miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2019


ND  SEP  3   19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

"Unprecedented and extensive.

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Global Manufacturing massacre catches up to 'Murica and stocks and bond yields tumble (after markets were seemingly surprised that Trump and Xi shot tariffs at each other - as they said they would - over the weekend)

On the day, all US major indices were red (with Small Caps and Trannies underperforming)...
See Chart:
NOTE - the initial down opening was weakness from trade headlines and the second leg down was the ISM manufacturing contraction

Stocks have erased all of last week's "fake" phone call with China spike and are back in the red from Trump's tariff tantrum
See Chart:

Treasury yields tumbled on the day (with the short-end outperforming)...
See Chart:

30Y Yields briefly topped 2.00% overnight but rejected that quickly to end the day notably lower...
See Chart:

After 6 straight days higher, the DOLLAR INDEX slipped lower today...
See Chart:

WTI Crude plunged 3% intraday, back below $54, will it pull back into the recent range?
See Chart:

Finally, we note that it's not like the ISM Manufacturing signal should have been unexpected as Trucking indicators and Treasury yields have been signaling this was imminent for weeks...
See Chart:

And as Bloomberg's Eddie van der Walt notes, the copper/gold ratio is extending the year's declines, turning its back on the Trump-trade era and now focusing lingering economic risks, with 2016 lows coming into play.
See Chart:

It now takes only 3.6 ounces of gold to buy a ton of copper, that's down from more than 5 ounces earlier this year. Changes in the ratio between the two metals are useful barometer of investor risk appetite, as the one acts as a haven and the other is an input into industrial applications.

If Trump is serious about his chances of re-election next year, it seems increasingly likely that, at some not-too-distant point in the future, he will have to choose between winning the trade war or lending maximum support to ailing economic growth.
See Chart:
How long will Trump wait before launching a strong policy reaction?
See more charts at:

"...it was a huge mistake for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates last month."

Where we are?  Where we go?  What to do?
Hugo Adan. Sep 9/2019
I’m responsible of all that comes into brackets

This is Ponzi finance; it has turned time preference on its head, driving us to borrow from tomorrow to consume today...
Whit Government spending, much of which is nonproductive,
With the currency and interest rates manipulated by the State . 

[  Key Question:  Are we in the path to American Fascism?  ]
[ IF so, what to do?  ]
[ Or better: What is the best way to organize a Socialist  REV? ]

Following on from my previous article — “The Pension Fund Apocalypse” - these are just a few of last month’s stories. 
  • Danske Bank of Denmark introduces the first negative 10-year fixed-rate mortgage.
  • The German Finance Ministry voices disappointment at the lack of demand for 30-year zero-coupon bonds.
  • The U.S. and Sweden contemplate issuing 50-year and 100-year bonds.

These are all cause for concern.
In an excessively low–interest rate environment, financial sleight of hand trumps improvement in total factor productivity every time.

Are We Nearly There Yet? 
Since the great financial crisis of 2008–9, global economic growth has been sluggish when compared with past recoveries. The slashing of interest rates spawned a new credit cycle, protecting the overextended corporations and individuals who, during the previous boom, borrowed too heavily. 
The problem in 2008 was too much debt, and the predictable knee-jerk regulatory response was to tighten bank capital requirements.

The actual policy response took different forms from country to country.
Denmark was the first country to adopt negative interest rates (July 2012), but it was Japan, which had been wrestling with the fallout from the twin forces of an aging population and a credit bubble since 1989, that became the petri dish in which financial alchemy was tested. Quantitative and Qualitative Easing (QQE) followed, allowing the Bank of Japan (BoJ) to buy corporate bonds and even equities. Negative–interest rate policy followed in January 2016. 

