domingo, 10 de julio de 2016

JUL 10 16 SIT EC y POL

JUL 10 16  SIT EC y POL

This will force BLM to go underground & be more effective in counter attack

DeRay McKesson, one of the most prominent activists associated with the Black Lives Matter movement, was arrested in Baton Rouge, where he traveled earlier Saturday to demonstrate in solidarity with residents.  News of McKesson’s arrest exploded on social media, with more than 100,000 tweets before dawn using the hashtag #FreeDeray. Many urged people to call Baton Rouge police and demand his release.

DEMAND the immediate release of DeRay McKesson! ]


The boys and girls on Wall Street are now riding their bikes with no hands and eyes wide shut. That’s the only way to explain Friday’s lunatic buying spree in response to another jobs report that proves exactly nothing about an allegedly resurgent economy.

To wit, compared to a 5-6% average annual gain late last year, the collections trend has now fallen to just 3%. Strip out of that the 2.6% annualized rate of hourly wage and salary inflation reported for June and you get hardly a 0.5% growth in real labor inputs.

And that’s not the half of it. The above data probably understate the slowdown because they represent a three-month moving average designed to strain out seasonal and calendar effects. More recent tax collections data suggest the US economy may be barely treading water.

In fact, the evidence that this third crack-up boom of the 21st century is heading for a crash landing was once again reinforced by the June jobs report. Namely, there were still 1.6 million fewer full-time, full-pay “breadwinner”  jobs than when Bill Clinton was packing his bags to shuffle out of the White House.

That’s not a 24.5X economy. Not even close.


There is now $13 trillion of global negative-yielding debt. And, as the WSJ writes, even a small increase in interest rates could inflict hefty losses on investors. With the 2013 "taper tantrum" the Fed sparked a selloff as it discussed ending its bond-buying program known as quantitative easing. A repeat "would be very painful for a lot of people" said J.P. Morgan. This is just how painful.

THE "HILLARY DEFENSE"  ..   Presented with no comment...


MORE FUEL TO THE FIRE .. this will force BLM to go underground & being more effective

DeRay McKesson, one of the most prominent activists associated with the Black Lives Matter movement, was arrested in Baton Rouge, where he traveled earlier Saturday to demonstrate in solidarity with residents.  News of McKesson’s arrest exploded on social media, with more than 100,000 tweets before dawn using the hashtag #FreeDeray. Many urged people to call Baton Rouge police and demand his release.
[ Peace & Reconciliation Mov DEMAND the immediate release of DeRay McKesson! ]

The off-limits questions reportedly concerned the way in which emails were given to the State Department to be distributed to the public. According to the Post, Mills worried that the questions would violate the attorney-client privilege, and investigators had previously agreed not to broach the subject. It is unclear when the interview occurred.

The Post adds that Mills and her lawyer left the room,  though both returned a short time later. It is not completely uncommon for FBI agents and prosecutors to diverge on interview tactics and approach, and the people familiar with the matter said Mills answered investigators’ questions. Mills and her lawyer, Beth Wilkinson, also asked for breaks more than once to confer, the people said.

Investigators consider Mills  to be a cooperative witness but the episode demonstrates the tension surrounding the criminal probe into possible mishandling of classified information involving the leading Democratic presidential candidate. In the coming weeks, prosecutors and FBI agents hope to be able to interview Clinton herself as they work to bring the case to a close.




[[The idea that BLM is manipulated by Obama (here) and by Soros (below) is contradictory  (not proof at all that Obama-Soros are partners) and inconsistent with the aim assigned : Martial Law & NO elections (this could be the effect of the escalation of violence between State & police apparatus but no an intended aim). The key why for such aim is missing .. why no elections?. The only reason could be that Hillary is indicted & forced to abandon the electoral race before her formal nomination in the DNC .. On the contrary, to facilitate her nomination the Martial Law will help her nomination in the DNC (July 25) .. but not her nomination in Nov 4 .. Unless Trump is kill (BLM blamed) or discarded  .. and also discarded the chance for Sanders’ running as independent with Jill Stein (the only way to get this is kidnapping them inside the DNC -security reason- .. This plan will happen only if Sanders & his people make  the mistake of getting inside such Convention (clear sing of his betrayal to the nation).  This Hillary’ tactic could count with the help of Obama .. but how Soros –the assumed financier of BLM- fit in this mess? ..  How to prove that he is financing BLM? And at the same time coordinating with Hillary & Obama?.  .. A more consistent “why” to  cancel elections could be the FACT of war with Russia .. and this is not a FACT yet .. drills in both sides is only an exhibition of guns to be sell. .. The other one could be a taught shock from the current EC recession  .. & it is under control so far.

