miércoles, 27 de julio de 2016

JUL 27 16 SIT EC y POL

JUL 27 16  SIT EC y POL


Democratically elected delegates to create the tool for REV:

Un-DNC selected Hillary to run for Presidency knowing that:

1-She is a war criminal & supporter of ISIS : case Libya plus ..
So, is a war criminal with trial pending from FBI & Fed Court
She stupidly believes she will be above the LAW .. now she is,
Not forever. Even if Law rulers concede impunity, people won’t

2-Knowing her dishonesty, lie &frauds with her super-delegates
who busted democracy in the primaries. So sorry is not enough
She accepted money from WS, big crook Corp & two foreigners
She doesn’t represent people’s interest .. but her illegal donors

3-knowing  the Clinton’s placed Million of young blacks in jail ..
.. under the pretext of war against drugs .. excuse sided & racist

4- Knowing She support the OB impunity to kill afro-Am in streets
.. this is another evidence of the racist policy Hillary is supporting

5- Knowing ex-sanderists will not vote Hillary. She doesn’t matter
As long big crook Corp donors pay for electronic fraud in Nov 4

6- Now is time to let her know that buying elections is over here
The democratically elected delegates can follow the path for Rev
1st by creating the tool to continue the fight post Nov 4 : the DSP
Then the Democratic Socialist Party will stand for US workers.
2nd Meanwhile is important to join & vote JILL STEIN for Nov 4.

7- THEN WE WILL KNOW that all our efforts WERE NOT IN VAIN.
Working people will have a tool for self-defense via Referendum


The $0 down, 30-year, adjustable-rate, jumbo mortgage backed by illiquid stock options in tech start-ups, a loan which the San Francisco Federal Credit Union has coined POPPY (Proud Ownership Purchase Program for You), because "Steaming Pile of $h!t" just didn't seem appropriate and messaging really is everything when you're trying to dump loans overseas, has made a huge come back in Silicon Valley.  We know what you're thinking but it's probably fine.

While rate-hike odds rose modestly (Dec 47% to 50%), it seems the bond market is questioning The Fed's hawkish-er tilt sending the 2s30s curve back near cycle record lows. Gold, stocks, and bonds are all rallying post-fed but WTI is fading...

The Fed is expected to stay on hold today. Given the Fed’s dovish reaction to the weak May employment report, SocGen expects that officials are likely to be reluctant to commit to any particular path just yet (despite the longest streak of economically positive surprise in US history). In the absence of any signal regarding the next hike, attention will fall on their characterization of the economy. Here are five things to watch in the statement...

As we await today’s FOMC decision, Bloomberg's Richard Breslow has been struck curious by how many people are speculating that the accompanying statement might lurch back hawkish. For a Fed that has had such notable lack of success seeing clarity in its crystal ball, that would be remarkably aggressive.

Following New Home Sales rebound to their highest since 2008, amid record high prices, Pending Home Sales disappointed with a mere 0.2% MoM rise (versus +1.2% expectations) showing very little bounce off May's tumble. Northeast sales saved the day with a 3.2% surge but The South and West both continued to slide. As NAR's Larry Yun noted however: "home prices are showing little evidence of slowing to a healthier pace that more closely mirrors wage and income growth."

Because nothing says buy stocks like the longest streak of durable goods orders declines in US history...



For WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, choosing between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is like choosing between two ugly diseases: "Well, you’re asking me, do I prefer cholera or gonorrhea? ... Personally, I would prefer neither."
Lawmakers charged the Clinton Foundation is a “lawless ‘pay-to-play’ enterprise that has been operating under a cloak of philanthropy for years and should be investigated.”

In yet another statement that is certain to spark outrage among Democrats, moments ago Donald Trump said he hopes that Russian hackers accused of breaching the DNC have obtained the tens of thousands of emails that Hillary Clinton deleted from her private email server.  "If they hacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails. I hope they do," Trump told reporters on Wednesday at a press conference at his Miami-area hotel.

"The Democrats can be viewed as the evil party and the Republicans as the stupid party. But they’re really just two sides of the same coin, at least when it comes to their leadership - they’re all Deep State members. The Libertarians once had a claim to being the party of principle, back in the days when people like John Hospers, Harry Browne and Ron Paul were their candidates. But now, the Libertarians can be viewed, at best, as the smart wing of the stupid party. It’s a sad testimony to the nature of politics..."

On Wednesday the Kremlin reiterated Russia's position when it dismissed allegations Russia had hacked Democratic Party emails as "made up horror stories" dreamt up by U.S. politicians, saying it never interfered in other countries' election campaigns.

"I believe they [the North Koreans] have the capability to have miniaturized the [nuclear] device at this point, and they have the technology to potentially, actually deliver what they say they have." - General Curtis Scaparrotti, the U.S. Military Commander in Korea.

While the law of the jungle is not easy or carefree or eternally "safe", I think there are many virtues to a “natural”, unfettered and decentralized way of life far above the mindless homogenization and collectivism of the globalist ideal. Here are just a few examples on why humanity would be much better off living wild and free rather than living an inhibited and micromanaged existence under a global authority.





THE REAL NEWS NETWORK  http://therealnews.com/t2/

Portia Boulger and Charles Lenchner respond to Sanders and say their next step is to get involved in the down ticket races
Celebrities Danny Glover and Susan Sarandon, among others, denounced the DNC Wednesday for allegedly barring former Ohio State Senator Nina Turner from the stage, as well as from nominating Bernie Sanders for president at the convention


The Power of “Nyet”   By Dmitry Orlov
The corrosive psychological effect of “nyet” on the American hegemonic psyche cannot be underestimated
Putin's WarningVIDEO
Putin urges journalists to report genuinely on the impending danger that is a nuclear arms race
And so we finally discover Rosebud — the ultimate South China Sea “secret”
A new relationship between Turkey and Russia offers a lot of possibilities, none of them favorable from America’s point of view.
The words western Intervention and ISIS really ought to appear in the same sentence" - "The west are responsible for ISIS"


Richard Moser  The Party’s Over
Brett Warnke  Storm Clouds Over Philly




As I headlined on July 22nd, “Koch Brothers Now Supporting Hillary Clinton”, where I reported that yet another Koch favorite, Wisconsin U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, had just been dumped by the Kochs on July 20th, for having delivered a speech at the Republican National Convention encouraging everyone to support Trump against Clinton.

On 23 April 2016, Politico headlined “Charles Koch: ‘It’s possible’ Clinton is preferable to a Republican for president”, but this isn’t the only indication that Hillary is merely pretending to be their enemy. On 24 February 2016, I headlined “Hillary Clinton’s Global-Burning Record” and summarized and linked to news reports such as the opening there: “On 17 July 2015, Paul Blumenthal and Kate Sheppard at Huffington Post bannered, ‘Hillary Clinton’s Biggest Campaign Bundlers Are Fossil Fuel Lobbyists and the sub-head was ‘Clinton’s top campaign financiers are linked to Big Oil, natural gas and the Keystone pipeline.’”


El explosivo momento que vive Estados Unidos  La polarización y el polvorín  James Petras
Puerto Rico. El final de una farsa Ricardo Alarcó
Peligro   El salmón, un lujo tóxico  Ecoportal
Aprender de la lucha popular  El camino más seguro a la victoria OLEP
Repudio en Filadelfia a Hillary Clinton   Manifestantes expresan su hartazgo hacia cúpula demócrata
David Brooks



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