domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2016

DIC 11 16 SIT EC y POL

DIC 11 16  SIT EC y POL


Caveat Emptor!
Review & Dow 20,000
This past week, the market advanced 3% heading towards my target of 2400. The Dow broke above 19700 and is within striking distance of the “psychological” summit of 20,000.

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like…1999!
It is interesting to watch the excitement build around the market once again as we head into the New Year. There is an optimism rising the “new bull market” has finally arrived and we are set to start an unprecedented advance as the calendar turns. Take a look:

You get the idea. And, as I showed last weekend, investor confidence is extremely high levels as well. But here is the latest from NAAIM which shows managers at a net 101% exposure.  SEE IMAGE AT:

See, it’s all good….for now.
If this market rally seems eerily familiar, it’s because it is. If fact, the backdrop of the rally reminds me much of what was happening in 1999.
  • Fed was hiking rates as worries about inflationary pressures were present.
  • Economic growth was improving 
  • Interest and inflation were rising
  • Earnings were rising through the use of “new metrics,” share buybacks and an M&A spree. (Who can forget the market greats of Enron, Worldcom & Global Crossing)
  • Stock market was beginning to go parabolic as exuberance exploded in a “can’t lose market.”

If you were around then, you will remember. The charts below show a comparison of GDP, Inflation, Interest Rates (10-year) and the S&P 500 between 1998-2002 (dashed lines) and 2014-Present (solid lines). The data is nominal and quarterly.

While inflation rates and GDP growth are substantially weaker than in 1998, the recent turn higher is similar to what we saw during that previous period. Notice in 2000, there was a spike higher in GDP which got the bulls all excited just before the recession took hold. SEE IMAGE AT:

The same is true for interest rates which rose about 1.5% between 1998 and 2000. Rates then resumed their long-term downtrend in conjunction with the onset of a recession. SEE CHART AT:

Of course, as rates, inflation, and economic growth were rising by small amounts, investors pushed assets prices higher expecting the longest economic growth cycle on record to continue for another decade.  SEE CHART AT:

It didn’t.
The last chart gives a better comparison. I have combined interest rates, GDP, and inflation into a single “economic index” for both the 5-year period beginning in 1998 and 2014 to present. I then recalibrated the 2014 index and market to 1998 levels. 

This is where it gets interesting. If you look at the chart you would quickly make the argument that we have 8-10 quarters ahead of us before a problem occurs. However, because we are running at HALF of the previous rate, there is substantially less room to fall before a recession sets in. In other words, in 1998, the economy had to decline from a 7.5% growth rate to hit recessionary levels.  SEE CHART AT:

Considering we are at 2% today, the time to recession will be considerably shorter – like 2-4 quarters kind of short.

For the skeptics, here is the actual data graphed from 1997-2014. Stocks entered the melt-up phase as the “Bullish Mantra” changed from:
Lower rates and lower inflation is good for stocks
Higher rates and higher inflation is good for stocks


For those long energy-related equities, this is likely a good time to take in profits and rebalance exposure during short-term corrections.

However, the bigger picture is that while long-exposure remains recommended currently, it is also critically important not become overly complacent. Just because the lights are still on and the music “still a pumpin'”, smarter investors tend to quietly exit before the cops show up

Just don’t forget to turn off the lights if you are the last to leave.

Hedge funds have performed rather poorly returning only 0.9% overall in November according to JPM. The reason: "hedge funds did not have enough beta to the Trump trade, i.e. the Trump trade is underowned."

The "it's-not-our-fault, Russia-is-to-blame-for-Trump" narrative is escalating amid Sunday political talk shows with Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill spewing that any attempt by Russia to meddle in the United States presidential election should be seen as "a form of warfare."

