domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2016


DIC 4 16  SIT EC y POL


While the technically-driven surge in equities may be over, a historic short squeeze in Treasuries may be about to unfold, as according to DB calculations, shorts in bond futures the largest in over 6 years. However that will be little comfort for commodity shorts who once again got carted out by the OPEC crew.


One of the most fascinating aspects of market psychology is participants’ tendency to get bullish at new highs, especially in light of the fact that in recent years every major rally, especially those producing new highs, have set up for a sizable trade to the short side.

Right at the time when markets were making new highs recently I mused whether this rally was based on hot air. I wanted to follow-up on this assessment in light of the recent small pullback and provide an update of some of the technical signals. The bottom line: The technical evidence appears to build on the “hot air” message and suggests that new highs may have been a fake out.

Since May 2015 highs some of the indices have made marginal new highs, but take out the financial rally and things don’t look all that bright, indeed the global picture, despite record central bank intervention, looks highly unimpressive: See chart at :

The premise: Donald Trump will deliver on all the promises he has made and nothing bad will happen.
We shall see. For now December traditionally has a Santa Claus rally in it following some seasonal weakness into the middle of the month. It has also been suggested that many people may look to want to defer stock selling due to the promise of tax cuts in 2017. And besides, underperforming funds need to chase performance. Are those really good reasons to buy an already expensive market? It wasn’t in December of 2015 as January’s correction showed. But maybe it’s different this time.

Those graphs suggest there will be a move into the red zone during 2017 at the latest.
While I see potential technical upside risk into 2235-2275 on the $SPX the underlying picture continues to suggest what it has in the past several years: Selling strength especially in context of new highs and low $VIX readings.

Bottomline: The downside risk is much higher than the upside risk in my assessment.

The tweetstorm also suggests that far from moderating his stance on protectionism, Trump is only getting started.

"The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and all of Indian Country will be forever grateful to the Obama Administration for this historic decision."

[[ Bravo Obama, you’re making history. What about Cuba: ending US blockage & giving Guantanamo to them?. What about the pardon to dissidents: Snowden among them?. It is a legal matter but  your voice can help. What about ending  war in Syria & bring troops home from ME? .. What about a declaration to dismantle the Nukes worldwide & NATO missiles around RU? That will limit the chances of WW3 during Trump’ government. ]]

“The fact that Trump managed to achieve success in business, suggests that he is a smart man,” Putin said in the NTV channel.  “And as he is smart, that means he will fully and quite quickly be aware of a different level of responsibility.... Attempts to create a unipolar world have not succeeded. We are living in a different dimension."

Turkey is taking steps to allow commerce with China, Russia and Iran to be conducted in local currencies, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday, the government's latest effort to shore up the tumbling lira.

The family of a woman killed in the 2015 Paris attacks by ISIS claims in a lawsuit that Twitter, Facebook, and Google profit from targeted advertising linked to terrorist propaganda promoting violence.

NGOs are smuggling immigrants into Europe on an industrial scale...




Victory for Standing Rock Sioux: Dakota Access Pipeline to be Rerouted
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