martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

DIC 13 16 SIT EC y POL

DIC 13 16  SIT EC y POL

Sobre la debacle política y económica del imperio ..
 el poeta peruano Cesar Vallejo  lo vaticinó un siglo atrás
“.. y el cadáver.. hay.. siguió muriendo”

With crude oil prices up over 50% YoY (the most in 6 years), and retail gas prices up over 10% YoY (the most in 5 years), Bloomberg's Garfield Reynolds suggests the Saudis have sealed it then, 2017 will be the year when inflation takes over. And if that’s curtains for global disinflation then we could see the start of a great unwind in central bank easing, something capable of spurring all manner of extraordinary market disruption.

"A recession is coming sometime soon, but I think economists in all of the state offices would tell you that there’s a really hard economic forecasting angle of predicting when that’s going to happen."
A decline in state tax revenue has historically been a reliable leading indicator of impending recessions.  As such, investors/gamblers in the current equity market bubble should probably take note of the new report just published by the National Association of State Budget Officers indicating that state revenues are just starting to decline as funding needs related to massively underfunded pensions, rising education costs, etc. continue to skyrocket.

The combination of declining revenue and soaring costs forced 19 states to slash budgets in FY 2016, the highest since the "great recession".  Moreover, per the chart below, an uptick in state revenue shortfalls have been a solid leading indicator of all four of the previous U.S. recessionary periods. 

Per The Hill, states were forced to cut $2.8 billion out of FY 2016 budgets with energy-dependent economies being the hardest hit. 

States were forced to cut a total of $2.8 billion out of their budgets in the last fiscal year, and more states are likely to face cash flow crunches in upcoming legislative sessions. Seventeen states implemented cuts to their K-12 education programs, and eleven states cut public assistance programs. 

Energy-producing states like Alaska, Louisiana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma and Wyoming were particularly hard-hit, as falling global commodity prices caused extraction tax revenues to tumble. Among the 12 states that saw revenues decline in 2016, nine are major energy producers.

Wyoming’s spending declined more than 20 percent between 2016 and 2017 as oil and coal prices fell. Spending in Alaska — which relies on taxes generated by its oil industry for a huge percentage of its overall revenue — dropped almost 10 percent, while the state hiked fees and laid off employees. Louisiana cut almost $350 million from its budget

World context: social inequality (US in it), wars & natural disaster are today worse problems

The 21st Century is inching ever closer towards chaos... and the time to get out of the big city is upon us.
Of course, any number of urban areas in the war-torn Middle East and perpetual conflict zones of Africa has also made for very dangerous cities, with populations on the brink of disaster, and many individuals vulnerable to crime and violence on a daily basis. Ibb, Yemen, Kirkuk, Iraq, Aden, Yemen, Kabul, Afghanistan and Mosul, Iraq have become some of the worst locales, along with cities spread across the Congo, Mogadishu, Somalia and other highly disputed areas.

Brazil’s megacities are so saturated with the urban poor, and short on basic resources including drinking water, they literally millions of people are on the brink. Riots are possible, and a survival crisis could factor in for Sao Paolo, where 8 million people are at risk of having no access to water. Predictably, many cities in Colombia remain extremely fragile due to the ongoing drug war conflicts that have claimed lives, and left millions of people at the mercy of gang rule.
Venezuela has proven to be a special case, of near precision collapse, as its currency tanks and economic warfare brings people to their knees as they are forced to wait in line for rations, trade on the black market and deal in worthless cash. Caracas remains the biggest pool of hungry, poor and increasingly fed up people.

Guatemala City, Mexico and Villa Nueva, Guatemala as well as San Pedro Sula, Honduras were identified as particularly vulnerable cities in Central America, as refugees continue to seek amnesty in the United States to escape the ongoing turmoil in their own countries.

Perhaps surprising to some, many major European cities are quite vulnerable as well to global economic pressures via sharp increases in immigration, “rape” scandals and social concerns about terrorism.

London, UK is one of the wealthiest cities, and yet it faces enormous pressures from overwhelming immigration, from growing economic disparity and from cultural clashes, threats of terrorism – and now, fighting between political factions over Brexit and other issues.

The Eastern bloc is especially vulnerable to these pressures that could lead to a growing unrest. France, Germany, Sweden and Norway also face major instability over immigration and cultural issues.

But some of the most unstable cities on the planet rank among those in the United States.