MY HYPOTHESIS PREVAIL : if the police continue harassing or attacking afro-americans .. they will respond .. Today news Black Lives Matter Activist DeRay McKesson Arrested In Baton Rouge generated more than 100,000 tweets and the Nation will support them, while the parallel org will act. .. The only way to stop these escalation is to create a Committee for Peace & Reconciliation and a Federal Committee to reorganize the police apparatus and to indict the shooters. ]]

[Soros may try to take Econ advantage of the chaos & martial law .. but saying that he is “behind BLM” is suspicious (CIA style act) & stupid .. not evidence at all .. just irresponsible speculation  like saying that Soros put 32 Million on previous activities of BLM, as Jay Dyer said in his post : DALLAS SHOOTING “SNIPERS”: GLADIO TERROR, DRILLS & SUSPICIOUS DETAILS .]
[ The potentials of war with RU-China is a charade. What is more real is the business of war –big US & Germany Corp selling guns & is also real the geo-political need to control Europe & cope with Brexit’ effects .. RU-China will do similar business at better price .. The real event of  WW3 will evaporate when they realize the MAD –Mutual Assured Destruction- of these stupid policies & when the current global recession deep in. That is my hypothesis.  ]


By Michael Hudson,

Michael Hudson says the media has failed to look beyond the emails and into potential conflicts of interest during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State.
PAUL JAY, TRNN: Welcome to the Real News Network. I’m Paul Jay.

On Thursday morning, the media fest and political fest around Hillary Clinton’s email scandal continued, as the head of the FBI, James Comey, spoke at a congressional House oversight committee. Here’s a little clip of what was said there. But let me just foreshadow–maybe the emails aren’t the real issue that should be in front of these hearings. Now, here’s the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Jason Chaffetz, questioning James Comey and a bit of his answer.

JASON CHAFFETZ: It seems to a lot of us that the average Joe, the average American, that if they had done what you laid out in your statement, that they’d be in handcuffs. And I think there is a legitimate concern that there is a double standard. Your name isn’t Clinton, you’re not part of the powerful elite, that Lady Justice will act differently.

JAMES COMEY: I believe this investigation was conducted consistent with the highest traditions of the FBI. Our folks did it in an apolitical and professional way. There are two things that matter in a criminal investigation of a subject. And so when I look at the facts we gathered here–as I said, I see evidence of great carelessness. But I do not see evidence that is sufficient to establish that Secretary Clinton, or those with whom she was corresponding, both talked about classified information on email, and knew when they did it they were doing something that was against the law. So give that assessment of the facts and my understanding of the law, my conclusion was, and remains, no reasonable prosecutor would bring this case. No reasonable prosecutor would bring the second case in 100 years focused on gross negligence.


US, entrevista a Cornell West  “El sonambulismo liberal del pueblo negro está a punto de acabar”    Por  George Souvlis
Revista Izquierda | COL:  acuerdo entre el gobierno y las FARC  Anuncio histórico desde La Habana   Por Fernando Álvarez
Una reflexión ecosocialista  ¿El fin del capitalismo?  por Luis González R
Le Monde | Polémica sobre transgénicos  ¿Criminal, Greenpeace? Por  S.Foucart
Estos días, la prensa no deja de explayarse a bombo y platillo sobre una carta abierta investida de una autoridad aplastante: está firmada por un centenar de Premios Nobel.
Centro Delàs de Estudios por la Paz |Financiación de armamento nuclear, de bombas de racimo y de las principales industrias militares españolas (2011-2016).  La banca armada Por  Jordi Calvo Rufanges.  Este nuevo informe sobre la banca armada revela la financiación de 34 empresas de armas. Destacan por su controversia las empresas fabricantes de armas nucleares, con una presencia constante de los misiles nucleares Trident, recientemente cuestionados en Reino Unido.
La complejidad de la alimentación humana en un mundo rasgado por la fractura Norte-Sur, dominado por megacorporaciones y enfrentado a una crisis socioecológica global se pone de manifiesto en el caso del “arroz dorado”, una variedad de arroz transgénico creado por investigadores suizos que contiene cierta dosis de betacaroteno.
Reducción del tiempo de trabajo Una propuesta post-marxista y de economía radical. Por Pedro María Rey Araújo
El colapso definitivo del modelo de crecimiento afecta a la práctica totalidad de las instituciones económicas, políticas y sociales que habían regulado la convivencia social durante el período 1995-07
"Repudiamos la visita de Obama"  NO GUERRA .. NO TTIP!!


US Green Party says she is ready to step aside and allow Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders to use the party’s ticket at the 2016 presidential election.

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