Hugo Adan
Sep 12 2019
This is an answer
Socialism hasn’t made America great. It
has destroyed our freedom, our self-reliance, our faith in voluntary
charity, and our economic well-being...
That is a case of paranoia schizoid: A teenager drop a nasty ‘pedo’
& wonder where the smell comes from. Don’t panic: you
paranoia and your flatulence has psychological bases & could be treated in a psychiatric clinic.
Meanwhile try to come to reality:
There is not socialism in America, we have here just the opposite: the
domain of ‘PRIVATE GREED’ where big
bankers & big Corp profit from QEs & bailout, plus State expending in
manufacturing guns & war to sell it off –putting at risk the genocide of
the whole humanity with WW3- This is called “neoliberal
capitalism”, just the opposite to socialism.
When socialism comes to America we will reconstruct the system: The ‘PUBLIC-NEED’ will
be our main concern. The best public health and best public education for all
is of course main priority, as well as protection of equal right for all.
Socialism implies
1- the liquidation of speculative business and protection of productive
capitalism at all levels.
2- the transfer of means of
production given by nature (minerals , oil, gas, waters, etc) to the central
State (SOEs: State Owned Enterprises) in coordination with associated private-production-investor (big, middle & small) according to Plans
of reconstruction agreed.
Yesterday Marx (in Das
Kapital) said:
“Capital, therefore presupposes wage-labor; wage labor presupposes capital. They
condition each other; each brings the other in to existence” (WLC, 1849).
In Spanish it was translated this way:
“El capital presupone el trabajo asalariado y el trabajo asalariado presupone el capital.
Ambos se necesitan y condicionan mutuamente. Cada uno de ellos da origen al
otro.” In TAC-1849: Trabajo Asalariado y Capital.
That is our aim today: CAPITAL
AND LABOR COORDINATION, this is the type of real transition we all
socialist aspire.
The other principle that guide us is:
“To each
according to his ability. To each according to his
needs”. Das Kapital
to Spanish as :
“A cada quien según sus habilidades y capacidades y a
todos para que cubran sus necesidades vitales y humanas” (CPG, 1875: Critica del Programa de
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