sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2016

DIC 10 16 SIT EC y POL

DIC 10 16  SIT EC y POL


There just isn’t a lot of good news here...

Active managers have adopted an average of over 100% exposure to stocks; such exuberance has not been necessarily represented a poor bet in the past, however.
The jury is out on whether investors have embraced the “Trump Rally”. While there is some evidence that investors and money managers remain under-invested, there is probably more evidence to the contrary. From jacked-up surveys to record ETF inflows, it’s probably safer to conclude that folks are pretty enthusiastic about stocks right now. One specific example comes from the National Association of Active Investment Managers (NAAIM) survey of active manager equity exposure. This week, based on the survey, these active managers have an average of 101.6% exposure to equities. I’d say that’s pretty high.

Now, don’t go and sell all of your stocks just yet based on a contrarian analysis of this data point. That’s because the previous “all in” bets by these managers didn’t exactly lead to disastrous results.

So there certainly may be valid reasons to expect a pause in the enexorable Trump Rally, overexuberance by these NAAIM managers isn’t necesarily one of them.


Non-OPEC oil-producing nations struck a deal in Vienna on Saturday to cut crude output by 600,000 barrels a day, joining a pact meant to reduce a global oversupply of crude, lift prices and lend support to economies hurt by a two-year market slump.

The parallels between the U.K.’s shocking approval of the Brexit referendum in June and the U.S.’s even more shocking election of Donald Trump as president Tuesday night are overwhelming. While elite circles gorged themselves on globalism, free trade, Wall Street casino gambling, and endless wars (wars that enriched the perpetrators and sent the poorest and most marginalized to bear all their burdens), they completely ignored the victims of their gluttony.

With Assad on the verge of retaking Aleppo, and with it, regaining full control in the ongoing Syrian proxy war, we asked last week how long before the US intervenes in an attempt to derail the sudden Syrian (and Russian) momentum.  We got the answer this morning, when US Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Saturday that the US is sending 200 additional military personnel to Syria to help drive Islamic State from its de facto capital of Raqqa.
ON WARS case in point SYRIA  By Hugo Adan
MAD Mutual Assured Destruction stop WW3.. but
We have to accept first that Obama’ Regime Change is a failure.
My thesis:  Hugo Adan  Dic 10-16
The aim of Keeping  same profits for big corp that produce arms & wars have 2 limits:  1- forget MAD deterrence.  2- advance RU-xenofobia  to the borders of WW3

So,  the  US won’t  accept the defeat of “regime change” set by Obama who want American soldiers to die for a wrong cause, the cause of one 6 big corporations that profit from manufacturing weapons and promoting war abroad.
These wars game doesn’t make sense at all.
We need that money to rebuild America!.
Dear Trump, make a deal with Putin 
to dismantle war-nuke power worldwide once and for all
That will be the greatest gift for Christmas and New Year 
to the whole humanity. It is that we all need: Peace not wars! ]]

The Senate has passed the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act: legislation designed to help American allies counter foreign government propaganda from Russia, China, and other nations. "The passage of this bill in the Senate today takes us one critical step closer to effectively confronting the extensive, and destabilizing, foreign propaganda and disinformation operations being waged against us."

The WaPo's latest "evidence-free" piece, according to which the CIA issued a "secret" assessment that Russia helped Trump win the presidency, could have tremendous consequences not only for the the Trump administration, the upcoming electoral college vote, but for the US itself.

The U.S. took in 85,000 refugees in fiscal year 2016 and the Obama administration recently announced plans to admit another 110,000 in 2017...here's where they're going.

In a move that is certain to infuriate those who see Trump as nothing more than a puppet of the Kremlin, moments ago NBC reported that Rex Tillerson, CEO of Exxon Mobil and late entrant into the SecState race, will be picked by Trump to serve as his next Secretary of State.

As the debacle of the too-secret-to-show-you fantasy CIA report 'proving' Russia's interference with the US election becomes the new news cycle narrative, Hillary Clinton staffers are reportedly "soul crushed" by these new 'facts'.

