miércoles, 21 de diciembre de 2016

DIC 21 16 SIT EC y POL

DIC 21 16  SIT EC y POL


7th day in a row of hope for Dow 20k...

And this is the stock that is most responsible for The Dow's post-Trump surge...


"Trump wins US Election"? "UK Leaves EU"? "Cubs Win World Series"? How about this one: "The VIX Peaks in February"? For the first time since the start of the modern VIX in 1990, the 'Fear Gauge' peaked in that month...

Notice: VIX= volatility index.

VIX measure volatility  or market expectation for  30 days according to the Chicago Board Options Exchange. The rate of volatitlity is "the rate and magnitude of changes in prices”  La idea es que se puede predecir con estos indices evita riesgos futuros en cualquier negocio a partir de su volatilidad reciente (o fluctuaciones de precios recientes). El índice de volatilidad de las oscilaciones en las cotizaciones recientes proporcionan idea de donde invertir mejor (por ejemplo en inmuebles o en la bolsa). Esto es pura ficción especulativa indican sus críticos. Cuando los precios por acción suben es porque hay mas alta volatilidad que es cuando los inversores piden rentabilidad mas alta a sus inversiones. Si se baja la volatidad cae el precio de las acciones en la bolsa. Esto es, artificialmente se sube los precios -de las casas por ejemplo-  comprando las mismas casas a más alto precio.

"This thing has an obvious psychological effect," declared one brokerage-house partner. "It's a hell of a news item..There's a sort of renewed confidence in the whole economic outlook."

Millennials finally get to claim a trophy for an achievement they actually earned (no participation medals here)...that's right, Millennials have officially set a 75-year record for highest percentage of young adults living at home with mom.
Mas juegos especulativos

It appears not everyone is convinced that "the 30 year bond bull is dead." A quick glance across US equity options today shows TLT (the long-end Treasury Bond ETF) is the most active with call volumes (bullish bonds, lower rates) more than double their average, with over $1.3 billion notional in February $126 Calls (which will payoff if rates drop to around 2.00% by then).

With Bitcoin at 3 year highs, China’s renewed efforts to curb declines in its currency are doing little to stop yuan bears who have sent forward devaluation expectations to record highs and options positioning to six-month lows. And judging by Goldman Sachs' outlook - a potential resurgence in Chinese growth fears early next year, but more broadly, a continued bumpy deceleration - things are not getting better anytime soon.

The federal government is increasingly garnishing the social security benefits of retirees to cover unpaid student loan debt, a practice the Elizabeth Warren has predictably blasted as "predatory."
Los Empresarios de la miseria  What a shame .. America da vergüenza en su caida

Billionaire California real estate developer John Sobrato is looking to convert 200 steel shipping containers into micro apartments that can be rented out homeless and low-income families...but wealthy Santa Clara residents have already started a petition confirming that they're all for subsidized housing for the homeless so long as it's not in their neighborhood.
Y encima a beber agua contaminada. El escándalo en Flint lo comparten 3000 other communities

A Reuters investigation this week uncovered nearly 3,000 different communities across the U.S. with lead levels higher than those found in Flint, Michigan, which has been the center of an ongoing water contamination crisis since 2014. The investigation found that many of the hot-spots are receiving little attention or funding.

[ Que desgracia.. tenemos dinero para pagar mercenarios que maten diplomaticos en Turkia, pero no para limpiar el agua contaminada que bebemos muchos Americanos ]]


De los frauds economicos a los politicos

Newt Gingrich said in an NPR interview that Donald Trump has taken a different tone as president-elect and may be leaving behind his campaign promise to drain the swamp. "I'm told he now just disclaims that. He now says it was cute, but he doesn't want to use it anymore,"
Y estas vaguedades tendrán algo de contenido serio? .. o .. Sera cierto?
En américa no se juzga a nadie por lo que dice sino por lo que hace,
Lo que se dijo y prometió en tiempo de elecciones no tiene hoy ningún valor
El problema es que Mr.T ya es Pdte y sigue hablando como candidato a ello.
Si sigue así cuando asuma el poder .. la gente le va a decir BASTA de bla-bla

Among the top four items listed in the memo from are: 1) developing a strategy to defeat/destroy ISIS; 2) build a strong defense by eliminating budget caps/the sequester, 3) develop a comprehensive cyber strategy, and 4) eliminate wasteful spending by finding greater efficiencies.

