domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2016

DIC 18 16 SIT EC y POL

DIC 18 16  SIT EC y POL


David Rosenberg reminded us earlier today courtesy of Bob Farrell's Rule #9, "When all the experts and forecasts agree, something else is going to happen."
What happened was a dramatic surge in the market because Trump was elected, as his victory unleash the hope of massive fiscal stimulus, something none of the experts predicted would happen.

Which brings us to the latest garthering of experts.
Over the weekend. Barron's held its latest annual strategist roundtable. The article explaining their outlook starts, appropriately enough, with: "Nobody saw it coming." And it wasn't just the Trump victory. As the following chart from Barron's notes, 2016 was a year of surprises, which however after an initial scare, were mostly to the upside, even as the news kept getting progressively worse: See image at:


The countdown has started as the demise of the great U.S. shale gas industry has begunThis will have a disastrous impact on the U.S. economy as shale gas production declines in a big way.  Unfortunately, very few Americans understand how sickly the domestic shale gas industry truly is, because they have been brainwashed to believe the United States is heading towards energy independence.

"Michelle, you may not realize it, but Americans rejected you and everything you stand for.  They know what hope is.  Hope is when people, 30,000 at a time, stand in line, in the cold, with their children, hoping to get the glimpse of a man they think can change the course of their lives from the downward spiral that you and "Mr. Hope & Change" have put them on."

The corporate owned media and their partners in government are working overtime to spread the 'fake news' meme. This meme is designed to limit, and ultimately destroy, the independent and alternative media by censoring anti-establishment viewpoints.

While Obama vowed on Friday to “send a clear message to Russia” as both a punishment and a deterrent to alleged Russian hacking of the US presidential elections, a problem has emerged: some of the options were rejected as ineffective, others as too risky.

"If my many supporters acted and threatened people like those who lost the election are doing, they would be scorned & called terrible names!"
If Clinton & neocon allied get 37 votes against Trump he won’t be next US- Pdt
Trump need 270 votes to be nominated: the GOPs are 306 vs 232 Dems. Only
traitors & money could deny his victory & create a huge Constit chaos in USA

At this point it's looking more and more likely that the coup attempted by Harvard's Larry Lessig will fail when the Electoral College votes tomorrow.  That said, anything is possible and, as such, here are a couple of things you should be on the look out for as electors get set to cast their ballots.
With even Harvard's Larry Lessig admitting that his efforts to flip the Electoral College against Trump have failed miserably (see "Harvard Professor Admits His Efforts To Turn Electoral College Against Trump Have Failed Miserably"), it's a near certainty that Trump will, in fact, be elected President when the Electoral College casts their votes tomorrow
That said, there could always be surprises and, as such, The Hill has published a list of five things you should keep an eye on as electors get set to cast their ballots.  First, here is how the 538 electors should cast their ballots if they all strictly follow the will of the voters in their respective states

That said, we know that at least one Texas elector, Chris Suprun,  has vowed to go rogue tomorrow and anxious eyes will be waiting to see if anyone decides to join him. 
There’s no evidence of a widespread number of Republican defectionsjust one Republican elector from Texas has gone public with plans to break from Trump.

But there hasn’t been an election in which more than one elector jumped ship for reasons other than the death of a candidate since 1836, according to the nonprofit Fair Vote. So a defection by even one more Republican elector would make history.
In theory, a unified front of the 232 Democrats could join with 38 Republicans [defectors] to elect an alternative president. But in practice, the anti-Trump electors will be lucky if more than a dozen Democrats break.

With 29 states and the District of Columbia binding their electors by law, it will also be interesting to see if anyone in those states choose to defect, and if so, what penalties will be levied upon them.

Finally, when all the voting is said and done, all eyes will be watching how the candidates and their respective parties react.  Will Trump launch a massive tweet storm blasting "faithless electors" and/or will Democrats finally tone down the "Russian hacking" rhetoric and calls to scrap the Electoral College system?  Somehow we suspect that  -finally admitting they ran a failed candidate that was doomed to lose from the start- is not a viable alternative for the talking heads of the leftist we're somewhat less than hopeful.


With the Yuan at its weakest against the Dollar since May 2008, it's becoming harder and harder (and more and more expensive) for China to hide/defend its devaluation strategy (CNH down over 13% since the 'one-off' Aug 2015 devaluation)... "It’s not normal for this to be taking place.” Simply put, the rate spikes and contorted yield curves are symptoms of a dysfunctional, manipulated market.




Not So Happy New Year: The Conflicts That Could Lead to WWIII in 2017
UNSC Agrees on 'Good Text' of Aleppo Draft Resolution, Vote Scheduled for Monday
Sending International Observers to Syria Would Take ‘Weeks’ – Churkin
Polls: Half of US 'Bothered' by Hacking, Want Electoral College Vote Delayed
One in 4 Dems in US Electoral College Seeks Briefing on Alleged Russia's Hacking
CIA Shows 'No Single Piece of Evidence' of Russia's Alleged Involvement in US Election 
Former CIA Analyst: Russian Hacking Allegations of US Election Don’t Add Up
RELATE 4  Corp media loaded US environment with Obama-Clinton russophobia and sinophobia
Related 5 Pressure for Complicity from top US Judicial members:
US Attorney General Regrets Airstrip Meeting With Bill Clinton During FBI Probe


President Obama spoke Friday blaming “domestic propagandists” for “fake news,” and blaming Russia for “hacking” into the DNC’s e-mails with “intent” of Trump becoming President. The irony is that Obama and the CIA present no evidence of Russian involvement in US “elections” that are fake enough to allow Clinton to steal the primary from Bernie Sanders, and that Obama lies by omission that such a CIA alleged “leak” would be a crime of domestic espionage that as President he is sworn to prosecute.

This “official” propaganda may be a move to remove Trump (and here), or at least intimidate him to stay on script for .01% interests of ongoing US rogue state empire.

Helpful analysis in 4 minutes from Ben Swann’s Reality Check:  VIDEO URL:


¿Traicionará el Colegio Electoral a Trump?  Si 37 delegados al Colegio Electoral dicen No a Trump, el no obtendría los 270 votos para ser Presidente. Dificil que ocurra, pero como es dirty business puede ser
Liberación de Alepo "hace historia", Obama amenaza a Rusia por 'hackeos' y China caza un dron espia en sus mares. El espionaje mutuo es una constante en geo-pol: usarlo como pretexto de G es estúpido


United States, France, Britain, Russia and China -- plus Germany
to started implementing the JCPOA since January.

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