sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2016



Hugo adan. Dic 17, 2016

I got this brain storm after reading
West getting revenge for Aleppo victory:  The West's recent initiatives at the United Nations over the situation in Syria are the "saddest images of diplomatic and political hypocrisy,” Syria's envoy to the UN tells Press TV.  http://www.presstv.ir/  related: Aleppo liberation ‘significant blow’ to Saudi

My Thesis:

Syria has the sovereign right to defend the integrity of their State-Nation invaded by armed foreigners, not matter how. If the UN is unable to defend this core principle, what is it useful for?.

Syria is only saying to the world that the unipolar system is collapsing. In other words, Syria is the evidence that the global structure that support the power of the US and NATO allies, will be unable to solve the problems created with the violent expansion e of their neoliberal system.

IN SHORT:  The current globalized neoliberal system has to be replaced by a new one. The new one  has to integrate the multi-polar powers already in existence, and the new ones about to emerge in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The current global institutions (UN-IMF, etc etc) has to be re-organized or declared obsolete, and dismantled  if they do not incorporate the emerging powers. Regionalism now in process will replace the skewed centralized control of the world.


Either the UN is re-organized from inside (severe punish to all pro-war State rulers who violated “La Carta Magna”) or the UN is declared obsolete and regional UN units will be re-assembled  in accordance to common aims and solutions they agreed on.

BOLTON was the one who manage to put the UN at the service of US Empire and allies policies  of neoliberal globalization. These policies serve only an alliance of bankers and big Corp who concentrate 99% of capital & riches in their hands while the labor and middle case of the world live in complete misery. Current explosive inequality is going to burst soon this neoliberal globalized bubble.


A radical Rev to change the current system is not going to be done by the proletariat or working classes of the west, as happens at the end of WW1 and WW2 in the periphery. Current working classes have been unionized, controlled and force to work and consume with salaries pushed down by migrant labor displaced by neoliberal expansion (wars included). This labor has been domesticated & ideologically incorporated into the system , and brutally crack down if the complaint. Only the Union bureaucrats are saved and accommodated into the system of “freedom & democracy” if they are politically useful to those in power.

With this proletariat in the west there is no chance of real Rev. Unless another recession similar to the 1930 breaks up or the WW3 comes up. Then we may have armed panters & yellow tiggers armed too,  joining together to assault and expropriate the rich first (the anarchic stage of Rev) and then they may transit to Popular Fronts aimed to build a new Econ & Pol system; a system of power that certainly will combine socialism with capitalism.

That is the historical frame of previuos Rev. If this doesn’t happen in the US and the West, there is another chance for Rev, the one lead by the burgua: those mid-size capitalist excluded by big bankers and big mafia corp of WS who profit from financial speculation that don’t create jobs. This burgua capitalists may join the organized labor to take control of towns cities and states under the banner of  secession upraise  against the central power of the FED in Washington & NY.  The big sharks of current neoliberal policies will be the target of this insurrection.  

At the beginning this burgua Rev will be anarchical too, but then the regional Popular Front “anti-globalized system” will be set, and a new type of power will emerge. During  the anarchical stage of this Rev the big sharks will fight each other (they know they cannot accumulate more without eating small capitalists and the rest of the fish).  This will force small capitalists to make alliance with regional labor to stop the big sharks. Regionalism will be the main tone of this revolution,  instead of the nationalist and class features of previous revolutions.

Where this type of REV will start?. I guess in Europe, but it could start in the US also,  if the experiment of oligarchical rule with Trump fails in containing WW3 and Econ Recession 2 (ER2).


Big bankers are now crashing and their money-bonds dumped in trash (the crash already started in Italy and it will spread to London .. at the end to Germany.) Their bankers cannot go further because other capitalist of the world has created regional networks of trade and production with their own banks, and these regional powers are armed too. Some of these bankers are pushing  for WW3 with Russia, but not all of them coincide in this objective, too risky and dangerous.

SO, WE HAVE A NEW REALITY WITH ANOTHER OPTION: NEGOTIATE WITH THE EMERGING POWERS. Point of departure 1: there is not one single hegemonic power at world level. However, 2, the UN is still serving the US NATO allies as the globe were still a unipolar system.  Thus, negotiation is the only option, no war. TASK: reorganize the global system of powers. This can be done in two ways: top down and bottom up.

Top down implies the re-organization de the UN and global economic institutions starting with the IMF. If the current system of power refuse to negotiate, declare them obsolete. No point in obeying their commands, if they don’t represent the interests of the whole globe.  The Fact is that when the UN-IMF serves only the interest of one block, they are destroying themselves.  China, Russia, India and other regional power depart from this reality to implement the bottom up option of fostering regional blocks instead of centralized power. Bottom up option for EU means continue the EXIT. What to do with the UN and IMF?.  I guess we have to do that Israel did: trashing UN resolutions in the toiled.


For the USA to survive inside this context, we have to empower regions inside the FED, before CA and Texas or others, separate totally from the FED. We have to do what is been done in Europe: controlled separatism. After the UK-exit from the EU  will come Italy or France, and to control this autonomy, it will be at the expenses of the Union, and they are in serious economic problems. So, it will be easy for them to control this controlled separatism  from top-down and at economic  level first: re-organize the IMF , or declared  obsolete. The same should be done at the level of the UN. This means that we have to dis-empower those institutions of the UN that Bolton empower  it. (I don’t know if he can be useful to do the opposite thing he did before). That is the current situation in the north.

IN THE SOUTH we have similar chaos: Mercosur does not represent the South, they represent the north bankers and their policies. We need to trash that alliance. We have to create new one in which economic concerns prevail –no mere politics. We can create the amazonas region with Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Col an Ven. And create the Pacific region at the same time with Chile, Peru y COL all united by a single train-road (la panamericana del pacifico) . The other option could be to retake the transpacific road and unite south Brazil with Bolivia and Peru. When the infrastructure for this works is complete we can return to the Mercosur project.

I do believe that in the south we put on the socks over the boots. We have to do the opposite –forget the false mercosur & its sock in Ururguay- and pay attention to investments in the above regions. And forget of course the traditional economic American supremacism.

If they want to invest –with no privileges attached- fine; if they want to do the same as before, we have to do what Ecuatorians did it, take them out. The same with China, Russia and Europe, if they  want to invest in the South, fine, under the same conditions, with not privilege for no one.

Then after we can say that we have a real Mercosur independent from the north.

In short, regional networks of business has to be re-elaborated in the north & South as soon as possible (asap).

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