Were the federal courts to step in and begin regulating states on how they manage their electoral college votes, it would be a significant swing in favor of federal centralization and greater federal power.

Iceland's Interior Minister reveals details of a time the Obama administration "sent a planeload of FBI agents to Iceland seeking our cooperation in what I understood as an operation set up to frame Julian Assange and WikiLeaks."


Zionist supporter of attacking Iran preemptively Dennis Ross is an advisory board member. Anti-Iranian advisors include former Mossad head Tamir Pardo, Jeb Bush, Bill Richardson, UK MI6 head Richard Dearlove, John Bolton (a possible, though unlikely Trump secretary of state choice), Otto Reich of Iran-Contra infamy, and Roger Noriega, notorious for destabilizing Latin and Central American governments.


Syrian Army Pushes Daesh Out of Palmyra, Regains Full Control Over City - Source
El mossad de nuevo ?  .. White House Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Istanbul
California Elector Files Lawsuit, Joins Movement to Find Trump Alternative
Michigan Court Kills Jill Stein’s Final Bid to Revive US Election Recount
El fraude de las primarias por la Clinton legitimo el fraude de las finales con Trump
Buscan silenciar a Jill Stain para ocultar al mundo que la demo en America es una farsa
Russia to Create Monitoring Group to Control Oil Output Reduction – Novak
Russia's Energy Minister: Saudi Arabia May Cut Oil Output Below OPEC Deal Level



Preface: Many people are exhausted or overwhelmed right now. So I am re-posting two essays I wrote almost a decade ago to help energize and re-kindle the fire …

Several long-time activists have told me recently they are overwhelmed, worried, and think that we may be losing the struggle ….

One very smart friend asked me if there is any basis for hope.

But hope is an act of will, not a passive mood. Admittedly, things are easier when circumstances bring hope to us, and we can just receive the hopeful and inspiring news.

But if we care about winning, we have to be able to decide to have hope even when outer circumstances aren’t so positive.

I have children who are counting on me to leave them with a reasonably safe and sane planet. As I’ve said elsewhere, “I care too much about my kids and my freedom to be afraid. I care enough about them that it gets my heart beating, connects me to something bigger than myself, and that gives me courage, even when the chips are down.”

If I allowed myself to lose hope about exposing falsehoods, about protecting our freedom and building a hopeful future, I would be dropping the ball for my kids. I would be condemning them to a potentially very grey world where bigger and worse things may happen, where their liberties and joys are wholly stripped away, where every ounce of vitality is beholden to joyless and useless tasks.
Keep Reading
By Nomi Prins.
Originally published by TomDispatch.com (republished with permission of author).

Given his cabinet picks so far, it’s reasonable to assume that The Donald finds hanging out with anyone who isn’t a billionaire (or at least a multimillionaire) a drag. What would there be to talk about if you left the Machiavellian class and its exploits for the company of the sort of normal folk you can rouse at a rally?  It’s been a month since the election and here’s what’s clear: crony capitalism, the kind that festers and grows when offered public support in its search for private profits, is the order of the day among Donald Trump’s cabinet picks. Forget his own “conflicts of interest.” Whatever financial, tax, and other policies his administration puts in place, most of his appointees are going to profit like mad from them and, in the end, Trump might not even wind up being the richest member of the crew.

Only a month has passed since November 8th, but it’s already clear (not that it wasn’t before) that Trump’s anti-establishment campaign rhetoric was the biggest scam of his career, one he pulled off perfectly. As president-elect and the country’s next CEO-in-chief, he’s now doing what many presidents have done: doling out power to like-minded friends and associates, loyalists, and — think John F. Kennedy, for instance — possibly family. 
Keep Reading


