jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2016


DIC 8 16  SIT EC y POL




According to Goldman calculations, the likely phase in period for the Trump fiscal stimulus is the very end of 2017, if not early 2018 at the earliest: "Our preliminary expectation is that the growth effects from looser fiscal policy would be concentrated in Q4 2017 and the first half of 2018."

"I sometimes feel like ‘The Grim Reaper’, scouring the research savannah in a ghoulish quest to harvest bad news with a forceful sweep of my scythe. Imagine then my perverse delight when our credit team produced what is one of the scariest charts I have seen for a very long time." = Albert Edwards

It would be nice if we could figure out a way to make our economy last forever, but it is doubtful that we can. Ultimately, the battle between diminishing returns and increased complexity seems likely to be settled in a way that causes the economy to collapse.

The “Carrier” deal, and future deals like it, only succeed in temporarily keeping the jobs of yesterday with a cost to taxpayers today.

"I hate to rain on this parade. But the latest lurch upwards in stock prices has just taken market valuations up into the skybox levels, according to the market timing measure with the longest pedigree on Wall Street. It’s just gone from flashing amber to flashing red - meaning, if it’s right, that there is now a significant and rising risk of a crash, and a bigger risk of simply very poor returns."
Notably bond market 'risk' is at its highest relative to stock market 'risk' (based on implied vols) almost ever...


Despite an initial pop, it appears the Trump presidency has not been greeted by all Americans equally exuberantly as the stock market.

Liberals in the city of Portland Oregon have put their foot down against income inequality. The “Orecrats” are not going after CEOs, but rather corporations that have CEO salaries the “Orecrats” deem excessive. The tax penalty on corporations is as much as 25%.

"This is a big deal.  There's not a better indicator of well-being than life expectancy.  The fact that it's leveling off in the U.S. is a striking finding."

"To the millions of undocumented residents pursuing and contributing to the California Dream, the state of California will be your wall of justice should the incoming administration adopt an inhumane and over-reaching mass-deportation policy."

"Merry Christmas, mayor.  Hopefully you have a good Christmas because you have successfully screwed over the retirees, the firefighters and the police officers."

“At no time has my office agreed to or permitted DHS to conduct penetration testing or security scans of our network.  Moreover, your department has not contacted my office since this unsuccessful incident to alert us of any security event that would require testing or scanning of our network.”

After stating that The ECB will relax the previous QE parameters, allowing it to buy bonds with yields below the deposit floor, 5Y German yields have dropped below -40bps. The entire European bond yield curve has steepened dramatically (German 2s10s +12bps to steepest since July 2014).

"China won't pay into Trump's protection racket. It should use the money to build more strategic nuclear arms and accelerate the deployment of the DF-41 intercontinental ballistic missile. China's military spending in 2017 should be augmented significantly." - Global Times
  • Draghi Expected to Lay Out Plans for More ECB Stimulus (WSJ)
  • Bonds Fall as Investors Turn Wary on ECB Stimulus; Euro Gains (BBG)
  • European Stock Traders Look to Draghi to Break Santa Curse  (BBG)
  • Trump to nominate Pruitt to lead U.S. environmental agency (Reuters)
  • Trump's choice of China envoy a positive sign for ties, Xinhua says (Reuters)
  • Syrian Rebels Pin Hopes on Trump (WSJ)




Easy target: 2 birds in one shot. We should bring our troop home


Are Sanctuary Cities Legal?   By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
Dismal Jobs Report  By Paul Craig Roberts
The false news is that the collapsing economy continues to boom with 178,000 new jobs in November




Chinese Press Calls for Nuclear Build-Up to Face Trump’s US   https://sputniknews.com/asia/201612091048341157-china-press-nuclear-increase-trump-us/
Syrian Army Suspends Combat Operations in Aleppo – Lavrov   https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201612081048331257-syrian-army-lavrov/
Russia, Cuba Sign Program on Defense Technology Cooperation
Keiser Report  Episode 1003  Int to Michael Carmichael 


One of the most disturbing failures of the mainstream media in this election cycle was its complete lack of historical context for Trump’s brand of populism.If you consumed the mainstream media’s coverage of the campaign and election, you noted their obsession with speech acts (as opposed to concrete actions), personalities and conspiracy theories pinning American populism on Russian propaganda.

The mainstream media dismisses populism by pushing two absurdly ignorant narratives:

1. Populism (we’re told) always leads to authoritarian rules and/or fascism (i.e. Nazism). All populist movements are therefore tarred with the Nazism brush: no good could possibly come from Populist movements because they always lead to fascism.
This is convenient for the apologists of the embattled status quo, but it’s utterly false: America’s enormous populist movements have never led to fascism.

2. Since the status quo is wonderful and America’s economy is strong, dissent or populism cannot be home-grown–it must be the work of the Devil, in the guise of “foreign propaganda.”

Notice the classic propaganda ploy being deployed here: since dissent is impossible in a regime as well-managed and prosperous as America’s status quo, populism must be driven and controlled by evil foreign agents.
This is laughably absurd: America’s populist movements, including the present one, have been revolts against the concentrated wealth and power of self-serving status quo elites.
Keep Reading


ARG  De Donald Trump a Mauricio Macri  Héctor Menéndez
Carta al mundo   Asediados por el silencio  Jaffa of Syria


Le Pen urges ban on education for refugee kids. I she a mother?
She uncovered herself her fascistic view on geo-politics. Incredible!
Whew he will realize that behind ISIS is US-NATO-Israel terrorism?
EU: Refugees can be sent back to Greece  Stop selling weapons instead

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