In Switzerland, and the less profligate countries of the Eurozone, it may be too late to follow the Japanese. As the table below shows, rates are too negative and expectations, to judge by the slope of the one-year/two-year yield curve, are that rates will either become more negative or remain at current levels. If an inverted yield curve is the harbinger of recession, there may be trouble ahead.
See Table:

For finance ministries, zero interest rates on government bonds are a blessing and a curse. For the first time in history, they can raise capital for nothing or even receive an interest payment for their trouble. However, a large proportion of that gain is due to purchases by their own central banks, which, in purchasing these bonds at negative yields and holding them to maturity, incur actual losses that will have to be met by their governments. There are, of course, other bond buyers, such as pension funds and insurance companies, that are obligated to purchase their government’s debt obligations. Central banks do not operate in isolation.

The Leveraged-Asset Bubble
The effect that an artificially low interest rate has on an economy is pernicious. Asset markets are supported, and it raises the point at which they clear, but it also reduces the need for companies to improve internal efficiency. For corporates, borrowing becomes preferable to issuing equity. Firms become more leveraged. The managers of these businesses have an incentive to improve profitability per share by issuing debt and retiring equity capital.

For households, lower interest rates encourage borrowing to buy assetsThe most efficient form of collateralized borrowing available to individuals is that which is secured against property. With falling interest rates comes more affordable mortgage financing, boosting property prices. As mortgage-servicing costs fall, those who are able to borrow get ahead of those who are excluded by virtue of low income or lack of regular employment. A rentier class has always existed, but artificially low interest rates swell their ranks substantially.

And what of the poor, the unemployed, those unable to clamber onto even the first rung of the property ladder? Populist politicians will seize the opportunity to pander to the dispossessed voter. They will promise boldly, knowing that, once elected, they can lean on their notionally independent central banks and be paid to borrow at no apparent cost. [ Why?.. to avert rebellion and buying loyalty ]. “Until the cycle of leverage needs to be unwound, the gravy train will rumble inexorably onward”.

Gravy Train Still Creates Chaos
The next step in the central bank experiment may be to embrace really negative rates, not just a handful of basis points but several percentage pointsBanks will have to charge individual customers higher fees for current account services. A bank solvency crisis may ensue as customers withdraw cash to stuff mattresses. The velocity of circulation of money will trend even lower. 

In a recent publication from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco — “Negative Interest Rates and Inflation Expectations in Japan” — the authors observe that cutting rates at or near the zero bound in Japan has led to lower anchored inflation expectationsThey advocate that central banks take preemptive action to avoid the uncertain impact on economic activity and inflation of reducing rates toward or below the zero bound. 

In the long run, the deleterious effect of negative interest rates turns economic theory on its head. The concept of time preference dictates that, all other things equal, there has to be an incentive for homo economicus to defer consumption. Positive interest rates are that incentive, and in an unhampered market they will always be positive. If, however, interest rates are driven negative by the actions of the state or its central bank, time preference is inverted and traditional economic incentives are corrupted. Individuals and corporations are paid to borrow and consume goods or assets. 

The unalloyed power of this corruptive process was evident during the asset boom of the last decade, long before interest rates turned negative. What is not seen amid the credit-and-asset bubble is that, for the economy to grow sustainably, productive investment is required. Before there can be capital available for investment, there has to be saving. In the thrall of negative interest rates there is a clear incentive to borrow and a disincentive to save. THIS IS PONZI FINANCE; it has turned time preference on its head, driving us to borrow from tomorrow to consume today

Negative interest rates may be driving us toward the Go-t-ter-damme-rug of the market-based economy. Government spending, much of which is nonproductive, is fast becoming the only driver of economic growth. With the currency and interest rates manipulated by the state, LITTLE REMAINS FREE
READ the full article at the source below:

"Banks, pensions and other private institutional reservoirs of savings die in a low or no interest rate environment. How is this helpful to promoting growth?"

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

"I started feeling sorry for him when he announced he would run for President of the United States.You see, I had inside information..."
DARPA declares war on memes...
"...the Federal Reserve I think are much more aware of what's happening than they're willing to admit..."

