sábado, 2 de julio de 2016


JUL 2 16  SIT EC y POL


HILLARY is part of the oligarchy & the one WHO CREATE THE MESS IN LYBIA
A President appointed by the 1% of big corp & elected by trapped electorate inside the duopoly party-system -Dems & GOP- will not be a democratic President.

MOST OF THE US ELECTORATE are independent voter and they WON’T VOTE THEM .. But legitimacy doesn’t matter to Hillary-Trump, even if only 25% of the total electorate selects the new “un-democratic” president. Without legitimacy, their power will be easy dismantled State by State via popular REFERENDUMS. Then, the struggle will continue harder than it is now. That will be the logical effect of current un-democratic games of Hillary Clinton.

If they deny a 3rd Choice, this  will be a faked “democracy” .. That will be the case if the bipartisan system financed by big Corp don’t allow Sanders-Jill Stain to run as independent & with similar degree of access to the main stream media.  .. Otherwise this will be one more paid-bought election.. A SHAMELESS DEMOCRACY. 


1-Most people already decide not to vote if there is not 3rd choice .. They will prefer ABSTENTION  instead of charade of voting for Hillary or Trump.

2-They also decided to make the last effort to restore democracy the day of the “un-Democratic” National Convention by demanding the Clinton Super-delegates (SP) to renounce their post, and

3- To demand to Hillary’ pledge delegates to accept the 4 demands to democratize the Dems Party. Otherwise they will quit and announce the creation of the 3rd option lead by Sanders-Jill Stain.

4- If Hillary followers of Clinton & SP decide to continue their dishonest rigging of Primaries, they will be blamed for the brake of the Dems Party and their names & dirty business (money corruption) will be denounced publicly. ]


The UK’s surprise Brexit vote has caused a spike in risk perceptions but even before the vote the global economy was struggling...

The weekly rail traffic report published by the Association of American Railroads (“AAR”) can provide a reasonable snapshot of US economic performance almost in real time by looking at diverse categories of transported goods and commodities. It can also highlight important changes in trends and areas of weakness, or red flags. So let’s see what these indicators are telling us midway through 2016.


John Ashe, a former President of the United Nations General Assembly, was found dead Wednesday just a few days before being set to testify against Clinton in a corruption case. While the U.N. claimed that he had died from a heart attack, local police officers in Dobbs Ferry, New York, later disputed that claim, saying instead that he died from a workout accident that crushed his throat.
[ This news aims to create fear among potential witness on Clintons’.. exactly what terrorists does. The Bible said “quien a hierro mata, a hierro muere”. Franco terrorized Spain & a bomb in his car put him in the top an apartment building.]  
Polls, to put it plainly, are propaganda - and have been for decades - but one particular election handily evidences this, and offers chilling insight into this year’s presidential race: the 1980 election between incumbent President Jimmy Carter and challenger Ronald Reagan.
[ In State run by oligarchies –like ours- .. the one who buys propaganda .. buy the election ]
The disorganized masses through the ultimate expression of self-interest, Adam Smith's 'invisible hand', will inevitably rise up and overthrow those they perceive as being the cause of the problem. The French population was guided by this invisible hand as the people expressed their self-interest through anger at the French monarchy in 1789.

Hillary Cracks, Gives FBI A "Voluntary" Three Hour Interview Over Private Email Server
"Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangements while she was Secretary. She is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion. Out of respect for the investigative process, she will not comment further on her interview."
"Comey is the center of gravity on this thing. There is a growing expectation that we the public need to hear the FBI, Jim Comey version of whether or not charges will be brought. There has probably been increasing recognition by her that that's true, that she is viewed as - regardless of her prior reputation as an effective prosecutor - she's now head of Obama's DOJ, a political position in a Democratic administration that is deciding on the prosecution or not of the leading Democratic candidate" said former FBI assistant director Ron Hosko.

If you wanted a more clear example of why people have not only left this "market" along with many of the business/financial media outlets, this interview just about says it all. You can replace every-time he said "Theranos" with "current monetary policy" and "Ms. Holmes" with "Chair Yellen" and the narrative and storytelling would be about the same.

While we sarcastically pointed out back in 2013 that with the Fed (and now every other central bank) as the market's Chief Risk Officer, there is no longer a need for anyone to do fundamental analysis, this has not only come true but the outcome is now is far worse. Because it confirms what we have said all along: not only is there no market left aside from what Central Banks decide will happen to "risk assets" on any given day, but the smart money- both hedge and mutual funds - have now completely lost the plot.
I don't buy gold, I own it... I buy it for what it does.. not what the price is... Every day, the picture is becoming more and more discernible It is not quite clear as yet, but it is getting there. The credibility of central bankers is slowly fading away..."

by SRSrocco - Jul 1, 2016  [ Very interesting art about the collapse of the US economy.]

The collapse of the U.S. economic and financial system accelerated this year, thus pushing the country closer to a third-world status.

The Massive Increase In U.S. Debt Tied To Falling U.S. Oil Production & Rising Oil Prices
This chart puts the huge increase in total U.S. debt in perspective:

The annual increase in U.S. debt was very small up until the 1970's.  This was due to the peak of cheap U.S. domestic oil production. U.S. oil production peaked in 1970 at about 10 million barrels per day (mbd).  That year, total U.S. debt was $370 billion.  That's hilarious, because the annual deficits today are larger than the entire U.S. debt in 1970.

While it's true that the cost of energy is only a small part of U.S. GDP,  its impact is multiplied when the U.S. economy and government try to provide the same standard of living as it did prior to 1970.  Furthermore, the EROI- Energy Returned On Invested of U.S. oil production declined significantly since the 1950's.  The EROI of U.S. oil and gas production in 1970 was 30/1, however shale oil comes in at a low EROI of 5/1.

