miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

DIC 14 16 SIT EC y POL

DIC 14 16  SIT EC y POL


After a bubblicious surge higher over the last few months (as China's hot money swishes from one trending-higher market to another), China's bond market is collapsing. As Chinese money-markets tighten into new year, yuan weakens, and capital outflows accelerate, so it appears the final bastion of safety has cracked. Chinese bond futures crashed overnight by the most on record, erasing in a week the gains of the last 18 months.

Business Inventories dropped 0.2% MoM in October (worse than expected). The last time we saw a bigger MoM drop was September 2011 and this casts some doubt about the exuberant hopes for Q4 GDP growth. Furniture and motor vehicles inventories dropped notably (probably a good thing given their excesses) but overall retail sales (according to this measure) rose 0.7%.

While the 25 bps rate hike was a given, the question on everyone's mind was how many rate hikes does the Fed envision for 2017. The answer, somewhat surprisingly, is three, an increase of one compared to the September meeting.

"We’re getting to the point where further rises in Treasuries, certainly above 3 percent, would start to have a real impact on market liquidity in corporate bonds and junk bonds. Also, a 10-year Treasury above 3 percent in my view starts to bring into question some of the aspects of the stock market and of the housing market in particular."

It's probably nothing...

Retail Sales growth for November rose just 0.1% MoM, missing expectations of a 0.3% jump, and sawnotable downward revisions to October's surge. The biggest drover of the weakness was sales of motor vehicles tumbled 0.5% MoM in November.

Mortgage applications have fallen almost non-stop since their exuberant peak the week of July 4th, tumbling to 2016 lows to the same dismal level of activity as was witnessed after Lehman in Oct 2008. The reason is simple, as we detailed previously, the spike in mortgage rates has slashed the population of refinanceable borrowers from 8.3 million immediately prior to the election to less than 4 million, matching a 24-month low set back in July 2015.

Small-cap stocks are on a historic run; however,futures positioning could become a considerable headwind should the rally start to fade.

Reading between the lines, Janet Yellen squirmed her way through question after question focused on the effect of Trump's potential fiscal stimulus plan without a definitive answer except to say that a"fiscal boost not obviously needed to get back to full employment" warning that "policymakers must take GDP-to-Debt ratio into account", and questioned whether a tax reduction plan would improve the economy or productivity at all.

On the heels of last night's big crude build, OPEC's overnight report stating that supply cuts won’t re-balance the market until the second half of 2017 has sparked further losses in oil pricesalmost erasing the entire OPEC/NOPEC/Saudi cut ramp.

The Dollar Index is spiking and so were US bank stocks, but the rest of the stock market is not so pleased and bonds, crude, and bullion are being sold along with them...and now banks are tumbling too...
This seemed an appropriate place to start... Make sense right?


"I don't understand why the CIA would say the information came from Russian hackers when they must know that isn't true... Regardless of whether the Russians hacked into the DNC, the documents Wikileaks published did not come from that... The leakers were motivated by disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation and the tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders."

Whatever you think of Trump, clearly the oligarchs who rule us fear him. The oligarchs are trying to keep Trump out of the presidency, and they are trying to associate truthful reporting with foreign influence. Who wins this war determines the fate of America.

"There’s always going to be small problems to some degree, but we didn’t expect the degree of problem we saw in Detroit. This isn’t normal."

Georgia's Secretary of State has now confirmed that its election systems were the subject of cyberattacks on 10 separate occasions with each attack originating from a Department of Homeland Security IP address.  With each attack occurring around critical registration and voting deadlines, GA's Secretary of State said "It makes you wonder if somebody was trying to prove a point."

