defense innovator and is not merely ‘catching up’ with the West.
In addition to buybacks, algos, CTAs, risk parities and a relentless retail bid, here is another reason for the tremendous equity meltup at the end of 2017: furious buying of US stocks by foreigners,

Recent concerns about a liquidation by China of its US Treasury holdings appear to have been greatly exaggerated because according to the latest TIC data released at 4pm on Thursday, in December, China not only added $8.3 Billion to its holdings, bringing the total to $1184.9BN, or about $26 billion more than a year ago, but for the full year 2017, China added the most Treasury holdings going back seven years.
See chart:

But while China appears content with its US paper inventory, it was the second largest foreign US creditor, Japan, that has been liquidating in recent months, and in December, Japan sold $22.6 billion in TSYs, bringing its total to $1,061.5BN, the lowest total since the start of 2012.
See Chart

Other notable holders were mixed:
  • Russia sold $3.5BN to $102.2BN
  • The United Kingdom added $12.5BN to $250BN
  • Belgium, i.e. the proxy for China and other anonymous buyers, rose by $3.9BN to $119.2BN
  • Cayman Islands, i.e. hedge funds, also added some $2.5BN to $269.9BN
The good news for all these buyers of US debt is that thanks to Trump's budget, there's plenty more where that came from.

Looking at the broader universe of all US International capital transactions, in December, foreign public and private entities sold a total of $16BN in Treasurys while buying $16.4BN in Agencies; they also sold a modest $1.25 BN in corporate bonds.

But the biggest surprise was the surge in US stock purchases by public and private foreign entities, which in December amounted to a whopping $35.1 billion (of which official entities sold $5.3BN while private entities bought $40.3BN), the second highest monthly total on record, and smaller only compared to the record foreign buying in May 2007, when offshore entities bought a record $42 billion.
See chart:

So in addition to buybacks, algos, CTAs, risk parities and a relentless retail bid, here is another reason for the tremendous equity meltup at the end of 2017: furious buying of US stocks by foreigners, a trend which will likely continue well into 2018.

"In doing so China is effectively lobbing the first shot across the bow of the Petrodollar system, and more importantly, the key support of the USD in the international arena... setting the scene for the petroyuan."

But, as we detailed previously, some see the writing is on the wall for dollar hegemony, and we suspect the decline in global yuan trade volumes is another reason for China to push ahead sooner.
See chart:

Beijing is ready to step up the game. Soon China will launch a crude oil futures contract priced in yuanThis means that Russia – as well as Iran, the other key node of Eurasia integration – may bypass US sanctions by trading energy in their own currencies, or in yuan. Inbuilt in the move is a true Chinese win-win; the yuan - according to some - will be fully convertible into gold on both the Shanghai and Hong Kong exchanges.

The new triad of oil, yuan and gold is actually a win-win-win. No problem at all if energy providers prefer to be paid in physical gold instead of yuan. The key message is the US dollar being bypassed.

And now it just became one step closer to reality, which, according to Adam Levinson, of hedge fund manager Graticule Asset Management Asia, will be a “wake up call” for investors who haven’t paid attention to the plans.

China is now the biggest importer of crude in the world. If China starts running perpetual trade deficits with OPEC countries, it makes sense for OPEC to hold Yuan reserves as long as the OPEC countries trust the yuan.

Yuan has certainly been bid since Chinese regulators finished testing the petroyuan contract successfully...
See Chart:

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan

We have an Econ system that profit from weapons & wars & pay the consequences:

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

I've Reviewed Some Cruel Budgets  By Robert Reich never seen anything crueler than this
DEBT: A Million Dollars a Minute  By Andrew P. Napolitano

Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

A member  of the white supremacist group "Republic of Florida," pro militia training
Keiser Report   Episode 1189  Recent testimony from US regulators at the SEC and CFTC comes under scrutiny from Max and Stacy. P2: Max also interviews Patrick Byrne about the regulatory..

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

USA       -Pobreza made in USA  Kenneth Surin
                -Petróleo Ven y la piedra en el zapato de Tillerson Aran Aharonian
Econ      -La hidra capitalista genera sus propias crisis  Legna Woodlan
PAL        -Movimiento BDS no es antisraelí, es propalestino  Thalif Deen
                -Huelga: Guerra de clases en tiempos de guerra  Metin Feyyaz
FEM       -La batalla feminista en el siglo XXI Perfecto: vamos en el mismo tren
                Vive mi perro Nerón –en mi memoria- el amigo fiel de mi gato Flopy
Chile     -Chile, una larga batalla por la memoria  Enric Llopis
                -Habla Luisa Marilaf: Hasta las últimas consecuencias Victoria Aldun
Ecol        -aumento del nivel del mar se acelera el fascism igual: mi isla en pelig
                -persecuc a ecologist Juan Clavero terminó: victoria ambiental Lucía V
Ecom     -La caída de la bolsa, ¿como 1987, 2007 o 1937?  Michael Roberts
Opin      -El mundo al revés  Espa Antiracista de Salt i Girona
ALC        -Honduras:  Isla Exposición; 15 familias al borde del desalojo  G Trucchi
                -Panamá El poder de la ideología patriarcal   Briseida Barrantes
Boliv      -Listas cremallera: el ejemplo de Bolivia  Alice Irene o y Carlos
COL        -Masacre de trabajadores en Chirajara   Renán Vega Cantor
Video    -Ent a María C: "Mantenerse al margen de los transgénicos” Que sign?
VEN       -La hipótesis intervención militar Aníbal G, Silvina Romano y Arantxa
Cuba      -Periodismo y control popular  Ricardo Ronquillo
                --Reflexiones en torno a las universidades: ayer, hoy y maña  Wilkie D
                --¡¿Bella Isla?!  Juan Triana Cordoví

Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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