domingo, 31 de julio de 2016



[ In 20 primaries results have been shifted by 2 companies in charge of counting votes = fraud.]

“The difference between the reported totals, and our best estimate of the actual vote, varies considerably from state to state. However these differences are significant—sometimes more than 10%—and could change the outcome of the election.”  ~ Fritz Scheuren, professor of statistics at George Washington University, President of the American Statistical Association (ASA)

1-minute expert testimony that unaccountable voting machines are a literal “black box” with absolutely nothing to see or count. Please note the distain of the off-screen “official” responding to clear and obvious proof of election fraud:

We’ve documented that the US use of electronic voting machines without a paper trail fails to meet the definition of election because it requires physical votes subject to independently verifiable counting (with videos).

We’ve documented that Clinton belongs in prison for support of lie-started and illegal Wars of Aggression in key vocal roles as US Senator and Secretary of State; the worst crimes a nation can commit, as well as election fraud in collusion with the Democratic National Committee.

Now, Election Justice USA issued their report of the 2016 primaries, Democracy Lost, with findings that Bernie Sanders won the Democratic primaries, but was denied victory from the following types of election fraud (pg. 95):
1) Targeted voter suppression
2) Registration tampering
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[[ Will this report go to FBI & Supreme Court for further investigation?
If it is send .. they won’t pay attention to it. They do not have clear view on Americas future nor the global system .. they are still aligned to the obsolete neocon project PNAC. They do not accept responsibility to replace our old collapsing system .. they are instead colluded with big crook corp that are destroying not only America but entire nations abroad with wrong military, economic  and political “plans”, if the term applies.

It is the creative political action of people .. their cells & united org across the nation .. and later on united  with socialist org across the globe  .. that will put down the global oppression and internal oppression of big Corp that profit from the current neoliberal system.

In America we will follow the example of FDR, .. we will press to update his Glass-Steagall Act, and across nations we will foster a New Deal for real democracy,  Peace and Justice .. Current wars are for stupid regimens interesting in selling weapons  & keeping the anachonic militarism that could end up in WW3. Wars only benefit to big Corp…  the manufacturer of weapons and big corp dealing with  fossil-oil energy ..

Their projects has nothing to do with the interest of most oppressed people  and nothing to do with a humanitarian vision to solve current problems by uniting all nations into a multi-polar system. American supremacism is un empty-shell at economic, political & social level . Current explosive inequality is dividing our nation into class vs class conflict and this Rev is ready to explode .. It is better a peaceful transition toward a system with social responsibility..  into a multi-polar system..  than been destroyed by WW3. 

If a nuke exchange happens .. it won’t last more than 3 days .. After initial chovinism , Americans will execute the oligarchy in power & all plutocrats across the nation .. soldiers & police will join this revolution. In words nobody wants nuke war, but facts talks lauder than words. Nobody can deny that nuke missile system we placed in the border with RU & China forced them for automatic counter attack. Even writers from upper middle class kew it. Armstrong writes:  “Our greatest problem is that the bureaucracy in power wants a war with them. This will distract everyone from the NSA and justify what they have been doing. They need a distraction for the economic decline that is coming.” . WW3 won’t be a distraction; it will be a total mutual destruction of both axes of power in the current by-polar system. If life remains, they will execute the upper classes responsible for such barbarity.  

Our cells & grass root org will continue fighting  for our humanitarian perspective. Here in America we will retake the abandoned project of Sanders  -this wrong leader will be trashed by history- this will be the fight against the systemic fraud of Hillary & his close friend Trump. None of them represent the people of America. They buy elections  and they represent more wars, corruption and injustice. We do not want that, and..

We won’t vote Hillary-Trump. We will vote Dr Jill Stein now, in the perspective of creating our Democratic Socialist Party and the People’s  Front against the oligarchy. The vote for Jill Stein will measure the advance of progressive views in America and this will be useful to correct, advance and better coordinate actions for a single Strategy of Socialism in America . 

The struggle will continue ..Venceremos! ]]

Posted on July 31, 2016 by Carl Herman  .

[ In 20 primaries results have been shifted by 2 companies in charge of counting votes = fraud.]

“The difference between the reported totals, and our best estimate of the actual vote, varies considerably from state to state. However these differences are significant—sometimes more than 10%—and could change the outcome of the election.”  ~ Fritz Scheuren, professor of statistics at George Washington University, President of the American Statistical Association (ASA)

1-minute expert testimony that unaccountable voting machines are a literal “black box” with absolutely nothing to see or count. Please note the distain of the off-screen “official” responding to clear and obvious proof of election fraud:

We’ve documented that the US use of electronic voting machines without a paper trail fails to meet the definition of election because it requires physical votes subject to independently verifiable counting (with videos).

We’ve documented that Clinton belongs in prison for support of lie-started and illegal Wars of Aggression in key vocal roles as US Senator and Secretary of State; the worst crimes a nation can commit, as well as election fraud in collusion with the Democratic National Committee.

Now, Election Justice USA issued their report of the 2016 primaries, Democracy Lost, with findings that Bernie Sanders won the Democratic primaries, but was denied victory from the following types of election fraud (pg. 95):

1) Targeted voter suppression
2) Registration tampering
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[[ Will this report go to FBI & Supreme Court for further investigation?  ]]

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