sábado, 3 de diciembre de 2016


DIC 3 16  SIT EC y POL


As all experience from the past clearly demonstrates, it is a mistake to believe that the gold price is set solely by dollar interest rates, or its relative strength in other currencies. This being the case, the current weakness of the gold price is simply a reflection of temporary dollar shortages, and nothing more.

"S&P 500 valuation is stretched relative to history on nearly every fundamental metric. At the aggregate level, the S&P 500 index trades at the 85th percentile of historical valuation relative to the past 40 years. For portfolio managers, the more important fact is that the median S&P 500 company trades at the 98th percentile of historical valuation."

Ford CEO frames the "ask" for starting negotiations with Trump centered around less restrictive fuel economy standards, currency-manipulation rules that promote free and fair trade, tax reform and safety guidelines for autonomous vehicles.

[[ If we believe in neoliberal  market.. Ford polluted cars has no future ]]

The House has passed H.R. 6393, a bill which calls for the government to target "Russian Propaganda" websites and "counter active measures by Russia to exert covert influence carried out in coordination with political leaders or the security services of the Russian Federation"
This new explain the next one
According to Philly Voice, an updated count Friday by state election officials shows Trump’s lead over Democrat Hillary Clinton has shrunk from 71,000 to 49,000. If this new number is accurate, Trump’s lead is at 0.8 percent, down from more than 1 percent. That is still shy of Pennsylvania’s 0.5 percent trigger for an automatic statewide recount.

Following disappointing results from the initial recount efforts, CBS reports Jill Stein's Green Party is dropping its court case seeking a statewide recount of Pennsylvania’s Nov. 8 presidential election, blaming a lack of funds, exclaiming that PA's "antiquated election law is stacked against voters."

Barack Obama is one of the biggest “Keynesians” of all time, but unfortunately most Americans don’t even understand what that means. By propping things up in the short-term, he has absolutely demolished our long-term economic future. But like most politicians, Obama has been willing to sacrifice the future for short-term political gain.


"It's crazy. This is the explosion of an era. It's the apocalypse of the media, TV, the big newspapers, the intellectuals, the journalists… This is a wide-ranging F*** off." Italy is the next flashpoint. A “No” vote in Italy is virtually assured at this point. But it won’t be the end of the anti-elite surge. Voters in Europe’s biggest countries could soon throw out their “mainstream” parties in favor of populist and Eurosceptic alternatives...


Trump’s Secretary of Defense General Mattis Presided over Slaughter of Civilians in Fallujah   By Marjorie Cohn,  Apoyemos UN juicio a US criminals of war .. y adios al carnicero. 


The Coming War on China  By John Pilger  Are we getting ready for WW3? How will China respond?
The greatest build-up of American-led military forces since the Second World War is well under way
The government has exerted tremendous pressure on the media to report things a certain way
You can bet your life that Israel is lobbying hard for the neocons
The Year Globalism Burst   By Pål Steigan
The multi-national corporations conquers the world, shattering nations and peoples under its mighty wheels like a juggernaut


Green Party Drops Recount Effort in Pennsylvania  J S cumplio su cometido https://sputniknews.com/us/201612041048140484-greens-drop-PA-recount/
Related  Trump Lawyers Object to Vote Recount in US State of Michigan, Halting Process
Trump Super PACs File Lawsuit to Stop Presidential Vote Recount in Wisconsin
El temor a la verdad es de ambos, pero más de Trump. El que nada teme nada oculta!
EPA Hits ND Fracking Company With $2 Million Fine for Polluting Reservation Land
Prueba contundente de que solo la lucha re-conquista derechos avasallados
Last Chance: Dakota Pipeline Protestors Call on Obama to Halt Construction
Barking to the wrong tree .. me temo que la Olig volvió eunuco al Presid .. le cortaron los runtus
The Rules of the (Trump) Game: by Pepe Escobar
All articles of Pepe Escobar at: https://sputniknews.com/authors/pepe_escobar/
US Senate Minority Leader Calls on Trump to Fire Steve Bannon. The fascist. Why not the Zionist?
Cuban Leader Urges Nation to Continue Building Socialism After Castro's Death
Change.Org Petition to Remove Donald Trump Becomes Most Popular in History
Does it matter who is financing this Mov?.. Why J Stain is not getting support from Change.org?
J-Stain uncovered a FACT: Hillary and Trump now, belong to same oligarchy: pro fraud & pro war
Keiser Report  Episode 1001   Max and Stacy discuss neoliberalism “striking back” as China gets to have a plan: one that...


Professor Noam Chomsky is one of the most cited scholars in history.  So why do Western corporate and government media outlets like the New York Times (whose board members have often also been on the boards of weapons manufacturers) almost entirely avoid quoting or citing him?

The New York Times, Chomsky has noted, is a particularly odious offender.  He refers to the output of that publication, which claims to offer “all the news that’s fit to print”, as “pure propaganda”, and documents how and why this is the case.

Chomsky has published many articles and books that detail the US propaganda system, but here is a concise, 8-minute summary of how it works: VIDEO URL : Noam Chomsky  – Conformity and Control  https://youtu.be/N11tcnPBwf4

Thus, media outlets that Western elites refer to as “independent” really are not independent.  They are major corporations with inherent conflicts of interest that both determine their output and allow them to peddle it widely.
Keep Reading


Alza de precios del petróleo   ¿Quiénes ganan y pierden en América Latina? NB
Chile  -Ancianas y ancianos comiendo basura Arnaldo Pérez Peor con suba de precios del petróleo
-El mensaje postelectoral de Bernie Sanders  Amy Goodman y D Moynihan
Mercosur  es un cascaron vacío. A crear región amazónica: Ve-Col-Pe-Bol-Bra y unir Pacif-Atlant


'Trump's Mad Dog likes killing'  El que a hierro mata, a hierro muere. The bible
Containing is a stupid policy.. you can’t C the world claim for justice & freedom
Stein to protest outside Trump Tower Good!  Masses for change vs. masses for fascism
Assassins can kill innocent people, but once OB is out, they can’t choose their burial
‘GOP puts US on path towards fascism’  same with Hillary. It’s deep state that rules ..

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