domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2016

DIC 25 16 SIT EC y POL

DIC 25 16  SIT EC y POL


Did you ever wonder about the astonishing numbers behind Santa Claus and the great work he does every Christmas? If Santa Claus really exists, he certainly has his work cut out.

Assuming Deutsche Bank is correct, the result would be the scariest forecast bond bulls have seen in years: a 10-Year TSY whose yield fades all gains attained during the past decade, in the span of just two short years, hitting 4.5% in early 2019. The adverse implications from such a fast, steep move on all asset classes, not just bonds, would be devastating.

We find that 94% of net job growth in the past decade was in the alternative work category,” said Obama's former top White House economist Alan Krueger. In other words, nearly all of the 10 million jobs created between 2005 and 2015 were not traditional nine-to-five employment, but low-paying temp, on-call, contract workers, independent contractors or freelancers.

"I just seen a bunch of flying fists and I seen the security guards getting punched and anyone that was in the way getting punched... right near where a line of children were waiting to meet the mall's Santa..."

Liberal havens have become largely clueless about the real world about them, and have turned a blind eye to the destabilizing forces that are compounding upon them. If/when the SHTF, these will be the absolute last places you’d want to be caught dead.


"Beijing will increase controls on the property market to maintain stable home prices in 2017, said a statement issued after a plenary session of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on Saturday. Housing prices in the capital are already too high and ensuing increased social tension brings enormous challenges to ... stability in the city."

A Russian military plane carrying 92 people, including dozens of Red Army Choir singers, dancers and orchestra members, crashed into the Black Sea shortly after takeoff from Sochi on its way to Syria on Sunday, killing everyone on board




World Mourning Victims of Russian Tu-154 Plane Crash in Black Sea

Russia Delivers 11 Tonnes of Aid to Former Citizens of Syria’s Aleppo – MoD
Netanyahu Summons US Envoy After UNSC Vote on Israeli Settlements Resolution
UN Secretary-General Denies Bribery Allegations, Says He'll Seek an Apology
Snowden Asks Internet to Support Refugees in Hong Kong Who Helped Him


Saint Nicholas was a real, historical person. But he didn’t live in some snowy Northern place like the North Pole or Scandinavia. And he probably wasn’t fair-skinned with ruddy cheeks.

He lived in the town of Myra – on the Southern Coast of Turkey – in the fourth century (it was then part of Greece). So he likely had an olive-colored, Mediterranean complexion:
See image at :  this is a Russian icon depicting St Nicholas with scenes from his life. Late 1400s or early 1500s. National Museum, Stockholm

And he didn’t ride a magic sleigh driven by flying reindeer, have a workshop full of elves, squeeze through chimneys with belly-defying dimensions, or maintain a naughty-or-nice list rivaling the NSA.

The real St. Nick came from a wealthy family, and his parents died in an epidemic when he was young.  Nick used his large inheritance to help the poor.

For example, poor young girls were likely to be sold into slavery because they didn’t have a dowry with which to attract a husband.  So on 3 occasions, Nicholas threw a bag of gold into a poor girl’s house through an open window … enough to provide a dowry so the girl could get married.

The bags of gold are said to have landed in stockings or shoes left in front of the fire to dry.  This led to the custom of kids hanging stockings or putting out shoes, hoping for gifts from Saint Nick.
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Why am I hopeful? the Status Quo is devolving, and a better way of living lies just beyond the corrupt, wasteful, ruinous consumerist debt/financial tyranny we now inhabit.

Readers often ask me to post something hopeful, and I understand why: doom-and-gloom gets tiresome. Human beings need hope just as they need oxygen, and the destruction of the Status Quo via over-reach and internal contradictions doesn’t leave much to be happy about.

The most hopeful thing in my mind is that the Status Quo is devolving from its internal contradictions and excesses. It is a perverse, intensely destructive system with horrific incentives for predation, exploitation, fraud and complicity and few disincentives.

A more human world lies just beyond the edge of the Status Quo.

I know many smart, well-informed people expect the worst once the Status Quo (the Savior State and its corporatocracy partners) devolves, and there is abundant evidence of the ugliness of human nature under duress.

But we should temper this Id ugliness with the stronger impulses of community and compassion. If greed and rapaciousness were the dominant forces within human nature, then the species would have either died out at its own hand or been limited to small savage populations kept in check by the predation of neighboring groups, none of which could expand much because inner conflict would limit their ability to grow.
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[[ Crece la protesta de miles de mujeres contra el proyecto de Ley para dar impunidad a violadores y acosadores de menores de edad si aceptan casarse ellas. El AKP es el  Pdo de Gbno de Erdogan, la dict mas siniestra del ME.  Es una vergüenza que los Rusos –por amor al oil- deal- apoyen este Gbno que hoy invade Syria. Putin: rompe con Erdogan!: esa bestia es la 5ta columna armada del imperio que traicionara a Syria e Iran.]]


Syria RU should not allow the invasion of Turks on Syria
Cuando las placas del Pacif sur se mueven, luego vienen las del norte
Ni la paz mundial … pronto tendrán lo que se merecen los parias del nazism
‘US abstention in UN Israel vote, the best Obama did in his departure
el US y sus aliados en las cercanias de Syria : Israel, Turks, Saudis, UK & ISIS
La ultra-derecha limosnera del imperio -minoria intracendente- apoya Israel crimes
US left out in the cold  El regionalism en la ONU eliminará su captura por el imperio
Debate: UN resolution against Israel la cadena imperial se rompe en el eslabón mas debil
Trump’s U-turn on 'draining the swamp'  se fue con el Wall Street y abandono al main street
Esos cambio acortan vida polit a Trump.. Pronto empezara la ronda del impeachment y adios

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