jueves, 28 de julio de 2016

JUL 28 16 SIT EC y POL .. P.2- Politics

JUL 28 16  SIT EC y POL  .. P.2- Politics

This edition is dedicated to POTUS Obama, the author of the current “Great America” and well known zealot of the warmonger Hillary, his assumed next POTUS. Nothing great in Potus-Obama regime: he was a victim of a set-structure for imperial wars (manufacturing guns is key of his economic & politics)  he only add “drones” to the evilness  of such structure .. drones against poor nations of the world. Obama’s economic and political structure is collapsing. Obama wish Hillary to continue doing the same, but there is not world context  to do the same  -other than WW3-  for such failed  policies. She will be an easy pelele of big corp that profit from wars behind the military-industrial complex.  This structure of power need her .. knowing her greed  & gluttony for “voluntary” donation in any official transaction she make. Knowing also that her personal interest is above anything else, including the US State and its position at world level. History talks on her. That is not the history we want for America. That is the main reason why we will not vote her nor Trump in Nov 2016. We will vote Jill Stein.



We are already experiencing the powerlessness of POTUS...

Last night, just ahead of the Democratic National Convention's prime time event as president Obama was set to begin his speech praising Hillary and slamming Trump, WIkileaks released another batch of leaked data from the DNC, this time in the form of hacked voicemails from top Democratic officials. However, a cursory skim of the release underwhelmed, suggesting no major developments would emerge as a result of this particular disclosure.


Earlier today, the leader of the Jabhat al-Nusra front, Abu Mohamed al-Golani confirmed that his group has formally split from al-Qaeda and has renamed itself Jabhat Fath al-Sham or the Levantine Conquest Front. "The creation of this new front aims to close the gap between the jihadi factions in the Levant," Golani said in his first televised appearance. "We thank the leaders of al-Qaeda for understanding the need to break links."










By Michael Snyder, the Economic Collapse Blog.

The middle class in America is dying.  Last year, we learned that middle class Americans now make up a minority of the population for the first time ever.  In order to have a high rate of homeownership, you need a thriving middle class, and you can’t have a thriving middle class without good paying middle class jobs.  This is why I write about the evisceration of the middle class so extensively, because the U.S. economy is systematically being hollowed out and most Americans don’t understand what is happening.

Traditionally, owning a home has been a sign that you have arrived as a member of the middle class, but under Barack Obama the percentage of Americans that own a home has fallen every single year.  In the past, we have talked about how it had fallen to the lowest level in decades, but now it has officially fallen to the lowest level ever.  The following comes from CNBC


Los intereses del agronegocio y el gobierno golpista Las elites no se articularon solo para sacar a Dilma. João Pedro Stedile
Guatemala.  Cuando la dignidad interrumpe la injusticia Andrés Cabanas
Feminismos  El Estado chileno y su “defensa a la vida”  Victoria Aldunate
  -Evo y la oligarquia cruceña.  Andrés Soliz Rada
Ecuador  Unidad de las izquierdas  Juan J. Paz y Miño C.



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