viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2016

DIC 2 16 SIT EC y POL p2

DIC 2 16  SIT EC y POL p2






Like Trump, Mattis favors a tougher stance against U.S. adversaries abroad, especially Iran.
What Can Go Wrong?  By William Blum
American influence under Trump could inspire a solution to the bloody Russia-Ukraine crisis
If oligarchs come to the conclusion that they can’t control Trump and he is actually a threat to them, they’ll just crash the economy
In Case You Missed It  Editor Of Major Newspaper Says He Planted Stories For CIA  By Ralph Lopez
We’ll know our disinformation program is complet when everything the Amercan public believes is false”  Journalists who do not comply either cannot get jobs at any news organization, or find their careers cut short.
“The war is not meant to the won, it is meant to be continuous” George Orwell
Washington’s rush into an Orwellian future is well underway




President-Elect Trump Speaks to President of Taiwan, Risking Feud With Beijing
Foreign ministers of Russia, Japan will discuss Putin’s upcoming visit to Tokyo
Pravda Video  Russia, India and China prepare a strike against dollar
Lavrov, Kerry Discuss Deterioration of Bilateral Ties Under Obama


Judging by the mainstream media, the most pressing problems facing capitalism are 1) income inequality, the basis of Thomas Piketty’s bestseller Capital in the Twenty First Century, and 2) the failure of laissez-faire markets to regulate their excesses, a common critique encapsulated by Paul Craig Roberts’ recent book  The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism.

These critiques (and many similar diagnoses) reach a widely shared conclusion: capitalism must be reformed to save it from itself.

The proposed reforms align with each analyst’s basic ideological bent. Piketty’s solution to rising wealth inequality is the ultimate in statist centralization: a global wealth tax. Roberts and others recommend reforming capitalism to embody social purpose and recognize environmental limits. Exactly how this economic reformation should be implemented is a question that sparks debates across the ideological spectrum, but the idea that capitalism can be reformed is generally accepted by left, right and libertarian alike.

Socio-economist Immanuel Wallerstein asks a larger question: can the current iteration of global capitalism be reformed, or is it poised to be replaced by some other mode of production?  Wallerstein and four colleagues explored this question in Does Capitalism Have a Future? Wallerstein is known as a proponent of world systems, the notion that each dominant economic-political arrangement eventually reaches its limits and is replaced by a new globally hegemonic system. Wallerstein draws his basic definition of the current dominant system—let’s call it Global Capitalism 1.0—from his mentor, historian Fernand Braudel, who meticulously traced modern capitalism back to its developmental roots in the 15th century in an influential three-volume history, Civilization & Capitalism, 15th to 18th Centuries.
Keep Reading


ME  La genealogía del ISIS (Da’esh)  Yassin Al-Haj Saleh
[[ Que es y que no es socialismo?  es el problema. Revise a  Anibal Quijano al respecto y pregúntese luego:  Donde el socialismo dejo de ser proyecto emancipatorio, anti-oligárquico y anti-sistema? . Entonces concluirá que el socialismo  existió y existe no solo como proyecto: sobre todo como Acción Revolucionaria  de todas las clases sociales y minorías oprimidas del mundo.  Hugo Adan Dic 2-16 ]]
VEN  -¿Y ese "dólar today", qué? Círculo de Economía Crítica y Alternativa
EE.UU.  -Trump: menos guerrerismo a la vista  Miguel Ángel Ferrer
-Y en eso murió Fidel  Elena Martínez
COL  El claroscuro del futuro colombiano (Parte II) Ava Gómez, Sabrina y Javier
Ecuador  Banco del Sur inicia su fase pre operativa MRE y MH de Ecuador
Buena! Aunque no devendrá  en 1ra puta millonaria, dirá claro que allí US- Emb es un burdel
Asi será si fracasa Trump, nadie va a creer en ellos, ni en sus super-packs desde entonces.
Las oligarquías del mundo –metidas en política directa- se juegan su último chance.
Por supuesto,  solo si financia coops de capas medias en sector productivo y de servicios.
Debate  El socialismo o cómo invertir la herencia Rev. Brais Fernández  1ro aclarar la polisemia de la palabra. Para muchos, socialismo es un concepto frío, no asociado a experiencias emancipadoras  reales. Pero lo fue y lo será siempre, es cuetion de revisar la herencia Rev y apuntar hacia el futuro.
Suiza. Inmigración/Refugio  ¿Por qué revisar la política de acogida en Ginebra?  Rémy Pagani
El golpe militar del 3 de julio de 2013 derrocó al primer presidente civil elegido, Mohamed Morsi .. ahora van a Siria en ayuda de Asad y los rusos para derrotar el imperio USA, su ISIS y NATO 
ARG  El Estado policial impugnado  Raúl Zibechi


Trump is behaving too naïve in geopolitics
This can be called intentional obstruction to Trump policies
US terror threats won’t prevent Europe from independence
In VA, NH & CA during the elections of  Nov 8
So far 3 zionists  in Trump first team: AIPAC mafia’s hidden hand
A bad sing for peace in the Middle East. Israel already bombing Syria


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