“If you or I gave money, weapons or support to al-Qaeda or ISIS, we would be thrown in jail,”

A NATO-Russia confrontation has been classified as a top "conflict"risk for the US in 2017 by the annual CFR survey, conducted by foreign policy experts. This placed it alongside the risk of a nuclear crisis with North Korea, a "highly disruptive cyberattack", and a severe terrorist attack on the US among the biggest geopolitical risks for the US.
  • Countdown to first Fed hike in a year under way, but focus shifting to 2017 (Reuters)
  • What to Expect From the Fed: Decision-Day Guide (BBG)
  • Investors Expect Fed Rate Rise, Seek Clues on Next Step (WSJ)
  • What ceasefire? Aleppo evacuation delayed (Reuters); Aleppo Fighting Resumes Hours After Cease-Fire Deal (WSJ)
  • Too big to fail: China maps out its Trump strategy (Reuters)


Slaughter or Liberation?: A Debate on Russia's Role in the Syrian War & the Fall of Aleppo  1st Who were the main slaughters of Syrian people?  What our role in it?  Were Aleppo rebels or invaders? .. Then, liberation from whom?  Is the question. Finally: is ‘regime change’ the main cause of slaughter?




President al-Assad: Mainstream Media are Suffering From Moral Decay  By President al-Assad - Video and Transcript
Will Trump Defy McCain & Marco?  By Pat Buchanan  Here is the heart of the objection to Tillerson. He wants to end sanctions and partner with Putin’s Russia, as does Trump




EU Free From Washington’s Stance on Anti-Russia Sanctions, Mogherini Claims
  Obama terminó en el basurero de la Historia Universal, aun cuando aquí goza de un 50% de apoyo popular.
Goodbye, Sheep's Clothing: Obama 'Lost All Sense of Shame' in Fueling Syrian War
And watch the Video:  https://youtu.be/P1wfInDF_XI
NBC CLAIMS PUTIN PERSONALLY INVOLVED IN US ELECTION HACK   https://sputniknews.com/us/201612151048574506-nbc-claims-putin-involved-election-hack/  La audiencia de la prensa mercenaria  (presstitute) esta en caida libre. Ya despidieron a muchos ..
Related 1:
Former NSA Officer William Binney: CIA Lying About Russians Hacking DNC

Related 2: aun dentro hay quienes deploran sus mentiras
Disgraced MSNBC Anchor Brian Williams Comes Out Against Fake News

Related 3 Hillary’ behind press-frauds
Internet Users Lash at Hillary Clinton for Comments About 'Fake News Epidemic'
Unfortunately vast Majority of US Citizens still believe Fake News Headlines

Liberation of Aleppo Paves the Way for Syrian Army's 'Offensive on Idlib, Raqqa'
Daesh Attacked Palmyra in Response to Syrian Army Advance in Aleppo - Assad


By Craig Murray, former British intelligence officer

I am about twenty four hours behind on debunking the “evidence” of Russian hacking of the DNC because I have only just stopped laughing. I was sent last night the “crowdstrike” report, paid for by the Democratic National Committee, which is supposed to convince us. The New York Times today made this “evidence” its front page story.

It appears from this document that, despite himself being a former extremely competent KGB chief, VLADIMIR PUTIN HAS PUT INSPECTOR CLOUSEAU IN CHARGE OF RUSSIAN SECURITY and left him to get on with it. The Russian Bear has been the symbol of the country since the 16th century. So we have to believe that the Russian security services set up top secret hacking groups identifying themselves as “Cozy Bear” and “Fancy Bear”. Whereas no doubt the NSA fronts its hacking operations by a group brilliantly disguised as “The Flaming Bald Eagles”, GCHQ doubtless hides behind “Three Lions on a Keyboard” and the French use “Marianne Snoops”.

What is more, the Russian disguised hackers work Moscow hours and are directly traceable to Moscow IP addresses. This is plain and obvious nonsense. If crowdstrike were tracing me just now they would think I am in Denmark. Yesterday it was the Netherlands. I use Tunnel Bear, one of scores of easily available VPN’s and believe me, the Russian FSB have much better resources. We are also supposed to believe that Russia’s hidden hacking operation uses the name of the famous founder of the Communist Cheka, Felix Dzerzhinsky, as a marker and an identify of “Guccifer2” (get the references – Russian oligarchs and their Gucci bling and Lucifer) – to post pointless and vainglorious boasts about its hacking operations, and in doing so accidentally leave bits of Russian language script to be found.
Keep Reading