Places like Baltimore, Detroit, Washington D.C., New York, Philadelphia and other cities across the map are still deeply divided often police and race issues. Many have seen serious riots, looting and unrest. These social wedge issues are still being pushed from moneyed political interests, while political divide after the direction of the country has become sharp.

Dallas, Texas just suspended pension payments for some of its civil servants, a sign that financial insolvency could create an epidemic during the next crisis. Several states, like California, have over promised benefits to state employees in the pension programs, without ever planning to pay for them. If people lose it, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and the whole of the surrounding areas could simply erupt. Similar problems have left Detroit, Michigan and Puerto Rico, the commonwealth island, extremely vulnerable to bankruptcy and economic apocalypse that could contaminate the nation and global within hours.

If a natural disaster, such as a hurricane, hits the East or Gulf Coast, tens of millions of people could be caught up in traffic, locked in cities without food, and desperate to cling to order and survive. Likewise, if a major earthquake hit the West Coast, millions could be displaced and left without many options. That’s when things turn ugly.

The world is reaching a tipping point, and much chaos and instability could come crashing down anytime now. Many cities have made themselves open targets for collapse, with economic normalcy already hanging by a thread and populations already restless and growing increasingly discontent.
Rampant speculation & investment frauds..  the other worse malady

Yesterday's brief hiccup in what has been an otherwise relentless rally in global risk assets is all but forgotten this morning, as European and Asian stocks, and US equity futures, all rise in quiet trading ahead of tomorrow's FOMC meeting, with the Dow set to make a 16th consecutive post-election all time high.

BACK TO US: getting the end of initial euphoria for anti-system change

Following the Dow's surge right out of the gates, it is safe to say that the "Industrial" average, where Goldman Sachs has been the star performer, and which as of last night, was more overbought on just 4 previous occasions in the past century, is at record euphoria.


Trump’s race to enact a "huge" stimulus went under a caution flag as Mitch McConnell warned he considers current levels of U.S. debt “dangerous”, and said he any tax overhaul should avoid adding to the deficit. "I think this level of national debt is dangerous and unacceptable." McConnell also poured cold water on the idea of a massive stimulus package, effectively laying out markers on taxes and spending.

Dallas Police resignations have surged 165% over the past two months just as the Dallas Police and Fire Pension System (DPFP) took the unprecedented step of halting withdrawals from their DROP fund after a "run on the bank" pushed to the entire pension system to the brink of "liquidity crisis."

“Revolution never comes with a warning,” and this is because it usually seethes on the back burner until the top blows off. Only time will tell if one occurs in the U.S. as a result of these elections and any possible post-election chicanery, but make no mistake: the citizens are “keyed up” and we may just see it.

Gallup Sees "Dramatic Shift" In Americans' Confidence Post-Trump (To 9 Year Highs)

"Rarely has Gallup found such a dramatic shift in Americans' economic confidence over the past nine years as it has in the past month..."

The C.I.A.'s rash, evidence-free "report" is a rear-guard political action against the winning faction of the Deep State...

A major threat to liberty is the assault on the right to discuss political issues, seek out alternative information sources, and promote dissenting ideas and causes such as non-interventionism in foreign and domestic affairs. If this ongoing assault on free speech succeeds, then all of our liberties are endangered.

Unless there is an immediate deescalation of rhetoric and a return to rational thinking, a very destructive global trade war is baked in the cake.
Title don’t fit content.. could be Mossad intrusion : Notice that there is not such a ‘retaliation’

"The United States has not fully delivered its commitments in the (the nuclear deal)," Iran president Rouhani wrote on Tuesday. "With regards to recent (U.S. congress) legislation to extend the Iran Sanctions Act, I order to ... plan the design and construction of a nuclear propeller to be used in marine transportation to be used in marine transportation."
  • Trump Picks Exxon Chief for State Amid Concerns (Reuters)
  • Buoyant Markets Pose New Challenge for the Fed (WSJ)
  • Tweeter-in-Chief Trump Faces Test After Yellen’s Rate Decision (BBG)
  • Trump Dissing Daily Intelligence Briefing Worsens Rift With CIA (BBG)
  • SWIFT confirms new cyber thefts, hacking tactics (Reuters)







