lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

But in the long run.. meanwhile you can continue spending & accumulating debt, is the messag-here

"...the continued growth of public debt raises eventual sustainability questions iF left unchecked." 

What has so spooked Goldman, which rhetorically asks "what's wrong with Fiscal Policy?" is that "US fiscal policy is on an unusual course. As shown in the left panel of Exhibit 1, we expect the budget deficit to widen over the next few years, as a result of prior imbalances and recently enacted policies, which should lead to a federal debt/GDP ratio of around 85% of GDP by 2021."
See charts

For the non-fiscal conservatives, Goldman conveniently highlight the following: the US deficit should be small and shrinking, not large and growing.
See chart:

The reason for this is that while revenues look likely to remain at the lower end of their historical range (over the last 50 years, revenues have fluctuated between around 15% and 20% of GDP, averaging about 17.5%), mandatory spending continues to grow. According to Goldman, and as shown in Exhibit 3, federal primary spending is at the higher end of the historical range, but looks likely to continue to increase as a share of GDP absent further policy changes.
See chart:

Projected increases in mandatory spending—this includes Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and income support programs—are primarily responsible for this rise. Additionally, "health spending has continued to rise. While health care price inflation has remained subdued for several years, enrollment in federally subsidized health benefits has increased and recently released estimates by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Actuary anticipate an increase in spending growth in 2018-2020 due to an expected increase in the volume of care and an uptick in healthcare inflation."
Then there is the biggest wildcard of all: interest expense, which is set to surge, surpassing $1 trillion in the next few years. Here's Goldman:
We expect rising interest rates and a rising debt level to lead to a meaningful increase in interest expense. On our current projections, federal interest expense will rise to 2.3% of GDP by 2021. Extending our budget projections using CBO’s June 2017 baseline combined with recently enacted policy changes and an assumed extension of those and other policies through 2027 suggests interest expense will reach around 3.5% of GDP by that year (Exhibit 6).
See chart

As long as the Treasury can borrow at a nominal interest rate below the rate of nominal GDP growthwhich we will be the case for several more years, the US can run a small primary deficit while maintaining a roughly stable debt-to-GDP ratio.
The US has historically benefited from a negative rate-growth differential, which has allowed the federal government to run a modest primary deficit on average without increasing the debt/GDP ratio (Exhibit 7). Assuming trend growth of 1.75% and a real interest rate of 1.5% over the long-term, the US should continue to enjoy some benefit from this differential. More importantly in the near-term, the Treasury’s average borrowing rate should remain well below the growth rate for the next few years, even with a rise in spot interest rates, in light of the nearly 6-year average  maturity on outstanding debt
See Chart:
See more chart at:

My submission title was "Fed’s Inflation Policy Destroys the Median Wage Earner". 
Some claim that a rising tide lifts all boats but, the median wage earner is falling further and further behind...

Every month, pundits comment on average wages. But median wages best explain how the Fed's policies crucify workers.
The meme of the day is wage growth is accelerating.

I disputed that notion on February 7, in Acceleration in Wage Growth is a Statistical Mirage.
That penny more a year is by hour, in "real" inflation-adjusted terms. The calculation is from the BLS.

Nonetheless, the Fed is not happy with wage destruction. Various Fed presidents seek still higher inflation.
See chart:

Who Can Afford a Home?
See chart:

Rising Tide Lifts All Boats?
Some claim that a rising tide lifts all boats but, the median wage earner is falling further and further behind. This contributes to asset price chasing and “better buy now” philosophies as happened in the housing bubble years.
Inflation-adjusted charts show THE SITUATION IS EVEN WORSE.
“Real” Year-Over-Year Percentage Increases
See Chart:

Blame the Fed, Congress, Nixon
  1. Blame Nixon for closing the gold window in 1972 that allowed Congressional deficit spending at will.
  2. Blame the Fed for insisting on 2% inflation in a technological price-deflationary world.
  3. Blame Congress for massive fiscal deficits every year.
History Lesson
The Fed bailed out the banks in 2000. At that time banks were troubled by soured dotcom bubble loans and loans to foreign countries like Argentina.
The result was a housing bubble as Greenspan kept interest rates too low, too long.
In 2009, the Fed bailed out the banks when the housing bubble burst.
Since then, the Fed’s inflationary policies benefited the asset holders, the banks, and the top 90% of wage earners at the expense of everyone else.

Current Account Balance
See Chart

Credit Explosion
See chart:

Discussion Needed
The Fed’s inflation policies are contrary to BIS findings, contrary to common sense, and contrary to the real-life results of median-wage earners falling further and further behind.
Please, let’s have a genuine discussion regarding the Fed’s inflation policies.
That discussion needs to incorporate ideas outside the Fed’s “group-think” box of more inflation, secular stagnation, and savings glut theories, all of which are easily proven wrong.

Discussion Rejected
The Wall Street Journal rejected this Op-Ed submission via a robot or a non-thinking person imitating a robot.
I know this because I sent in an inquiry to Editorial Features Editor, James Taranto, asking to speak with him about the rejection, and guess what.
My short Email request to speak to Taranto, not a submission, received the identical rejection notice. Thank you WSJ!