On Wednesday, December 14th, the front page of The New York Times featured four news-reports, each of which displays how the employees (editors and reporters), who have been hired by the publisher, convey — by means of selective reporting and hiding of facts — the very same partisan political viewpoint, which the readers who subscribe to the publication will falsely believe to be ‘objective’ and ‘non-partisan’ (since otherwise they wouldn’t even be subscribers to that publication). A ‘journalist’ in such an organization is thus little different from any other public-relations or PR professional, except that the recipients of the PR that a journalist delivers, believe the PR to be honest, and a ‘free press’, not mere puffery for some product or political viewpoint. The following analysis of the NYT’s December 14th front page will show that whether or not such journalism is honest depends upon whether or not a person considers to have been honest such things as (to cite examples here that are trivial by comparison, and so are more simple, and famous) Bill Clinton’s statements, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman”, or “It depends upon what the meaning of is is”.
Is selective hiding of crucial facts ‘honest’, or really a ‘free press’? You’ll be the judge of that, here.


Quebró la banca italiana   Eduardo Bonugli
Integración regional  Con los pueblos todo, sin los pueblos nada  Javier Tolcachier
El poder de la denuncia
  Carolina Vásquez
EE.UU.  -Todo está por verse  Rodolfo Bueno
…..          -Asesinan a líder social del Putumayo

[[ El tiempo de la crítica ya pasó. La ultraderecha le voló 1 Ministro y
apuntan contra PPK. La Iz no debe fingir neutralidad  (ni con el Gbno
ni con los Fujis +Apra) ese es el camino a la traición contra la Nación.
Urge movilizar al pueblo contra la ultra-derecha y defender el  Estado de
derecho establecido. PPK necesita el apoyo de la Izq y esta solo existirá
si apoya a PKK y sin condiciones. Urge 1 paso atrás para dar 2 adelante.
Urge reabrir la cuenta de los Fuji contra las mujeres y el juicio contra los
crímenes de Garcia en los penales y los saqueos de ambos al Estado. Si
se logra incriminar al bufon Alan Garcia, con eso bastaria por ahora. ]]
La hipótesis socialista en España.  Manuel Garí
Europa  La islamofobia como síntoma  Jaume Asens
Golpes mortales al poder corporativo Brid Bennan y Gonzalo Berrón
USA Standing Rock Celebrada la victoria, la lucha continúa  Nancy Romer
Forbes elige a Putin por cuarto año como la persona más poderosa: "Sigue logrando lo que se propone"  Y no es porque le gusta el POTUS americano (Pres Of The US: Potus) según Pepe Esc


Trump ignorance on geo-politics: his main deficit
NO other choice.. otherwise Empire will come on Iran
JUST the pretext to arm al-Nusra, the worse terrorists
Israel is also supporting al-Nusra via US-NATO front in favor of terror

[[ This is the Ideological-Muslim-trap against real secularism & Rev:
The trap: Front door against al-Nusra. Back door:  open to terrorists
That is just the US’ Tactic of “moderate terrorists” in favor of al-Nusra.
Khamenei: hand on hand with US-allies tactic, it corrodes Iran strategy
We’ve this problem inside the Christian Mov in LA: Opus Dei-Papacy  vs.
Theology of Liberation. The Pope joined Reagan’ war against Theology of
Liberation in Central America (nuns & a Bishop Romero were killed)
with the argument they were “communists”. They couldn’t defeat
the Rev in Nicaragua (theology of Lib took churches against the Pope)
The same may happen if Khamenei continue blessing US’ tactic: the
Muslism may take control of mosques against the hierarchy in Iran.]]
King Salman: Saudis enduring economic pains. [[ Crocodile tears.
Salman: worse terrorist among Saudis.. Is a nearest Khamenei’ friend?
Time will say if Latino’ global eyes are right or wrong. History prevail]]

[[ RU’oil trap: their friendship “business” with Turkey.
RU could’ve defeated ISIS easily if stopped Turkey advances
inside Syria .. RU loses soldiers because of nasty oil alliance.]]
[[ EU is deeply penetrated by Mossad. If they took out, EU is free ]]
Velayati: Iran will never bow to US sanctions [[ United they’ll prevail ]]
[[ This is a hope for world peace if Trump goes beyond words ]]
Militants surrender as civilians leave  [[ Wrong RU policy continue..
War is war: if you don’t kill assassins, they’ll kill you.. Unless you plan to
use them, as Americans did it.. mercenary kill for money.. IS by rel-faith.
Money and religion is the best cocktail for terrorism in the Middle East. ]]

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