SPUTNIK and RT SHOWS   Emphasis on Syria is because this could spark WW3

'Short-Lived Setback': Syrian Army Prepares to Retake Palmyra
Bitter Lessons: The True Sponsors of Daesh's Latest Assault on Palmyra
Spy vs. Spy: DNI Refuses to Support CIA Russian Hack Claim, Citing Lack of Proof
Ex-CIA Officer: No Evidence of Russian Government Involvement in US Election
Political Intrigue Deepens Over Trump's Strategy for Syria, China
Daesh in Disguise: Terrorists Moved to Palmyra 'Dressed as Bedouins & Soldiers'
Losing Aleppo: Western Countries Panicking Over Their Lack of a Plan B in Syria
Videos of Alleged 'Russian Strikes, Firing Squads' in Aleppo Staged by Militants
Keiser Report  Episode 1005  Int to Alex Jones of about Hillary Clinton


The evidence is clear and convincing: U.S. President Barack Obama, against advice and warnings from his top military officers, pursued a policy to protect the fundamentalist-Sunni organization, Al Qaeda in Syria (called “Al Nusra” there), and to arm them, so as to overthrow Bashar al-Assad and replace Assad’s secular government with a Sharia-law, fundamentalist-Sunni, government, which would be allied with the fundamentalist-Sunni Saud family — the deadly enemies of Iran, Assad’s Syria, and Russia. (Both Iran and Assad’s Syria are allied with Russia.) Obama and the Sauds wanted this replacement of Assad by jihadists for different reasons: Obama’s goal was to terminate and replace yet another ruler who is allied with Russia; but the Sauds’ goal was to terminate and replace Shia-Islam by the Sauds’ own fundamentalist Sunni form of Islam.

The classified, leaked, and FOIAed (Freedom of Information Act released) U.S. Government documentation that will be quoted and linked-to here, is entirely consistent with the news-reporting that the longtime New Yorker reporter Seymour Hersh was unable to publish in that American magazine and so he published it instead in the London Review of Books; and this independently released (FOIAed) information confirms Hersh’s reports about U.S. President Barack Obama’s lying to not only the public but also members of his own Administration (alleging to them that his primary target was jihadists not Russians). This disjunction between Obama’s words-and-deeds puzzled his Joint Chiefs of Staff, who ultimately rebelled against Obama’s prioritizing war against Syria and Russia, over war against jihadists. Several of them quit; others were fired; all because they prioritized conquering and killing jihadists over conquering and killing Russians and allies of Russia.  

Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
Allegations of Hacking Election Are Baseless

A New York Times report on Monday alluding to “overwhelming circumstantial evidence” leading the CIA to believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin “deployed computer hackers with the goal of tipping the election to Donald J. Trump” is, sadly, evidence-free. This is no surprise, because harder evidence of a technical nature points to an inside leak, not hacking – by Russians or anyone else.

Monday’s Washington Post reports that Sen. James Lankford, R-Oklahoma, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, has joined other senators in calling for a bipartisan investigation of suspected cyber-intrusion by Russia. Reading our short memo could save the Senate from endemic partisanship, expense and unnecessary delay.

In what follows, we draw on decades of senior-level experience – with emphasis on cyber-intelligence and security – to cut through uninformed, largely partisan fog. Far from hiding behind anonymity, we are proud to speak out with the hope of gaining an audience appropriate to what we merit – given our long labors in government and other areas of technology. And corny though it may sound these days, our ethos as intelligence professionals remains, simply, to tell it like it is – without fear or favor.
Keep Reading


EE.UU.  Ahí vienen los rusos  David Brooks  Solo en mentes enfermas cabe ese cuento
Ya llegaron!:  Putin, presidente USA   Ardo B. Ginés Una encuesta  a quienes cree eso.. probaría el lamentable control de TV y prensa Corp sobre la mente del común de americanos
El legado de Marcuse  Patricia Terino 
EE.UU. -La CIA promueve golpe de estado contra Trump YF  Estan divididos.. no van a poder
"Hay más violaciones a hombres que a mujeres"  adiós al feminismo desclasado
Para defender la paz hay que prepararse para las guerras, las anunciadas por Israel-US  en este caso
Una presentadora de Fox News 'destroza' a Obama en vivo los últimos días de OB: un total desastre
Keiser report  1005 ¿Guerra por la verdad?: La persecución que le aguarda a los medios independientes en EE.UU.  Si se logra sacar a Trump y Clinton el 19.. regresará  vida al US.  Pero lo dudo .. pues como vaticinó C. Vallejo, el poeta peruano:  “el cadáver .. hay .. siguió muriendo”
La era de austeridad llegó a Brasil  pase lo que pase a nivel político



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