My submission title was "Fed’s Inflation Policy Destroys the Median Wage Earner".  It started with the discussion of inflation targeting. The wage acceleration mirage and the BLS penny admission happened after my op-ed submission.
Mainstream media does not want to discuss what's happening and why. They already "know". Nearly everyone but the Austrians believes "SECULAR STAGNATION" IS CAUSED BY "SAVINGS GLUTS".

"We project that federal debt will slightly exceed 100% of GDP and interest expense will rise to around 3.5% of GDP, putting the US in a worse fiscal position than the experience of the 1940s or 1990s."
See chart:
This is how Goldman puts it:
The US appears to be headed into uncharted territoryat least for US fiscal policyregarding the relationship between interest expense and the debt level.
As shown in Exhibit 11, interest expense considerably exceeded the current level during the late 1980s and early 1990s, though the debt level was moderate. By contrast, the debt level was slightly higher during and just after World War II than it is today, while the level of interest expense was similar.
However, we project that, if Congress continues to extend existing policies, including the recently enacted tax and spending legislation, federal debt will slightly exceed 100% of GDP and interest expense will rise to around 3.5% of GDP, putting the US in a worse fiscal position than the experience of the 1940s or 1990s.

'Dumb' humans never told Johnny 5 that the market's shut today...
See chart:

And there are still people out there that believe we have stock 'markets' and that 'humans' are involved?
See Chart:

Volume is not tiny either.
We suspect the modest strength in the Dollar did not help maintain any risk-on bounce in stocks.
See chart:

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"The beauty in Robert Mueller’s indictment of thirteen Russian Facebook trolls is that they’ll never face trial, so Mr. Mueller will never have to prove his case. In the new misrule of law made popular by the #Me Too movement,accusations suffice to convict the target of an investigation."
"Social media could be just the start of a slippery slope leading to an Orwellian worldcontrolled by Big Data Brother...the mere possibility of manipulation fuels conspiracy theories and undermines faith in democracy and elections at a time when public trust is already low."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

The drip-drip-drip death spiral of what was once the world's most systemically dangerous bank continues as Bloomberg reports Deutsche Bank has started cutting at least another 250 jobs at its corporate and investment bank units.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned the Trump administration not to “play with fire” as he lashed out at the U.S. over what he described as its “provocative” support for Kurds in Syria, while urging US troops in the area of Al-Tanf to "leave immediately."

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Thirteen Russians and a Ham Sandwich   By James Howard Kunstler

Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Her name: Annegret Kramp.  She is head of the state of Saarland.


Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

PAL        - ONU critica duramente el negocio de la ocupación Palesti  Ben White
                - Israel no meter en la cárcel a niñas y niños dice Nur, prima de Ahed T
Econ      - Maastricht:  sabotaje neoliberal del proyecto europeo  Miguel Urbán
Opin      -- La política del espectáculo  Barbara Ester
                - -América Latina retrocede cien años  Ilka Oliva Corado
                - -Neoliberalismo y desigualdad, justificación ideológica  Aldo Fabián
Perú      -Paracas:  Tejedoras que vencieron a la muerte  Silvia Arana
FEM       - Mujeres egipcias en la Marcha Global de las Mujeres  Alejandra G.
                -A recuperar control del parto:  La OMS recomienda reducir interv mé
Cuba      -Portal cubano: Sobre salud la web más visitada del mundo
                -Ent a Miriam E: Grupo Tarea:Internet en Cuba: La agresión continúa
                -Pedro Perucho: El epopéyico autor del himno nacional  W Delgado
Cult        -R Arlt:  La palabra como noble recurso ante la impotencia LC Muñoz
Ecol        -El Guandian de Rio Tejo: "O guardião do rio Tejo"  Daniel Toledo
                - Los últimos campesinos de Santa Fe  Paulina Villegas
Econ      - -Coop de ahorro vitales para pequeños agricultores  Friday Phiri
ALC        -Fusiladores  Gustavo Robles
                -ARG: 21F  Las pesadillas de Macri  Fernando Gómez
                -ARG: -21F  Apuestan para consolidar nuevo bloque sindical A de V
                -Nuestro mundo y el “nuevo” injerencismo gringo  Homar Garcés
BRA        -La política militarista en Brasil y Argentina  Vanessa Dourado
                - Militares en Río:  De los jueces a los generales LE Soares
                - -Con las dos manos en el fuego  Eric Nepomuceno
                -Ent a Cano: Intervenc militar en Río, 'es política-partidista’ Mariana
                - España: 25-F. Por otra Europa posible  Arturo Borra
                - España: Puigdemont, el Capitán Araña  Juan Francisco Martín
Comentario a:
Por Hugo Adan  Feb 19-18
Mund    -continua
Ecuad    -El ecuatoriano Julian Assange  Mónica Mancero
                - Mesa de Quito:  Un año de fase pública de conversaciones n Quito
                - Nuevas trampas transgénicas  Silvia Ribeiro
                   - La solución estaba en Miami   Néstor García Iturbe  
                - La opción por la guerra en Venezuela Nicolás Lynch

Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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