jueves, 14 de julio de 2016

JUL 14 16 SIT EC y POL …

JUL 14 16  SIT EC y POL

IT IS TIME FOR US TO MOVE ON & continue the REV abandoned by S

LA LUCHA CONTINUA . Build a United mass party for the 99% is our task.

Demobilizing our movement and handing over our fate to corporate politicians will only embolden the right. Kshama Sawant

“It was the strength of the powerful labor and socialist movements of the 30s and 40s that forced major concessions from Democrat Franklin Roosevelt, and it was the strength of the anti-establishment movements of the 60s and 70s that won major concessions from Republican Richard Nixon. Both times the leadership of these parties gave not one inch more than they were forced to by movements.

“We have an historic opportunity now to begin building toward a new mass party of the 99%. We need a party based on genuine democracy, with an elected and recallable leadership.

“It’s time to build our own party for a real revolution – one powerful enough to challenge corporate domination, institutional racism, poverty, and economic inequality – to win all the things our movement has been fighting for” .. Said Kshama Sawant in Bernie Sanders Abandons the Revolution
Kshama Sawant. Seattle City Council Woman and member of Socialist Alternative.

With global rates at zero to negative, money will continue to chase U.S. Treasuries for the higher yield. This will continue to push yields lower as the global economy continues to slow. What would cause this to reverse? It would require either an economic rebound as last seen in 50’s and 60’s or a complete loss of faith in the U.S. to pay its debts such as a collapse of the Government and the onset of the “zombie apocalypse.” We no longer have the drivers of manufacturing, demographics or credit expansion for the former, so I am ready for the latter.
Who’s Buying It?

Now, a rash of global Central Banks continue to support asset prices by increasing accommodative policies either through additional reductions in interest rates or direct injections of liquidity. As Matt King from Citi recently noted:

“It has been a surge in net global central bank asset purchases to their highest level since 2013.”

With the ECB in full QE mode, the BOC now using $300 billion in Pension Funds to prop up prices, and the BOJ now moving towards an additional $130 billion in QE as well, the liquidity push continues.
Interestingly, despite the push by Central Banks to loft asset prices higher, individual market participants as measured by the Investment Company Institute (ICI) have a different idea.

As shown in the chart above, despite asset prices ringing all-time highs, net equity inflows have turned decisively negative. This was much the same case following the 2012 market rout and it wasn’t until the launch of QE3 in 2013 that investors began to once again chase the markets.

The same can be seen for the American Association of Individual Investors as shown below.

"Year-over-year numbers have not been encouraging of late," warns National Asscociation of Credit Managers' economists Chris Kuehl, noting that the "nice little run of steady improvement in NACM’s Credit Managers’ Index seems to have come to an end."


This is what the elites fear most: the possibility that despite all their efforts of surveillance and manipulation, individuals and groups may one day be struck by an unpredictable urge to pick up a rifle and put the the globalists out of everyone’s misery. No chatter, no electronic trail, no warning. This is why they are destined to lose. They can never know all the unknowns. They can never control all the free radicals. There will always be rebellion. There will always be a liberty movement.

Wealth and income inequality is real, and the gap is growing. So is the consequent rise of socialism?. People know they’re getting screwed. And they are.  just don’t know why...

In a stunning study released today, one which refutes all its prior conclusions on the matter, McKinsey slams the establishment's status quo thinking and admits that the economic gains of changes in the global economy have not been widely shared lately, especially in the developed world. It finds that between 2005 and 2014, real incomes in the world's most advanced economies were flat or fell for 65 to 70% of households, or more than 540 million people.

While hardly a surprise to those who have been following the republican vice presidential race, moments ago Roll Call reported, citing a source, that Trump will pick Indiana governor Mike Pence as his vice president. In addition to Pence, Trump has considered former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Army Gen. Michael Flynn for the No. 2 spot on his ticket



Washington's "sinkhole of leeches," where money 'corrupts' and House members are "puppets" to lobbyists who bankroll their campaigns is officially the region with the greatest wealth inequality in the world. According to OECD data via Goldman Sachs, the average household disapoable income in Washington D.C. is 165% of the national average, higher than any other region in the world...

Of course, none of this should come as a great surprise to Zero Hedge readers. To be sure, we had previously shown that when it comes to the rate of return on lobbying, the rates were simply staggering, and ranged anywhere between 5,900% for oil subsidies, to 22,000% for multinational tax breaks and even higher for America's legal drug dealers.

And just in case what is happening is still unclear, here is the breakdown of the Top 25 contributors (full data set can be found as spreadsheet, html, or csv), or rather beneficiaries, of America's so-called "democracy."



Now socialists are building strong alliance with Black Life Matter
Soon you will see these posters in streets: Democratic Socialists with BLM!



THE REAL NEWS NETWORK  http://therealnews.com/t2/

Alexandr Buzgalin and Paul Jay discuss the antagonism between Russia and US despite the former adopting 'Jurassic Park capitalism' since the demise of the USSR
 Friday, The Real News replays a Reality Asserts Itself with Senator Bob Graham about the Saudi connection to the Twin Tower attacks





Now’s the best time to join forces with Black Lives Matter and hit the streets. Register voters in swing states, rally the troops, protest them  from now up to election day. .. Vote the lesser evil?  don’t buy this hollow word of cowards. The stench is already too much to bear.
Franklin Spinney
Binoy Kampmark

On LEV or “less than evil voting.” David McDonald has written, “Lesser Evil Politics: Really, Noam? Hubert Humphrey?”  In the piece he writes, “Back in ’68, Chomsky says, ‘the ultra-left faction of the peace movement’ caused the election of Richard Nixon by ‘minimizing the comparative danger’ of a Nixon presidency, thereby making the huge strategic mistake of foisting Nixon on the world, prolonging the Vietnam War by ‘six years’ and causing senseless deaths and untold suffering because we voted our hearts, not our minds.”

When I asked Chomsky about this article Chomsky asserted, the “ultraleft” itself was too small to swing the vote, but they were referring to the far greater group who accepted McDonald’s position, who very likely did swing the vote.

Andrew Smolski also, on Chomsky’s voting position, in his, “To My Less-Evilism Haters: A Rejoinder to Halle and Chomsky,” states that, “Worse yet, Halle and Chomsky are decidedly wrong in their assessment, hiding behind their religious belief that the utilitarian logic they employ is obvious and a priori correct. They willfully ignore that the logic of lesser evil voting (LEV) is a causal mechanism pushing the political structure to the right. They cannot fathom that their strategy is part of the rightward drift, even while they admit that that rightward trend exists, which is why, in Chomsky’s words, Democrats are now “Moderate Republicans”.



Honduras  Asesinan a otra destacada luchadora social Giorgio Trucchi
COL  El circo de la paz?  Fernando Dorado
RT NEWS IN SPANISH https://actualidad.rt.com/


Iraq celebrates victories with major parade in Faluya against Takfiri Daesh terror

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