Thus, the falling EROI means less profitable barrels to provide the same (higher) standard of living as Americans enjoyed before 1970.
The U.S. Economy Is Propped Up By Massive Govt Spending
In fiscal 2015, the United States Govt. (supposedly) spent $3.8 trillion on mandatory, discretionary funding and interest on the debt.  Total revenues were only $3.18 trillion, so the U.S. Govt had to borrow $583 billion to pay its bills

These next two charts break down the "Mandatory" and "Discretionary" spending:

That $2.2 trillion spent in the U.S. economy has a "MULTIPLIER EFFECT".  This is the reason the Fed and U.S. Govt won't allow a collapse in stock, bond or real estate values.  The revenues collected by the U.S. Govt depend on elevated stock, bond and real estate prices.  Once these start to collapse, then revenues plummet causing the annual budget deficit to balloon higher.  If the budget deficit was $583 billion (that's what the Govt reports) in 2015 ,then what happens when the market cracks and highly inflated stock, bond and real estate prices collapse?
Well, we already experienced that in 2008.  Here is the most recent update of the U.S. Retirement Market as of Q1 2016:

This is highly likely as the markets have been propped up with a lot of leverage since 2009.  A 50% decline in the stock and real estate prices will cause serious trouble to the entire U.S. economy and financial system.


U.S. Financial & Economic Market Suffered Two Big Blows
As I mentioned in the beginning of the article, ENERGY has been the key in pushing the U.S. debt to record levels.  Now, you would think that the huge increase of domestic U.S. shale oil production would have helped stabilize the annual increase of U.S. debt..... IT DIDN'T.  Actually, it did the opposite.

This was due to two reasons:
1) The U.S. Govt continued to print money while suffering even larger annual budget deficits to provide a standard of living for Americans that it really couldn't afford.
2) The EROI- Energy Returned On Invested of U.S. shale oil production of 5/1 was way too low to sustain our modern economy that needs something north of 12/1.

While the situation for the United States became even worse as domestic oil production surged higher, the consequences will be even more dire as oil production plummets over the next several years.  ..  While this worked for many decades, the ENERGY CREDIT CARD BALANCE now is unsustainable.  The decline of U.S. shale oil production will speed up the demise of the U.S. economy and empire.

If Americans haven't connected the DOTS by purchasing physical precious metals, the majority of their supposed wealth will EVAPORATE into thin air.  Even though owning precious metals doesn't guarantee an individual will make it through the coming economic and financial collapse unscathed, it will at least offer better options than 99% of the Americans out there.
"We remain confident that extravagant earnings and economic growth are not in the cards, and it is very likely monetary policy is fueling a new form of bubble logic.

"If there is a way to stay in the EU, I am determined to pursue it," proclaimed Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in an interview with Greece's To Ethnos newspaper, noting that Scottish parliament is looking into legal grounds for a new referendum on secession from UK. This confirms JPMorgan's base case that Scotland will vote for independence and institute a new currency at that point. Shortly after Sturgeon's comments, The Queen made her first post-Brexit speech (ironically in Scottish parliament) urging Britons to "stay calm and focused," pointedly noting "real leadership requires deeper and more dispassionate thinking in turbulent times."





US Wants Russia To Stop Bombing Al-qaeda


The newest committee appointee to the Science Committee of the GOP is the lunatic fringe tea-bagger who replaced Boehner as the Representative from Ohio's Butler County, Warren Davidson, who seems to think Science is part of the insidious liberal agenda against his beloved creed: Greed and Avarice.

Astronomer Phil Plait has a different take on the GOP war against Science-- it's what prepared their hollowed out party for Trump and Trumpism. The GOP has recognized critical thinking as an existential enemy for quite some time-- and now they're stuck with Trump.


VIDEO  American Medical Association Complicity with Big Tabaco

the story might actually be more complicated: Carcinogens in Tobacco Products
Radioactive materials are in the tobacco leaves used to make cigarettes and cigars; the amount depends on the soil the plants were grown in and fertilizers used. But this means that the smoke from burning these leaves has small amounts of radioactive material, too, which smokers take into their lungs as they inhale. These radioactive particles build up in the lungs, and over time can mean a big dose of radiation. This may be another key factor in smokers getting lung cancer.

This paper presents clinical, experimental, and epidemiologic evidence to help explain the rapidly increasing incidence of primary lung cancer, with recently observed reversal in leading cell type from squamous cell to adenocarcinoma. It postulates that this may be due to changes in modern cigarettes, with or without filters, which allow inhalation of increased amounts of radioactive lead and polonium and decreased amounts of benzopyrene. This hypothesis is based upon measurements of increased concentrations of radioactive polonium in the lungs of cigarette smokers, in modern tobaccos grown since 1950, and in high-phosphate fertilizers used for tobacco farming in industrialized countries. Critical support for this thesis is based upon experimental animal studies in which lung cancers that resemble adenocarcinomas are induced with as little as 15 rads of radioactive polonium, equal to one fifth the dosage inhaled by cigarette smokers who average two packs a day during a 25-year period.


Investigación médica La ética y la investigación médica con humanos Marcia A
Bienvenidos a la nueva era de los contagios Sonia Shah Mas alla del virus zika
Reducir tiempo de trabajo Propuesta post-marxista de economía radical PM R
Investig médica Los peligros para los sujetos humanos Marcia Angell
PARA LEER LAS SIG NOTICIAS RT ABRIR https://actualidad.rt.com/


‘18 injured in crush in Saudi’s Mecca’ only “palizas” not beheads
Corruption at the heart of UN Does the US neocon mafia came in after 2001?

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