sábado, 9 de julio de 2016


JUL 9  16  SIT EC y POL

On Wednesday, two shocking videos of police officers fatally shooting civilians surfaced. The day before, many were appalled to hear the Director of the FBI announce that Hillary Clinton would not be charged for mishandling classified information. The two events may seem unrelated, but at bottom, they concern the same fundamental problem: impunity.

Impunity is the essence of power.
Power isn’t simply about the exertion of unjust force. It is about what happens next, after the exertion. Does the perpetrator generally get away with, or not? Systematically getting away with it – or impunity – is where power truly lies. .. Impunity is power, and as Lord Acton said, power corrupts.

The Impunity of High Office
State impunity not only corrupts the regime’s low-level enforcers, but its elite policy makers as well. The FBI let Hillary Clinton off the hook for secrecy violations she committed as Secretary of State, even though these were much more egregious than violations that have earned lower-level personnel decades in prison. She used technology that was more open to being compromised by spies and hackers, while at the same less open to legal and public scrutiny.

But the kinds of activities she was hiding are far more criminal than the fact that she hid them. As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton played a key role in bringing war to such places as Libya, Syria, and Honduras, and in escalating the war in Afghanistan. She is complicit in causing untold death and misery.

Yet, thanks to her connections and her position in the state power apparatus, she faces no consequences for her crimes, and is free to acquire even more immunity and power as a likely President of the United States.

It is the “sovereign immunity” she enjoys as an officeholder that has made Hillary Clinton so reckless and cavalier about the havoc she has wreaked around the world. If she thought she might ever be held accountable for upending entire countries, she would have likely been far less warlike in her policies.

From policing to foreign policy, impunity corrupts, and absolute impunity corrupts absolutely.

[ This is that created the environment for people to defy  The Impunity of the Badge ]


"America is driving toward the abyss and it’s time we hit the brakes..."

The effects of wage stagnation, income inequality and economic insecurity seem to be playing a part in creating the current combustible atmosphere.

“When people wake up in the morning trying to figure out how they are going to pay the bills, how they are going to put food on the table for their family, it leads to an anxiety that then leads to bad judgment and bad choices,” said Sharpton.

The strained political atmosphere is hardly calming the waters either. To liberals, the success of Donald Trump in winning the Republican nomination has been rooted in an antagonistic attitude toward minorities, women and other groups. To conservatives, the comments of Democrats such as President Obama and Hillary Clinton about controversial cases involving police have undercut public confidence in law enforcement with unpredictable consequences. 

Virtually no one on either side of the divide believes that a coming-together is imminent — especially when violence perpetrated by or against police might erupt again at any time, and the political world is moving full-speed ahead with a presidential campaign that is likely to be heated and bitter. 

“The sides are pulling apart, they are certainly not pulling together,” said Hosko.
Hutchinson said: “I am deeply troubled because I do not see a way to bridge the gap that is there.”


"In the wake of the weaker-than-our-expected 1Q results and recent macro headwinds, we are trimming our S&P 500 EPS forecasts by 3% in 2016 and 2% in 2017. Given the S&P 500’s 15% rally since mid- February, we are concerned that much of the improvement in earnings growth may already be priced in, especially with signs that earnings revision trends may be rolling over."

We forecast S&P 500 earnings growth to trend from 7% in 2015 to 0% in 2016 and 4% in 2017. At 2098, the S&P 500 currently trades at 17.9x our 2016E EPS while our year-end target of 2000 implies a 16x multiple on our 2017E EPS.


It remains an article of orthodox faith that low interest rates mean "stimulus" and success, but history is proving yet again otherwise.

There is just one problem with Hillary pushing the narrative that she was "too stupid" for her careless actions to have been the result of premeditation. As the following leaked email exchange shows, Hillary makes it all too clear that not only did she know precisely what she was doing - and thus the implications of short-circuiting government regulations -  but just for the sake of convenience, she was willing to overrule the classified designation and flaunt government regulations.

The FBI continues to benefit from decades of pop culture and government whitewashing which portrays the FBI and other federal agencies as professional and effective. Always a product of left-wing and Progressive desires for more government intervention and a weakened private sector, the FBI continues to benefit from the perception that it functions in the service of the “public.” With James Comey’s recent demonstration of the FBI’s political motivations and origins, we have gained yet another insight into how the FBI works, and public service has very little to do with it.


"For many years we've watched a set of market based indicators across seven major asset classes to help gauge cyclical conditions and S&P reward/risk. We can't think of a time the S&P was more disjointed from these other asset class price moves than in recent days."

It’s been almost 10 years in the making, but the fate of one of Europe’s most important financial institutions appears to be sealed. But, if the deaths of Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns were quick and painless, the coming demise of Deutsche Bank has been long, drawn out, and painful.



THE REAL NEWS NETWORK  http://therealnews.com/t2/

Ex-Cop Michael Wood says we shouldn't be surprised by the Dallas attacks when police forces all over the nation operate with impunity
In a defeat for the Sanders movement, the Democratic Platform Committee votes 106-74 to reject opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership. [ TPP is a betrayal to the nation.]
In the wake of the deaths of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, hundreds gathered in Baltimore to demand justice for victims of police brutality
Gerald Horne and Paul Jay discuss the roots of police killing people of color in the American history of slavery, the elite policy that produces poverty and racism, and the laws that police officers are expected to enforce in order to maintain superexploitation and economic inequality


Is NATO Necessary?  By Stephen Kinzer
[ For the US-corp  business of selling guns yes. For war.. no chances of surviving 3 days]
The war to overthrow the Syrian government must end now.
[ The first use of a robot to kill in America .. a black rebel slave was used as rabbit.]
[ Violence  is not "torn apart" that it divided. It will held together one of its parts.]
Louis Farrakhan on Hillary Clinton  Video ..  “ that is a wicked woman”
[ Wicked can be a drunk person in a bar .. Khan-Farrak said “she is a political serial killer”]


Who are the companies who profit by selling guns to NATO allies?
What is the business behind all this rhetoric on NATO vs Russia?


Ent a politólogo Caos en Venezuela o manipulación mediática? M. Colussi
ARG  Soberanía o dependencia Adolfo Pérez Esquivel
Chile  "Luchar por los derechos de los trabajadores y por la renacionalización del cobre"
Chile. Se vienen tiempos de lucha Ricardo Candia 
COL Reconocer la vereda  Alfredo Molano
COL ¡SOS Mujeres! .  No del medioevo .. pero hoy prisioneras en una carcel
[ paredón para la oligarquía del fraude, despojo y especulación financiera? ]



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