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

The conclusion of the recent G7 summit in Biarritz could be a marker of the world order’s future – ending not with a bang, but with a whimper.
They're all panicking as the global economy implodes...

Guyana will be used as an "insurance policy"  if regional conflicts break out in the region. 

The basic issue is that the economy is very much interconnected under the laws of physics, because energy is required for every activity that is considered part of GDP...
Ni los precios en un mercado libre, ni el GDP tienen que ver nada con ”laws of physics” . Decir eso es un disparate. Lo real es que los precios del oil y el gas están siendo manipulados por grandes corporaciones vinculadas a 2 bloques:  al aparato militar del US-NATO  (Saudis) y al bloque de empresas ligadas al  SOEs (state owned enterpreises) del Estado Ruso-Chino + aliados (Iran, Ven y otros) quienes han logrado control de OPEC. Una honesta relación diplomática  entre ambos dos bloques podría crear un punto medio en el precio, lo que se denominaría  “potential-output-price” (otros le denominan a este precio medio :“optimo Pareto” or “Pareto Optimality Price” (VER: ‘Economics: Marxian versus Neoclasical”). Se trata de medir los potenciales de producción y sus límites según sean los recursos de capital, tecnológicos, limites ecológicos y otras variables implicadas en la producción de este recurso energético. Los neoclásicos del neoliberalism (desde Smith para adelante) trazaron una curva en el diagrama cartesiano y le llamaron “production posibility curve”. Pero jamás pudieron medir nada con precisión dado los monopolios e intereses privados que distorcionaron data a su capricho. Imposible medir eso, dijeron  los Paretianos. Para estos en vez de medir con más o con menos variables, no soluciona nada. En vez de variables hay que medir con una constante y le cruzaron la línea en medio a la curva neoclásica para significar el óptimo de producción. Es lo que se usa hoy para medir precios como los del Petroleo y gas. Se obvio así el problema que hoy existe: el interés Geo-Politico en el tema. El bloque US-NATO  quiere apropiarse del petróleo Ven donde ya existe inversión RU-China. Este factor o variable debe ser desmontado y olvidado pues está en juego la soberanía de un Estado-Nacion que tiene toda libertad para decidir sobre sus recursos. Y sobre todo, porque el tema Ven, pondría en peligro la paz mundial, el WW3. Lo mismo podría ocurrir si se usa el tema “petróleo” en el medio oriente. Allí están implicados Siria, Iran, Israel, además de turcos, saudis y el Uk.
The premise for China's new strategy is two-fold: (1) frictions between the US and China have gone far beyond trade, reducing China's potential gains in a trade deal; and (2) damage from the higher US tariffs to China's economy has been manageable.

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


OPIN: Immanuel Wallerstein (1930-2019)   Enrique Dussel
ARG:  Crónica de un colapso anunciado  Carlos Carcione
Mund: Cachemira  Silencio ensordecedor  Arundhati Roy
FEM:  las críticas al  Movimiento  MeToo.  Nazanín Armanian
FEM: Mujeres invisibles 5   Vivian Maier  David Torres
ECOL: Extrema derecha y crisis climática,   Layla Martínez
ECON: El lado (más) oscuro del capitalismo  George Scialabba
Opin:  Se equivoca el Presidente  Aldo Torres Baeza
Guatem ¿?   Un huracán categoría 5  Carolina Vásquez
Bolivia:  Incendiar el paraíso  Maria Galindo
US:  Estudiantes  Deben más de 1,5 billones de dólares D Herranz
COL:  Niegan y borran todo, hasta la historia  Himelda Ascanio




Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

  No es amenaza.. es tendencia al suicidio de los inservibles en ISR
-I Feel Sorry For President Trump   By Paul Craig Roberts 

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Elliot Sperber   Revolution or Death 

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..

Brexit chaos The world circus “collapse” doesn’t work with  two clowns

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