"I have watched incredulous as the CIA’s blatant lie has grown and grown as a media story – blatant because the CIA has made no attempt whatsoever to substantiate it. There is no Russian involvement in the leaks of emails showing Clinton’s corruption. As Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians. As I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks – there is a major difference between the two."
El coronel Donald si tiene quien le escriba: una Juez

"Move over Hillary, Harry, Jill, and all you namby pamby pathetic losers still crying in your grande double shot skinny lattes... don't be fooled by these narratives... it's all part of an orchestrated effort to build a wall to prevent Donald Trump from making America great again..."

Despite Saudi Arabia pumping record amounts of crude, the energy complex has spiked 6% higher tonight after two major headlines. First, Russia and other non-OPEC nations agreed to join the OPEC pledge to reduce production; and then, in what some are calling their "whatever it takes" moment, Saudi Arabia surprised the market by saying it will cut more than previously agreed.


"I fully understand the 'one China' policy, but I don't know why we have to be bound by a 'one China' policy unless we make a deal with China having to do with other things, including trade. We're being hurt very badly by China with devaluation, with taxing us heavy at the borders when we don't tax them, with building a massive fortress in the middle of the South China Sea."

"We know that Russian-government-controlled ‘media’ outlets such as RT and Sputnik campaigned openly for one candidate, Donald Trump.  We have laws preventing foreign governments from contributing financial support to candidates. Should we have similar laws about in-kind support?

Speaking to Fox News' Chris Wallace on Sunday morning, the President-elect blasted the Friday night Wapo report that a secret CIA assessment concluded Russia intervened in the U.S. presidential election to help him win the presidency. "I think it's ridiculous. I think it's just another excuse. I don't believe it."



Independent journalist Eva Bartlett sets a smug reporter straight during a UN Syria Mission press conference
Game Over for the US in Syria  By Danielle Ryan
Barack Obama’s White House is in damage control mode. It’s about time they admit it’s game over.
Liberman penned an article to explain his regime's struggles in a trobulant Middle Ease
Trump says CIA charge Russia influenced election is 'ridiculous'.
Fake News are typically accompanied by calls for “solutions” that involve censorship and suppression.
Freedom’s Just Another Word  By Peter Van Buren
He that always give way to others, will end in having no principles of his own” Aesop


Syrian Army Evacuates 80% of Palmyra Residents, Rest in Danger - Homs Governor
1-Daesh Moves Reserves to Palmyra Thanks to Pause in US-Controlled Raqqa Offensive
Daesh Moves 5,000 Terrorists to Raqqa, from Iraqi Mosul – Aceptar la “Reconciliation” del US fue un error RU. La comunidad internacional pide eliminar estos terroristas ya. Esos caníbales asesinaron muchos miles de gente y destruyeron totalmente Syria. Es ahora o nunca. Basta de terrorismo!
2-According to US reports “the deal will have militants from the Nusra Front terror group (outlawed in Russia) brought to the Idlib province” if unarmed. But they go beyond Idlib Prov and now they are re-armed by the US. See: US-Russian Aleppo Evacuation Proposal Says Nusra Terrorists Can Only Go to Idlib

Claim That US Election Could Be Hacked Just 'Headline-Grabbing Media Invention'
Related : Fox News Host Destroys Democratic Lawmaker Over Russian Hacking Claims


Europa  Las sombríos mañanas de la crisis  Michel Husson
EE UU   Marxismo y luchas indígenas  Benjamin Balthaser
Siria  Cuando caiga Alepo  David Hearst
No será el fin de la guerra sino el comienzo de un nuevo Cap
Fue lo que los Chinos le dijeron a Trump cuando este apoyo Taiwán
El caso es que si Trump pierde a China ninguno de sus proyectos geo-pol funcionara
Iran Makes Historic $16.6 Billion Deal With Boeing. Pero -al parecer- puede ser cancelado si el US Senado entorpece relación US-Iran to favor Israel wars on Syria-Iran.
Algunos desconfían y consideran que hay que alinearlo a bombazos. Acaso la CIA-Mossad?


Syria should take them out from their country not matter what

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