EE.UU.  Victoria en Standing Rock, por ahora Amy Goodman y Denis Moynihan

[[ Todo es impredecible (las instituciones del establishment) le están llenado los puestos del Gbno con gente indeseable (pro war against RU) y el las acepta porque teme el sabotaje del dia 19 de Dic en que el Colegio Electoral decidirá si es o no ratificado (detrás de estos están Obama y la Clinton). En mi opinión van a tener que aceptarlo a Trump. La guerra que le preparan en Syria seria un reverendo fracaso si internamente Trump le divide la nación. Por eso creo que lo van a aceptar el 19 de Dic. Una vez que eso ocurra hay tiempo hasta el 20 de enero para que el diga su última palabra sobre quienes serán los miembros de su 1er gabinete. El Unico seguro es el Vice-Pdte que aun si no se ratifica a Trump, esta ganaría la Presidencia a la Clinton si es que hay nueva ronda electoral. No creo que haya otras elecciones: el horno esta demasiado caliente para meter alfajorillos. Pero en América todo es posible pues todo se maneja en secreto por el “deep state” o gobierno en la sombra: los jefes de la instituciones del establishment y una banda de pillos banqueros y billonarios del Wall Street. Estos lo tienen agarrado del cuello a Trump y como en el tango no lo soltaran hasta que termine esta música. Luego veremos al real Trump. Obama cree que Trump es un pro-Ruso y quiere dejarle una guerra imposible de ganarse en Syria (están enviando tropas y armas allí para revertir la victoria de Putin). Hay la posibilidad de conflicto directo entre USA y Rusia en Syria. Alli  hubo guerra con el USA pero silenciada (el USA armo a los jijadistas y lo piensa hacer de nuevo y los rusos les seguirán dando –Los RU sabian que entre los mercenarios del ISIS habían americanos y Brits y los aplastaban como cucarachas- Ahora estos ya no se van a ocultar tras las mascaras del ISIS y sus terroristas buenos. Ahora van a dar cara y con apoyo de la aviación Israeli, UK y Saudis, se enfrentaran a los rusos. Los rusos tienen ya todo dispuesto para este encuentro. Trump no va a poder detener esta guerra porque aun no es Presidente, pero tampoco podrá denunciarlos porque todo su discurso es nacionalista. Hay que defender la nación de enemigos externos, aunque todos saben que detrás de “la nación” se ocultan las grandes Corp y mafiosos del Wall Street y sus vasallos en NATO. Si Trump quiere desarmar esta guerra que le traería muchos problemas a su Gbno tendría que golper arriba a esas grandes mafias del llamado “military industrial complex”. Como hacerlo? Es el problema .. Quiza  hablando del derroche innecesario de dinero y de vidas (un pacifismo que también existe en la liria del Trump). La otra seria inventar a esos billonarios un gran escandalo (evasión de impuesto podría ser, aunque el tampoco los pago, pero haciendo uso de un dispositivo legal) o venta de armas a los saudis que fueron actores del 9/11 el mas grande ataque terrorista dentro del US. Quiza al final Trump se adapte al establishment  y traicione el Prog que ofrecio al electorado. Ese programa si fue anti-sistema, no antimperialista, pero si anti-establishment. Hora no sabemos que es lo que viene. Todo es posible pero nada es predecible con seguridad. Tengo una propuesta para el, pero no podría abrirla hasta que este seguro de la actual dinamica del foreign policy. Estoy estudiando esto y quizá avance algunas ideas al respecto pero solo para explorar opiniones en varias redes donde tengo acceso. Ya veré. Por ahora solo se que este es un sarten con dos mangos y Trump tiene control de uno de ellos. Que piensa cocinar allí?, no lo sabemos, pero lo sabremos cuanto tome control total del sarten. ]]
Perú   Un debate nauseabundo  Gustavo Espinoza
Keiser report 1004  Un nuevo paradigma laboral

PRESS TV   [titles were distorted, perhaps by dirty hand of Mosad ]

'US killed 50K ISIL terrorists' in Irak, Syria, said Gral MacFarland
US lawmaker 'Insulted for opposing Mattis' as Pentagon chief
Tramp should order investingation of war crimes by OB’ drones

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