jueves, 8 de febrero de 2018


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ


Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Global situation:

"The sell-off across asset classes is like a tough drill that will leave it in a stronger position to cope with the real battle ahead - the reversal of QE."
See Chart:

And traders are unwinding positions at a time when liquidity is still abundant -- the big three central banks are, on a collective basis, still expanding their balance sheets. Contraction probably won’t begin until October at the earliest, when the European Central Bank could end its asset purchases.

So even though the sell-off in stocks and bonds in recent weeks will end up being painful for many, it will build up some scar tissue for the far more serious challenge to come: coping with higher borrowing costs as the unprecedented balance-sheet unwind begins in earnest, removing a backstop for markets that’s been there for a decade now.

See chart:

Did the bond yield spike spook stocks? Or was it simply pure manipulation into the bell?
See Chart:

Having been down over 1% overnight, US equity futures are all back in the green now, going vertical in the last few minutes as the dollar and bond yields suddenly slump...
See Chart:

And this is happening as Bond yields and the dollar suddenly drop...
See chart:

Notably 10Y hit 2.87% this morning and did not trigger the selling in stocks that we have seen over the last week.

With the great equity volquake come and - for now - gone, what one indicator should traders watch to decide if a new market shock is imminent? According to Bank of America, here is the answer...

Goldman's new head quant wrote overnight, the bank's clients had just one recurring question in recent days: "do i have to worry about another volatility spike."

While Goldman answered in the context of the vol complex, where things have certainly eased down substantially since the record Vega prints from last week...
Chart 1  Potential VIX ETP

... there is another, potentially far more violent storm brewing, and it has little to do with equities.
In a note from BofA's X-asset hedging team published overnight, the bank's strategist Jason Galazidis writes that while the muted cross-asset risk shows the equity shock was largely technical, there is one indicator that may confirm it is not only returning, but IS SET TO SPREAD TO ALL ASSET CLASSES. (Equities, rates, FX and commodities)

Here is BofA's framing of the narrative that has been on everyone's lips for the past two days.
The sell-off in global equities and in particular US large-caps precipitated an unprecedented jump in S&P implied vol. Notably, the 8% decline in the S&P from late Jan to 6-Feb has already registered as the 10th largest drawdown since 2006. As an indication of how concentrated the shock was to US large caps, S&P puts were by far the best performer and are now the most expensive hedge across the 34 assets in our screen (Chart 1). We would not expect this to persist as markets calm.

SEE Chart: Cross asset tail hedging screen

To be sure, cross asset vols and credit spreads have not been immune to the repricing of equity risk, but as we pointed out over the past few days, these reactions have so far been less severe: meanwhile, global equity volatility is currently well above long-term median levels for the first time since the Nov-16 US elections.

We continue to believe that watching rates vol is particularly important to gauge the potential for this to escalate further.

If BofA is right, this may be a problem, because as the following chart of X-asset vols for all 4 main asset classes (Equities, rates, FX and commodities) shows, WHILE EQUITY VOL IS DECLINING, RATES VOL IS CREEPING STEADILY HIGHER.
See Chart at the source below What is the point of blocking it?.. Just hide the truth? : 1 day Stupidity

The past week has seen US equities spooked as 10Y yields spike above 2.85%... 10Y yields just lurched even higher, near cycle highs...
See Chart:
The past week has seen US equities spooked as 10Y yields spike above 2.85%..

10Y yields just lurched even higher, near cycle highs...
See Chart:

As a reminder, the 'good' news of a budget deal and no government shutdown, means higher deficits and more Treasury supply, and with The Fed out of the bond-buying game, the search for the marginal buyer continues to push rates higher.

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"The emails and documents I intercepted during 2010 made clear that Rosatom’s purchase of Uranium One – for both its Kazakh and American assets – was part of Russia’s geopolitical strategy to gain leverage in global energy markets"

Nancy Pelosi vowed, during an unprecedented eight-hour speech yesterday, to oppose the bill unless Speaker Paul Ryan agrees to open debate on an immigration bill - something he has so far been reluctant to do...
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

The second Greek bond offering since the country's 3rd bailout, which was marketed with a 3.75% yield, just priced at 3.5% and was sized at €3 billion. It was more than 2x oversubscried.

Incidentally, with the Greek 10Y trading at 3.786%, it is now less than 90bps away from the US 10Y Treasury at 2.878%, and at this rate, it is likely that the two may cross in the next few months.
See chart:

Traders have honed in on is the following language from the statement, in which the BOE raised its growth forecast and said that the monetary policy may "need to be tightened somewhat earlier and by a somewhat greater extent over the forecast period."
See Chart:

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

In my view “surrender” comes after the 1st & the automatic ‘double’ counter attack



Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Russian Athletes to Watch at the Olympics  Naked sabotage in Sports!
Soon the bear will smack badly on US:
3-Election interference: Russian Presidential Sobchak [ Trump-ed In the US ] : She has a number of meetings scheduled with US authorities and is expected to participate in the US Annual National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday. US Presid Donald Trump is set to deliver an address at the event.
Keiser Report  Episode 1186  Max and Stacy discuss ‘human Ubers’ for the busy executives and young men who ‘look too poor’ to dress well getting ‘undressed’ by cops in the Netherlands.

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

ALC        -¿Créditos de Carbono para quién?  Amyra El Khalili
                -Uruguay: Lo que está en juego el 23 enero  Luis E. Sabini
                -Bra: El secreto que O Globo y la Lava Jato esconden  J  Miola
                -Arg: La nueva “doctrina” sin tapujos : licencia para matar
                -China: beneficio mutuo alejado del imperialismo y abuso Paula E
Cult        El joven Karl Marx, de Raoul Peck:  Bella y arrebatada película  J T
                -Una mirada al futuro, con esperanza   Jesús García
Ecol        -La contaminación acorta su viaje con WW3 no habrá quien informe
Recordando un siglo de pensamiento crítico  Maritza Eridania E
COL        -Pequeña, pero peligrosa  Mateo Bolívar 
La historia es una paradoja andante.
La contradicción le mueve las piernas.
Quizá por eso sus silencios dicen más que sus palabras y
con frecuencia sus palabras revelan, mintiendo, la verdad”.
Eduardo Galeano
USA       -Otra arbitrariedad contra los pobres en el US  Néstor García
Ecua       --Ya se sabía  Rodolfo Bueno los resultados de la consulta popular

Rafael Correa lanza un programa televisivo en RT  Ojala no ataque la Unidad de su pueblo ni de LA
Cangrejos hembra que se clonan sin necesidad de machos amenazan con 'colonizar' el mundo Estos si parecen ser creados por los dioses del Oriente Medio (Je-Is-Chr) .. esos dioses son asexuados no? .. La desgracia es que fuimos mentalmente colonizados por esa mitología teista. Aun son mayoría en el planeta tierra .. Poco a poco va entrando luz a esas cavernas del pensamiento humano. Es ya un hecho indetenible  la “descolonización” religiosa. Estos cangrejos jamás podrían re-colonizar el mundo!

Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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