Leaked Memo?  Quien lo likea?  Es que acaso aprendió la tretas de Mr Obama: el auto-likeo?

...The Global Engagement Center’s job is to combat FAKE NEWS around the world, with sweeping powers to train and fund legions of journalists and bloggers to inundate the world with US propaganda...
IS GALLUP FOR SALE?   NO way.. this must be true!

Gallup’s U.S. Economic Confidence Index has never been higher than it is today.  The “Trumphoria” that has gripped the nation ever since Donald Trump’s miraculous victory on election night shows no signs of letting up.  Tens of millions of Americans that were deeply troubled by Barack Obama’s policies over the last eight years are feeling optimistic about the future for the first time in a very long time. But of course not everything is rainbows and unicorns...

Unless there is some sort of unprecedented miracle, there is no way that this giant bubble that we are in at the moment is going to end well.  So it is definitely good to be optimistic, but we also need to be realistic about where we are right now and about the great challenges that we will soon be facing.

newly-leaked German intelligence report states Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar are funding extremist Islamic groups in Germany.



[ Is OB homophobic?  I don’t think so.. If he is, cuando lo pongan en la carcel for drones and war crimes  y luego le inyecten homonas F .. va a dejar de serlo. .. I do think s(he) is gona be free. Yo si creo que a Manning lo (a) van a liberar. ]




Is Obama a Russian Agent?   By Dmitry Orlov
The Threat Against Trump Rises   By Paul Craig Roberts   assassination ?  No lo creo, pero..


Ankara Prosecutors Release Relatives of Russian Envoy's Murderer
Crimea Ready to Submit to UN Draft Resolution on Human Rights Abuses in Ukraine
Crimea Leader Says UN Resolution on Crimea Full of Propagandistic Cliches
US Considers Using Military Force to Free American Hostages in Afghanistan  https://sputniknews.com/asia/201612221048857517-american-hostages-afghanistan-force/
NATO Creeping Toward Russian Borders Citing Alleged Threat From Moscow

CrossTalk  Assassinating hope  MUST WATCH VIDEO


Not to rain on the new administration’s parade, but one question needs to be asked of any new administration: will tax cuts and more federal borrowing/ spending fix what’s broken in the U.S./global economy?

The short answer: if tax cuts and more federal borrowing/ spending were the cure for what ails the economy, we’d have reached Paradise long ago. Stripped of partisan politics and rah-rah, tax cuts and more federal borrowing/ spending–on infrastructure, education, defense, healthcare, you name it–have been the de facto status quo policies of both parties for the past 70 years.

Despite decades of these centralized, standard-issue Keynesian “fixes,” the economy’s structural ills are only getting worse. I outlined five of the most critical issues in What Have the “Experts” Gotten Right? In the Real Economy, They’re 0 for 5(December 20, 2016).

Ultimately, two dynamics will dominate everything else: the paid work/earnings of non-elites and the transition from wasteful, debt-funded “growth” to a sustainable “Degrowth” economy.

45 years of Keynesian “stimulus”–tax cuts and federal borrowing/ spending–haven’t stemmed the decline of labor’s share of the economy (GDP). As these charts reveal, if labor’s share of the economy was still at 50% rather than 42%, households with earnings from work would be getting an astounding $1.35 trillion more per year.
Keep Reading


Quién es responsable de la guerra en Irak?   Crimen sin castigo  CM/ANI-gt


The hidden hand of Erdogan that RU bless because oil deal

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